A Royal Secret

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A Royal Secret Page 5

by Jerry Cole

  “So eager,” Bobby said, almost conversationally, but he took a step forward, pressing his body tighter against Steve’s and fuck, they were in the middle of a subway and Steve refused to get arrested for public indecency.

  Steve leaned down, his lips close to Bobby’s ear. “I will be, back in the hotel room. Right now, I don’t want these people to know how hot you make me.”

  There was a startled look on Bobby’s face, but his eyes were dark, and he swallowed visibly. “Sure. We can wait.”

  Wait they did, given that the crush of people would know something was up. Steve knew enough about himself to say he wasn’t quiet in bed, and he was damned sure he could have Bobby vocal and loud. The thought of what Bobby looked like in bed also kept him from making a move; that was something he didn’t want to share with anyone. Possessiveness was not an attractive trait, at least not in Steve’s opinion, but he couldn’t seem to make himself stop. Whatever, hopefully Bobby wouldn’t mind it so much.

  As they stumbled off the subway and toward the hotel, Bobby still had a hand tangled in Steve’s shirt, and Steve pulled him tight against him, kissing his neck, eyes darting between the slowly-reddening skin between his teeth, and the path, making sure neither of them fell flat on their face.

  They had to part in the lobby, Steve still conscious of other people, but as soon as the elevator doors closed behind them, Bobby had Steve pressed against the wall, capturing Steve’s lips in a kiss. It wasn’t Steve’s first kiss, but it might as well have been, given how he reacted to it. His dick filled quickly, finding friction as Bobby stepped closer, thigh in just the right place for Steve to press against. Bobby’s hands were in his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp and fuck, Steve hadn’t even known that was sensitive.

  “Fuck,” Bobby muttered, lips sucking at the skin of Steve’s throat. Steve tipped his head back against the wall, gave Bobby room to shift, but the doors opened before they really got going. Though he didn’t want to, Steve moved away from Bobby, sluggish and desperate to touch.

  “Come on,” he said, half-pulling Bobby down the hall. “Can’t wait to get you inside.”

  Bobby was blushing, eyes dark as Steve fumbled to get the key card in the door. Eventually he managed to push it open, Bobby shoving in after him, and the door wasn’t even closed entirely before Bobby was latching back onto his neck, fisting a hand in Steve’s hair. He was tugging, a sting to it that had Steve groaning, but he moved forward, shoving Bobby over to the bed. Steve’s duffle bag was still on the floor, and he tripped, sending both of them sprawling onto the bed. Laughing against Steve’s mouth, Bobby hauled him further up his body, hips aligning perfectly, and it was Steve’s turn to shiver, rolling his pelvis, feeling Bobby’s dick thick in his jeans.

  “Fuck, Steve,” Bobby groaned, burying his face in Steve’s neck. Steve could feel his tongue and teeth grazing against the tendons in his neck.

  Steve worked his hips gently, pleasure zinging up his spine. Such simple moves, and yet he felt like he was going to vibrate out of his body if he didn’t get Bobby naked soon. Bobby sucked hard at Steve’s neck, teasing the skin between his teeth. Steve rested his arms either side of Bobby’s head, working his hips hard, small rolls and jerks.

  “Please,” he ground out, when Bobby finally pulled away. He dropped his forehead to Bobby’s shoulder, and Bobby’s hands stroked through his hair, down the back of his neck. “Naked.”

  Bobby laughed, but it was strained as Steve’s hands slid down his body, gliding up under the fabric of his shirt and jacket. There were far too many layers between them, but Steve didn’t give a fuck; it would be worth it to take them all off slowly, exposing every inch of Bobby’s skin.

  “Well?” Bobby challenged, his lips curved into a smirk, but there was a heat to his expression. Steve answered with a smirk of his own, sitting back on his heels, shifting until his ass was pressed to Bobby’s dick, straining against his jeans. “Fuck, Steve.”

  “I’m hoping to,” Steve said, with a dopey smile, and hauled Bobby up by the front of his shirt, leaving Bobby to cling to him while Steve pulled off his jacket, tossing it vaguely in the direction of the chair in the corner. Bobby was kissing him, biting at his bottom lip and tongue sliding perfectly against Steve’s. The shirt went next, Steve tugging at the hem to give Bobby warning, breaking apart from his lips only long enough to tug the shirt off and over.

  Bobby was as attractive as Steve had been expecting; he was well-toned, not tanned, some blemishes and scars Steve wanted to ask about but managed to keep from doing so. He bent down, mouth moving across Bobby’s chest, licking and nipping at Bobby’s right nipple, pert and hardening beneath his ministrations. Bobby groaned, hips jerking against Steve’s, his fingers catching against Steve’s shoulders. His nails dug into skin as Steve kept up his teasing, until Bobby was practically whimpering beneath him. “Steve, please, fuck.”

  Brushing a thumb over the nipple, Steve decided to give Bobby some reprieve, and shifted back, ass sliding against Bobby’s hips, down to rest above his thighs. Bobby looked as if he wanted to follow, hands dropping to the bed, and he fisted the sheets beneath his fingers. They were plain white sheets, but still managed to accentuate just how hot Bobby was, his hair already in disarray, even though Steve couldn’t remember running his fingers through it. His lips were red and swollen, his tongue darting out now and then, like he’d lost control of what to do with it.

  It was an ego boost, that Steve could have that much of an impact on someone, but Bobby stared at him a beat longer, and then in a move that had Steve’s dick twitching against the tight confines of his own pants, Bobby shifted a knee and had Steve on his back, Bobby’s weight a comfortable press against his body.

  “Fuck,” Steve said, voice raspy and low. “Didn’t know you could fucking do that.”

  Bobby smirked, dipping down to catch Steve’s lips in another kiss. “There’s a lot of shit you don’t know about me, Steve.”

  “Well,” Steve said, curling a hand around the back of Bobby’s neck to hold him in place. “I guess I’m just gonna have to learn it all, aren’t I?”

  Surprised, but pleased, Bobby’s smile was brilliant as he kissed Steve again, biting at his bottom lip, and scratching through Steve’s hair. If it was going to become a thing, Steve couldn’t bring himself to mind. It felt good, really good, and Bobby apparently knew that. Bobby sat back against Steve’s thighs, fingers dancing down Steve’s jeans, to the button and zipper.

  Still in his jacket and shirt, Steve watched as Bobby eased down the zipper, popped the button, and pressed the palm of his hand against Steve’s boxers, rubbing up gently, and Steve’s whole body jackknifed, pleasure pooling in his stomach. “God.”

  “Just Bobby,” Bobby quipped, but he pressed a quick kiss to Steve’s forehead, and took the opportunity to move to Steve’s shoulders, shoving his jacket down over his shoulders. Steve got a little tangled, Bobby laughing gently as he trapped Steve’s arms, kissing Steve until his lips were slick, his teeth grazing Steve’s top lip. “All right.”

  Steve’s shirt was next, tossed back, and Steve managed to get a hand in Bobby’s jeans, fingers brushing the hairs trailing Bobby’s stomach. Bobby’s hands stayed on Steve’s shoulders, nails digging in once more, and Steve was sure he’d have the bruises in the morning. So worth it.

  Dropping back onto the bed, Steve took Bobby with him, waited for Bobby to settle his weight before diving back in against his mouth, running his hands up Bobby’s back as they made out, bodies pressed together, his hips rolling against Bobby’s pelvis, one of Bobby’s hands between their bodies, fingers slipping into Steve’s slick boxers.

  “Bobby,” he groaned, jerking into the heat of Bobby’s palm. Their mouths were close, breath passing between them, and Bobby’s eyes were closed, small kisses pressing to Steve’s mouth as he curled his fingers around Steve’s shaft, stroking him slowly.

  “I’ve got you,” Bobby murmured, and it turned slow, perfect.

ve stroked his hands through Bobby’s hair, the urgency disappearing beneath the pleasure and softness of the moment. Bobby’s butterfly kisses moved from Steve’s mouth to his cheek, the corner of his eye, back to his cheek. “Please.”

  Bobby’s grip was loose, his stroking slow, and it wasn’t enough to get Steve there, not enough to have his pleasure mount and spill him over. He wanted, skin tingling with the need to cum, but Bobby was going too slowly. Bobby knew it too, from the curve of his mouth, the fact he would slow his movements, then speed them up a little.

  “Bobby, stop fucking teasing and get it,” Steve snapped, the last turning into a groan as Bobby did exactly that. “Fuck, fuck.”

  “That’s it,” Bobby said, whispering the words against Steve’s collarbone, his chest. “Look at you, so fucking hot.”

  The pleasure shuddered through Steve’s body, hitting him in a rush, and he groaned Bobby’s name, body arching into Bobby’s touch, just the wrong side of too much. He whimpered, not sure if he wanted to move into or away from Bobby’s touch. Bobby took pity on him, moving his hand to his own pants, shoving into his boxers.

  “Let me,” Steve said, breathless, not quite sure he could get his hands under control. Bobby was watching him, eyes dark, bottom lip between his teeth. He was still stroking himself, and Steve found some energy to lift his hand, bat Bobby’s away and get his fingers around Bobby’s shaft. It was thicker than his, a little shorter, and hot against his palm. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from it, watched a bead of precum spill over as he increased his pace and grip. Bobby liked it tight and fast apparently, and Steve was only too happy to give it to him. His orgasm had been powerful enough that he wanted to give Bobby the same.

  Bobby’s hands moved to Steve’s chest, head dropping and getting in the way of Steve’s view. When Bobby lifted his head, there was a glazed look about him that was another boost to his ego and Steve lifted his free hand, tweaked Bobby’s nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Bobby’s body jerked as if it had been electrocuted and as though it was punched out of him, his whine of Steve’s name was choked out.

  Steve worked him through his orgasm, watching the aftershocks wracking Bobby’s body, and catching Bobby around the shoulders before he could slump forward onto Steve. Steve cradled him close, kissing the top of his head. It was going to get gross soon enough, but for now, Steve wanted to hold Bobby as long as he could, listening to the raspy, quick breaths, and Bobby’s fingers brushing against his chest.

  Chapter Seven

  Steve woke slowly, startled for a moment that someone was splayed out over the top of him, snoring in his ear. It was a soft type of snore, and breath was rustling the hair on Steve’s forehead. Bobby, he realized quickly, and tightened his grip on the man currently a comfortable weight above him.

  He was going to have to take a piss soon, his bladder making itself known now that Steve was conscious. He didn’t want to move, didn’t want to dislodge or wake Bobby. It was a good feeling, to have someone wrapped around him, and everything felt like it was cascading too fast but there was an unfamiliar feeling in Steve’s chest, something close to want forever and he was startled by the ferocity of it.

  “Bobby,” he said, when the urge for the bathroom was too much to ignore. When Bobby didn’t stir, or make a sound, Steve sighed, sliding out from underneath him. Amazingly, Bobby was still deep asleep, splayed out across the bed like a many-limbed creature, and Steve was grinning as he went into the en suite.

  It was small, with a shower, toilet, and wash basin, but good enough for the short time they were staying. Their flight wasn’t until that afternoon, not that Steve had any plans for the two of them for the rest of the day, though he was sure Bobby would have something he wanted to do. Steve would be only too happy to do so.

  When he’d washed up, and stood in the doorway of the bathroom, leaning against the doorjamb to stare at Bobby. Awake, Bobby was staring at him, expression pleased, and still naked. The quilt was halfway down his body, but Steve could see the lines of his pelvis, the downy hair at the top of his groin, and he could feel his own dick stirring. Bobby was smirking at him, eyes on Steve’s dick, and Steve shrugged easily. “See something you want?”

  Bobby didn’t answer for a moment, and then he shuffled on the bed, the covers sliding off his lap, so Steve could see his curved dick, thick and hard against his belly. He met Steve’s eyes unashamedly, sitting on the end of the bed and gesturing at himself. “Apparently.”

  Steve laughed, stepping forward to slide a hand into Bobby’s hair, kissing him softly, then deepening it, tongue sliding forward. It should have been gross, neither of them having brushed their teeth, but Steve didn’t care, and didn’t even feel the need to do so, or make himself look his best. He had literally just rolled out of bed and gone to the bathroom.

  Bobby dragged his fingers up Steve’s sides, and though he was a little ticklish, he shivered more with lust than sensitivity. “Bobby.”

  “Present,” Bobby said, a laugh in his voice, but he sobered quickly. “You wanna have sex again so soon?”

  Steve wasn’t self-conscious, but he couldn’t help but pick up on a note of hesitation in Bobby’s voice. “If you don’t, we don’t have to.”

  “No, I do,” Bobby said hurriedly. He tightened his grip on Steve’s hips and drew him closer, kissing Steve’s right pec, then his left. “I just wasn’t sure if you did.”

  It was good to know Steve wasn’t the only one nervous about the relationship, or about how quickly things were going. “I know it seems like we haven’t known each other that long,” Steve said slowly. “But I kinda want everything with you.”

  Bobby hesitated; eyes dark as he stared up at Steve, and for a moment, Steve thought he had said something wrong. “Steve—”

  “We could pretend I didn’t say that,” Steve said. He stepped back, running a hand through his hair, eyes darting from Bobby, to the window, and then back to the floor in front of the bed.

  “Steve,” Bobby said, lifting Steve’s chin so that he could meet his eyes. “I’m not sure if I—I can’t.”

  “It’s all right,” Steve said, flushing from his face to his stomach. He closed his eyes and suddenly felt self-conscious in his nakedness. He swallowed thickly, reaching for his shirt, and avoided looking at Bobby. “Is there anything you wanna do before we catch the flight?”

  “No,” Bobby said quietly, and he looked as awkward as Steve felt.

  It was going to be torture to spend time together, so Steve tugged on his pants and shoes, and grabbed his jacket. “I need—I’ll be back soon, all right? I’m sorry.”

  Without waiting for Bobby to reply, Steve ducked out of the hotel room and took a deep breath, terrified he had just fucked up the best thing to happen to him in well, forever. His phone was a heavy weight still in his jacket, and though Steve wanted to call Jamie or Sam and talk it out with them, he didn’t. Instead, he took a walk around the block, not sure of the area enough to be certain he was going the right way. It didn’t help at all to clear his head, and by the time he got back to the hotel, he was still apprehensive about walking into the room.

  Standing outside the door, taking a deep breath, it took Steve ten minutes to push open the door. Bobby was sitting on the edge of the bed, fully dressed, his head in his hands. Swallowing thickly, Steve hesitated, but Bobby was already up, hurrying forward.

  “Steve, I’m sorry,” he said quickly, and when Steve opened his mouth to say something, Bobby touched Steve’s arm, shaking his head. “Wait, can you just, I need you to know that. I’m sorry. I get scared when people get close, and I don’t know how…I don’t know how to deal with it. Shit, I don’t even think I’m great boyfriend material, but I’m—I do feel that way about you. It’s fast and insane but I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t.”

  Steve let out a slow breath, afraid to believe it. “But you—”

  “Scared,” Bobby repeated. “I wanted to say yes but I didn’t know what to say.”

��It’s all right,” Steve said at least, because it hurt, but he couldn’t deny the expression on Bobby’s face, or the way he was clinging to Steve, like he was terrified he had made the worst mistake by saying no. Not that he had, not really, and Steve could admit to himself he wanted this more than he minded being hurt by Bobby. There would be a line, but for now, Steve was content to let it go.

  “All right,” he said, hand on Bobby’s face, pulling him in for a soft kiss. “Just, if you ever don’t want this, you have to tell me.”

  “I promise I will,” Bobby said, and his expression was truthful. “I—do you want to go somewhere? Lunch or something else, or we could just stay here.”

  Steve smiled gently, kissing Bobby’s forehead, brushing a lock of hair away from his face. “We can do whatever. I didn’t have any plans.”

  “Good,” Bobby said, his face lighting up with his smile. “Because we should just do whatever we feel like, all right? I’ll pay to make up for this.”

  “Bobby,” Steve started, because he was aware Bobby had the money to do it but didn’t want to constantly be on the receiving end of Bobby’s gifts.

  “It’s all right,” Bobby told him. “Not forever, just this time. Steve, one meal doesn’t make up for the flights and the hotel here, all right? Let me do something for you right now.”

  Steve didn’t speak for a moment, not sure he wanted to make this the start of something that Bobby would undoubtedly use, but what the hell, he hadn’t allowed himself something like it for a long time. “All right. I’ll let you treat me.”

  “Good,” Bobby said, looking pleased. He let Steve go, looking a little awkward, which Steve didn’t want a part of, so he tugged Bobby closer to him and kissed him hard. “What was that for?”

  “Just because I can?” Steve asked, more question than reply.

  Bobby licked at his bottom lip, resting his hands back on Steve’s hips. Steve decided he liked how much shorter Bobby was than him, that if he wanted to, he could wrap his arms around Bobby and have him pressed against him. He wasn’t sure whether Bobby felt the same way, but he was sure he would find out soon enough.


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