Ridin' Nerdy

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Ridin' Nerdy Page 4

by Annelise Reynolds

  “Thank you, Leah. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  I opened the door and let Leah walk out first, then placed my hand at the small of her back, leading her to the apartment. She went up the steps in front of me, and I couldn’t help but grin as she walked, her ass bouncing in my face. My dick twitched as blood rushed to it. Damn, I wanted her.

  At the top of the landing, I moved around her and opened the door. Thank God for Martha. She came in three times a week to help Mom clean, and today was one of her days. I paid her to keep my place clean too. I’m not by nature messy, but I’m a guy. Shit happens, dishes get left out, and laundry does get left wherever it lands.

  ”Where’s your closet?” Leah asked, giving the room just a cursory glance.

  “What for?”

  “Something suitable for you to wear after your workout tonight.”

  “And what exactly am I doing after?”

  “We’re going to a bar. By the way, where’s your bike?”

  “In the garage. You’ll see her when we go to the gym. Which bar are we going to?”

  “The only one I go to.” She grinned at me. I knew she was up to something, and it wasn’t hard to guess what. I played my little game of revenge in the gym, and it only made matters worse.

  “Revenge sounds all well and good, Leah, but I’m not putting you in the middle of it. You aren’t bait, you aren’t a pawn, and you most certainly aren’t leverage.”

  Chapter Seven


  He unknowingly hit the nail on the head. Every fear I’d ever had about dating a guy from the club was just dismissed and put to bed. He didn’t want me because of who my dad was. He wasn’t looking for an in or a way to move up in the ranks. Will didn’t give a shit about the club, but he gave a shit about me and there was no denying it.

  It was in this moment that I decided to go ahead and let things play out with him. He wanted me, I knew it. I wanted him – no point in even denying it. His calm, nerdy demeanor was so different. I looked around the room I was standing in. There were no beer bottles, no pornos, and no ashtrays with cigarette butts left on the table. It was clean and well kept. The book shelf had books on it, in plastic wrap?

  Curiously, I walked toward the bookshelf. I pulled one out and smiled. “Really?”

  “Hey, they aren’t just any comic books.” He came to my side and showed me, “This one is a Heroes Comic, #223 – this one is where The Gate Keeper takes down Seraphim.” His grin was so cute as he explained what was so awesome about the comic. He reached for another comic on the shelf. “This one is where Nephys avenges her sister’s death.”

  “You are such a nerd.”

  He raised a brow at me. “You think I’m nerdy?”

  “Yes, but it’s cute.”

  “Is it nerdy that you are holding four hundred dollars in your hands right now?”

  Really? I looked down at the two books, they were in pristine condition, but I just couldn’t see paying that much for comic books.

  “That’s crazy. Who would pay four hundred dollars for these?”

  “A collector. While I think it is cool and all, I mainly do it for the money. These aren’t my most valuable books, those are in a safety deposit box.”

  “How much is your most valuable worth?”

  “About thirty.”

  “You just said these were worth four hundred. Why is a book worth thirty in a safety deposit box and these on a shelf in your apartment?”

  He laughed at me. “Not thirty, thirty thousand.”

  “No fucking way.”

  “Yeah, it was my dad’s when he was a kid.” He took the two books from me and put them back where we’d got them. “My grandmother saved all his comics for him, so they’re all in mint condition. I don’t think she knew then that she would be starting something, or that they would ever get to be so valuable.” He leaned against the shelf, his arm propped up on top. “Anyway, Dad gave them to me when I was a kid, and I’m not sure he even knew their value. I looked it up, and that’s when I got the collecting bug. I buy them when they are worth a couple hundred and sell them when they are worth a couple thousand. My Dad’s – I just can’t bring myself to sell them.”

  “Comic books.” I was trying to wrap my brain around what he’d just said, but it was hard to take in. I just couldn’t see anyone paying that much for comic books.

  “Ok, you act like I just explained the properties of quantum mechanics. How about I get my stuff, and I’ll show you my bike, so you don’t think I’m a total nerd?”

  “Not sure even a bike could help take away the nerd title, but we do need to get going. I have to get to work as much as you need to go meet Dad.”

  “I hope you enjoy the taste of crow.” He smiled at me then turned to go down the hall. I studied his shelf again. It was crazy. There was probably more money on that bookcase than what my whole life was worth.

  “Comic books,” I said out loud, not really talking to him.

  “No matter how many times you say it, it doesn’t change what they are,” he called out from the other room.

  I was attracted to a guy who collects comic books – never thought I would see the day. When he came back out of his room, he was dressed in jeans, and had on a Buckcherry T-shirt, his shoes were heavy riding books like my own, and he’d pulled on his own leather jacket. He was holding a backpack in one hand and a helmet in the other.

  “Where are your glasses?” I asked, noticing they were gone. He looked more preppy than nerdy at the moment, and I kind of missed the nerd. He looked cute in his glasses – oh who was I kidding at this point. He could probably wear a brown paper sack, and I’d still be attracted to him. I don’t know what it was about this guy and all his contradictions, but he had my full attention.

  “I don’t ride in my glasses.” He shrugged. “Before we go, I need to tell you something.”

  I turned back to look at him. “Yeah?”

  He walked to me, and much like he had done the day before, he pulled my body against his. “I’m not sorry I kissed you. I’m sorry for the reason I kissed you.” His lips came down on mine once again, and I melted.

  William Atwood Carver III was my addiction. His taste, his quirky weird mix of personality – his everything – and I wanted him – bad. I wound my arms around his neck, and his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me even closer.

  I could feel the hard length of his cock against my belly, and I couldn’t wait to feel more of it. His hands slid beneath my ass, and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me - who the hell knows where? – I didn’t frankly care. My body was on fire, and I wanted him inside me.

  Chapter Eight


  Damn, she was sexy as fuck and sweet as hell. Her taste was addicting, and my cock was begging to be buried inside her tight pussy. We came from two different worlds, but neither one of us cared. I really liked who she was. She wasn’t like any other woman I knew, and I enjoyed that fact.

  In my normal circles, the women were shallow and all about money. I hated going to business parties and shit. The country club was a necessary evil in my book. A lot of our clients were from there, and so we used it as a neutral meeting place and for networking. Golf was the bane of my existence. I played, but I hated every fucking hole of it. To Leah, my family’s wealth seemed more a turn off than anything else. The look on her face when we rode up to my house was one of apprehension, not desire. She honestly thought I’d leave her out on the bike while I went in.

  The reason I started lifting weights wasn’t just to bulk up, but to relieve stress from being around a shit ton of pretentious, arrogant assholes. I think Dad truly enjoys the hustle and bustle of the deals, and truthfully, I did too, but I just hated when people got involved – they are what stresses me out the most, or more, refraining from going off on someone for being a greedy bastard is what stresses me out.

  After meeting Leah, I hated it all even more. She was sweet and caring, and the way sh
e took meeting my mom was great. I could have said something to give her a head’s up, but she took it all in stride even going so far as to inviting my mom to the salon with her. My last girlfriend hated being around Mom, it made her ‘uncomfortable’ – needless to say, she was gone quick.

  Now, I had an insanely beautiful woman in my arms. She was full of life and spunk. She drew me to her like a moth to a flame. Her taste had me craving more, and I hated knowing I was going to fuck it all up.

  Ice water couldn’t have stopped me faster. I pulled back from her, her ass was on my kitchen counter, and I was braced between her strong thighs. My hands cupped her hips, and her hands were on my chest – her fingers were curled tightly into my leather jacket.

  We were both breathing heavy, sucking in oxygen that we had been deprived of. Her lips were puffy and wet. I forced myself to pull back from her more, or I was going to go in for another taste.

  I couldn’t take this there. As much as I wanted to bury myself in her and never come up for air again, I couldn’t do it. Leah was going to get caught in the crossfire, and I didn’t want her to get hurt any more than she already was going to be when she found out the truth.

  “We’re going to be late.” My dick was throbbing, but I pushed my need for her down, and held my hand out for her to take.

  She raised her brow at me and hopped down – ignoring my hand and heading for the door. I felt like a total ass, but at the same time, I was protecting her from me. She didn’t know it yet, but she would understand soon enough. Too bad there was no way for me to protect myself from her.

  I followed her down my front steps after locking my door. The third bay of the garage was where my bike was, so I went and pressed the button on the inside of the first bay to open the third. The look on her face when she saw my bike was priceless. My guess is she thought I owned a crotch rocket, because when I pulled out with my custom bike – her mouth dropped open.

  “Wow.” She took in the rebuilt 1973 Ironhead Sportster. I had changed out the single seat for a king and queen and rebuilt the engine. It was a fun project that I worked on through college. I’d listen to my lecture recordings and tinker on the bike. Having dyslexia and ADHD sucks, so building the bike kept my hands busy as I studied.

  “Not what you were expecting?” I asked her.

  “Honestly, no. I thought you’d have a moped or a dirt bike.”

  “Damn, I thought you would at least have me on a crotch rocket, but a moped? Ouch.” I put a hand over my heart as if she mortally wounded me.

  “Well, it’s the middle name and the numerals.” Her smirk was cute as she poked fun at me. Guess her irritation started to ease a bit.

  “One day, I may just let you give me a ride on it.”

  “You can always leave your bike here and ride with me.”

  “Nah, don’t want to have to come back for it. Maybe next time.”

  “Alright, let’s go.”

  It wasn’t a long ride from my house to the gym, and it was a nice change of pace having someone ride beside me. Most of the time when I went, I went alone, no place in mind, just riding to clear my head. A few times, I took off and didn’t come back for a few days. It was my escape from life. It’s the only time I felt truly free, and I’ve never shared it with anyone before.

  Together, we turned into the gym parking lot. The amount of people in the parking lot surprised me. I avoided a huge pothole and pulled into a spot next to Leah.

  “I’m late,” she said, looking at her phone. “Dad’s already calling me.”

  “Let’s go then.” She took off toward the front doors, and I caught up to her within a few strides, lifted her over my shoulder in a fireman’s hold, and carried her, my hand holding onto her rounded ass.

  I felt her fist hitting my back as I took long strides to the door. “Put me down! Are you crazy?”

  “Not crazy, but my legs are a hell of a lot longer than yours, honey. I can get you where you need to go faster.”

  “Is that your idea of a short joke, Will? Seriously, it needs some work.”

  She had stopped hitting me and was just along for the ride at this point. It didn’t faze her, she wasn’t embarrassed or really even mad at me for going caveman on her, which I liked. Any woman from the country club would be spitting mad right now, but not Leah.

  I walked in the door with her on my shoulder, all eyes turned to look at the both of us, but I ignored them and let her slide down my body. Her eyes heated as her body dragged against mine – desire flashed in the brown depths like fire burning from inside.

  “You are stronger than I thought.” I grinned at her voice. It was hoarse with longing.

  “Don’t underestimate me, Leah, and I promise never to underestimate you.” I reached up and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. God, she was perfect. When her breath caught in her throat, I barely refrained from kissing her again. Instead, I turned her around and pointed her to her desk. The bemused look on her face said it all. She was nowhere near unaffected by me. It was something I relished and cursed at the same time.

  Chapter Nine


  I watched as Dad put him through drills that I’d been through a thousand times. Will was a hell of a lot stronger than he looked; his muscles were lean and whipcord thin, but they were strong. He had speed and agility that some of the bigger guys like Ox lacked. He was fluid and graceful in his movements; every strike against the bag was solid and sent it swinging. His muscles rippled and flexed with every strike.

  “I never thought I’d see the day you’d drool over a guy.”

  I’m not sure where Papa came from. I didn’t even know he was here. “You and Dad going to the bar tonight?” I asked, trying to figure out if I was going to have them there. It was not my idea of fun to act or dress like a total tramp around them, but I really wanted to tempt Will.

  “I’m not, but I’m not sure about your dad. He and your mom may make an appearance. Bar hopping is a younger man’s game.”

  “Aww, Papa you aren’t that old.” He laughed. Dad was in his forties, and Papa in his sixties. They were both still moving well, and worked out enough to keep them from freezing up. Papa traded in his bike in for a trike a couple years ago, just wanting more security and less to worry about when he rode. They were aging well, and Mama. Mama still ran circles around the bikers. She was the queen bee, and she knew it.

  She was a total stunner, and former beauty queen. Mom knew how to wrap people – especially men – around her little finger, and somehow, she only had eyes for my dad. I really wanted a love like theirs, but finding it inside the MC wasn’t going to happen. I would never trust any guy who belonged to the MC enough to let him have my heart. Will was another story. I watched as he and my dad interacted and my dad coached him. He listened, and there seemed to be a mutual respect there. I wondered if they knew more about each other than I knew, but I dismissed it.

  “He’s a nerd. He won’t last around here, you have to know that.” It was Tucker’s voice. He’d joined me and my granddad at the counter.

  “I don’t remember asking your opinion, Tucker. Don’t tell me you’re turning into Ox.”

  “No, Leah, but look at him.” I turned back to look at Will. His ink-free skin was pasty white compared to the ink-covered tanned skin of the other men. He stood out like the nerd he was, but my heart didn’t flutter when I saw the other men. My core didn’t ignite, and my pussy didn’t quiver. He may be a nerd compared to the men I’m used to being around, but he was something different, and I never had to question them.

  “I am, and he doesn’t need to fit into your world. He just needs to fit into mine, and he does.” With that parting shot, I walked away from Papa and Tuck.

  About an hour and a half later, Will was done training with Dad, and had started on yet another workout. From my desk, I watched – getting little work done. Dad had left a while back along with most of the crowd and Papa. Only a few regulars were still here, and none of them belonged to the MC.

  “Shit.” Never has watching a man work out been so sexual to me. Growing up around here it never even fucking occurred to me, but watching Will, was doing something to me in a way I’d never experienced before.

  I squirmed in my seat again as an idea took hold that I immediately dismissed, but fuck, my body was aching. He had been doing pushups and the pure sexual tone of that exercise had me melting. His up and down movements were almost that of fucking, and I couldn’t help imagining me underneath him as he lowered himself to just above the floor.

  His cock sinking into me. He must have felt my eyes on him and sensed my need from across the room because his eyes flew to mine, heat dancing in the gold-green depths. As I looked on, he held my gaze, lowering himself to the floor. It was like he was on the same wavelength as me. His smirk said he knew what I was thinking and that he was thinking it too.

  Fuck, if watching a man do pushups was making me that fucking horny, then I definitely needed to get laid more often. He slowed down his rhythm, but held my eyes captive. Seduction by sweat. I never even thought it would be possible, but Will was proving it to be.

  He did a few more slow, smoldering pushups that had me contemplating something I never would have thought myself capable of. I watched as he disappeared around the corner, heading to the locker room. The sign in sheet said there were three more clients in the gym, and all three of them were still doing various workouts.

  Could I really go through with what I was thinking to do? My pussy was wet, and the memory of our earlier kiss had me ready to go, and the more I thought about it, the more turned on I got. Without thinking about it anymore, I grabbed the signs and headed away from the desk. Will was about to finish what he started in me earlier with that fucking kiss. If we got caught, so be it.

  I locked the main doors and put up a closed sign in the door. We only had a little over an hour before it was true, and normally it was almost dead anyway. I grabbed a few folded towels from the laundry room, and headed around the corner toward the locker rooms.


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