Ridin' Nerdy

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Ridin' Nerdy Page 11

by Annelise Reynolds

  I sucked in a breath when the tape pulled against my cracked knuckles.

  “You’re so fucking stubborn.”

  I looked up to see Will leaning against the door jamb. “So I’ve been told.”

  “You weren’t a pawn, Leah. I didn’t even fucking know you worked here until I first came in.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better, Will? You planned to take my family’s gym away from me.” I stood up, my hands forgotten.

  “You’re right, I fucked up, and if I have to spend the next twenty years making that mistake up to you I will, gladly. That’s twenty years of makeup sex. I’m all for it, but we’re going to have to move past this.”

  “Just like that. A promise of great sex, and I should be ready to move on. You are an arrogant son of a –”

  He moved quickly around my desk and pulled me into his arms, kissing me before I could finish my sentence. His lips crushed mine in a hard, bruising kiss. My toes curled, and my stomach fluttered in response. When his tongue slid across the seam of my lips, I moaned, but didn’t allow him access.

  Will’s hands shifted on my face, and his thumbs pushed my chin down, opening my mouth to him. He forced his tongue into my mouth and across my tongue – my body melted, but I wasn’t going down without a fight. I bit his tongue hard enough that he pulled back, completely.

  My breath was ragged and his was no better as we stared each other down. I moved around him, closing the blinds to the office then scooped up Fidget and put her into her kennel. The second I stood from putting her in, Will’s arm was around my waist – pulling me back hard against his body. I felt his cock, hard and thick, against my ass.

  His other arm wrapped around my neck and pulled my head back so he could take my lips again. This time, I kissed him back. The kiss was hard and angry. Our tongues battled like swords as our hunger for each other raged out of control.

  Will broke our kiss and pushed me toward my desk. His fingers laced with mine when he bent me over the hard, immovable surface. I could feel the hardness of his cock through our clothes as he pushed against me. I shuddered, wanting more – wanting him inside me.

  His hands moved up my arms, as his lips trailed kisses on my exposed neck. He bit the lobe of my ear and gooseflesh rose on my arms. I felt one hand moving behind me, then air move across the heated flesh of my ass as he pulled my workout leggings down.

  The tight fabric clung to my legs as he worked them down. My pussy was already soaked and ready for him.

  Will growled with frustration and pulled away. He hooked both hands into the waistband of my pants and panties and ripped them down before pulling his cock from his shorts. There was no foreplay – he just beat the head of his cock on my clit until I moaned, then pushed into me, hard. His long, thick cock felt massive in this position.

  I pushed up on my elbows, and thrust back against him at the same time he slammed into me. My body quivered around him. His fingers were leaving bruises on my hips, he was holding me so hard, and I loved it.

  He pulled out and flipped me over on my desk. Will pushed my shoes off my feet, and my pants off my ankles, before slamming into me hard, again. I raised my knees high on his waist. He grasped the collar of my tee and split the shirt in half. I couldn’t find it in myself to care because his mouth was on my breasts. He was nipping and sucking at my stiff peaks, pushing the pillowed mounds together roughly.

  “I’m. Sorry. Leah,” he said pushing into me hard, punctuating each word with a trust of his hips. “So fucking sorry.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I felt her pussy clench around me even as the unshed tears filled her eyes. When she came, she cried out my name and the tear slid down her cheek. The sight tore me up. I leaned down, and caught the salty tear on my tongue.

  I held my own orgasm back because I was far from through with her. Her eyes flashed with vulnerability, and I ground my cock deep into her – the base hitting her clit. Her eyes sparked with fire, her pussy milked at my cock making me groan.

  “Fuck twenty years, Leah. I’ll spend the rest of my life buried in this pussy, just trying to make it up to you.” I pulled out long and slow before sheathing myself in her again.

  She moaned and arched her back into me. “Sex doesn’t solve everything you know.” Her tone was half sigh and half sarcastic.

  “No.” I grinned. “It certainly helps, though.”

  “Stop talking.” She reached up, curled her hand around my neck, and pulled my lips to hers. Our tongues twisted together quickly and hungrily. I started thrusting again.

  Her pussy squeezed my cock in a wet, silken, vise grip. It was pure ecstasy to be buried inside her. Our bodies fit together like two pieces to a puzzle, like her body was made for mine. As I pounded into her again and again, the desk scraped loudly across the linoleum floor.

  Leah pulled away from the kiss, her head falling back, and I trailed kisses down her neck, sucking the skin and leaving a bite mark behind for all to see. When she cried out as another orgasm took her, I let myself go, coming deep inside her.

  I held myself deep inside her, my forearms rested on the desk by her sides, our breaths mingled between us. Shivers wracked my body as I felt her body’s aftershock ripple around me. I rested my forehead on hers.

  “So, are you going to give me the next twenty years, or do you need more convincing?” I wriggled my hips. “It’s ok if you do.” I grinned down at her.

  She laughed and shoved at my shoulder. I caught her hand, the knuckles were still a mess and swollen. “You weren’t joking when you said your knuckles get bloody.”

  “No.” She was nonchalant about it, like she was used to it happening.

  I pushed myself off her, and righted my clothes, which was easy enough. Her clothes were another story. I grabbed her panties and used them to clean up her thighs and the mess our sex left on her skin. It took everything in me not to throw her legs over my shoulder when her hips bucked against my hand instinctively.

  “Easy,” I mumbled to myself as much as to her. There were things we needed to talk about – things that needed to be cleared up. I grabbed her gym pants off the floor and shoved her panties in my pocket – those, I’d be keeping.

  I removed my shirt and handed it to her – hers was shredded on the floor – and moved around the desk to pick up the first aid kit we’d knocked on the floor. She moved to help me, but I stopped her. “Sit on the desk. I got this.”

  She leaned against it, her arms crossed, and a smartass smirk on her face. I set the kit on the desk, and kissed the smirk off her face before pulling back and putting her on the desk where I wanted her. I grabbed the chair and sat down, then went to work on trying to repair the damage she’d to her hands.

  “Next time you’re pissed, I’m tying your ass to the bed, and fucking the anger out of you.” I dabbed at her hands with the alcohol pads, cleaning away the blood. She hissed at the sting and I wondered how that bothered her when she didn’t even seem to notice the damage she was doing in the first place.

  “What makes you think you’re going to be around for the next time?” Her eyebrow lifted, her cockiness coming through full force.

  I grinned up at her. “Oh, I’ll be around, because you don’t strike me as the type to settle for anything less than the best, and baby, for you, I’m the best.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “How the hell did I ever think you were a nerd?” I questioned as he cleaned up my hands – his answer to my question was cocky as hell, and completely what a man in the club would say. I guess it just came with the Y chromosome no matter what world they came from.

  “I am a nerd, but being a nerd doesn’t mean I can’t be sexy and irresistible too.” He looked up at me and winked. I laughed and shook my head, though I was in complete agreement with him. Will needed no encouragement from me.

  My hands hurt like hell, but inside, I was calmer than I’d ever been before. I knew it wasn’t beating the
hell out of the bag – it was Will. When I’ve been angry enough to damage my hands before, it took hours afterward to calm down. I’d even broken my finger before and didn’t even notice until Dad forced me to stop.

  “When did you decide to stop your plans?” I had to know. Maybe I was a glutton for heartache, but his answer meant something to me.

  “The night we first had sex and you went to my house for dinner.” He paused and threw the bloody gauze in the trash along with the swabs. “I started having doubts because I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  He leaned forward, his head resting on my stomach as his arms wrapped around my hips. The move was so vulnerable, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, holding him tight. “It was an hour and a half before your mom came to see me at my office that I put a halt to the sell. After your mom’s visit, I drew up another set of papers.”

  “What?” I asked, scared as hell to find out what he had done. His hiding his face from me didn’t help me feel any better about what he was going to say. “What were the papers?”

  “They were being delivered to your dad this morning.”

  “What are they, Will? Stop playing games. Tell me.” I pulled on the back of his hair and brought his face up so he was looking at me. His blue eyes flared with hunger.

  “You and your dad are now half owners of this building. I put it in both of your names. Atwood industries, for all intents and purposes, sold this building.”

  “What? How?” My head spun.

  “I sold some of my comics and bought it out independently from Atwood Investments. It’s yours; free and clear.”

  He didn’t have to tell me which comics he sold. I knew. “How much do I owe you?”

  “Nothing. It’s an olive branch to your father and you, but a free lifetime gym membership would be nice.” He grinned up at me, his sexy full lips had me licking my own. I was hungry. It was amazing I’d gone this long without sex, when this guy turned me into a complete nymphomaniac who couldn’t keep it in her pants, even at work.

  “Shit.” I pushed him away and hopped off the desk.


  “There might be members out there.” I peeked through the blinds and sighed with relief – thankful to see nobody was out there.

  “Nobody can come in. I locked the door behind me.”

  I groaned, that was even worse. If the members couldn’t get in they’d call Dad. I ran out of the room, pulling my hair up into its normal sloppy bun and trying to look as dignified as I could in a shirt that hung to my thighs. There was no hiding the well-fucked look I was sporting, so I quickly grabbed the hem of his shirt at my waist and knotted it, trying to downplay it as much as possible.

  Just as I reached to flip the lock, I saw it turn and knew Dad was coming in. His look was one of vast amusement. “You do realize if you had a normal job, fucking at work would be frowned upon?”

  “Good thing my dad owns the place,” I quipped back and turned to find Will still standing in my office doorway, his arms across his chest and a fresh tank top replacing the shirt I stole.

  “You think you can take my daughter home to do that rather than here?” Dad called out over my head.

  “I can’t help it if your daughter jumps my bones, Rock.” I went back to the desk and started getting shit done – ignoring the men. My office still smelled of sex and Will. He and Dad were out on the floor, going through drills I’d done a thousand times.

  I watched them together, and I wondered how much, if any, Mom told him. From the looks of it, she’d told him nothing, but I needed to find out so I could handle it as it came.

  I dialed my mom’s shop while I watched Will striking the pads. “Hey V, is my mom in?” I asked, recognizing my friend on the phone.

  “Yeah, give me a sec.” The phone went to some soft rock music, as I waited for my mom to pick up.

  “Leah?” Her voice was hesitant as she answered the phone, not sure what I was calling for. I never called her during the day, so it gave her a cause for concern.

  “Hey, Mom.” How the fuck did you ask someone if they kept secrets from their spouse? “Dad’s here at the gym, and so is Will. How much does Dad know?”

  “I told him everything.” I looked up and watched as Dad moved effortlessly in the ring. He was older, but he was built like the Rock he was named after.

  “Did he get a delivery this morning?” I asked, thinking maybe that was why Daddy was being so normal around Will.

  “No. I don’t think so.” I hung up the phone without saying goodbye and went into the main room. Some of the guys were starting to file in; Ox was one of them, though it seemed he finally took the hint because he didn’t come near me.

  I was standing there watching Will, and the next thing I knew he was on the ground holding a bloody nose. Dad was standing over him, with calm fury written on his face.

  “Dad,” I said moving in front of Will. My dad looked like a snake about to strike, he was coiling and angry.

  “Move, Leah. You aren’t dating this asshole anymore.” Typical Dad. I scoffed.

  “You don’t have all the facts,” I said calmly. My temper, I inherited naturally. Dad was feeling everything I’d felt all night, until Will got here. Between beating the hell out of the bag and the sex, I felt so much better. Dad just needed to work some anger out, get the whole story and go tackle Mom for a while.

  “Was he, or was he not, planning to sell the gym out from under us to get back at your mother?”

  “He was, but-”

  “No need to finish what you were saying, he was enough for me.”

  Fuck. I’d never seen Dad this pissed. “Did Mom tell you about Janine?”


  “Dad, come into the office, no need for our dirty laundry to get hung out for everyone to see.”

  I moved to Will and saw his nose wasn’t broken, just bleeding and bruised. That was painful enough. I was about to walk into the office, when Will pulled me to the side. Dad walked past us, and Will went in before shutting the door in my face.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “That was stupid, son. I thought you were supposed to be a smart lawyer.”

  “I am smart, and Leah seems to think that I can’t fight my own battles.” I crossed my arms. “Now, why don’t you tell me what you know, and I’ll fill in the blanks.”

  “You’ve got balls, kid.” He sat in the chair I’d sat in earlier, and stared me down. I work with multi-millionaires; staring me down wasn’t as intimidating as he thought it was.

  “The night your wife cheated on you, it was with my father.” He didn’t react, so he already knew that. “My mother walked in and caught them. It was the last thing she saw. A drunk driver hit her car as she was trying to get away.” I spilled my family history, and everything out to him. How and why I’d come to the club. I left nothing out.

  “And you’re telling me all this expecting me not to kick your ass?”

  “No. I’m telling you all this, so you know it’s true when I say I fell in love with your daughter along the way, and no amount of ass kicking is going to change that.”

  “You really don’t know me then.” His cheeks were ruddy with anger.

  “I do know you. I know you enough to know you wouldn’t hurt your daughter; it’s why you never told her what happened six years ago. You didn’t want her upset about your actions or your wife’s. It’s why you kept it a secret and never let it touch her; because it would have hurt her. I know you love her enough that you know if you hurt me you would be hurting her, and you won’t do that.”

  He sat back in the chair and looked at me sharply. “You can be replaced.”

  “Anyone can. Even a father,” I said. His brow furrowed at my words. I didn’t tell him I was speaking of my own father. Manipulative? Somewhat. Threatening? No – I’d never have Leah choose between her family and me. Placing the idea in his head that his daughter could choose me over him if the ultimatum was thrown out there, that was completely

  We stared each other down, neither one of us giving an inch. I wasn’t about to look weak in front of him. Leah was worried about me fitting in her world, and this was her world. I didn’t flinch when he stood up. I didn’t shift nervously; instead, like I did working cases, I schooled my features and didn’t show any emotion.

  “If you want to take a swing at me Rock, let’s get to it, but it won’t change anything. I’m not going anywhere.”

  He smirked at me. “We’ll see.”

  Leah was pissed when I stepped out of the office. As I followed her dad to the ring, she looked worried and livid. “Don’t do this.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me around to face her.

  I smiled at the concern in her eyes. “Funny you’re trying to stop me and not your dad.”

  “I know my dad. He doesn’t back down from shit, especially a fight.” Her eyes implored me to not get in the ring, but there was no way I could back down. I couldn’t; there was too much at stake.

  “I have to do this, Leah. You can’t fight battles for me. I let you take the lead at the bar because it was easier and I felt like it was the best way to get you out safely, but here, like this – I will not back down.”

  “God save me from stubborn men!” she grumbled. “Did you tell him about the gym-?” I cut her off with a hard kiss. I hadn’t told him about the gym and I didn’t need her using that to get him to go easy on me or back out altogether.

  “Let it go.” I nipped at her lower lip. “Just be ready to nurse me back to health later.” I winked at her and headed toward the ring.

  “Sure, let me just run by the dry cleaners for my nurse costume.” She shook her head and went back to the office, not wanting to see what was about to happen.

  Rock and I grabbed our gloves before getting in the ring. The man was faster than I thought. I’d seen him spar, but this was different. He was relaxed and not really trying to hurt anyone when he sparred. The first blow to my face felt like I’d been hit by a freight train. Thankfully he stayed away from my already busted nose.


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