Tokyo Heat

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Tokyo Heat Page 5

by A. M. Salinger

  Gabe’s toes curled as he felt another climax wind through his lower body. He threw his head back and let out a harsh cry as he came once more, corded neck straining, fingers clutching the bedpost while the dizzying waves of pleasure stormed through him.

  Gabe sagged a moment later, his knees finally giving way beneath him. He whimpered and twitched when Cam slipped his fingers from his spasming hole.

  The mattress dipped. There was a clink of a belt buckle, followed by the slide of a zipper and the rustle of clothes. Gabe’s ears flamed, his breaths coming in labored pants as he visualized Cam naked and aroused behind him. He swallowed a groan at the sound of foil ripping.

  Gabe heard Cam’s low grunt and knew he was slipping the condom over his cock. The mattress sank again as Cam climbed back on the bed.

  Surprise flashed through Gabe in the next moment when Cam grabbed his waist and lifted him up into a sitting position. He gasped when he felt Cam set him down on his lap, Cam’s strong thighs meeting the back of Gabe’s, his heated cock coming to rub against Gabe’s cleft, his chest kissing Gabe’s sweat-slicked back. Gabe tugged at his lower lip with his teeth.

  They’d never had sex in this position before.

  Cam guided Gabe’s hands back to the headboard and sucked Gabe’s left earlobe. “Hang on,” he whispered thickly.

  Gabe dug his fingers into the wood as Cam hooked powerful arms under his knees and lifted him up. Air rushed out of him when he felt Cam’s cock nudge his hole.

  They both groaned as Cam slowly lowered him onto his shaft, impaling Gabe in one slick slide. A tortured moan left Gabe’s throat at the mind-numbing sensation of Cam filling him to the hilt from this new angle and the feel of Cam’s balls resting snugly under Gabe’s own sac.

  All coherent thoughts fled his mind in the next instant as Cam rolled his hips. Gabe cried out as light exploded behind his eyes, bright fireworks blooming and pulsing with each powerful thrust of Cam’s cock into his hot passage.

  Gabe bowed his head and lost himself in the moment, the potent pleasure intensified by his lack of sight, his entire being focused on Cam’s electrifying touch and the erotic sounds their bodies made where they were connected, Cam’s low grunts underscoring his own wild moans and cries.

  Gabe’s toes curled in empty air a moment later, his climax surging through him in long, agonizing waves. He chanted Cam’s name over and over again as he came, his hole clamping down fiercely on the rock-hard shaft invading his passage, his own cock jetting out cum against his chest.

  Cam sank his teeth into Gabe’s shoulder. Gabe shuddered at the hot sting and heard Cam grunt and pant through his nose, his orgasm sending his cock swelling and rippling inside Gabe’s body.

  Gabe turned his head blindly, seeking Cam. He was rewarded with a blistering kiss that made him gasp and moan all over again, Cam swallowing the sounds as he swept his tongue inside Gabe’s mouth, shivers coursing through both of them as their orgasms continued to pulse through them.

  Cam dropped his face against Gabe’s neck. His arms relaxed as he lowered Gabe’s legs back on the bed, cock still wedged inside Gabe’s twitching hole. Gabe leaned into him, his racing heart matching the violent pounding against his back, his labored breathing loud in his ears.

  A moan left Gabe when Cam pulled out of his body. Gabe sagged on the bed and heard a rustle and the sound of another foil being ripped open. A hot kiss landed on the back of Gabe’s neck. Heat flooded Gabe’s cheeks in the next moment as Cam gently forced him onto his front. Cam slipped pillows under Gabe’s belly before pushing him facedown onto the bed, the angle bringing Gabe’s chest flush against the sheets while his ass rose in the air.

  Cam spread Gabe’s thighs and settled between his open legs. Slick fingers parted Gabe’s butt cheeks a second later. Gabe groaned and closed his hands around the silk tie binding him, anticipation sending his cock twitching. The mattress dipped on either side of Gabe’s head. Air shifted above him. Heat scorched Gabe’s skin in the next instant as Cam positioned his chest flush against Gabe’s back, crowding him deliciously on the bed.

  Gabe let out a ragged breath when he felt the sheathed head of Cam’s cock probe his opening. They both grunted as Cam slowly entered him. Cam nudged his shaft past the tight rings of muscle guarding Gabe’s passage and slid home in one long, slick thrust.

  Gabe gasped at the exquisite fullness of the penetration. As with every time Cam took him, there was no sting, no burn. Only intense pleasure.

  Cam pulled out and thrust inside again, his hips flexing slow and deep, his chest grazing Gabe’s back as he started to fuck him sweetly.

  Gabe lost himself to ecstasy as Cam took him from behind, the thrill of the submissive position making him bite his lip so hard he almost drew blood, his moans muffled by the sheets. His balls soon tightened against the pillow beneath his groin, his cock flexing and throbbing against the cotton.

  The bed shook and squeaked as Cam accelerated his pace and started pounding Gabe’s ass, the bite of his fingers on Gabe’s hips and his heavy breaths heralding his impending climax.

  Cam came savagely a moment later, his guttural grunts echoing around the room as he convulsed against Gabe, hips erratically pumping his pulsing cock in and out of Gabe’s shivering hole. Gabe flexed his hips against Cam’s groin and clenched his passage, prolonging the deliciously fierce penetration and Cam’s climax, his own mind-numbing orgasm sending fire dancing through his entire body while he shivered and drenched the pillow with his hot cum.

  Gabe shuddered when Cam suddenly pulled off his blindfold and undid the tie around his wrists. A groan left him with his next breath as Cam pulled out of his body. Cam rolled Gabe onto his back and tugged on his arms, lifting him up until he sat, facing him. He reached for the box on the nightstand.

  Gabe blushed when he looked down at Cam’s erect shaft and the cum-filled condom still covering it. Cam discarded the used rubber, sheathed himself with a fresh one, and took Gabe’s mouth in a torrid kiss, gray eyes stormy with desire and an undefined emotion.

  Cam grabbed Gabe’s butt before lifting him up against him. Gabe clung on to the strong shoulders below him and instinctively bent his knees. He wrapped his legs around Cam’s waist, the angle bringing his throbbing opening flush against Cam’s hot shaft.

  Cam licked and nibbled Gabe’s throat as he lowered him down onto his cock, the stiff head deliciously stretching Gabe’s entrance again before he slid all the way inside. Gabe gasped and dropped his head back, his passage pulsing at the full penetration.

  “You’re mine, Gabe,” Cam murmured hoarsely against his skin as he flexed his hips and started fucking him all over again. “Now and always.”

  Gabe moaned and sought Cam’s lips, his fingers winding tightly in Cam’s hair, his heart overflowing with emotion as he registered the stark truth blazing in Cam’s gray eyes.

  Then, he stopped thinking and surrendered to the passion and pleasure sweeping over him and Cam, their bodies moving in a thrilling sensuous dance, their breaths mingling as they kissed, their hearts beating wildly for each other.

  Chapter 11

  Light danced across the backs of Gabe’s eyelids, faint but insistent. He sighed and buried his face in the pillow, his mind fuzzy and his body strangely sated.

  The pillow moved under his cheek. Gabe blinked his eyes open. He stared groggily at the expanse of tan skin covering the hard chest rising and sinking beneath him. Awareness slammed into him in the next instant. Gabe looked up.

  His heart skipped a beat when his eyes met a lazy gunmetal stare.

  “Hi,” Cam said softly where he lay, propped against the pillows.

  Gabe swallowed.


  He flushed when he recalled the events of last night.

  Cam hadn’t let go of him until dawn poked lightening fingers across the eastern skyline. They’d made love in their bed, against the walls, and quite literally all over their apartment, including the island in the kitchen, their very expensive couc
h, and the dining table. The last place they’d fucked was in the shower, after Cam went down on Gabe and gave him a screaming orgasm before savagely taking him against the tiled wall.

  They’d changed the sheets and pillowcases before collapsing on the bed, sleep instantly claiming Gabe when Cam wrapped his arms around him and tucked his head against his chest.

  Gabe shifted slightly on the bed presently. Despite the number of times Cam had taken him, his hole only ached pleasantly, Cam’s skillful preparation ensuring Gabe’s body was more than ready every time he sank his hard cock into Gabe’s hungry passage. Heat flooded Gabe at the memory of how Cam had masterfully penetrated him time and time again throughout the night. His ass twitched again, his dick stirring against the sheets.

  Cam sighed.

  “So, I’ve been a gigantic moron.”

  Gabe blinked, his arousal dimming as he studied Cam’s repentant expression. His heart twisted when the agony of yesterday’s emotions washed over him once more.

  Cam’s eyes darkened at what he read on Gabe’s face. He touched Gabe’s lips gently.

  “I never meant to hurt you, Gabe.”

  A lump formed in Gabe’s throat. He nodded shakily at Cam’s heartfelt apology and turned his head to kiss Cam’s palm, peace filling him as he inhaled his lover’s scent.

  Cam took a ragged breath.

  “I’ve been thinking a lot over the last few days. About what you said back at the inn.”

  Gabe stiffened.

  “Cam, you don’t have to—”

  The rest of Gabe’s words were swallowed by Cam’s lips as the latter leaned down and kissed him fiercely. Gabe moaned breathily at the possessive way Cam claimed his mouth.

  Cam let go a moment later and pressed his lips against Gabe’s forehead. “Don’t,” he whispered. “Don’t apologize for your feelings for me. I couldn’t bear it if you did.”

  Gabe’s heart lurched at Cam’s words. He looked up, searching Cam’s face wildly for the truth he could read in his voice. Hope flared inside him at the light blazing in Cam’s gray eyes. Gabe’s breath caught in his throat all over again. He swallowed convulsively.

  Cam smiled tremulously and brought Gabe’s left hand up to his lips. He dropped a scorching kiss on Gabe’s skin, his gaze still locked on Gabe’s eyes.

  Gabe’s heart stuttered in his chest when he finally registered the beautifully elegant white gold and platinum band adorning his own ring finger. How he hadn’t registered the weight of it until then was a shocking mystery to him.

  Confusion dawned inside Gabe as he stared at the gleaming metal Cam had slipped on his hand while he slept. It was erased by the sudden, insane conviction that jolted through him with his next heartbeat, robbing him of air once more.

  “Cam,” Gabe whispered, not wanting to pin all his hopes on what the ring meant.

  Cam rose and knelt on the mattress. He pulled Gabe up until he sat on the bed opposite him before cradling Gabe’s face in his hands. He gently pressed their foreheads together.

  “I’ve been a fool,” Cam said huskily, staring into Gabe’s eyes. “I thought I would be fine so long as I closed off my heart to anyone who tried to get too close. I never wanted to fall—” He swallowed hard, his fingers trembling on Gabe’s skin. “I never wanted to fall in love. I didn’t want that burden, didn’t want to make myself that vulnerable again to another person, didn’t want to take the risk that someone else would tear my soul apart and leave me broken once more, like she did all those years ago.”

  Gabe’s breath hitched in his throat, his vision blurring while his chest swelled with emotion. The lack of bitterness in Cam’s voice as he spoke of his mother told Gabe everything he needed to know about his lover’s heartfelt confession.

  Cam kissed him then, his lips featherlight as they danced across Gabe’s mouth.

  “I never knew what I was missing out on until the night you walked into my life.” Cam smiled and rubbed his nose against Gabe’s. “I think I fell for you then. When our eyes met for the very first time. I was just too much of a stubborn ass to realize it.”

  Chapter 12

  Tears welled up in Gabe’s eyes and spilled down his cheeks.

  Cam inhaled shakily before gently stroking his fingers across Gabe’s face, wiping away the wet trails before kissing his flushed skin.

  “I’m sorry I made you wait so long for this,” Cam murmured. He closed his eyes briefly, his pulse racing at the powerful emotions swirling through his chest and clogging his throat.

  Gabe’s breath caught again when Cam opened his eyes and looked at him steadily.

  “Gabe Anderson, I love you with all my heart,” Cam said, his gaze locked on Gabe’s glistening cobalt-blue stare. “Will you be mine, now and forever more?”

  Gabe shuddered when Cam reached across to the nightstand and picked the second wedding band. He placed it in Gabe’s hand and kissed his palm before stilling and watching him.

  Gabe stared at the ring for a silent moment before looking up at Cam.

  Cam’s breath locked in his throat at the emotion shining brightly on Gabe’s face. He cursed himself once more for having been a fool for so long.

  He never knew it could be so easy to love someone. Never knew the words could leave his lips so effortlessly, as if he were drawing a simple breath. Never knew it would be so painless to chain himself to another person, to entrust his heart and soul to someone else’s care.

  “Yes.” Gabe nodded tremulously, a dazzling smile curving his lips. “Yes! A thousand times, yes! I—”

  Cam groaned and took Gabe’s lips in a passionate kiss that sent a hot tingle to his dick. He let go of Gabe reluctantly and held his left hand up. Gabe swallowed and slipped the gold and platinum band on Cam’s finger.

  They linked their hands and stared at the perfect, matching, gleaming rings.

  “How—when—,” Gabe finally stammered, glancing up at Cam.

  Cam smiled.

  “I thought I would have had most of yesterday to choose our wedding bands. Turned out, I ended up with only three hours before my flight.”

  Cam chuckled as he told Gabe how his entire team had pulled out all the stops to secure him an urgent appointment with the best jeweler in Singapore. That the man had had the exact rings Cam had been looking for when he went to the exclusive shop had seemed like fate.

  “And the rest is history,” Cam said. He grimaced. “Well, apart from my stupid cell dying and you thinking I was bailing out on us—”

  Gabe grabbed Cam’s face and kissed him fiercely.

  “Don’t,” he breathed against Cam’s lips. “I’m sorry I overreacted. I should have trusted you.”

  “And I’m sorry I was such a dick about you going to Saron,” Cam murmured.

  Gabe smiled. “You were. A giant dick.”

  Cam grinned and arched an eyebrow.

  “I didn’t hear you complain about the size of my cock last night.”

  Gabe flushed and looked down. Cam’s dick twitched and stirred at Gabe’s heated stare. He stifled a groan when Gabe reached out and touched him.

  “I love your cock,” Gabe breathed. He curled his fingers around Cam’s thickening shaft and dipped his head to kiss the broad head.

  Cam hissed, fire darting through him.

  Gabe settled down on his belly and started licking and sucking Cam’s cock. His eyes closed as he worked Cam’s hardening length with his fingers, lips, and tongue. A moan hummed past his lips and vibrated against Cam’s sensitive flesh, causing him to curse.

  Cam grabbed the lube from the nightstand and warmed a dollop of the cool liquid between his hands. He reached down Gabe’s back and delved into the shadowy cleft at the base of his spine while the latter continued skillfully blowing him.

  Gabe gasped and arched against the mattress. He parted his legs, giving Cam access to his hole.

  Cam groaned when he dipped lower and reached Gabe’s tight pucker. It twitched at his touch. Another moan ripped from Gabe’s throat and sent
a jolt of pure pleasure pulsing through Cam. Cam played with Gabe’s folds and the tight stretch of skin leading to his balls, his fingers repeatedly circling and teasing the rim of Gabe’s opening, causing it to clench and spasm.

  Gabe’s hole unfurled a moment later. Cam dipped two fingers inside and grunted when Gabe tightened his passage around him, sucking him deeper. Gabe’s mouth mimicked the motion of his lower body, his strong jaw working Cam’s cock further inside his throat.

  “Fuck, Gabe.”

  Cam shivered as delicious tension spiraled through his body.

  He worked Gabe’s hole for another minute before slipping his fingers out. He moved Gabe’s eager head off his throbbing cock and rolled him onto his back.

  Gabe let out a soft moan and parted his thighs with his hands. Cam’s heart clenched at the sexy picture his man made where he lay on their bed, body opening up as he surrendered himself for Cam’s possession.

  Cam reached for a condom and was about to rip the foil with his teeth when Gabe closed a hand around his wrist.

  “No,” Gabe breathed. He glanced at Cam’s straining erection and flushed slightly before meeting Cam’s eyes. “I want—,” he swallowed, “—I want you inside. Bare.”

  Cam groaned and took Gabe’s mouth in a blistering kiss, his heart pounding at the sexy, filthy wish the man he loved had just expressed.

  Cam knew Gabe was clean. Cam had gone to his own doctor and had himself tested when they started going out. He had never taken someone bareback before. Never known what it felt like to enter a man raw, to feel his hot passage cradling his naked cock.

  “Are you sure?” Cam murmured against Gabe’s mouth, excitement sending his pulse racing even faster.

  Gabe looked up at him and nodded shyly. He reached down and trailed his fingers along Cam’s shaft before clasping his dick, causing him to swallow a curse.

  “I want to feel you, Cam,” Gabe said huskily. “All of you. Deep inside me.”

  He tugged at his lower lip with his teeth, the move so sensual that Cam could not help the way his cock twitched and throbbed in Gabe’s fingers.


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