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Cougar Cocktales

Page 2

by N'Tyse

  “Good morning, Miss Jackson,” he said, taking his hands off my waist and straightening his tie. “Hope you had a good weekend.”

  “As a matter of fact, I…”

  He was already walking down the hall before I could get the “did” out. I tried to pretend that his cold shoulder didn’t bother me, but I couldn’t. I regained my composure long enough to sashay down to my corner office, close the door and walk over to the floor-to-ceiling window to brood. I was suddenly overcome by the scent of vanilla and jasmine. I looked over and an exotic candle arrangement was in the middle of my mahogany desk. I rushed over to read the card.

  This is how us young men do when we find an older woman worth sharing our time with. Sorry if I didn’t live up to your expectations, but I’m hoping you will give us a second chance. I also hope you know that us young ones do know all about discretion, and I’m willing to play this game any way you want to play it as long as I win you over in the end. Love, Keith

  I was grinning like a Cheshire cat when I heard a faint knock on my door. I stashed the note in my top drawer and walked over to open it when in burst Keith. He was all business, all stiff and sexy as ever. I had to admit, he was wearing the hell out of that gray pin-stripe suit with his pink shirt, matching pocket kerchief, and gray-and-pink-striped tie.

  “Okay, Miss Jackson, I’m glad you finally dragged your behind in here because we’ve got work to do. Your meeting with Max is at one o’clock. A new account for you means a bonus for me, so let’s get you ready to make me some money.” He said all this while brushing past me, moving the gift onto the corner desk and spreading papers on top of mine.

  “Aren’t we all business this morning?” I asked with a laugh.

  He merely cut his eyes at me and continued. “This report is the only issue I’m having with your presentation,” he said while holding up the pie chart I’d created to show the client his marketing visibility predictions. “Max is a devout Muslim who has spoken out against homosexuality, same-sex-marriage and anything gay since day one. I doubt he is going to gain a seven percent following when he is the Antichrist as far as the LGBT community is concerned. You need to tweak that number or remove it altogether. It’s not only a turn-off to him, but an insult to homosexuals everywhere.”

  Well, if all business is what he wanted, two could play that game, I thought. “You’re absolutely right, Mr. Myers. Thank you for pointing that out. I will adjust the figure and reprint…”

  “I already took the liberty,” he interrupted, pulling a new, more impressive pie chart from under the stack on the desk. “I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.” He stacked the papers neatly onto the corner of my desk. He stood, walked over to the door and reached for the doorknob, or so I thought.

  “Very impressive,” I blurted out, trying to stop him from leaving so quickly. I wanted to apologize for the other night and tell him he was right. I definitely wanted him, too, but my mouth couldn’t form the words. I settled on what I did best—talking the talk. “I’m happy to see you taking more initiative when it comes to these projects, Keith. Keep it up and we just may have to plug you in here permanently as a junior executive.”

  He twisted the lock on the door and turned around with a smile I found irresistible. “How about I plug myself in permanently somewhere else instead?” He rushed over, grabbed me gently, but firmly, and bent me over the side of my desk.

  I should have resisted, fought back or cried rape. Anything not to feel him slide his pants and boxers down, slip on a condom, lift my skirt and move my thong to the side with a precision not many young men possessed. He entered me so quickly my breath got caught in my throat. I wanted to protest and ask him what kind of woman did he take me for, but all I could think about was spreading my cheeks wider, hiking my hips higher and fingering my core as he pumped vigorously behind me.

  “Damn, ma, you feel so fucking good,” he moaned.

  I tried to tell him he felt good, too. That I loved the way he was thrusting inside me. That my walls fit his shaft perfectly and the friction was making me lose it, but all I could muster was a soft whimper as I bit into my arm trying to stifle my moans. He grabbed my ponytail roughly and I finally found my voice. “Negro, if you pull my ponytail off, I will…Mmmmmmmmm.” He let go of the ponytail, smacked my ass and started a slower, steadier grind that had me up on my tiptoes trying to take in every single inch of him.

  “Mimi, I’m going to make you mine, baby. Watch…I ain’t letting this good shit go for nothing or no one. You hear me,” he asked, almost pleading.

  Instead of answering, I began to bounce my ass against his waist. Taking his length in and out, and countering it with my round and round until I felt that intense tingling building in my center signaling I was about to flood him. I started a low groan and grabbed on to the desk’s edge. He pounded harder and faster and we moved in unison like a tandem bike team. His moves matched my own as we raced toward our destination. He tried hard to let me win and reach the finish line first, while I was holding on trying to prove he couldn’t satisfy an older woman like me. We were both failing miserably. Keith’s knees gave way as he collapsed atop my body. We nearly hydroplaned as we bucked violently from the force of our simultaneous orgasms.

  Getting clothed again wasn’t as erotic as the undressing. He fumbled with his slacks, and I tried to discreetly wipe the excessive wetness from between my thighs and ass cheeks so I could slide my thong back into its rightful place. Once my skirt was back down around my knees, and not up around my waist, I cleared my throat and began picking up the items we carelessly knocked over while in the throes of lust, because it certainly wasn’t passion. He turned away.

  “So, can I see you tonight?” he asked, pausing at the locked door.

  “Keith, I don’t think that’s a good idea. We…”

  “We just got finished fucking on top of your desk and you don’t think us spending an evening together is a good idea?” He walked back over to me and held my face between his hands. “Mimi, come off it. Why won’t you give me a real chance?”

  “For one, I don’t mix business with pleasure; and B, you do have a girlfriend at home in case you forgot.” I removed his hands from my face and took a seat behind my desk. “Besides, how far can this possibly go beyond booty call status? And we both know I don’t need another BFF in my life.”

  “Who says I want to be a BFF?” Keith asked while lowering himself onto the edge of my desk. “Who says I don’t want more than that?”

  “Keith, let’s not start this…not here…not now. We are at work, and too much has already happened. That was a definite mistake,” I said, gesturing toward my desk. “That can’t happen again. I hope you can understand why.”

  “Mimi,” Keith said, sighing and rising. “I don’t understand why you keep pushing me away, but I’ll let it go for the moment.” I watched as he walked to the door and unlocked it. He turned back around and hit me with that 100-watt smile. “You know you got a brother wanting you real bad, Mimi.”

  “I know, Keith, but let’s get back to the basics. I can’t do this with you.”

  “Too late,” he said while opening the door. “I’m already all in.”

  With that, he exited and closed the door behind him, making my heart melt and taking my common sense with him. I didn’t even realize I was still in the same position—daydreaming about how good I was just sexed on my desk—until the phone rang and interrupted my dirty thoughts.

  “Mimi Jackson, how may I help you?” I sang into the receiver.

  “I’m glad to hear you’re in good spirits. Perhaps you can come out to play a little after work today.”

  “I take it wifey is much better now after her triple bypass.”

  “Ha, ha, ha…very funny,” Parish said. “I’m sorry about Friday night, but you know how it goes. Taylor can be a handful sometimes. She…”

  “No need to explain. I wound up having a great weekend and an even better Monday morning.”

“Well, why don’t you complete the day with an even sexier evening? Taylor will be at her mom’s and I have some time to kill.”

  “While the offer sounds tempting, I think I’ll pass. Have a good night, Parish.”

  With that, I hung up. It’s one thing to come at me while we are enjoying an evening out and then segue into sex. It’s a whole other thing to call me bright and early in the morning with the bullshit because I brushed you off all weekend after you brushed me off Friday night. Who the fuck does he think I am? Oh yeah, I’m the good old always-there girl. But now things have changed. I want more. I think I deserve more, or am I bugging? I think Keith has me bugging.

  I hurriedly dialed Parish back and took him up on his offer. I’ve always been the get-it-in-when-I-could girl. Why the fuck should I stop my flow? Just because some young buck has my nose a little open? It’s time to come back down to earth, Mimi. Make Parish forget about Taylor like you always do, and hopefully Parish will help you forget about Keith.


  I jumped and snatched my phone up as soon as I heard Kelly Price screeching something about she was a friend of mine. I peered over at the clock, which read 4:08. “Hello,” I mumbled groggily.

  “Mimi, it’s Taylor. I think something has happened to Parish. We had words this morning and I haven’t heard from him since. I’ve been dialing his cell phone all night, but it’s just ringing and then going straight to voice mail. I don’t know…”

  I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as Taylor continued her rant and made my way to the bathroom. I “uh-huh’d” when necessary and “wow’d” when appropriate while relieving myself. I then swished some Scope around in my mouth and returned to snuggle with the warm lump beside me.

  “I know there’s someone else, Mimi,” she said through tears. “I’ve known for some time now, but I love him and I just can’t let him go.”

  “Taylor, take a Valium, lie down and get some rest. I’m sure by this time tomorrow you will be back in Parish’s loving arms and all will be right with the world.”

  “You think so, Mimi,” she asked hopefully.

  “Don’t worry, Tay. Even if there is someone else, Parish will never let you go. Trust me. Now go do as I said, and let me get this last hour in before I have to get up for work.”

  “Okay, Mimi, and thank you for listening. I know you’re right and I’m overreacting, but I hate it when we argue and then he’s MIA. I just start thinking all kinds of crazy things.”

  “Well, no need to worry, Tay. Wherever he is, I’m sure he’s just fine. Good morning, Love. I will hit you later.”

  “Good morning, Mimi, and thanks ag…”

  I disconnected before she could start on another tear and placed my hands beneath the covers. I found what I was looking for and started stroking it gently.

  “Mmmmmmmmmmm,” he moaned. “What you doing?”

  “Trying to get something started before we have to get up and face the real world. You got another one in you?” I teased.

  He didn’t answer. Parish just flipped me onto my back and entered me expertly. With my legs dangling over his shoulders, he thrust with a knowing that Keith lacked. His experience mirrored his years and he had me shuddering beneath him in no time. I forced my legs down and rolled Parish onto his back. I mounted his waist and started bouncing on top of him.

  “Yeah, Mimi. Ride that shit. Make me cum, baby. Mmmmmmmmmmm.”

  “Whose is it?” I purred, knowing damn well it wasn’t mine. But as long as it was in me, he had better not call out any other name but Mimi.

  “It’s yours, baby.”

  “Whose is it? Say it, baby. Say it,” I prodded, hearing Beyoncé singing, “Say my name, say my name,” somewhere in my subconscious.

  “It’s yours, Mimi. It’s yours, baby. Yes, bounce it just like that, Mimi.”

  He said the magic word. I placed my feet flat on the bed parallel to his waist and started to drop it like I was one of those hot bitches in every rapper’s music video. I amazed myself at my dexterity and was starting to feel my sex throb as he reached down and massaged my bulb back to life. As I descended on his shaft, his fingers went to work on my clit. My titties started clapping against my belly, and my belly started slapping against his waist. His legs started shaking, my knees started giving out, and we did a slow bump and grind until we exploded together.

  “Damn, Mimi,” he whispered as I collapsed beside him and he snatched me up to spoon. The condom was still around his sex and was now overflowing onto my sheets. Neither of us seemed to mind. “You sure do know how to spoil a brother. You trying to make me fall in love, I see.”

  “Just the opposite,” I said. “I’m trying to make you fall out of love. By the way, Taylor called.” He stiffened a little when I mentioned her name and removed his arm from around my body.

  “What did she say?”

  “What does she always say? I guess she’ll have half an ounce waiting for you when you get home,” I said this to his back as he was already standing and making his way to the bathroom.

  Thirty minutes later, I was in the shower with tears streaming down my face. I wasn’t sure why I was crying. I just knew I felt hurt. Parish left after brushing his lips against my forehead and muttering something about me always being his bottom bitch. If he meant it as a compliment, the flattery went completely over my head. One thing about the sentiment was correct, though—I was definitely at the bottom. I was last to everything important in his life. I know it’s my own fault. People will only do to you what you allow them to do, and I allowed myself to be everybody’s other woman. Before it seemed like it was enough, but something about my last two encounters with Keith had me wanting more. Something meaningful. Something real. Not this playschool bull- shit I’ve become so accustomed to.

  I spent the day and the rest of the week avoiding Parish, Keith and all my other BFFs at all costs. I declined lunch dates, dinner invitations, after-work happy hours, and any and every idea they could come up with to get me to spread my legs and satisfy their sexual cravings.

  By the time Friday rolled around, I was exhausted, so I made a beeline to my truck and burned rubber ’til I hit my driveway. I stepped out and stopped dead in my tracks.

  “So I have to play stalker to get you to talk to me, Mimi? Is that it?” He walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. “What’s wrong with you? Why have you been avoiding me?”

  “Keith, you’re crazy. I haven’t been avoiding you,” I replied, removing his hands from my shoulders and walking toward my door.

  “Well, if you haven’t been avoiding me, I guess you won’t mind if I come in and rap a taste.”

  “Rap a taste about what, Keith?” I asked with a bit more attitude than I would’ve liked. “It’s Friday. I’m tired, and all I want to do is sit on my ass and eat something.”

  “Funny, that’s exactly how I wanted to spend my Friday night.” He smiled that delectable smile of his and I opened my door and my legs with no further argument.

  Keith was down on his knees in front of my sofa with his head in my lap and his tongue buried in my wetness. He licked the full length of my inner lips and flicked the tip of his tongue heartily against my clit. He had three fingers inside me while balancing my thick thigh on his shoulder. With his free hand, he massaged my hulking nipples until they were rock-hard and as erect as I’d imagined his manhood to be. He gave my ass oral pleasure as his tongue went in and out of that tight hole with accuracy. I moaned all kinds of filthy things because it felt too good for him to stop. I needed him as hot as he had me so he would fuck me like the bad girl I was.

  He must have read my mind. He kissed my muffin top while pulling me down to the edge of the sofa. He leaned up off his knees just enough to insert that thick joystick into my warmth and make my body quiver from the impact. My right leg was wrapped around his waist, my left leg was draped over his shoulder, and he was on top pounding me out like a porn star. I had to kick him off of me after a while because I couldn’
t take it anymore. My breasts were smothering me, and the added pressure of him on all of this had me straining to catch my breath. I don’t know about you, but passing out from a loss of oxygen does not make a sexy scene. I quickly regained my composure and took a seat atop his lap. I loved how I seemed to fit him like a glove; his frame was husky enough to complement my own. Unlike Parish, I didn’t feel like a fat girl when I was with Keith. He made me feel sexy, unreserved and comfortable enough to let the thick freaky chick that lives inside of me out. And right now Sheba was working him, too. She was holding onto the sofa’s back and making good use of the springs as she rode him into a toe-curling, nipple-biting, ass-smacking, you-are-fucking-the-shit-out-of-me outburst. Followed by a you-thick-sexy-bitch climax.

  I collapsed beside him, but Keith was no fool. He knew he had reached his destination, but I was still on the highway. Without a second wasted, he placed his face in the place once again and brought me to a satisfying orgasm of my own.

  “Damn, ma. They need to bottle this shit up. You taste so good,” he said, licking his lips and slurping up every drop as it escaped my center.

  I wanted to respond, but I was still in my ugly-face, don’t-touch-me mode.

  “Why you pushing me away, Mimi? You know I’m addicted to that shit now. Come here,” he said, trying to pry my legs open again.

  “Addicted, huh,” I asked mockingly. “That’s what your mouth says.”

  “Nah, baby, that’s what my heart says,” he said, as he rose and walked into the kitchen. “You want something out of here, baby?”

  “Ummmmm-hmmmm,” I moaned throatily.

  “Yeah? What you want, ma,” he asked, standing in the doorway looking like a plate of macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, collard greens, mashed potatoes, gravy and Martin’s not-my-mama’s-biscuits.

  “If you have to ask, then I’ve been doing something wrong.”

  He gulped down the glass of water he was holding and walked back over to the couch. “Nah, Mimi. That’s the problem. You doing everything right.”


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