Cougar Cocktales

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Cougar Cocktales Page 4

by N'Tyse

  Once they released their members from their respective holes, we all fell back on the bed spent, satisfied and confused.

  “So what now?” Keith asked, still trying to catch his breath.

  “Now, I take a shower,” I said, climbing down off the bed. “You both have the option of following suit once I get out and then I’m going to bed…alone. As for the two of you, you will be going home to your women.”

  “You know damn well that’s not what he meant, Mimi,” Parish chimed in.

  “All I know is that I can’t do this right now with you two. So play nice while I’m gone.” I hurried into the bathroom and clicked the lock. I leaned against the closed door and looked up to the ceiling. I heard Parish mumbling something inaudible and it sounded like he was snatching up his clothes. As I turned on the shower water, I heard my front door slam shut. When I finally emerged from my sanctum, Keith was lying back on my pillows watching the basketball game.

  “One down, one to go,” I said, crossing over to my vanity and applying generous amounts of lotion to my skin. Anything not to have to face Keith and talk about what had just transpired.

  “Didn’t I tell your ass that I ain’t going nowhere,” he asked, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed and sitting up. Now standing, he continued. “I’m going to take a nice, hot shower, then I’m coming out here to have a peaceful sleep spooning with the woman I love.” He was walking toward the bathroom, but stopped short once he let those last words roll off his tongue. He looked down, shook his head, smiled and then continued on—leaving me sitting at my vanity sore, satisfied and speechless.


  I knew there was going to be a hefty price for Keith to pay since he didn’t leave for home until Sunday afternoon. When he didn’t show up for work two days in a row, I began to worry. It wasn’t until Wednesday morning that I decided to finally listen to the voicemail message Phyllis left for me on Sunday night.

  “I give up, Mimi. I don’t know what the fuck Keith is up to, but I’m through. He’s been distant and funny acting for the last few weeks and I’m just fed up. He won’t kiss me, he won’t touch me, let alone talk to me, and I’ve had enough. He stayed out all night last night and I was going to call you, but by the way he’s been acting, I knew he wasn’t over there. By the time he came home, I had his things packed and waiting for him by the front door. The funny thing is that he seemed happy to grab his shit and go. I don’t know if I did the right thing, Mimi, but I don’t know how to fix it…”

  She started crying at that point and I couldn’t make out the rest of the message. All I knew was now three days had passed and no one had heard anything from Keith. He was not only messing up his perfect attendance record at work, he was fucking with my sanity to boot. I was tempted to call him, but knowing I was partially to blame for him now being homeless, I thought better of it and just bided my time. If he wanted to talk, he’d surface.

  By Thursday morning, I could no longer take it. I needed to know where Keith was and if he was all right. Besides, this temp they sent in to replace him was getting on my last nerve. Instead of her assisting me, she was prancing around the office in inappropriate outfits that were two sizes too small. Since the majority of the office was made up of men, I seemed to be the only one who found issue with it, but I didn’t give a damn. She couldn’t type, she got a third of my messages incorrect, and she was late every single day. I’d had enough.

  I went to pick up my phone and Parish was already on the line.

  “Hello? Mimi?”

  “Hey you. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been fine, but you’ve been unreachable. Why haven’t you been returning any of my calls or texts? I know you got my messages.” He sounded upset, but I couldn’t really let that affect me right now. I was on a whole other mission.

  “I’m sorry, Parish. This is not a good time. I was just about to make an important phone call and…”

  “So I’m not important? My feelings don’t matter? I’m irrelevant all of a sudden?”

  “Parish, where is all this coming from? Don’t you have a fiancée? Why are you bugging out?”

  “Oh, so now I’m the one who’s bugging? I just got finished sharing my sidepiece with her sidepiece and we can’t even hang out anymore? What happened to the Mimi I used to know?”

  “Parish, let me call you later.” I hung up before he could even respond.

  It’s like he and Keith had gone crazy overnight. One minute they were sneaking out on their women with me, and next thing you know, they’re acting like they’re sneaking out on me with their women. It was all a little much and it made me rethink my call to Keith. I had just hung up the phone when a brief knock at the door revealed the smile I was longing to see.

  “May I come in?” Keith asked in that baritone voice that sent chills down my spine.

  I nodded and he stepped inside. He dropped in the chair directly in front of my desk. He was suited up, smelling good and looking delicious. I kept my mouth closed and let him take the lead. I didn’t want him to know I knew what was going on, unless he felt the need to tell me.

  “Sorry I’ve been out so many days. I was feeling a little under the weather.”

  “No problem,” I said. “They brought in a temp and she’s been…”

  “A fucking nightmare,” he interrupted and started laughing loudly. “Just by the hodgepodge of bullshit she left on my desk, I already know she was absolutely no help to you. I did enjoy her outfit, though.”

  “Yeah, you would,” I said, laughing with him. “She was the worst.”

  “Well, I’m back now…better than ever. Looking forward to getting caught up and making us some money.”

  “Now that’s the kind of assistance I’ve been missing. I have these seven files here that need some order, so I’m glad you’re back and raring to go.”

  I handed him the files as he stood to leave. He walked over to the door, opened it, closed it and then returned to the chair in front of my desk. He looked me square in the eyes.

  “I want to be totally honest with you, Mimi.”

  “Okay,” is all I said. I waited for him to continue.

  “Phyllis put me out and I’ve been staying at the Regency the last few nights.”

  There it was; everything was out in the open without me even having to ask.

  “I know that must be hard on you, because there’s no place like home,” I said.

  “I guess not, but I’ve spent the last few days looking for a place,” he continued. “Thanks to you, I was able to put down the required deposit, pick up my keys and move into my new spot last night.”

  “Thanks to me? What do I have to do with all this?”

  “Your internship program. You mentored us on financial stability and investing. I’ve been able to grow an impressive portfolio over the last five years. So, I thank you.”

  “Well, you’re welcome and I’m happy for you,” I said rather impressed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s going to take a little getting used to, but it’s the right thing for me right now. Phyllis and I were done and if she didn’t kick me out, I would have dragged my feet leaving. It all worked out for the best. Now I just have to parlay these seven files into a big-ass bonus for your boy.” He smiled radiantly and then just stared at me.

  “Well, if you’re sure you’re okay, then get to work. We have a lot to catch up on, and three of those puppies are due tomorrow. So, make it happen.”

  “Looks like I came back just in the nick of time.”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  “Who knows, we may have to wind up pulling an all-nighter.” He smiled again.

  “If you get to work now, we may be finished by quitting time,” I countered.

  “Yeah, I know, but maybe I’m looking forward to an all-nighter.” He winked at me and made his way out of my office.

  I sat smiling at the closed door. When did I let this young one dazzle me out o
f my drawers and into a full-blown love affair? Keith being on his own was trouble. I had to put my life into perspective quickly, or I’d be heading for heartbreak.


  The weekend couldn’t get here quick enough. Keith was excited about having his own place and invited me over for dinner Saturday night. I turned down Parish too many times to count, and he was now feeling some type of way. Of all my BFFs, he was the only one who wouldn’t take the hint. Everyone else stopped calling and texting; most probably erased my info from their phones. A few unfriended me on Facebook; I guess they did whatever it took to work me out of their system. Parish was different. He was determined, and he was starting to frighten me.

  I finished wriggling my thick frame into my outfit, and sprayed my body with some smell right. I clicked off the TV, grabbed my purse and made my way to the front door. When I got in my car, I felt funny—like I was being watched or something. I looked around me, but didn’t see anyone or anything. I pulled out of my driveway and made my way over to the address Keith had given me. I stepped out of the car and again got that eerie feeling. I quickly shook it off and walked over to the door, knocking heartily. Keith opened it in record time and grabbed me up in a crushing bear hug.

  He ushered me in and gave me a quick tour of his scantily furnished bachelor pad. It was cute and cozy. In the corner of the living room was a small dinette set with two place settings, a bottle of wine chilling in an ice bucket and candles lit for ambiance. I smiled as he pulled out my chair and poured me a glass of wine.

  “Are you impressed?” he asked, grinning like a big kid.

  “As a matter of fact, I am,” I said. “Whatever you made smells great.”

  “Thank you.” He disappeared into the kitchen and returned holding two large dishes, one of penne alla vodka and the other of stuffed chicken breasts.

  “Where’d you order this from?”

  “Very funny. This is all from Keith’s Culinary Kitchen. There’s a whole lot about the kid you don’t know. I’m actually a pretty good cook.”


  “Yup,” he said, filling our plates and then taking a seat across from me. “I grew up a latch-key kid, so it was cook or starve. My mom worked nights so I had no choice. Trial and error turned me into a whiz in the kitchen.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” I said, picking up a forkful of food and shoveling it in. “Mmmmmmmmm. This is really delicious.”

  “I’m glad you like.”

  “Hell, I love it. This tastes amazing. I can’t believe you really cooked it. What other tricks do you have up your sleeves?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  He smiled, I smiled and we made small talk for the rest of the meal. Once our bellies were full and the wine was starting to take effect, we made our way to the bedroom and got comfortable.

  “I’m really glad you came,” he whispered into my ear as we lay spooning on the bed, listening to love songs.

  “I’m glad I came, too. I’m having a great time tonight, Keith.”

  “I am, too. Lean up for a minute,” he said, pushing me off him gently so he could get up. He walked over, cracked the window and lifted the blinds. “It gets a little stuffy in here sometimes,” he said, lying back down and folding his body into mine once again.

  “Do you have any regrets?” I asked, trying to figure out if the Phyllis situation was really over, or would he be going back and forth with it for months and years to come.

  “Any regrets like what?” Keith asked, skirting the issue and forcing me to come out and ask him what I really wanted to know.

  “Any regrets about the way things ended with you and Phyllis. Are you okay with it all?”

  He sighed. There was a long pause before he began to speak. “I’m not going to lie to you. Phyllis and I had a long conversation last night and we came to the conclusion that…” He paused for effect, and my heart skipped a beat. “That we made the right decision . . . There is no turning back.” He began kissing the back of my neck.

  “You sure about that? The two of you were together for a long time, and…”

  “And time is all we had. We were holding on for all the wrong reasons. Young, bullheaded and determined to prove all the naysayers wrong. In the end, we had to cut our losses and move on. She was tired of my shit and I wasn’t happy with hers, either.”

  “I see. So, what are your plans now?”

  “Well, right now I plan to ravage this sexy beast that found her way into my bed.”

  He kissed me passionately and began removing my clothes. I undressed him, too, and was happy to spread my legs as he kissed my inner thighs and went to work on my love box. I arched my back and thrust my hips into him. His tongue was causing me all kinds of pleasure and just as I was on the verge of coming, I sat up to watch his oral attack. When I did, I almost jumped out of my skin. There was a figure standing in the window staring at us. He moved as soon as our eyes locked. I pushed Keith off of me and ran over to the window, but when I looked out, there was no one in sight. I don’t know where he went so quickly, but I know what I saw. Parish was watching us with pure hatred in his eyes.

  “You all right?” Keith asked, pulling me back over to the bed. “You’re shaking.”

  “Parish was just at the window,” I said.

  Keith walked over to the window and looked out as well. He didn’t see anything, either. “He was just outside this window?”

  “Yes. He was…watching us.”

  “Watching us? For what?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Is there more to the two of you than you’re letting on, Mimi?”

  “No, Keith. He’s engaged, for Christ’s sake. He’s been getting a little bit more possessive over the last month or so, but I just chalked it up to him being jealous. After that little encounter with the three of us last weekend, he’s been relentless with the calls and texts every hour on the hour. I just don’t get it.”

  “I do,” Keith said, placing himself between my legs. “He’s just as sprung off this good shit as I am.”

  I got lost in Keith’s embrace. His hands were kneading my excess flesh, making me feel beautiful and wanted. He kissed me passionately and inserted himself inside me. Parish was quickly forgotten as I moaned out in pure pleasure as Keith did a slow stroke in and out, loosening my tight walls and filling me completely. I grabbed my own thighs and brought them up to my chest, giving him better access so he could go as deep as he pleased.

  “Damn, Mimi, this shit feels so fucking good.”

  “Mmm-hmm. Yes, baby. It does. Just like that, baby. Just like that…”

  He pressed my thighs into my chest and while on his knees continued to pump vigorously inside me.

  “Like this,” he asked, stroking me lovingly. “You like it like this?”

  “Yes, baby. Oh God…you gonna make me cum…”

  I moaned and thrashed about. My head was spinning like The Exorcist. Keith was hitting my spot and just as I exploded, he grabbed me tightly and started bucking violently. He didn’t even have a chance to pull out before the “bong-bong” filled the room.

  “I know better,” I said, reluctantly pulling away from Keith and retrieving my phone. I pressed the text envelope open and lo and behold, Parish had something to get off his chest.

  “What is it?” Keith asked, standing and walking over to me.

  “It’s Parish.”

  “What does he have to say?”

  I opened the message envelope and read aloud.

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you’re not going to get rid of me this easily. It’s either him and me, or just me, but I ain’t about to sit back and watch the two of you live happily ever after. You decide. The choice is yours.”

  I was speechless, but Keith wasn’t. He was furious. He started pacing and yelling.

  “What the fuck is Parish smoking, Yo? He really thinks you are going to settle for being second best for the rest of your life? I k
now your worth. You are my number one. And if he thinks I’m going to give you up without a fight, then he better think again.”

  “Keith, calm down. Parish is all talk. He’s not going to do anything crazy.”

  “Nah, man, he practically threatened us. Your boy done lost it, and I’m not about to play that shit down like he ain’t serious. I swear, if anything were to happen to you, Mimi…”

  I was so touched by Keith’s sincerity. As he talked the veins throbbing in his forearms and forehead were turning me on. I pushed him back on the bed and put my mouth on his sex. I worked my jaws and jerked him off to the rhythm of my heartbeat. I loved the way he tasted, and the freaky shit he mumbled made me go even harder. When he could take it no longer, he flipped me over and entered me from behind. Pressing his hand into my lower back and spreading my ass cheeks apart, he deep dug me until both of our toes were curling and we sang out together in sweet release. Sleep came easily after that. Threat or no threat, great sex is the perfect lullaby.


  Keith and I were falling into a pretty steady rhythm. We worked together, played together, ate together, slept together at his place or mine, and we soon became inseparable. I stopped harping on our age difference and began appreciating the mature young man I had in my life. Keith doted on me. When he said that I was his number one, he meant it. My every wish was his command and he never let me forget it. We were three months strong and growing.

  Parish had eased up on the phone calls and text messages and everything seemed right with the world, until I arrived home to find him sitting on my front porch one Wednesday evening.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Wow,” he said. “No hello? No long time no see? No I miss you? Just what are you doing here? Where they do that at, Mimi?”


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