Cougar Cocktales

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Cougar Cocktales Page 14

by N'Tyse


  “Hold on, Jerome. I need my purse.” Sage stopped me and I looked at her like she was crazy. She spent the last three months chasing me and now that I have her in my bed, ready to push my dick in, she asking for her purse.

  “Your purse, Sage…right now? What’s so important that you need your purse right now?” I didn’t want my dick to go down. I had just put the condom on and I didn’t want to waste it.

  “Just get my purse, niggah!” she spat. She had a big ass to go along with her big-ass mouth and I didn’t want to hear her shit so I got up and got her purse from the dresser. I tossed it to her and stroked my dick in my hand while she fished around in it. She came out with a little black case.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  “Brian, meet Jerome. Jerome, meet Brian,” she said, switching it on. It was a little vibrator and I was down with that. I climbed back on top of her and pushed her legs open to slide in, but she stopped me again.

  “Hold on, baby, hold on,” she said. She put her toy in place and closed her eyes. “Now,” she whispered, and I finally pushed inside. I was stroking her and it was feeling good since I hadn’t had any in six months. I looked down at her and she was gorgeous, I’ll admit, so I leaned in to kiss her. She just kept giving me little pecks. I tried to push my tongue in her mouth and she gave me a crazy reaction. “Un-uh, I don’t kiss, boo boo. That ain’t my thing,” she hissed. I tried not to let her throw my rhythm off.

  “Is it good?” I asked since her eyes were closed and she seemed to be enjoying Brian more than me.

  “Yes and my pussy is about to explode,” she panted. I felt her orgasm. Her pussy got even wetter and my dick got harder. I went up and grabbed her thighs and began to pound her right, but she lay there lifeless. I was trippin’. I pumped faster and harder trying to burst one to be done, but it’s like my dick wasn’t satisfied enough to shoot. Faster and harder, I pushed and pulled and all I did was produce more sweat. I slowed and stopped, then slid out. She turned onto her side. I went to the bathroom and pulled off the rubber and flushed it. I headed to the kitchen, hit a couple shots of Hennessy, and when I went back into my bedroom, she was up examining the pictures of Madison.

  “I thought you and this old broad broke up months ago?”

  “Yes, Madison and I broke up a while back,” I said, picking up my shorts and stepping into them. I ignored her ignorant-ass comment.

  “So why do you still have so many pictures around of her?”

  “Because this is my fucking house, Sage, and I can,” I spat.

  “Hold on, niggah, bring that shit down…I was just askin’,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “Whatever, Sage. Are you staying or going?”

  “I want to stay,” she said softly. I fell back onto the bed. She came and sat down.

  “Listen, J.T. I’ve been feelin’ you for a while now and I would like to have a chance with you, but if you’re not over your thing with Madison, I understand. I won’t bring her up or say anything else about her. I just want to try and help you to move on.”

  “I’m over Madison, Sage. But to keep the peace, keep your comments about her to yourself, and honestly, I’d rather not discuss her,” I said. She slid down into bed with me. She pushed her ass against me and my dick began to swell again. I wanted some more. I went underneath her tank and started to squeeze her tits and pinch her nipples. She grinded her ass against me. I pushed my shorts down underneath my erection and got another condom. I rolled it on and we stayed on our sides. She lifted her right leg to give me access and I pushed my way inside of her. She was still wet from the round we had minutes before. I was pumping my pole deep inside of her fat pussy, enjoying her, and then I heard that damn vibrator. I didn’t say anything, only concentrated on getting my nut. I didn’t care if she was moaning in response to my dick stroking or from Brian vibrating on her clit. I was only interested in a release. I was backed up and even though Sage’s pussy was good, I didn’t shoot hot shit until after I closed my eyes and imagined I was lying behind Madison, softly stroking her tight pussy.

  I finally exploded and had to catch the words, “oh Madison,” from spilling out of my mouth. I exhaled several deep breaths, happy to have had that nut, but unhappy about who it was with.

  I foolishly continued to be with Sage for another two months. It was the second week of November, my twenty-fifth birthday was coming up and I wondered what Madison had done for her forty-fifth. Her birthday was November 2nd, twenty days before mine. I called to wish her a happy birthday, but of course she didn’t answer. I didn’t say all I wanted to say, just said, “I remembered today was your birthday and I hope it’s a great day for you. Happy Birthday.” I wanted to say, “Happy birthday, baby. I love and miss you so much.” I decided to move on with my life and to keep Madison in my memory bank. I secretly wished her well.


  I hurried and answered my phone when I saw Maxine’s name light up. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. I thought something had happened to Jerome. That would be the only reason for her calling me after all this time.

  “Hello,” I answered nervously.

  “Hey, Madison. How are you doing, girl?” Maxine sang into the phone. I began to breathe again. No way was he hurt with that tone.

  “I’m fine, Maxine, how are you? It’s been a long time,” I said, flopping down on my bed in relief.

  “It has been and I am glad you answered my call.”

  “Well, to be honest, Maxine, my heart stopped beating when I saw your name. I thought something had happened to Jerome and I just froze. I was scared to death,” I honestly admitted.

  “Well, that sounds like someone that still cares to me.”

  “I do, Maxine, you know how much I loved Jerome, but you also know that was destined to fail.”

  “Loved. Do I hear past tense?”

  “Love, loved, loves…what difference does it make? We are done,” I said, pausing. “So what’s up? What do I owe this honor?”

  “Well, I called for two things. First, I called to tell you that I respect your decision to leave J.T. and I know your reasons were honorable and great, but I think that you were premature and a bit selfish.”

  I had to set her straight immediately. “Selfish, Maxine? Leaving him was the most selfless thing I’ve ever done for anyone in my life. I sacrificed all the love I have for him, for him to be happy.”

  “Is that what you really think, Madison?”

  I was getting angry. “Yes, Maxine. That is exactly what I think!” I snapped.

  “Okay, Madison, here we go. And you betta not hang up this damn phone!” Maxine barked. Even though she was all the way in Chicago, she scared me. “I understand your intentions, Madison, and I know you meant well, but love and sacrifice in my book is sticking your neck out and facing all obstacles head-on. You are so right; the age gap between you and J.T. is huge, but my son is a good man—young, but a good one. He is responsible, intelligent, and is not a bad decision-maker. He loved you and instead of you giving him the choice to make, you made it for him. That was selfish and unfair. Just because we are older, it doesn’t always make us wiser. If you loved him enough to walk away, you should have loved him even more to stick it out with him through it all. Madison, the future is so hard to call, and all things are unforeseen, so you treated my son unfairly and you hurt him to the core. Although I respect your decision, I don’t agree with it.”

  I hadn’t stopped to see it that way. I was speechless because she was right. I’d spent so much time trying to convince him that he was all the man I needed, but treated him like a child by doing what I thought was best for him. I felt ashamed and sorry.

  “Maxine, you are right and I’m so sorry I did that to him. He must hate me now,” I said, letting the tears fall.

  “Well, Madison, that I can’t confirm. You’d have to ask him that.”

  “I don’t know if I could even face him, Maxine. The day I left, it was so horrible, and every t
ime I play that scene in my mind, I break down and cry.”

  “Do you still love J.T.?”

  I couldn’t lie. “Maxine, you know I do. I cannot let him go, no matter how hard I’ve tried. I think of him every moment of the day.”

  “Well, the second thing I called for was to invite you to his twenty-fifth. I am throwing him a party and I’d like for you to come, if you can make it. His dad and I are willing to pay for the ticket,” she generously offered. “I know it would be the best birthday gift we could give to him. Once you see him, just talk to him, Madison, and see how he feels.”

  “When is it?” I asked.

  “Not this Saturday but the following.”

  “I’ll come,” I agreed, hoping it was the right choice. “And I can handle my ticket, Maxine,” I assured her. We went over a couple more details and afterward, I called my daughter. She had become my best friend since the breakup. When she said I should go and give it a try, I was convinced it was the right thing to do. I didn’t know what would happen when I saw Jerome, or how he’d react, but I wanted to see him.

  • • •

  I got to Chicago the day before the party and I called Maxine to let her know I was in town. I promised her that I’d be there and she finally let me off the phone with my tenth, “I promise.” I decided to shop and find me something sexy to wear and when I was about to leave, the bell of my suite rang. I almost leaped out of my skin when I opened the door to a beautiful surprise.

  “Amber, baby, you didn’t tell me you were coming into town.”

  “I wanted to surprise you. I thought you needed some moral support,” she said. I squeezed her tight. I was so happy to see my baby girl. It had been a few months since she’d come out to Arizona to spend time with me when I was at my lowest. She lived in Vegas with her husband and we tried to see each other often, but occasionally time didn’t allow.

  “I’m surprised. I was on my way out to look for something to wear to the party tomorrow. I mean, I want to be sexy.” I winked.

  “Well, come on. Let’s go find you a dress that’s going to make him come crawling back to you,” she said. We went out and shopped until I found the perfect dress and shoes. Afterward, we had dinner.

  The next evening my daughter and I were dressed to kill. When the car arrived to pick us up, I had jitters the entire ride.

  “Mom, relax. You are beautiful and if Jerome loved you like you said he did back then, things are going to be perfect,” she said, taking my hand.

  “Are you sure, Amber? Baby, I hurt that man and I’m so afraid he’s going to spit in my face.” Amber laughed.

  “Mom, stop being so dramatic.” I trusted her. Perhaps I was overreacting a bit. When we pulled up, I called Maxine and told her I was there. She told me to come in. When we walked in, it was crowded. Maxine greeted me.

  “Oh my, Madison, you are just as beautiful as I remembered. J.T. will be here soon, so have a seat and have a drink.”

  “Okay, Maxine…this is my daughter, Amber,” I introduced.

  “Hey, Amber, you look just like your mother. Both of you are gorgeous,” she complimented.

  We quickly found a table in the reserved section. I was a ball of nerves and I downed two glasses of wine before he finally walked in. I blinked several times, because Maxine didn’t tell me he was involved with that Sage girl. I got up and hurried over to her.

  “Maxine, why didn’t you tell me about her?” I said in a panic.

  “Her who?” she asked.

  “The girl on your son’s damn arm!”

  “Because I don’t know who her is,” she said. I believed her. She rushed over to J.T. and they exchanged hugs. I watched him introduce Sage to his mom. Why did I bring my ass all the way to Chicago, not considering the possibility that he could be with someone else? I rushed over to Amber.

  “Amber, we have to go,” I said, shaking.

  “Mom, what’s wrong?” she asked concerned, but not getting up fast enough.

  “He’s not alone, Amber,” I said, giving a point. She looked over in his direction.

  “Mom, you are not going to run out of here because of her, are you?” I looked at her like she had lost her mind.

  “What do you mean? I’m supposed to be like ‘hey,’ in front of his girlfriend?”

  “Hell yeah…Momma, trust me. She ain’t got shit on you,” Amber said. I had never heard that language come out of her mouth before. I shot her a look. “I’m sorry, Momma, but you came from another state, so put your ‘S’ on your chest and go speak to the birthday boy. Don’t worry, Momma, I got ya back.” She winked. I was terrified. How was I going to compete with this young beauty? I straightened my dress and headed in his direction. After a few people were done talking to him, I approached.

  “Madison,” he said with eyes bigger than saucers. I knew he was shocked.

  “Hi, Jerome. Happy Birthday,” I said. He just stared like I was a ghost. He was about to take a step forward in my direction—I too in his, but Sage quickly reappeared and grabbed his arm.

  “Baby, you gotta come see your cake,” she said, and then she looked at who he was staring at—me.

  “Madison,” she said with a frown on her face. The disappointing look that I thought I’d get.

  “Hi,” I said to her.

  “Can we have a minute?” Jerome said.

  Sage snapped.

  “HELL NO!” she yelled.

  “SAGE!” he yelled on her level. She looked at me and gave me an up-and-down and moved on.

  “I’m sorry to just show up,” I said nervously.

  “You should be,” he snapped. “I mean…what are you doing here?” he asked, and now I knew he was not happy to see me.

  “Your mom invited me,” I answered nervously.

  “Well, I’m uninviting you. You need to leave!” he barked.

  “I understand you’re with Sage now, Jerome. I didn’t come here to make waves.”

  “Well, what did you come for, huh? To take another stab at my heart!” he yelled with venom. It was time to make my exit.

  “You know what, this was a bad idea. I’m sorry. I’ll go. Just let me get my daughter and we will leave.” I turned to walk away, but he stopped me.

  “Wait, Madison, your daughter…you brought your daughter with you?”

  “Well, she met me here. I wanted you to meet her, but I see it’s not a good time,” I said. His demeanor changed.

  “I’d like to meet Amber. You talked about her so much, I’d like to meet her,” he said. I nodded and he followed me over to our table.

  “Jerome, this is my daughter, Amber. Amber, this is Jerome,” I introduced. When she stood to shake his hand, he hugged her.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you. Your mom spoke so highly of you. You are just as beautiful as your mom described. Like a carbon copy of your mom,” he added. Amber smiled.

  “Well, I’ve heard a lot about you and I’m happy that my mom put on her big-girl shoes and came.”

  “Yeah, it was a shock to see her. It was nice meeting you. Take care of your mom. She’s a great woman,” he said, moving away quickly.

  “Okay, Mom, what just happened?” she asked.

  “He wasn’t happy to see me, Amber, and he asked me to leave.”

  “Oh no he didn’t!” she said ready to go after him. I grabbed her.

  “No Amber, it’s okay, baby. I did this and I understand how he feels. It was wrong for me to show up here, so let’s just go. I’ve had enough for one night,” I said. My eyes welled and she took my hand.

  “Okay, Mom, but don’t let a tear fall. Straighten up and go say goodbye to Maxine. Walk out the same confident and beautiful woman you walked in as,” Amber advised. I dabbed the corner of my eyes with a napkin and went and did just that. Maxine apologized over and over again and I assured her that it was fine. After that, we left.


  “Ma, why?” I asked as soon as I got her attention.

  “J.T., you know why and if you don’t
, baby, I’m too damn busy to explain it right now. Annndddd!” my mother said, putting the bowl of potato salad down. “If you ever loved that woman, or if you still do, this is your last chance to make it right. So you better be the man I know you are and make the right choice,” she scolded, and then turned to fuss at her girlfriend Carmen for not placing the trays of food on the table right.

  I turned to find Madison and of course she was already gone. I then had to deal with Sage, and Lord knows I didn’t want to. I decided to wait until after my party and give her the news once we got back to my place. I didn’t want her to ruin my party or for my family to drop a beat down on her. I pretended that all was well, but all I could think of was Madison. I was so eager for the party to be over and to have the talk with Sage I didn’t know what to do. I tried to go easy on the liquor, even though it was my birthday, because I wanted to be in my right mind when I broke up with Sage and went to Madison. I had so many emotions going on inside of me at once and I couldn’t think straight. I wanted to strangle Madison; at the same time I wanted to hold her. I wanted to cuss and fuss as well as hear her out. I wanted to tell her she was too late, and then tell her she wasn’t. I didn’t know what to feel and as I silently rode home with Sage, I knew she knew.

  “So are we going to play this game or are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on in that head of yours?” she spat with that ghetto-ass look on her face that I hated so much.

  “Sage, I have a lot going on in my head right now, so please just let me have this moment to sort some shit out in my mind,” I said as calmly as I could. Arguing—wasn’t in the mood. Fighting—not this night. I wasn’t for it. Sage and I had a crazy relationship and it was truly dysfunctional. I put up with her because she was there. I didn’t need her to be there, but she made herself available for me to screw and have a hot bitch on my arm when we were out.

  “Yea, whatever, niggah. You got the wrong bitch and I ain’t stupid. You can take all the time you need, niggah; just drop me off at my place. I’m not gonna let you dump me for some old tired BITCH!” she yelled to the top of her ghetto-ass lungs.


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