First of my Kind

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First of my Kind Page 12

by Stevens, Marc

  I walked around the slick white walls that climbed to the ceiling forming a perfect dome. The command deck suddenly darkened and the dome filled with stars. Then like the zoom focus of one of my riflescopes, the Earth, then the moon zoomed into focus and got larger until it filled the room. It was so breathtaking I sat in the command chair and stared at the Earth surrounded by billions of stars. Then like changing channels, star system after star system came and went from view. I was awe struck; I knew then and there Justice had me. The bright future my grandparents told me about when I was young, was out there among the stars.

  I awoke sitting in the command chair and realized I must have been more tired than I thought.

  “Justice, is our friend still in the cargo bay airlock?

  “No Nathan, I opened the exterior hatch soon after your completion of cargo loading operations. The bear has taken refuge in the former artifact storage area. I have good news Nathan. The preparation of Sora’s remains for transportation back to his Grawl brethren has revealed the device Sora used to locate the artifact cache. He stored it in his cloaking suit and I am currently giving it careful study."

  I frowned and questioned the validity of it being good news or not. “How is that going to help us recover your missing systems?”

  “Nathan, if I am able to unlock the capabilities of Sora’s device, it could lead us to the locations of legally obtainable artifacts. The covert nature of intrusions made by the Grawl into protected star systems gives credence to the theory that many artifacts are considered priceless."

  It was dawning on me after hearing about all of the questionable exploits committed by the Grawl; they were a greedy deceitful race by nature. “So you think if we were to find the right types of artifacts, we might be able to trade for your missing systems?”

  “I believe that assumption to be correct and might result in recovering my processing cores with less difficulty than the subterfuge I had initially planned to use.”

  “I take it you still don’t know how the device works?”

  “Correct Nathan, there are no external actuators or input devices visible on the artifact. It appears to be a small solid block of light weight material that resists scanning techniques available aboard this vessel.”

  “Is there any information about the device in the Grawl research station records?”

  “No Nathan, I have given the subject very careful analysis and have devoted a considerable amount of processing time to the large number of likely scenarios that have presented themselves. I have determined with a seventy nine percent probability of an accurate outcome, the device was known only to Sora. I believe he recovered the device in an artifact cache and somehow used the device to achieve a high percentage of positive mission outcomes. I further hypothesize he kept the device hidden from his superiors so he would remain in command of this vessel. I presume Sora was making his handlers and himself extremely wealthy. I believe by doing so he was given free rein to explore the galaxy at his leisure. These pursuits are what most Grawl aspire to and I believe this is indeed the correct presumption.”

  “Without knowing how to make it work we will have to stick to your original plan. Are we ready to get underway?”

  “The ship is ready for atmospheric flight and a low altitude course has been plotted to just inside the Arctic Circle where we will start our ascent to low Earth orbit.”

  “Justice I have a plan for the elemental artifacts. Once we return to low altitude, I would like to fly along the Arctic coast of Alaska and survey some of the coastal deep water coves for storing the non-Earth elements. I have other ideas for the platinum and artifact 699.

  “Acknowledged Nathan”

  “Execute flight operations!”

  I was not sure what to expect and sat down in the command chair. I subconsciously gripped the arms of the chair needlessly anticipating a gut wrenching ride. My experiences flying in the puker would not be easily allayed. The surrounding dome flashed to the landscape of Alaska and my eyes opened to the size of quarters as the landscape leaped forward at such velocity the only clear point of my visual focus was the horizon. I had no sense of motion but the vertigo induced by the high definition surround screen had my stomach feeling like constant free fall. With a thought, the screen went white.

  “Nathan, it will be necessary to slow forward velocity. The accumulation of environmental debris is causing the outer hull to emit visual spectrum high temperature luminosity from atmospheric friction.”

  I accessed the display and witnessed a view from the outer hull. There was a bluish orange glow rolling over the ship and as I reversed my view, I noticed a short comet tail of sparks and flame.

  “I agree we are going way to fast, lets slow it down. If we start our ascent at this speed we’re going to have the UFO whacks lighting up the switchboards on the whole northern hemisphere.”

  The trailing view of the ship was only leaving a fine vapor of smoke now and while our forward velocity was considerable it was much easier to look at. I settled in the command chair as Justice said we were starting our ascent, the Earth fell away, and stars filled the screen with a view most people only dream of seeing.

  “Nathan, I have surveyed several unoccupied deep water coves along the northern coast that should narrow your search for a suitable storage site for the artifacts. I have factored our time constraints. I have calculated best course and time of travel to our destination”.

  “Justice, let’s just choose the farthest north location and we’ll dump them over the side. It looks like they are sealed so I don’t think they will pollute the environment. Then let’s set a course that puts us in Seratook at two A.M. sharp.”

  “Nathan, the containment system on each billet has infinite duration storage capability. The billets themselves are inert and pose no threat of ecological or environmental contamination. New course and time estimations plotted for Seratook, ETA 2:00 A.M.”

  Our high velocity trip back to Earth and the sight of the globe going from a hazy gray to snow covered ground and trees in a matter of seconds, was a ride I would never forget. It managed to a get a rousing YEE HAA! Out of me that Justice confirmed with his own, “yea, fun.” Thinking of home had me feeling jittery with emotion and anticipation of what may happen when I came back from the dead.

  “Nathan, while at altitude I took scans of the surrounding continents. I have picked up extremely low power emissions from possible stationary search drones in the countries of Russia, China, and Brazil. The probabilities of this craft being detected are now 22% and the longer we maneuver with the gravity drive the greater the probability of detection.”

  “Justice, advance our time table up one hour. Hopefully it will decrease our exposure time till we shut down again. I can’t guarantee how long I’ll be in Seratook but I do plan for us to be gone before sunup.”

  “Affirmative Nathan, it will decrease detection by an additional 7%. I recommend loitering be kept to a minimum to limit exposure of family personnel to possible retaliatory actions when we make our presence known to the Grawl and they’re coconspirators.”

  From what I saw of Sora, the little alien did not strike me as being dangerous. “Justice, why do you think the Grawl will come after my family?”

  “Grawl are a scientific race and have demilitarized hundreds of years ago. They now shield themselves from military race incursions by hiding under the protective umbrella of the Union. It is common knowledge they are ruthless in pursuit of their goals and have no qualms about hiring mercenaries to further their agendas. There is a significant possibility of the Grawl scientist at the secret facility in star system 2456 along with their handlers being rogue elements of sanctioned operations. All races involved will be relentless in their efforts to cover up and sanitize any connections to this illegal operation.”

  It was a sobering to think I was making enemies and I had not even left the planet yet.

  We came to a hover over a remote cove on the north coast. We were about six feet over
the ocean and Justice gave me a depth reading of 160 feet. This would have to do.

  “Nathan, The hangar bay tow beam is now available for cargo removal operations.”

  “OK Justice, lock on these coordinates and dump them over the side.”

  I expected to see five billets go flying over the side of the ship and splash down in the ocean. Instead I saw them slowly descend and disappear into the gray rolling waves.


  The ship sat down at exactly 1:00 A.M. I could see light peeking out the door of Bill’s cabin. Other than dogs barking in town it was dead quiet. I ran up the hill to the front door and knocked four times before a light came on in the kitchen. I could hear someone coming and the anxiety I was feeling had me mildly shaking and tears in the corners of my eyes. Bill opened the door with a frown and said “Can I help you?”

  “Bill it’s me Nathan,” I stepped forward to embrace him but was met with a stiff-arm and Bill saying, “Hold on boy do you have any idea what time it is?”

  I quickly blurted out, “Bill it’s me Nathan Myers!”

  The severity on his face said he did not know me. He said in a stern voice, “I don’t know what kind of crap your trying to pull but it’s the middle of the night and I don’t think it’s funny! You better get your ass off my property and you better get moving now!”

  I knew I looked much different than I used to but could only hope they would recognize me. I caught a reflection of myself in the large china cabinet across the room. The massively built apparition staring back at me was not someone they would remember. My closely cropped hair and the strange uniform would have set off alarm bells no matter where I was. At one in the morning, I looked positively dangerous filling the doorway from jamb to jamb.

  I heard the loud click clack of a shotgun and saw Callie step around the corner and say, “It’s probably best if you go sleep it off somewhere else before you get yourself into trouble there’s no walking out of.” She casually brought the gun up and pointed it at my chest.

  The look of confusion on my shocked face and the tears welling up in my eyes made her point the gun at the floor and step closer. I could see a slow dawning in her eyes and her mouth start to fall open. Then Karl rounded the corner and started to say something. The look of shock on his face made him scream out “Nathan!”

  I could see it in Bills eyes now and he stepped back from me with a look of total confusion. The three of them stood there looking me up and down.

  Karl said in a very shaky voice, “Nathan what happened to you?”

  “I don’t think you would believe me if I told you, but I had to come back to let you know what happened to Will Wisener and Bonnie Jennings.”

  Bill said, “What do you mean by happened to Will, and what has this got to do with the Jennings girl?”

  “Can we go in and sit down and I’ll tell you what I can so you’ll be able to find the Helio.”

  We sat at the kitchen table and I told them the story of how I was stranded, and how Will left in the storm with Bonnie only to crash in the blizzard.

  Bill blurted out, “How in the hell would you know if they crashed if you were at the cabin?”

  He had a look of deep concern on his face and I knew they would have to know more. They were staring holes through me. I could still see doubt and distrust on Bill’s face. I told them how I tried to hike out and I was attacked by wolves and was not going to make it. The looks of disbelief were evident on their faces so I carried on.

  “I found something, no that’s not right either, I should say something found me and it saved my life and in the process of doing so it changed me. I swear to you what I am telling you, is the truth.”

  Karl looked me up and down. “Is that some kind of military uniform you’re wearing? That doesn’t look like anything I’ve ever seen before.”

  I gave him a halfhearted smile. “It’s because there are no uniforms like it, this is smart cloth.”

  Karl frowned at me. “What the hell is smart cloth?”

  I stood up and touched the neck and waist of my uniform and the top peeled away. The looks of shock on their faces left them speechless with their mouths hanging open.

  Karl finally found his tongue. “Holy shit Nathan, how the hell can it be possible to get muscles like that if you were stranded at Bonnie’s cabin? You’ve only been missing for about three months.”

  I knew where this was going and could think of no good way to avoid it. Bill and Callie just stared at me. They had not said a single word. I did not have it in me to lie to them. I remember my grandmother telling me when I was young the results of the truth were always better than the consequences of a lie.

  I looked Karl in the eyes, “It isn’t possible with the technology available on this planet.”

  That comment earned me looks of shock and confusion. I ran my hand up my chest from my waist and the smart cloth closed back around me earning me more looks of astonishment. I decided to let the chips hit the table.

  I sat back down at the table and looked at my adopted family until they joined me. It pained me when they chose to sit on the opposite side of the table.

  “I was in really bad shape after some wolves tried to chew one of my legs off. I managed to hurt a couple of them for the chewing they gave me but they definitely got the better end of the stick. My knee was half chewed through and I could barely walk. I lost a lot of blood and was in shock. I don’t think I would have made it another day. The wolves were tracking me hard and it was just a matter of time before they managed to settle the score between us.” The look on Karl’s face was confused skepticism. The look on Bill and Callie’s was incredulous and they still had not said a word to me. I needed to just come out and say it.

  “I started hearing someone calling to me and offering me help. I followed the voice and found something. I wish none of this happened to me, but that won’t change the truth. I was found by a ship and the artificial intelligence aboard that ship, saved my life.”

  Now everybody was talking at once and Bill shouted Callie and Karl down. “Look I am still trying to decide if you are in fact Nathan Myers. I will be damned if I am going to let you sit another minute in my house and have you tell me you were abducted by aliens!” Callie looked like she was scared and grabbed on to Bill. “Bill! Just let him tell us what happened.” Callie was not just scared she was terrified. She was terrified I was some kind of lunatic that would harm them. She had put the shotgun on the kitchen counter and I could tell she wished she hadn’t.

  Karl was also looking like he was starting to doubt if it was actually me. “Nathan what were aliens doing out in the middle of nowhere Alaska?” Karl’s question brought quiet to the house once more. All eyes were on me and I knew what was on their minds. They were wondering what kind of bullshit I was going to tell them now.

  “There was an alien, he was a Grawl scientist named Sora. He was here trying to steal artifacts hidden in a cave up in the mountains on the other side of Bonner pass. I am not sure what the alien was thinking because Grizzly bears were in the cave and I think they killed him. The ship was stranded without its commander. It needed help almost as bad as I did, so it saved my life and in return I have agreed to go with it.”

  Bill suddenly got up and walked over to the counter with the shotgun laying on it. He turned around, crossed his arms, and stood there.

  “I know this is a lot to swallow but I am telling you the honest to God truth. The artificial intelligence that runs the ship has changed me to the way I am now so I will be able to survive what is coming. The galaxy is full of corrupt beings that prey on the weak and defenseless. We are leaving Earth before the criminals that used to own the ship have a chance of recovering it.”

  The looks I was getting now said nutcase with a capital N.

  I took Callie’s little grocery list pad off the table and wrote the longitude and latitude of the downed Helio. “This is where you’ll find the Helio, Will and Bonnie will be there; they hit that mountain at 122 knots. T
he emergency beacon broadcast for sixty one hours then quit. The terrain is really bad so it’s going to take a helicopter to get in and bring their remains out.” I slid the paper across the table and Bill walked over and just stared at it.

  “The ship showed me exactly what happened from the time Will took off until he was forced down.”

  Bill’s hand was visibly shaking when he slowly reached for the slip of paper.

  Nathan, Karl said, “We are having a little trouble getting our heads around this. We want to believe you but this is some pretty crazy stuff you’re talking about.”

  “I know Karl, but crazy is what happened to me and now it’s a reality. Put your coats on and let’s go for a walk.”

  Bill, Callie and Karl came back with their coats and boots on and we headed out the door. I was relieved when they did not bring the shotgun with them.

  Karl was the first to ask. Nathan, “where is the spaceship you’re leaving in?”

  We headed down towards the hangers and I could feel the stares of disbelief boring into my back.

  “The ship was unarmed so I need to take my safe with me. There is the real possibility I will have to protect myself. Bill I have your pistol and want to give it back to you.”

  The silence spoke loads about my families’ current thinking as I entered my old room in the hanger. They were probably wondering if I would rob them at gunpoint. The room was just like I left it. I walked over to my safe, which was just a small sixteen-gun model. It probably weighed in around 500 pounds with the rifles, shotguns and ammunition stacked in it. I walked up to it and got a good grip then threw it up on my shoulder. I could hear the contents jumble into a pile. I definitely had everyone’s attention now. I headed out the door with all eyes on me.

  “Justice, could you please open the cargo bay airlock and keep the lights to a minimum.”

  “Yes Nathan, be advised dawn is in two hours and forty minutes.”


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