First of my Kind

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First of my Kind Page 14

by Stevens, Marc

  “Nathan, the ship has entered interdimensional space and you might incur some slight disorientation or discomfort to your digestive tract. This is common to most races and will pass quickly”.

  “Justice, why didn’t you tell me what was going to happen before I decided to eat something.”

  “Your command level decision was reasonable and did not interfere or alter safe operational parameters.”

  The irritation that accompanied Justice’s statement along with the urge to puke had me thinking spite was levity’s brother and they went everywhere together.

  “Nathan, you should complete the Oolaran unarmed defensive training programs while we are in hyperspace. I will begin the download to your implants. You will know the proper techniques but you must practice all of the defensive movements in order for your implants to imprint muscle memory into your cerebral cortex. Once you have completed the course you will also undergo edged and blunt weapons training. Since you have chosen to bring your arsenal of projectile weapons with you, I will assume you have sufficient training with those weapon types.”

  “Justice, I have been shooting since I was nine. I never entered into any competitions but I have filled my Grandparents freezers full of game every year since then. The only weapon I lack training for is the pistol Bill gave me. I have shot it exactly eight times with mixed results. Once I get the Oolaran training out of the way I want to be able to practice with the pistol someplace safe. Let’s get started with my training downloads.”

  I had just completed my first twelve hours of muscle memory training for unarmed combat and was into my fifth hour of edged combat training when Justice interrupted me.

  “Nathan, after running through a considerable number of scenarios I have come to the conclusion the Grawl will not surrender my systems by coercion alone. My calculations reveal the most likely scenario will be an attempt to override the encryption key programming that originated at the facility. My initial computations were based on information more than one and a half Earth years old. Since that time, I have postulated new parameters for a higher probability of subsystem degradation and data penetration. The probability for a successful mission outcome will increase 21% with favorable Grawl intervention. I now have an alternate plan with a higher percentage of a positive outcome. The plan entails dropping us from hyperspace in the Sagittarius arm of this galaxy which we are currently passing through. Sora stopped at an unsanctioned Grawl outpost in the area that is a known for trading restricted artifacts and other items of value. The alternate plan will require a jump of 176 light years towards the galactic core into the edge of a four light year wide asteroid field Sora referred to as the Gathering. The outpost is a large asteroid known as Outpost 3. Professor Sora has a sibling named Coonts exiled at the station. My monitoring of their interactions indicates Sora had his younger sibling removed from the secret research station and permanently stationed at Outpost 3 for his continuous objections over Sora’s illegal activities. Sora was a scholar of higher standing than Coonts. However, Coonts is an excellent engineer. Removal from the research station effectively doomed his career anywhere else in the galaxy because of his intimate knowledge of the research facility. I propose we meet with Coonts with the intention of returning Sora’s remains to his clan. Once you make contact with Coonts you will try and alter the situation to our advantage. I have also factored in a twelve percent probability Coonts might have knowledge of Sora’s artifact.

  “Hold on a minute! I haven’t even talked to a live alien yet. How do you figure I will be able to talk one into helping us? What is the percentage I can actually pull this off?

  “I am currently formulating preparations and contingencies to improve your chances for success.”

  If I did not know better, I would say Justice ducked my question. I am not a person who goes back on his word. I told Justice I would help and that is what I was going to do. I hope my chances made it into the double-digit percentages.

  “Is there a chance we can acquire anything on the outpost that will help us accomplish our mission?”

  “The selection of goods is unknown but there is still a high probability of usable equipment that will aid in the success of our mission. There are no Galactic credits aboard this vessel. This effectively makes our only trade resource artifact 699. The exact trade value is undetermined at this time. However, it should receive a high exchange rate. If we do indeed have a successful meeting with Coonts, we should try to negotiate a trade. Offering Coonts a percentage of our trade profits should ensure his cooperation. Careful consideration should be given to any items perceived as necessary for successful mission outcome. We should inform Coonts to be as discreet as possible. Once it is known that desirable artifacts are for trade, the news of any transaction will spread quickly. The probability of undesirable scrutiny is a certainty and could lead to unauthorized boarding attempts which may require defensive action.”

  My pulse started racing from an unwelcome shot of adrenaline. “By defensive actions, you mean the shooting of other biologicals correct?”

  “Nathan there is a….”

  “Whoa! Stop, I don’t want to hear the percentage of probability. Just get us there.”

  I knew at some point there might be hostilities and I would have to take up arms against other beings. I just did not think it might happen this soon.

  “Prepare to drop from hyperspace and course correction orientation. I will factor in a small recovery period to allow your physiology to overcome disorientation brought on by jump sickness. It will be necessary to come out of hyperspace well short of the Gathering to insure collision avoidance with large asteroid debris or possible spacecraft traffic. E.T.A. is currently seven hours and three minutes to Outpost 3.”

  “Justice, I can only assume there aren’t a lot of Earth men running around the galaxy. So what are the other races going to think about one showing up toting around a dead Grawl?

  “Nathan, to most races you and this vessel will be an unknown factor. The Grawl and certain other Galactic Union members will have knowledge of your existence but most will not. I expect few inquiries as to the origin of your race due to the nature of the activities that take place on the station. When the availability of artifact 699 becomes known, there will be an increase in those inquiries. When those inquiries reach a certain level of authority on the outpost, there will most certainly be an attempt to suppress that information. I will actively monitor all communication systems and if the suppression of information escalates to a high level of sophistication it could indicate the high probability of direct action to commandeer this ship. I will actively seek information as to Coonts’s whereabouts and determine the most direct route to his location. It is imperative we make contact with Coonts as soon as possible and avoid any unnecessary conflicts.”

  “Justice believe me when I say, I am all about avoiding conflicts but how can you be sure Coonts will even want to talk to a human?”

  “It is one of the scenarios I formulated that did not have optimal percentages of a successful outcome. I must also point out it was the only scenario that did have a positive percentage point. After carefully recording all of your interactions with your family and your ability to calm their adverse reactions, I believe you are capable of doing the same with Coonts.”

  “Good lord Justice, Karl was right you must be malfunctioning! How can you even say that knowing I’ve never talked to a Grawl before!

  “Nathan while I have only observed Sora’s interaction with other races, your interactions are quite unique. You are able to convince others in ways I have never witnessed before. You project calm and order in the face of adversity. I witnessed your survival skills first hand and at no time did you give up or break down when faced with imminent destruction. Your will to persevere led me to use all of my limited resources to assure your safety. You are able to make light of very difficult situations and persuade others to do the same. For lack of a better answer, you have a magnetism about you that positive
ly affects others around you, myself included,”

  Justice’s pep talk did temporarily reign in my fears of failure. I could only shake my head wondering what my short bright future would hold or how it might possibly end.

  “Justice, just get us there and drop me off. After your little speech I am sure I can waltz right in there and get Coonts and then convince them all to give me anything I want.”

  “Excellent Nathan your ambitious attitude has increased our probability of success by three percent.”

  I rolled my eyes and turned away. I took comfort in saying it, but my stomach was telling me otherwise.

  “I am actively designing a uniform that will mask your appearance. Tibor mercenaries at one time enforced outpost regulations and their allegiance goes to the highest bidder. They are a warrior race with high regard for honor in combat. They are fearless in battle, which is a trait that pays well. All species avoid them because they give off a distinct odor when angered and it is offensive to most all races. The more offensive the odor the more deadly their intentions will be. Sora’s last stop at outpost 3 indicated the Tibor were no longer present. That has been more than two Earth years ago, so it is a possibility they are present once more. You should avoid any contact with them if at all possible.”

  “Is there a way of letting me know if they are on the outpost before I go in?”

  “Negative Nathan, while there are a limited number of external docking arms we can inspect, there is a considerable amount of internal bays we cannot.”

  “I don’t want to go in there unarmed. I want to take Bill’s pistol but would feel better taking something heavier.”

  “Your weapons have no active power source and the crude storage cells you use for weapon optics are insignificant so most species will consider you unarmed. Armed conflict should be avoided unless bodily harm is imminent.”

  The vision of a big black shiny helmet and cape accompanied by heavy breathing came to mind but quickly passed. If there was going to be shooting it might be prudent to acquire body armor of my own. I went back to my military training with grim determination and purpose. Any first impression aliens might get about my species being a bunch of wimps was not going to happen!

  I had just started my training when my vision blurred slightly and my stomach decided to bring me back to my boyhood memories of flying with Karl. I wondered how many times it was going to take to get used to the sensation. I grabbed my water bottle, took a small sip, pushed through my discomfort, and continued my training. We would be at Outpost 3 in a little over six hours and I planned to have my combat training behind me.

  “Nathan, I have completed a sterilization cycle of the Captains quarters just off the bridge and it is ready for your occupation. You will have considerably more living space than the crew quarters you currently inhabit. Your arsenal can be safely stored in one of the storage lockers. If you would submit samples of your ammunition, I can optimize the destructive performance with chemical compounds available in the science laboratory.

  “Sure Justice, as soon as I complete my training I’ll get moved and on the way drop some of the pistol and shotgun ammo off in the lab. I also would like to talk to you about some of your habits. I would really appreciate it if you didn’t do that robot arm thing from the walls and ceiling while I’m in my cabin, waking up to you fiddling around with my stuff creeps me out!”

  I started to complain about the cleansing properties of the bathroom facilities when I got another dose of jump sickness. Just about the time I thought I was feeling better it hit me again.

  “Nathan, we are now point five light years from Outpost 3. I have done a system scan and have plotted a best course and sub light speed to the outpost. I will start inquires as to Coonts location and will brief you when I have further information. I have delivered your new uniform to your cabin and would like input on any further modifications you might find necessary.”

  With a slight stagger, I took off in the direction of my old digs. The short trip in the drop tube did not help my stomach any. The thought Justice timed the jumps to shut up my bitching was nagging at me enough to make me forget about the disorientation. I stopped in my old quarters, picked up my pistol, and then was going to grab my gun safe but at the last minute, I changed my mind.

  “Justice, would you move my safe to my new quarters please. You can put it in any of the storage lockers you want. I think I will stop in the galley and get a bite to eat before I get ready to leave.”

  I opened the safe and grabbed a box of buckshot and a box of slugs then closed the door and headed back the way I came with a small detour to the science lab. The science lab was spotlessly clean with four large metal tables side by side and cabinets all around the room. I opened the pistol, took out the six .44 caliber bullets, and set them on the table along with the buckshot and slugs. I took off towards the lift tube and a quick lunch just to show Justice how little he may or may not have bothered me.

  I stepped into my new quarters and was surprised at the size of the room. It had a large open area that resembled a living room with a large sheet of clear glass like material on the wall. There was a large bedroom area and full size bathroom. I walked over to the storage closets and opened them one at a time finding my safe and my regular smart cloth uniforms. The third storage locker held a glossy black helmet with a full-face visor. Next to it was a large black cape and a set of coveralls that looked a lot thicker than my standard uniform. Down on the floor was a large set of combat style boots. I was starting to think Justice might have caught a few movies back on Earth after all.

  I picked up the helmet and examined it carefully thinking it looked an awful lot like a certain deceased Grawl’s helmet. I held it up to my nose and gave it a good sniffing but other than slight hint of ozone, it was spotless. The full face visor was glossy black also giving it the appearance of pitch black tinted glass. I tried it on my head and started to think it was too big when I started feeling it slowly tighten around my head. The view out the visor was as bright as the room. When I glanced in the mirror, I was greeted with a picture that gave no hint of my face. I sat the helmet down and grabbed my new outfit and the feel was oily. This was made from 699 materials! I reached out, touched the cape, and confirmed that it was made of 699 also.

  “Nathan I took the liberty of using one of the controllers and a small quantity of the multi fab. The controller settings may have to be refined somewhat but you now have an atmospheric suit that is puncture proof. It will resist most hand held beam weapons fire as long as the beam is not concentrated on one area for more than 30 seconds. The cape is made of the same material so you will have some redundancy if you come under concentrated beam weapon fire. The simple controller interface is too primitive to impart smart cloth technology. The suit will have to be worn over the top of your standard uniform. The cape has a closing system that should easily conceal your pistol and one of your larger weapons on a tether at your side. I have designed targeting emitters to attach to the barrels of your weapons. They emit a lighted targeting dot that is only visible through your helmet visor. It is very similar to systems from your world but emits light in a band that is not detectable by laser detection systems. After installation and calibration you will have the ability to point and shoot. The boots have a mag lock capability for use in zero G environments. Even with your limited zero gravity training you should have no problems maneuvering in the .3 G gravity outside of the outpost. It will be important to remember this suit has a limited atmosphere scrubbing capability. Operations in vacuum should be limited to less than five hours.

  I could not think of any reason I would suddenly want to end up in space. The thought Justice had prepared me for it gave me a very uneasy feeling.

  “The interior of the outpost is a universal one gravity. Many races from large high G worlds enjoy the light gravity to their advantage. The Tibor are such a race and you should use this information to your advantage if conflict is unavoidable. Most races make use of a photos
ynthesized atmosphere so you will have no problems with the higher oxygen content atmosphere inside the outpost. You will possibly encounter other races wearing self-contained environmental suits. Suits of this nature are lightly armored to prevent breach. I have prepared you as well as I am able with the technology available aboard this vessel. The probability for unforeseen scenarios is high and you will have to adapt your training to overcome these uncertainties. The outpost has more than a hundred landing bays that range in size from very large to single ship bays like this vessel has previously used. We will attempt to land in one of the two previously visited by this vessel if they are unoccupied.”

  Well it was obvious Justice was capable of most anything but I do not think pacifist will make it on the list. I was surprised that even with the majority of his military systems yanked out and processing greatly diminished he was still war gaming at a level that was making my bladder feel defective.


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