First of my Kind

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First of my Kind Page 29

by Stevens, Marc

  “Commander, if I had known how dangerous it would be to visit the pirate outpost I would not have suggested we sell our artifacts at that location. I am now convinced more than ever my former Captain was somehow involved with turning me over to Drayen. He had visited Eiger’s outpost on many occasions but never allowed anyone to accompany him. I also believe the ship that took me to Drayen was Eiger’s flagship.”

  “Tria, believe me when I say if I had known what was going to happen we would have never gone to the outpost. The thought of acquiring the battle suits and offloading my cargo in one place was compelling enough not to pass up. Klutch had warned me we were being set up the moment the Murlak knew about the large amount of credits I was carrying. We might have had a chance to leave right after the attack in the elevator if I had heeded his warning.

  I could tell by the distant look on Tria’s face she was carefully going over our actions at the outpost. I still felt slightly disoriented and did not want to brood over the mission anymore. I was concerned over Klutch’s condition and wanted to check on him. Tria looped two of her arms in mine and walked with me.

  “Commander, the Murlak on the outpost would not have attempted the assault on you in the elevator unless their activities were fully sanctioned by Eiger himself. Our only real mistake in going to the outpost was making them aware of the wealth that you carried.”

  “Tria, even if what you say is true, my actions are still responsible for making any negotiated deal for the DEHD core impossible.”

  “Commander, to assume Eiger is anything other than a pirate is foolhardy. There are a lot of pirates in the galaxy but the most prevalent rumors all surround Eiger and how utterly ruthless he can be. Even if we managed to make a deal for the DEHD core, Eiger would attempt to finalize the transaction with our lives. If it is still your intention to recover the DEHD core, we will be forced to seize it. If for no other reason Commander I would call it retribution for the mass murder committed by the underlings following his orders.”

  I had no doubt Tria was giving me the cold hard truth. Eiger was not someone you could honestly deal with and hope to come away with a fair bargain. Anyone foolish enough to try would lose their life unless he had a need for them.

  Tria and I made our way toward the lift tubes. Coonts stepped out of the lift and approached us. He looked like he was going to say something when Justice interrupted.

  “Commander, I am picking up military level deep space scans. I advise we move from this location to limit the possibility of detection.”

  “Affirmative Justice, take us close to the abandoned mining colony so we can get a careful look at what’s out there. When we get there lets go stealth and see if the Ilor and the Zaens will play fair.”

  “Commander, we should offload the remains of the shuttle and destroy it with our main weapon system before we depart.”

  “Good idea Justice perhaps it will confuse Eiger as to our fate when he picks up the weapons discharge and comes to investigate.”

  “What is Klutch’s status?”

  “He is stable and in good condition aside from the blunt trauma that inflicted a large bruise on his abdomen. All evidence suggests he is sleeping and will remain so until his physiology determines it is time to wake. It may be a natural healing process unique to his species.”

  “Thanks Justice, that’s good to hear. Dump the shuttle and destroy it, then jump us out of here.” I looked at the Grawl to see what he wanted to tell me. “Commander, I was in route to your location to inform you of my observations on Klutch’s condition. I believe it is no longer necessary for me to oversee his recovery. Unless you have other duties for me to attend to, I will go to the science lab to begin repairs on your Combat armor.

  I was not sure if the Grawl was irritated by Justice reporting on Klutch before he did or not, but it kind of sounded that way. Perhaps putting something else on his plate to occupy his time would be a good idea.

  “Tria, Coonts I need you to figure out where we can purchase a pair of top end shuttles with assault capability. We need to ditch the transport. It would be hard for Eiger to get any firm information on the Legacy but the transport is another story. I will pay top dollar but I want first class weapons and defensive shields. Having someone unload on us with superior fire power without returning the favor does not make me happy. I want this stuff yesterday so start working on it now. No more pirate bases or middlemen, let’s go to the source and let my credits do the talking.”

  My crew mates nodded their agreement and then Tria said, “Commander, if the Ilor and the Zaens uphold their ends of your agreements. You should make it known to them you are looking for other items of interest. I believe we should make it worth their while especially when it becomes known the outpost was destroyed right after our disagreement with the Murlak.”

  I was hoping we would not be blamed for the destruction of Eiger’s outpost. There were a lot of witnesses to the ugliness that took place. Unless someone hung around to see who was doing most of the killing, it would be easy to point a finger at us. I had no way of knowing how many actually saw the Legacy uncloaked after the shooting started. The way things transpired it would not be hard to hang the label of aggressors on all of our backs. Justice did wreck the place, but no one would believe Eiger finished the job accident or otherwise. We did not deserve a reputation as murderers and outpost destroyers, but I was sure that was exactly what would happen. I thought out loud. “I just hope the Ilor and Zaens show because if it was me, I would give anyone that makes it to the top of Eiger’s hit list a wide exclusion zone.”

  Coonts said, “Commander, I know of an unsanctioned Grawl trading post that would deal in many items including shuttles.”

  “Coonts if unsanctioned has any to do with pirates I’m not ready to go down that road again.”

  “No Commander, it is not run by pirates. It is managed by a group of Grawl investors. The outpost falls outside of the Galactic Union’s sphere of influence and protection. It is where Grawl and several other races trade items that may be restricted by the Union.”

  “I don’t know Coonts the term Grawl investor brings people like Drayen to mind.”

  “Commander, There is a high probability of securing shuttles of the quality and nature you spoke of. I suggest you let me take the transport and try to negotiate a deal. If I broker a deal acceptable to you, I will arrange for the transaction to take place at a location of our choosing. I will warn you in advance in order for us to acquire high quality military shuttles we will be forced to embrace the greedy nature of my species. To use an Earth term you might be more familiar with, we will take a screwing!”

  I smiled at Coonts comments and was sure he had been speaking with Justice about my use of slang and its translations.

  “Coonts, I will take it into consideration but would like to have more options. I have decided to spend the credits Eiger’s pirates tried to rob me of. They will go to buying equipment to dissuade anyone from picking a fight with us.”

  Tria was still holding on to my arm. I felt comforted by the simple contact but it turned to embarrassment when I saw the prolonged look Coonts was giving us. I looked at Tria and said I was feeling much better and was going to the bridge to watch Justice dispose of the wrecked shuttle. She gave me a small smile and let hers hands fall from my arm.

  I sat in my command seat and watched as the shuttle floated from the hanger and we moved away from it in a sweeping arc that brought our weapons to bear on the floating hulk. In a bright flash the remains turned into a rapidly spreading debris cloud. Within a minute of dispatching the shuttle my stomach informed me we had entered hyperspace. A few minutes later we dropped back into normal space at the edge of a huge asteroid field. Justice cloaked, and we picked our way into the asteroids looking for a good observation point to see if the Ilor and the Zaens honor their words.

  Justice informed me Klutch had awoken and was down in the galley trying to run the food dispensers out of protein concentrate. I joined hi
m now that we had our jumps completed. Over a plate heaping with artificial Elk steak and potatoes I gave Klutch an update on everything that had transpired while he took his twenty-four-hour nap. He assured me his nap while not the norm for Tibor was his body’s response to the trauma he received during our firefight at the outpost. When his body sensed its lack of oxygen it shut down and went into a form of hibernation to prevent further damage to his system. He told us his body could sustain itself for up to twelve hours before permanent damage destroys his brain cells.

  Justice had found a huge stationary asteroid that had a large impact crater facing towards the abandoned mining station. We settled into the dark depths of the crater and peered out at our target area. A full day before the agreed upon meeting time Justice alerted me to a massive space time disruption just outside of the asteroid field. We observed a six thousand foot diameter globe drop out of hyperspace and moved towards the mining station. As we watched three small ships exited the globe and did orbits around the abandoned station, then separated and moved into the asteroid field. One by one they paired up with an asteroid and went passive. A few minutes later the globe moved away from the station and jumped to places unknown.

  “What did you make of that Justice?”

  “My records indicate the globe was an Ilor habitat ship. The small patrol craft are a sign the Ilor are just as uneasy with our relationship status as we are of them. One of the small craft has landed on an asteroid that has impact momentum. It will pass into our visual range in two point one hours. I suggest we send a tight beam communication signal to them and make them aware of our presence.”

  “It looks like their ships are small enough to fit in our hangar. When the time comes, invite them aboard for our business transaction. I think we will sweeten the deal and give them an additional roll of 699. Maybe it will help ease any fears they may have about us.”

  Two hours passed and we could see the small asteroid the Ilor ship had landed on. The asteroid was passing in front of the crater we inhabited as Justice had predicted. We hit them with a comms laser, which they didn’t acknowledge. We did however get all three ships to take up stations just outside of our location. Justice sent them another hail, but they only wanted to speak with Klutch.

  Klutch took over the transaction and then told me what I had already figured out. “Commander, they refuse to come aboard and want us to jettison the 699 I had promised.”

  “OK Klutch, tell them if one of their ships comes aboard with my credit voucher we will transfer the one and a half rolls of 699 plus an additional roll for the expedited delivery. You handle all the transfers.”

  “Commander, I have picked up the transition signature of the Ilor habitat ship. It is taking up station just outside of the asteroid field.”

  “Roger Justice, let me know if their shields or weapons come online.”

  “I detect no shield or weapons emanations Commander.”

  Klutch talked the Ilor into bringing one of their ships aboard. “Commander, they fear for their safety because they think we destroyed the outpost.”

  Well that made it official. We will be forever known as the crazy aliens that destroyed Eiger’s outpost. I bet that juicy tidbit spread for a thousand light years in every direction.

  “Klutch, do you think they would believe us if we told them we shot the place up a little but Eiger was the one that blew it to hell.”

  “Commander, I believe we could tell them the universe was ours and they owe us for their use of it. They would pay because our perceived destructive nature is frightening. I believe no one has ever dared to interfere with Eiger’s pirate operations let alone destroy his outpost. They are here to honor their deal then wish to leave in peace.”

  “Do you think they will be interested in doing more business with us?”

  “No Commander, not while Eiger is still alive to make their lives miserable if he finds out about our deal. I believe we should conclude our business. It will show them we are honorable in our dealings.”

  I couldn’t think of anything to tell the Ilor that might change their minds. I’m sure I would feel the same way if the tables were turned. “Roger that Klutch, conclude our business.”

  “Commander, the habitat ship has launched a small freighter. The freighters course will intersect this location in six minutes. I have transferred the 699 to the Ilor shuttle and will release them from the hangar.”

  After the Ilor shuttle left our hangar Klutch hailed me. “Commander, I have four credit vouchers totaling four hundred million credits. The Ilor are sending over the launch tubes and the missiles now. Their freighter will leave the cargo just outside of our location.”

  “Okay Klutch offload their artifacts and equipment.”

  The freighter dumped our cargo and picked up their purchases. All four Ilor ships took off like they were shot at. Within minutes they were back aboard their habitat ship and they jumped out of the system. You get blamed for blowing up one lousy pirate outpost and everybody is scared to do business with you. Not the golden business status I was hoping to express to possible trade partners.

  “Commander, I have secured the launch tubes and the missiles in the cargo hold. It will not be difficult to install the launch tubes in my vacant missile bays and interface them with my weapons core. I will require assistance from Coonts on the magazine loading system but I should be able to manage all aspects of the installation.”

  “OK Justice, get with Coonts and make whatever preparations you need. I want one tube forward and one aft. We still have close to twenty four hours before we can expect the Zaens to show. It would be a good idea to get the tubes installed while we’re waiting.”

  We got the missile launchers installed in a marathon twenty hour work session with everybody pitching in to help. Tria and Coonts split up the eight plus hours of necessary EVAs to get the tubes aligned in the missile hatches. Klutch and I had volunteered to help but our other crew members would have none of it. I guess we had the muscle but lacked the brains. I said screw it and went to my cabin, Klutch did the same. Justice was putting the final touches on his end of the installation by syncing up the weapons core with the individual missiles and the target acquisition systems. We had accomplished a major task and Tria and Coonts needed a break. I was in the galley working on my second cup of artificial coffee when Justice notified me the Zaens had arrived.

  “Justice, tight beam them our location and let’s take care of this as fast as possible. There’s a good chance they want to get away from us as bad as the Ilor did. Give them two rolls of 699 with two controllers and see if they are interested in doing additional business. Let them know we have 699 to trade and are looking for some high end assault shuttles.”

  “Affirmative Commander, I have hailed them and given them instructions to move to a position just outside of our crater. I will hand off the 699 with the tow beam.”

  I was gambling on our escort in the middle of a fire fight buying us some good will from the Zaens. I hope they had forgiven Klutch for his odorous indiscretion.

  “Commander I have taken aboard four suit containment crates and transferred the balance of the credits and artifact 699 to the Zaens. They claim they do not have access to the quality of assault shuttles we seek. They have however offered a heavy weapons system designed for the suits for one hundred rolls of 699.

  In the short time I have known Zaens and considering the way our business dealings started out, I knew they were trying to stick it in my ass. “Justice please point out we risked our lives when we escorted them to their ship. You might also point out we didn’t rob them before we did so.”

  “Commander, they now offer the stealth upgrade package for the onboard A.I.”

  Unbelievable, these guys came here with every intention of fleecing me for every credit and artifact they could get out of me. Apparently they had several systems available for the suits they weren’t telling me about. I considered sending Klutch over to negotiate. “Justice, I want to talk with the

  “Affirmative Commander a comm link is now open.”

  “The first time we attempted to bargain with you, you insulted my envoy. I came to you and you did the same to me. Do you think you should do so again in such a remote location?” The silence to my statement said I got my point across. I let them stew on my comment for another full minute then said. “At the outpost you were forced to pay the Murlak a percentage for protection. Surely you can find value in the fact you no longer have to.” That got me a quick almost shrill response.

  “It is not our intention to insult you. It is our nature to make the best negotiated outcome as possible. We admit our arrangement on the outpost was less than desirable but we still made a profit. We now have to find another place of business so we can profit once more.”

  Tria walked up behind me and whispered in my ear. “Nathan Myers, no one will wish to do business with us if you frighten them to the point of soiling themselves.” I turned and looked into those big emerald eyes and my supply of venomous spite ran dry. She smiled and walked off. I was sidetracked enough I was having difficulty remembering what I would say. Tria was correct as usual, the power and authority routine was a tool that should not be overused. I needed to get back on track.

  “If I feel I am receiving a fair bargain, you could possible make profits that would exceed any you ever received on the outpost. Considering all that has transpired, my willingness to do business with you is generous. The Ilor would trade any number of items for the quantity of artifact 699 I possess. I reserved the offer for you because of the quality of your products. My artifacts have a much greater value than you offer for them. It would be to my advantage to conclude our business and rethink my bargaining strategy.” I turned to my crewmates and gave them a wink. Their smiles told me they approved of my new bargaining tact.


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