ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: M.V.B. - Most Valuable Baby (Sports Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Interracial Pregnancy Romance)

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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: M.V.B. - Most Valuable Baby (Sports Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Interracial Pregnancy Romance) Page 22

by Lexi Ward

  As he neared his apartment Brian wished that he would have told Jasmine to come over after work. It would have been nice to have her spend the night on this occasion of beating some dirty cheats. He wanted to call her now and ask, but he knew that he couldn't. If she didn't come over on her own, which he very much doubted would happen, then she just wasn't going to end up coming over. He didn't want to give her the impression that he was trying to just have his way with her, or that he was becoming too clingy. Those were both things that he knew would be huge turn offs for Jasmine. So instead of calling her didn't. He just kept walking home, hoping to see her sitting in the all weather chair outside the door he and his neighbor shared that turned into a mudroom that contained the entrance to his freaky downstairs neighbor's apartment, and the hall to his front door. As he got closer he didn't dare look up to see if she was in the chair. There was part of Brian that wanted it to happen so bad that it figured if he kept wishing for it, kept his mind focused on wanting this one thing to happen a certain way, then it would…and that's exactly what happened.

  As he drew near he slowly raised his eyes, and there Jasmine sat, in the chair by the front door. He sprinted over to her, and she stood to throw her arms around his neck. It was a moment inside of a moment—a day filled with feelings that he never wanted to forget. They locked lips and help onto each other for a long time, until some whistles from a passing car finally convinced them that it was time to go inside and get some privacy.

  As he cleaned up and showered, Brian told Jasmine all about the game. Jasmine told him the game had been aired on local television and everyone at the coffee shop she worked at had been watching it. There was something about the team that Jasmine knew, some scandal that Brian was ignorant of, that had the public's attention. The Alligators had already relieved their coach of his job, Jasmine informed him. Brian's mouth fell open. He couldn't believe it was all happening like this. There were so many layers to how wrong what the Alligators were doing as a football team was. Brian thought about trying to talk to Jasmine about it, but then reckoned that enough of the day had been taken up by something that took up the majority of his time.

  So Brian asked Jasmine how work had been. She said it had gone well—a short shift where she made decent money. It was good to hear that things had gone well for her too.

  They both crawled into bed and snuggled against each other. Brian couldn't help but take deep breaths of her hair as she pushed herself up against him, and it was something that he wanted to remember forever.

  “I had a really amazing day today because of you,” Brian told Jasmine. “I really mean that.”

  Jasmine didn't know what to say back, it seemed like. That or she was just choosing not to say anything because nothing needed to be said. Brian suspected it the latter. He was always going a million miles an hour in his head with his thoughts, but some people didn't think like him.

  “I think we made each other's days better,” Jasmine said. “And I'm lucky to have been part of yours.”

  Brian stroked her hair and closed his eyes. He was so lucky to have someone like Jasmine in his life now. She was someone that he could be with, who understood him and he could be proud of. He truly admired her.

  Of course, it didn't hurt at all that she was one of the most beautiful people he'd ever seen. That was just icing on the cake. He was glad of all of her, not just the external parts…and as he drifted off to sleep again, he was glad she was there to wake him from any nightmares that he might have.

  And, as he slid back to sleep for the third time that day, he thought of how amazing the next day would be when he woke up next to Jasmine. There was something to be said for waking up with a beautiful person who you really want to be around, and not just because of the physical attraction, but because they are someone you want to talk to.

  Brian smiled as he drifted off. He couldn't be happier…and as dreamland surrounded him once again, he didn't have nightmares this time. Instead, he slept soundly, his mind as relaxed as his body.



  Long Touchdown


  The tennis star on top of my table, underneath the raging sun burning down from above, had called upon my services to limber him up for the big match. He was not exactly my type, but I never got into this line of work to make any sexual overtures. I’d always been professional and I saw no reason for that to change any time soon.

  I had my long blond hair. It was tied up into a ponytail and the white pants and shirt to match was my business attire. I didn’t want to look like the angel in disguise he’d been looking for his whole life.

  “Elizabeth, I’ve always been the one to praise your expertise to anybody that will listen. The way that you massage my calves is AMAZING, and I only dream that other massage therapists could do it half as good as you do. Word of mouth is getting around. I believe there’s a certain someone that’s going to come calling on you shortly.” Emilio Sanchez was that Latin heart-throb that had most girls dropping their panties in front of him. They would swing them over their head and then toss them onto the tennis court; right into his face, if they could.

  “It’s my pleasure to take any referrals that come my way. This is my own business and I work my own hours, but I do need to keep a roof over my head.” I was pretty much a minimalist and the small extravagance of a “cottage on the water” was my only big purchase. I still drove the same yellow VW bug that was passed down to me by my father. I was pretty much a tomboy growing up, and my father had taught me everything that I needed to know to be self-sufficient.

  “I have to warn you that this football player is a bit hard to get to know. He likes his privacy, but there are very few women that haven’t felt what it is like to sleep in his bed. As long as you are a certain type; he has no problem throwing his affections around.” I worked on Emilio’s shoulder; kneading the muscles and feeling that knot begin to loosen underneath my experienced grip. This was the type of deep tissue massage that he enjoyed the most. “I don’t want to throw you into the lion’s den. I respect you too much and you’re best friends with my wife. I know that you need the clientele, but I’m not sure that you really want to take on somebody like him.” Emilio had me curious. I had no idea who could invoke that kind of physical response. It was kind of interesting to learn about this man. For some reason I was anxious to make his acquaintance, despite my better knowledge.

  “As long as he doesn’t try any fresh stuff! Then we won’t have any problems. Besides, I can take care of myself, and being from a family of four brothers has taught me how to hurt men where it matters. I’m not opposed to fighting dirty.” Most people would assume that I was a meek and mild little lamb, but push me into a corner and I could come out with my claws bared! He had to watch out to say the least... “We can start with one session and work our way up from there. I can get a feel for what he’s looking for. It’s not like I have to take him on as a permanent client. I can pick and choose anyone I want.” I had to admit that Emilio had a nice body, and glistening in this warm oil was a good way to accent the positives, but distractions were the last thing I wanted.

  “We have the same publicist. I’ll reach out and let them know that you’re interested.” I was never scared to face my fears. Extreme sports were where I excelled. Amazingly the only stereotype that could easily describe me was a surfer babe. My bleached blonde good looks could always be found on one wave or another. I liked the feel of what it was like to have that one wave call my name. I only had to work 4 hours a day and then I was out there, where nature was teaching me a thing or two.

  “I am happy that you feel comfortable enough that you don’t mind helping a girl out. I don’t know what I’m going to find with this football player. I have to believe that you’re not telling me his name for a reason. I’m sure that he’s famous, but I’m not a football fanatic, like some.” Emilio and I were good friends and his wife Michelle was always coming over. Once a week, we would have a cup of
coffee and then I would treat her to an all over body massage. She would leave completely refreshed and looking like she was ready to face the world. That’s my style.

  “I don’t want you to tell Michelle any of this. She knows all about this football player and, let’s just say, they rubbed each other the wrong way. She has his number and any time that she finds herself being hit on, she easily deflects. She knows that he’s tenacious and won’t give up without a fight. If he sees a challenge and a conquest on the horizon; he won’t settle for second best.” It was nice that Emilio was warning me ahead of time, but I could usually spot the sleaze bags a mile away.

  “If I wanted sex, I could always go to a bar and ‘shake what my mama gave me’.” I heard him snicker to another client his way out. Our session had ended and he turned slightly on his way out, so that he could look me up and down. He was appraising how hard I had worked to sculpt my body into the masterpiece that I had become. Why would I bother to go to a gym when I had everything I wanted right in the great outdoors.

  “I can’t deny that you have a beautiful body.” I knew that he was only being nice and there was no way that he would risk losing what he had with Michelle. He also knew that I would shut him down and tell him that he was lucky to have a wonderful girl like Michelle in his life. Every guy is tempted at one time or another, no matter what is waiting for them at home. It’s just a matter of what that man is made of. If he has a strong character and could withstand the temptation for one moment of pleasure, then they were worth taking a shot on.

  “You’ve always been a bit of a flatterer. I can’t say that I mind someone like you telling me I’m desirable. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been a repellent for men for the last five months. I bat my eyelashes at the grocery store and nothing. Maybe I’m projecting something, or maybe I’m just too damn exhausted to notice if anybody is picking up on my subtle signals.” Like I said, I only work 4 hours a day, but the rest of the time I’m shredding the waves. I can’t get enough. I’m up at the crack of dawn, yoga for an hour followed by a healthy smoothie, before getting into my job. That consists of a 10-2 PM regiment. I do not make exceptions for anyone, unless it’s an emergency.

  From 2:00 until 5:00 PM, I’m once again on the waves trying to find that elusive one. It’s the hunt that makes me feel alive and sometimes I even get that itch that needs to be scratched. I have a few implements in my bedroom under lock and key that can get me there in a hurry. It’s not exactly the same as a flesh and blood man, but it will do in the interim.

  “I’ve been reminded by Michelle that even women have needs. I’ve always been under the impression growing up that men were the only ones that couldn’t keep it in their pants. I’m just saying that you better beware of this player. He knows just what to say and has this cocksure grin and dimples that are apparently catnip to the ladies.” My family was 1000 miles away. I’d always stayed in touch, but I’d never been able to visit the last three years. Business was slim pickings, until I started to show that I could compete with those already working the trade.

  “Your wife really shouldn’t be telling tales out of school. As women, we keep our secrets close to a vest and we don’t really want men to know. I understand a couple talks to one another, but she should really know better.” I’m sure that that would get back to Michelle and maybe that would change her tune about letting men know how to read the subtle differences between us and them.

  He was on the phone in a flash. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but I had a feeling that he was making arrangements for the football player to slip in underneath the radar. He put the phone down. “He’ll be here at 10:00 AM sharp tomorrow morning. He doesn’t even know that yet, but his publicist and trainer are going to make it very clear to him that this is the best thing for him.” I escorted him back to his nondescript black pickup. It was gleaming like it had just come off the showroom floor.

  He was stretching his body and moving his neck back and forth, as I had taught him, to keep those muscles nice and loose. I waved to him. I felt something in the air like I might have bitten off more than I could chew.


  I had his hand in mine and I was kissing his palm and watching as his monument of manhood began to stretch down the left side of his white pajama pants. He whispered that he wanted me like no man had ever wanted another woman. I looked up into his eyes and his face was obscured by the sunlight streaming behind him.

  “I think that you’ve been without for too long, Elizabeth. You need me to take away the frustration of the day.” I was keeping cool, while he was telling me everything that I was thinking. “I don’t want to go backwards and with you I feel like we have a future.” His fingers glided over my arms with a kind of sensuality that had me swooning at his feet. I had a thin sheet draped around my frame and he had reached behind and forcefully released my hands from the fabric. It floated down over my curves like a warm caress on a summer’s afternoon.

  “I don’t even know who you are. You take my breath away and you make me feel like I have found the man that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.” I touched his cheek and once again I noticed that there was no way I could see his face. I moved from one angle to the next, but it was like I was looking at a blank canvas. “I want to know who you are.” I was nothing without love. I had to admit that my love life was pretty much DOA. I had no prospects and my last boyfriend had left a bad taste in my mouth five months ago.

  This man with the muscles bulging on his biceps lifted me into his arms and made me wrap my legs around his waist. He was wearing a white pair of sleep pants and a white shirt that was wide open. He kissed the nape of my neck and sent a cold shiver down my spine. I quivered underneath his touch, trembling with a need that had gone unfulfilled for too long.

  “You’ll know me when you see me.” It was a strange thing for him to say, and then there was an incessant knocking followed by the buzzer at my front door. My eyes fluttered open. I looked around at the empty spot beside me in bed. I touched it hoping that it would be warm, but it had that cool crisp feel to it.

  I looked at my clock to see that it was only 6:30 AM. Whoever was announcing themselves at this hour better be important or they were going to get a tongue wagging like they’d never had before.

  I was going to be up in another half an hour anyway, but this person had definitely interrupted my ritual. I grabbed for the short white as snow terry cloth robe that barely covered the unmentionables. I was wearing a pair of panties, but they were sheer. It wasn’t like I was wearing them for shock value. It was more for comfort. I really did think that I was wearing a heavenly piece of material made just for me.

  I cinched my belt closed and made my way downstairs to see the frame of a man waiting for me. He had his back towards me and it was obvious that he was enjoying the view that I wake up to every morning. He turned and that is when I saw the chiseled good looks and the flowing blond hair. The wind had suddenly picked up and made him look like a model getting his photograph taken. It was the dimples that had me thinking of that football player that Emilio had been hesitant of telling me about.

  I opened the door and stood there, with my hands on my hips, to let him know that I was not very happy about this intrusion into my personal space. “I don’t suppose you have a good reason for coming here at this ungodly hour.” He gave me this smirk with teeth that was blindingly spectacular.

  “I was told to be here at 10:00 AM, but I woke up with this pain in my shoulder. I have been on pain medication, but I’m not exactly comfortable taking the pills. They make me feel strange. I would rather do something that’s more homeopathic than to become a slave to the medicine trade.” This was a man after my own heart. I would rather gouge out my eyes than go to the emergency room looking for medical assistance. I was more into natural remedies and things that you could find by trusting your health with someone that wasn’t conventional.

  “I can see the pain in your eyes. I don’t usually see anyone
until 10:00 AM, but I don’t see that I should have any reason to turn you away. You will need to let me prepare for the day with a bit of yoga and a hot shower. You can make yourself comfortable in the kitchen. If you want to be helpful, you can always make the coffee.” He walked past me and the smell of his cologne was like a mixture of pheromones and sexual endorphins all rolled into one. That was not something that you found over the counter.

  “I think that I can wait for a few minutes. I’m not much for caffeine, but if you have any green tea that would be perfect.” I pointed to the cupboard closest to the balcony doors leading out onto the deck.

  I had my table folded inside by the door. I grabbed it and brought it out and set it up in a matter of seconds. I went back in and raced up the stairs, only to stop halfway to tilt my head over the railing.

  The breathtaking view was causing my heart to beat a little bit quicker. The way that he stretched and showed off his muscles was making me tongue tied.


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