Slave Ship and Other Stories

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Slave Ship and Other Stories Page 9

by Reggie Chesterfield

Because their jobs paid next to nothing, their resources were limited, but eventually Wendy had been able to find a vacation they could afford online. She had never heard of the cruise line, but it looked pretty clean and had some decent reviews. It was also supposed to cater to adult singles. This was a bonus. She had pre-registered with the cruise line, submitting her passport information online. Since it was a singles cruise, she had thought nothing about the cruise line’s request to submit a full body shot. However, she had been a little bit uncomfortable about the questionnaire regarding her sexual preferences.

  While she had dated a lot in college, she was not what anyone would call a slut. At least not by today’s standards. She was proud of the fact that she didn’t sleep around with just everybody. She was a good girl, or at least that’s the way she thought of herself. She was small-town Americana through and through. But this was largely due to her mother’s rigid views regarding sexuality.

  “Everybody will talk about you!” That’s what her mother had said regarding the subject of sex.

  In other words, girls who weren’t virtuous were choice subjects of gossip in towns such as hers. In her mother’s world view, it was not proper to be talked about and she was going to do everything in her power to dissuade her daughter from being such a girl.

  And such admonishments had worked. The auburn-haired Wendy had remained quite chaste. However, while she had been raised to stay a virgin until she was married, that kind of thinking was a little too old-fashioned for her taste. But that was not to say that she didn’t have standards. She had at least liked the two guys with whom she had had sex.

  Susie, however, wasn’t so selective. It almost seemed like she got it on with someone different every week. If it had a pulse and she was in the mood, she would fuck it. It didn’t matter if it was male, female, shemale or what. She was just a horny, dirty girl. She figured that if she screwed enough people, she would eventually luck up on a rich man. A rich man that she could tolerate. This would be her road to the easy life as she perceived it. It was a crap shoot she took every weekend. It was amazing that the two girls could be so different sexually and still be such good friends.

  “Maybe we’ll meet some rich businessmen,” Susie said, flicking her dark hair, as they crossed the Florida state line.

  “Maybe,” Wendy answered.

  She had always considered Susie a bit of a gold-digger just because of the way she seemed to seek out certain kinds of men. Susie would screw anyone, but dating long-term was a different thing entirely. If he didn’t have a fat wallet, he wouldn’t make the cut past the first screw. Unless he was really hung, of course, but even then she would just keep him around for good times. It wouldn’t ever get any more serious than that.

  While Wendy thought such behavior a little unseemly, she really didn’t have that much of a problem with it, as long as people didn’t associate that kind of conduct with her. She always rolled her eyes whenever Susie bent over and showed her ass or tits in front of the bosses at work. That girl was definitely not afraid to work it to get what she wanted. Regardless if the bosses were single or not.

  After they made it to Florida, they quickly found their cruise ship terminal and then located a cheap motel nearby. They figured that they would go out on the town that night and then be ready to board the following morning. They were supposed to be on the ship at eleven o’clock so they had plenty of time. They settled into the room, showered and put on some hot outfits and were ready to hit the town.

  Since the cruise ship terminals and, thusly the motel, were nowhere near anything other than old warehouses and other industrial facilities, they had to drive back into town to find the bars.

  After driving around for about a half-hour, they finally found some real hopping ones near the university. They were fairly packed, which was something considering it was a Thursday. Studying apparently wasn’t that important down here. It was hard not to notice how body conscious everyone was. Most of the women were smoking hot as were the men. Form-fitting and revealing clothes were the norm.

  It would have been easy to get caught up in the loud music and party atmosphere had Wendy not restrained herself. The drinks were flowing and the sexual energy was palpable. Wendy allowed herself to drink a little, but kept herself from doing anything other than dancing with a swarthy bodybuilder. She didn’t want to get anything going too early into their vacation. She knew they still had a cruise to go on. Besides, she thought his face was too goofy looking to go much farther than that. She didn’t think she would be able to do anything too hot and heavy without looking at his face and laughing. He was just that cartoonish looking. Besides, she just wasn’t the kind of girl to do anything more than that anyway.

  Susie, however, didn’t exercise such control. She turned it loose and was partying to beat the band. After about an hour, Wendy found her in the ladies room bent over the sink with a blonde surfer dude balls deep in her pussy. Her big tits were hanging out of the top of her dress, swinging in time to the screwing. She was drunk and oblivious to the other people in the bath room.

  “You fucker!” she roared as he pounded her. “Fuck me like a man!”

  He got a perplexed look on his face, but he did as she requested, ramming her so hard that he was almost knocking her head into the mirror. She groaned with approval and it was obvious that he was hitting her g-spot. It wasn’t long before she came. She soon started screaming and writhing while she climaxed. He waited until she was finished and then came. Hard. He held her big tits as he ejaculated. When he had finished, she turned around and slapped his face.

  “What’s that for?” he asked, not just a little surprised.

  Thanks to the tequila he was drunk on, it was one of his better performances. Considering how hot she was, the fact that he had been able to hold it until she came was quite an achievement for him.

  “I wasn’t done, yet, you fuckwad,” she slurred.

  “But you came,” he protested.

  “I wanted more than one!”

  “I can try again,” he offered.

  Susie smiled a tightlipped smile that let him know that his time with her was truly finished. “No, I’m over it now. Besides, I think I need some pussy.”

  She looked around the restroom for some likely candidates but apparently wasn’t able to find what she was looking for. She went over to Wendy— who had early in their friendship made it clear that girl/girl sex wasn’t her thing—and grabbed her arm. “C’mon, let’s go,” she said.

  Wendy was relieved because this was one time she wasn’t going to have to force Susie into the car after leaving a bar. Regardless, She couldn’t help but be more than little turned on from watching Susie’s performance. Seeing how hard she had orgasmed had made her want to rub herself, but she kept from it. She didn’t really want to do that here. Not now. It just wasn’t a proper thing to do and besides, it was time to get back to the motel. She also didn’t want to give Susie a chance to change her mind.

  The next morning, due to being out so late the previous night, Wendy and Susie slept later than they had intended and left the motel in much more of a hurry and state of dishevelment than they would have otherwise. They were barely able to get their car parked and dash to the terminal before it was too late.

  “Man, I didn’t plan on sleeping that late,” Wendy said as she hurried into line.

  There were still quite a few people who hadn’t boarded yet so apparently it wasn’t just them who were late. However, they were the very last ones in line.

  “Yeah, but I didn’t plan on fucking that guy last night either,” Susie replied. “But you know how it is when the opportunity presents itself.”

  “It presents itself to you quite a lot,” Wendy said, laughing.

  “Jealous!” Susie said and snickered.

  Wendy rolled her eyes. “It looks like we’re going to be okay though,” she said.

  “Whew!” Susie said.

  They had checked their bags when they had come in so they were now c
arrying nothing but their purses.

  As they stood in line, Wendy thought about the night before at the club and couldn’t help but look over at Susie with amusement, envy and just a little disgust.

  “You were really out of control last night, you know that?”

  Susie smiled. “So?”

  Wendy shook her head. “I could never do that sort of thing.”

  Susie laughed. “You would be better off if you did. No, I wasn’t out of control. I’m just an independent woman. I fuck who I feel like fucking.”

  “Well, no one can accuse you of doing any differently.”

  The two young women made their way up to the counter where they presented their boarding passes to the clerk, a tall, stern blonde well-built woman in her mid-thirties. From her accent she seemed to be from Scandinavia or somewhere like Scandinavia. Her name tag read, Inga. From her demeanor and bearing, it was obvious that this woman, while being extremely good looking, didn’t tolerate much nonsense.

  “Mmmm…,” she said as looked over their paperwork.

  They could tell from the way she was looking from her computer to them and then back again that she was looking at the full body pics they had sent of themselves.

  “Is there anything wrong?” Susie asked.

  “I’m not sure…mmmm,” she said.

  She picked up the phone and said something in a foreign language. She nodded and said something else that they couldn’t understand. She hung up the phone and turned to the girls and smiled coldly. “Everything is good. I had to make sure there wasn’t a how you say, glitch, in the software.” She laughed.

  Susie and Wendy fake laughed out of politeness.

  “So, Inga, can we go on through?” Susie asked. They were getting impatient to board.

  Inga seemed to bristle at this question. She obviously wasn’t too keen on the passengers being so familiar with her, but she didn’t say anything. She forced a smile.

  “Oh yes. In fact, I’ll go with you. You’re the very last customers and I’ll walk you through myself. You know, give you the tour. Just give me a moment to close up my computer.”

  “Okay, Inga,” the two girls said.

  Inga winced a little bit again.

  After a moment, she had closed up her computer and took Susie gently by the arm.

  “Come with me. You’re so lucky, girls. It’s so rare that passengers get a tour like this. Usually we just herd you in like cattle and then turn you loose on the buffets so you can eat like pigs.”

  Then she laughed and they began to walk around and through the ramp up into the boat.

  Susie couldn’t help but observe how stacked Inga was. She was an Amazon with enormous tits, small waist and perfect ass. Her dark military-inspired uniform really accentuated her body. Her high black boots made her look even taller than she was. Susie couldn’t help but feel a little tingle as they walked. Inga was one sexy woman.

  They walked up the ramp and into the ship. Wendy and Susie were excited as they looked around the atrium and saw all the other passengers milling about. It was quite a festive environment. The ship was done up in the typical casino-lite décor that is de rigueur of cruise ships of the modern era. The European style fixtures were the only thing to suggest that they weren’t in a Native American gaming establishment in upstate New York.

  “Wow, this place is nice,” Wendy said as she looked around at the gaudily decorated ship.

  “Yes, King Oscar’s Prodigious Scepter is one of the best ships in our fleet,” Inga said matter-of-factly. “Now follow me. I’ll take you to your room.”

  Inga didn’t wait for them. She merely started walking and the two young women followed automatically. She led them to a stairwell and began walking down the steps. They went down and down and down. It seemed as though they were going to the bottom of ship. They passed several crew members as they went down the stairway.

  Wendy and Susie couldn’t help but notice that the men seemed to be leering at them but they couldn’t tell for sure. Some of them were pretty good looking so they didn’t mind.

  “I can see why the tickets were so cheap,” Susie whispered as they approached their last flight of steps.

  Inga shot her a cold look that let her know that she had overheard her. Susie quickly stopped talking.

  They continued to walk until they reached the bottom of the steps. Then Inga led them down a hallway to a room at the very end. The hallway seemed to be clean, but wasn’t as well lit as the rest of the ship.

  “Well, it looks like we have arrived,” Inga said and opened the door.

  Wendy and Susie went into the cabin which was a lot less than spectacular. It was a small standard room with a bed and small bathroom. There was also a chair and TV. And that was it. To their surprise, Inga followed them in.

  “Now, girls, take off your clothes,” she said firmly.

  Wendy and Susie were taken aback.

  “What do you mean?” Susie questioned, although normally she never passed up an opportunity to get undressed.

  “It means that you should get undressed. Now. Hurry, we don’t have much time. The Captain will be here soon.” She snapped her fingers rapidly for emphasis.

  The girls were still perplexed.

  “But why does the captain want to see us without our clothes?” Wendy asked incredulously.

  Inga laughed mirthlessly. “Because you have such wonderful bodies. Now take off your clothes. I need to inspect you.”

  With that, she pulled out a small whip from her pocket. It was like a bullwhip, but much smaller. It was only about six feet long when it was unrolled, but still looked very intimidating. She gently flicked it just so the girls would see it.

  “You’re not going to beat us, are you?” Susie said, her eyes getting bigger.

  This scene was just not registering it was so surreal. This was just like something in one of movies that one of her kinkier ex-boyfriends had made her watch. She began to get a little turned on just thinking about it. Surely, this couldn’t be happening in real life. This was the kind of thing that only happened in tawdry, cheap sex novels with bad punctuation and horrible grammar. While just a little scared, she was also more than a little intrigued.

  “That depends on you,” Inga said.

  Wendy started to say something about how she was going to call the police, but just then the boat started moving.

  Then Susie nudged her.

  “Let’s go along with it. The boat’s moving so I think we’re stuck. Maybe this is just part of checking in or something,” she said, getting more and more turned on by the situation that was presenting itself. She wanted to stick around and see what was going to happen.

  Wendy looked at her as if she had lost her mind, but realized that outside of fighting Inga, who would have surely beaten her to a pulp, she really didn’t have much choice but to go along.

  The two girls began taking their clothes off and could tell that Inga was beginning to get hot and bothered by the way her large breasts began gently heaving up and down and they way she ground the whip into her side. She flicked her hair and walked around them, almost salivating at their bodies.

  “Mmmm…yes, girls. Take off everything. Let me see your bodies. Mmmm…”

  When the girls were nude, she walked over behind Susie and began to nuzzle her neck.

  “You are such a pretty girl,” she said in her accented voice. “Such a dirty little thing. You’re going to love your cruise experience.”

  Wendy watched as Susie was immediately wet and turned around to face Inga. Her hands were drawn to the taller woman’s breasts and she was soon embraced in a full-on lip lock. It was so intense that Wendy couldn’t help but find herself aching to join in. She had seen this girl/girl kissing at parties and clubs, but had just thought that it was something silly the girls did to turn on the guys. This, however, was going beyond any such flirtation. This was full-on sex and she was now aching to be touched.

  She went over to them, but Inga pushed her away. />
  “No. You stay over there and watch,” she snapped.

  Wendy stopped suddenly.

  Inga took the whip and popped it at her leg, making a small welt. “Get back over there and watch or you’ll get this,” she reiterated sternly.

  Wendy was stunned, but was still so turned on that she would’ve done anything that Inga asked.

  Susie went back to kissing Inga and was grinding her pussy on Inga’s leg. Inga kissed her neck and breasts passionately and interrupted Susie’s grinding to insert a couple of fingers into her vagina. She pulled them out and put them into her mouth.

  “Your pussy tastes like a dessert,” Inga said. “You taste better than the Hazelnut Napoleons they serve at the late dinner seating.” She put her fingers back in Susie for another taste.

  Wendy continued to watch, but every time she tried to put her hands between her legs or on her breasts, Inga cracked the whip at her. She made it very clear that there as to be no masturbating or joining in. Wendy was just supposed to watch while she and Susie went at it. Wendy had to consign herself to observing and occasionally sneaking and touching herself whenever Inga was too wrapped up to notice her. Wendy was so horny she would have fucked anything at this point.

  Inga stripped off her clothes except for her boots and went to action quickly. She stood over Susie and pushed the girl’s head into her smooth pussy. Susie eagerly began to lick her. She lay back on the bed so Susie could get to it easier. Inga no longer had to hold Susie’s head because the girl couldn’t eat fast enough. Inga groaned as she had a small orgasm. Susie climbed up on top of her and began to suck her nipples. Inga was in complete ecstasy as was Susie. Inga turned Susie around so that she could get a taste and quickly got Susie off. Susie couldn’t help but shriek from the pleasure. But Inga wasn’t done. She grinned wickedly and produced a large strap-on dildo from under the bed and quickly put it on. It was made of black soft rubber and was around nine inches long. She pushed it down between her legs and rubbed it against her pussy before she inserted it into Susie’s pussy.

  Wendy was surprised when Inga had pulled the strap-on out. Were all rooms furnished like this? She consigned herself to thinking that Inga had probably put it here for just such purposes, but really didn’t really care. She was just aching to change places with Susie.


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