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It is a wonderful gift to be allowed to write about people, to say what one thinks of them - the good, the bad, the great, the misguided and the entertaining. This task is made not easier but less hazardous when those under scrutiny are dead, as with the dramatis personae of this book. But this section is the place to write about the living - about those without whom this book would not have been born.
The gift of being asked to write this book was bestowed by Tim Whiting, my publisher at Little, Brown. For this, and for his unflappable support and faith, much gratitude. My thanks are due to all at Little, Brown who have helped to see this book through to completion. Commissioning Editor Claudia Connal’s kindness and support was always unwavering. When she left for new challenges elsewhere, Dominic Wakeford picked up the project at a late stage. In view of this, his clarity of direction was all the more remarkable. Dom’s wise counsel ensured a rough first draft moved through to a final manuscript. Thanks also go to Senior Project Editor Nithya Rae, whose clear-headedness has been a blessing, especially as she also had to take on the project at a late point when her stalwart predecessor Iain Hunt left for new pastures. I must also thank the meticulous Steve Gove for his copyediting; Picture Research Manager Linda Silverman who, as always, provided marvellous pictures; and Bekki Guyatt, who designed the arresting cover. And I must thank Ted Vallance, Professor of Early Modern British Political Culture at Roehampton University, for his penetrating comments on the manuscript and for helping to steer me away from some seventeenth-century political quicksand I might otherwise have headed into.