Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Book 1 - Tutorial

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Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Book 1 - Tutorial Page 8

by Stuart Grosse

  I kept maneuvering, keeping the Barbarian between me and the Fighter, wearing hir down. Attacking the hamstrings, wrists, arms, and so on allowed me to slowly cripple the Barbarian, to the point where shi collapsed to the ground, just barely alive, but unable to lift hir weapon or move. Probably had a couple minutes before shi would be a problem again.

  Not that shi had a couple minutes. The Fighter frowned as I coldly executed his comrade with a blow to hir neck. Now it was just us two. He thought he had gotten my measure, and began attacking. I would love to say that my twin blade style overpowered his orthodox sword-and-shield style, but that would be a lie. I threw Euphoria on him, which disrupted his stance enough for me to slip my katana past his guard, spilling his intestines onto the ground as Munsuraisa’s special ability activated, and it ignored his armor. Falling to his knees, his sword falling to his side, the fighter looked up at me with hate in his eyes as I relieved him, too, of his head.

  The Priestess didn’t seem to be getting in on this yet, which was fortunate. Turning to look at the hapless (and screaming) Rogue, I chuckled, and pulled out a piece of ‘junk’ loot from my inventory. A simple copper chain necklace. Worth a few coins at the market. I checked the Enslavement enchantment earlier. Didn’t have to have to be a collar to carry the enchantment, so I slapped it on the necklace.

  Necklace of Servitude





  A basic copper chain necklace, the likes of which beginner crafters often make. This necklace has been enchanted with the Enslavement curse, and acts similarly to a slave collar. The necklace may not be removed except by the master, or in the case of the slave’s death.

  With a wicked grin, I put some blood from the wound the rogue had given me on it, and then reached up to the rogue who was now struggling MUCH harder against the tentacles, and slipped it on her neck.

  Slave acquired!

  Severa Rex

  Human Female

  Level 5 Rogue

  As the master, you may view the slave’s status.

  “Heh. That worked nicely.” I released her from the tentacles, and she got up, rubbing her ass which was apparently tender from her spanking.

  “So, what now, Master?” She said the word with such venom! If the enchantment didn’t forbid it, no doubt she’d be trying to kill me now.

  I smiled wickedly at the newest addition to my harem. Yes, not even out of tutorial, and I’m making myself a harem! Who needs a PC party, when you can enslave pretty NPCs? Who cares that it might be frowned on some places? I’m not a paladin here! “Don’t worry, Severa. I’ll take good care of your ass later on, and keep doing it until you learn some respect. Ask Della there about what you have to look forward to. In the meantime, we ought to do something about this Priestess.”

  “Oh, you intend to ‘do something’ about me, hmm? You do know that I am a Priestess of Mystra, yes? My magic is far too powerful for the likes of you to comprehend!”

  I paused from looting the corpses of the fallen named mobs, and chuckled. “Oh, I can see fighting you would be fun, but I have something else in mind, Jayde Roseburg. We still have, what, four hours until your ritual is ready, right? What do you say to a bit of a wager? You and me, no weapons. There’s a room back the way we came where we can have some privacy. I will have you screaming and begging me for release in half that time.”

  “Quite sure of yourself, aren’t you, incubus? And what would the wager be, if I was so inclined?”

  “Oh, that’s simple. If you win, I’ll join you in this ritual, and help you summon your dark master. If I win, you’ll join us for dinner, as the main course.” Zayn grinned wolfishly, and said, “Without your bodyguards, taking down all three of us would be… troublesome, even for you. You might succeed in defeating us, but you may end up too wounded or weakened to perform the ritual. With a simple wager, you have your best chance of success.” He paused, and then said, “Unless you are unsure of your skills?”

  Chapter 12 – The Priestess and the Princesses

  The Priestess had some levels on me, and was the boss of this tutorial, but I had cheat skills and stats. That, and the fact that I was right that a fight against my team would lead to her being in critical condition even if she won, left her dancing in the palm of my hand. Honestly, I was starting to love this new character even more than Torgan. There was a rush from situations like this that you didn’t get from simply smiting evil.

  As we adjourned to the private room, I told my slaves to start a fire going and to set up for a roast, getting a smirk from the Priestess. She was quite confident in her ability to resist, no doubt thinking I was overconfident due to my Incubus nature.

  Once inside the room, I pulled the priestess towards me using my enhanced strength, holding her close against my body, and kissed her upon the lips. While she sputtered in shock, I silently placed Selfish Lover on her. Oh, sure, a priestess would probably notice the trick if I used it normally, but she was a little flustered, and missed it.

  One hand reached up, holding her firmly by the throat, though not choking her, while the other began undressing her. All the while, I kept eye contact with the woman, watching every reaction as a finger flicked a now exposed nipple, or lightly brushed between her thighs, or played with her tight rear. Might not be polite to say, but there were some VERY realistic VR porn games out there, and I’d played enough of them that I had picked up a few tricks. Not as much in RL, though, but I’ve never had any complaints.

  I didn’t even undress, didn’t even pull out my cock. I just kept touching, teasing, rubbing, kissing, maybe a bit of biting, and fingering, continuing the foreplay and getting her hotter and hotter. Of course, she couldn’t climax, because I hadn’t released the spell. So the pleasure continued to build and build. No, it is not fair. Fair is for chumps. I like winning. Especially when winning looks like this.

  Finally, after a little more than an hour of my pleasurable tortures, Jayde broke down, and screamed, “OH GODS DAMN IT! JUST LET ME CUM!” She was near delirious by this point, and panting heavily.

  I released her throat, and said, “On your knees, and beg for release.”

  Shakily, she fell to her knees, and looked up at me, and begged, “Please! I beg you, fuck me, ravish me! Just let me cum already!”

  Smirking down at her, I said, “I win.” And then I made her watch as I stripped off my clothes. She gasped as she saw my size, but at this point, she was too far gone to think about anything but getting off.

  Grabbing her hair, I pulled her up, and bent her over a table, spreading her legs. When I thrust in, she was wet and ready all right, but that didn’t stop a shriek of pain, as I made sure to bottom out in her. Gripping her by her shapely hips, I continued the assault, caring only about my pleasure. And I enjoyed myself immensely.

  But even as I finished in her, I didn’t let the woman cum. I left her there, worn out and gasping, but still excited, as I pulled the enchanted spit out of my inventory. Carefully, I lined it up, and with an ease born of my high cooking skill, I forced the spit through the Priestess’s body, and when it emerged from her mouth, I released Selfish Lover, causing her to have the most intense orgasm of her life.

  I didn’t bother watching to see her status, as the impaling spit dealt a low level of damage over time to her, while the spit used her mana to heal her. Instead, I inserted a second rod into her rear to stabilize her on the pole, and then tied her hands and feet to the spit, while making sure to pull her hair back and secure it.

  From my inventory, I pulled seasonings from the Priestess’s own cabin, and began rubbing her with oils, and doing what I could to make her meat taste good. Whoever programmed the Dolcett Cookbook knew their stuff, which made me wonder certain things about their RL. In a game was one thing, RL was another.

  When the seasoning was done, I dressed and called my slaves over, and they carried the former priestess (now meat) out to the fire, while I went to see about the two
elves. Along the way, I checked my windows.

  You have defeated an entire adventuring party!

  6500 XP gained!

  For defeating the Black Hand adventuring party single-handedly, you gain 210 Fame (raised from 200)!

  You are now level 9!

  You have 35 points remaining.

  Seduction has improved to Basic 1.

  New subskill unlocked: Combat Seduction.

  Combat Seduction – A truly shameless person can try and seduce his foes even in the midst of combat, leading to… interesting results. Just don’t get caught thinking with the wrong ‘sword’!

  I checked the quest, but it was still ongoing, though I noticed that the countdown had stopped. Probably had something to do with taking the Priestess out of play, but not killing her outright. Not yet, anyways. Might need to talk with the elves first, too.

  Reaching the nearest elf, I smiled at her, and gently removed her gag, though I didn’t unchain her yet. Best wait until I was sure she hadn’t been driven mad, or was a cultist herself. Or that she wouldn’t freak out from the sight of the Priestess turning over the coals. In Elvish, I said, “Hello there, my pretty, and who might you be?”

  Of course, I used Observe on both her and the other elf, to see what it brought up. When you’re starting a new game, information is power, and even if they lie, that tells me something.

  Aravae Liarora

  Female Elf

  Level 6 Priestess

  Title: Princess of Wyrmwood

  Esyae Liarora

  Female Elf

  Level 6 Ranger

  Title: Princess of Wyrmwood

  So, princesses? And probably sisters. Interesting. Didn’t expect to meet elvish princesses so early in the game. Looking at the elf in front of me, I waited to hear what she would say.

  Gathering herself as best she could when she was naked and bound to a column as a sacrifice. “I am Aravae Liarora, Princess of the Wyrmwood and Priestess of Sharess. My sister Esyae Liarora, Princess of Wyrmwood and Huntress of the Windfather is over there. You are not with the cultists, I take it? How did you come to find us here?”

  I smiled as she went for the truth. “I am… a Traveler.” I had to think for a second to remember the term they used for Players in this world. It had the desired effect, though, as Aravae’s eyes lit up, and she nodded for me to continue. “I just came to this world, and found myself in the woods. After several battles with the creatures of the wild, I found a cabin in the woods. What I found there I believe you already know. I received a quest, telling me to investigate the temple, and stop the ritual, if I could.”

  “And that required spitting the Priestess alive? I can see she is squirming quite a bit over the heat.”

  “Oh, no. That choice was mine. But I thought it fitting that someone who wished to bring Terrors into the world suffer before she died.”

  “And the reason my sister and I are still bound?”

  “Didn’t know if you were under someone’s control, or whether you might react badly to the… circumstances. Also, you’re both incredibly beautiful. But you said you were a Priestess of Sharess, yes? If I untie you and your sister, and bring you something to wear, I wonder if you might share some insights into the goddess? I have only the basic information on the major dieties of this world, and would love to learn more.”

  Aravae smirked. “An incubus wishes to learn more about the goddess of love and passion? Why am I not surprised? And what form of ‘insight’ would you like?”

  I grinned, and reached one hand forward to place it on her waist, picking the maiden up so I could unhook the chains from where they were attached to the column. “I think we could both enjoy some ‘insights’, don’t you?”

  “And my sister?”

  “She can watch, or join in, if she likes.”

  “And those two women by the fire?”

  “My slaves, both recently caught. One has been promised a reminder of her place, and I wish both of them to see that I can be kind, as well as cruel.”

  “And will you escort my sister and I back to the Wyrmwood?”

  “I am a Traveler. I have no need or desire to stay at this ruined temple forever. A journey to a kingdom of elves, escorting their princesses home safely, doesn’t sound too bad to me.”

  As we spoke, I carried her over to where her sister was chained, and soon had a naked elf maiden in either arm. Moving to an area away from the altar, I threw down a few cultist robes and cloaks as makeshift bedding, and we proceeded to share several ‘insights’.


  After our ‘conversation’, Aravae initiated me as a follower of Sharess. The Priest class opened up, but I held off on choosing a class, for now. Better to wait until we were in civilization, and I had more options to choose from. I did, however, get a couple bonuses for having a patron diety.

  Patron Diety: Sharess

  Gain Charm Resistance +10%

  Charm Magic

  Fruitful Passion (Level 1, 0%)

  Convey the blessings of the Goddess upon the target. The target will produce a child with the next creature they lie with, no matter what kind of being they might be, so long as it is before the next new moon.

  Cost: 400 MP

  Sheltered Passion (Level 1, 0%)

  The blessings of the Goddess protect the target. No matter how many times they lie with another, or with whom, until the full moon rises, they shall not produce a child.

  Cost: 400 MP

  Oh sure, these were worth exactly nothing in a fight, except maybe the Charm resistance, which gave me a whopping -40% resistance against females trying to charm me (or -90% if they were prettier than me), but the choice of whether or not to impregnate people, or even to just place Fruitful Passion on someone who was trying for a child, could go a long way to keeping angry fathers and husbands from looking for me with torches and pitchforks.

  Looking over to the Priestess, I was somewhat amused to see that she was still alive. The spit had dealt heavy damage to her when I shoved it through, since it was considered a ‘Fatal Hit’ and a crit, and the bleed it caused was doing more damage over time, along with the fire, but her MP had fueled the spit’s enchantment enough to keep her barely alive, even as her meat was cooked to perfection.

  The elf maidens were a little discomfited to be eating human flesh, but eventually I convinced them. My slaves did what I told them to, naturally, even though they didn’t seem to like it too much. But everyone agreed that the meat tasted wonderful. Somewhere along the way, the Priestess finally expired, and I received several notifications.

  Quest Complete: Find the Priestess

  A Terror cultist is planning to summon a Terror! Find the ruin spoken of in the notes, and stop the summoning before it is too late!

  You found the Priestess, and foiled her evil plot by roasting her alive and eating her!


  Stop the summoning ritual.

  Bonus! You saved the Elf Princesses!


  The Summoning Succeeds.



  Reputation with Wyrmwood becomes Friendly.

  +420 Fame (increased from 400)

  Sacred Bow of the Wyrmwood

  Mana Arrows

  Sacred Bow of the Wyrmwood







  Damage Type


  This bow was made from the branch of a sacred tree in the Wyrmwood. Rarely seen outside the Wyrmwood, and almost never in the hands of nonelves, this bow has powerful magics woven into it. Deals triple damage to evil creatures.

  Requires Level 15 or Race (Elf).

  Requires Bow Mastery Basic 1.

  Mana Arrow (Max)

  You may substitute your mana for arrows to shoot from your bow. 1 MP for each arrow created in this way. These act as normal arrows in most respects, but are magical, and may hit in
corporeal foes.

  Wonderful. A bow I couldn’t use yet, even if it was awesome. But once I actually found a bow, Mana Arrow would be pretty darn useful, I think.

  You have reached Level 10!

  You have 40 points remaining!

  Your Soulforged Weapons have advanced to a new level. Select abilities.

  Slave Trainer Level 10

  New abilities available! See a trainer to unlock!

  One more reason to get to town, it seemed. Anyways, I decided to check out how I could improve my blades. Eventually, I decided to add some themely awesomeness to my weapons. Both were developing in different ways, to deal with different threats.

  Munsuraisa (Moon Slicer)


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