Belonging to Him

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Belonging to Him Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Marry me, Hope.”

  He knew he wasn’t letting her leave his home until he had the ring on her finger and the consent pouring out of her lips.


  Simon was starting to hate that single word. No woman said no to him. In the bedroom she refused him nothing but outside, she fought him. He didn’t get his own way outside the bedroom.

  Isn’t that the reason why you love her?

  He stared down at Hope, the only woman he loved, and wondered what more he could do and say to prove to her that he was totally smitten with her.

  Yes, he’d tired of his other women, but that was because he wasn’t ready to settle down. He was only human and he’d made mistakes. Marrying Hope would not be a mistake.

  He loved her and wanted her desperately and he wouldn’t let that one word hold him back.

  Simon ran his hands over her breasts, feeling the fullness against his palms. He was never going to get bored with her. She was an amazing woman.

  Running his hands down her body, Simon fingered her creamy slit. With her legs wide open he saw her bare arousal. Her clit was swollen, peeking out of its hood. He’d sucked, licked and fingered her clit for many hours. Simon loved to tease her and watch her come apart under his hands.

  She was the perfect submissive and a wonderful woman.

  He was going to show her how much he loved her with his body.

  Chapter Four

  Hope watched as he knelt before her at the table. He gripped her hips and pulled her to the edge. Her pussy was level with his eyes. She went to her elbows and looked at him, wondering what he was thinking as he gazed at her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said.

  Her heart jumped inside her chest. His compliments were sending a pulse of excitement all through her body. Under his searching gaze she felt beautiful, loved and cherished.

  Simon told her to lie back on the table. Closing her eyes, she lay back until she was flat. Her senses were heightened by her lack of vision. She loved it when he used one of his work ties or a blindfold while they were playing. Closing her eyes was just as fun. All she needed to do was show more restraint.

  “You have such a pretty little pussy.” He blew on her clit and she felt him separate her lips with his fingers. She’d be on display for him to touch and tease her however he wanted. “You look so damn tasty.”

  His tongue swiped down her slit in one smooth glide. Hope tensed and gasped as he grazed her clit with the sweetest touch of his tongue. Simon knew exactly what to do to make her scream.

  “I’m addicted to your taste, Hope. I could lick you all day long.”

  “Please,” she said, begging him to continue.

  “Please, what?”

  “More, Sir. Please,” she said.

  Hope lifted her hands above her head, holding onto the far edge of the table. She didn’t want to interfere with what he was doing. Her punishment would be unbearable as he’d use orgasm denial to get what he wanted.

  She knew him so intimately. Hope knew what he liked and what made his body sing with desire. Never had she been so intimate with a man.

  An urge to tell him how she felt swept over her. She wanted their battle to be over.

  You love him deeply. Why are you denying yourself?

  She didn’t know anymore. With his face between her thighs, licking her pussy, Hope didn’t know why she was fighting him.

  You want him to tell you how he feels.

  Hope growled as the answer came to her. Simon was closed off with his emotions. She never knew what he was thinking or feeling. His tongue plunged inside her, making her cry out and her grip on the table increased.

  Her thoughts left her mind as pleasure took their place. Biting her lip, she tried her hardest not to interfere. The desire to grab his hair and thrust her pussy up to his mouth was intense.

  “I want you, Hope. I always want you,” he said.

  She opened her eyes and pushed him away from her body. He stumbled back until he fell in a heap on his ass. Hope moved off the table and stood naked before him. She felt her cream leaking out of her pussy.

  Gazing down at him, Hope put her hands on her waist and waited. She’d pushed him away and now she didn’t know what to do with him.

  She didn’t want to be the one waiting for him to tell her his feelings. Hope wanted to hear him say the words because he couldn’t hold them back anymore.

  Going to her knees in front of him, she tugged at his shirt. The buttons sprang off to either side of the room. His chest was hard and his muscles rippled as she scored her nails from his stomach up to his nipples.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. It was the first time she had pushed him away.

  “I’m taking what I want.” Hope sank her fingers into his hair and pulled him close. She slammed her lips down on his—not caring that their teeth grazed each other—and took what she wanted. Hope needed to feel his desire for her. She wanted him to claw at her body the way she felt like clawing at his.

  There was nothing refined or delicate in what she wanted from him. She relished his domination of her, but she needed something more—to feel him lose control and take her without any finesse.

  Pulling at the fine hairs at the back of his neck, Hope made love to his mouth. She took possession of his lips like he’d done to hers many times before.

  She waited for him to respond. He lay lax underneath her. Her heart began to break at the way he was responding to her. There was no passion or hunger within him. His cool reserve was in place and with his lack of response, Hope believed she had her answer.

  He didn’t love her and becoming his wife would be a huge mistake.

  In the next instance, she was eating her words.

  His fingers sank into her hair—like her fingers in his—and yanked on the length. Simon pulled her closer and broke the kiss. She collapsed on top of him as he fisted her hair and claimed her lips again.

  Her kiss was nothing like the one he was giving her now. His eyes were open and his pupils were black. She saw his face was flushed and his cock pressed against her pussy.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked.

  “I want everything you can give me.”

  He cupped her face in his hands. She knew he was waiting for her to suddenly deny him. Hope didn’t want to.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  She nodded her head.

  Simon unleashed the beast inside him. There was no time to panic or enjoy as he pulled her hair, sending her to the floor. Within moments, Simon was on top of her.

  The man before her was no longer calm and reserved—he was a man rampant with desire. Hope tore the shirt from his back as he unbuckled his belt. His trousers came off and within seconds they were naked on the floor together.

  She stared up at him, panting for breath, realising they’d never made love anywhere else except his bed and playroom.

  Simon was always in control and he knew what to do to set her off. On the dining room floor they were on equal territory where there were no rules. He was still her master in her heart and she his sub, but for now, those rules were no longer in play.

  Hope was scared, anxious and excited. It was the first time in the past year that she had felt equal to him in all things. Simon was a billionaire while she was only his employee. He commanded respect and there were times she struggled to get any. He was a rich, powerful dominant and she was his submissive. In their lives they were divided and separated by power, wealth and dominance. Right now they were equals in their desire for each other.

  In that one moment, Hope felt there was a chance for them yet.

  * * * *

  Simon knew what she was doing. He saw it in her eyes and to a point understood her need to make them equals. Since the moment they’d met they’d never had the chance to be the same. When they’d met at the club, they’d done so through the Dominant and submissive divide that separated them. At work, he was the boss while she was the employee. There was no
part of their life where they were equals in all things.

  He stared into her eyes and knew what was holding her back from being his wife. Simon saw it and knew how to rectify it, but he wasn’t going to come out and say the words instantly. He knew Hope well enough to know she wouldn’t believe him.

  Lying naked on his dining room floor, Simon leant down and kissed her lips. She sighed and moved her fingers down to cup his cheeks. The gentleness of her caress almost undid him. She really had no idea how much he loved her.

  He knew by the end of the day Hope would no longer be in doubt about his feelings for her.

  Winding her hair around his fist, Simon held her close and loved her lips with a fierce passion. He was addicted to her full heart-shaped lips. He could lose himself in her lips and pussy for the rest of his life.

  With Hope by his side, Simon knew he’d be a very happy man. The love he felt for her was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. He couldn’t wait to tell her but knew his timing would be vital.

  She caressed down his face to his body where they went farther to grip his cock. He was hard for her. Simon broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.

  They were glistening with unshed tears. He pressed his lips to each eye before loving her lips again.

  Hope broke away and pushed him away from her. Before he had a chance to take control, she crawled onto his lap.

  “Please, don’t fight me.”

  She pressed a finger to his lips, silencing him. Hope caressed his neck and moved down his body placing tiny kisses here and there. Simon closed his eyes as she went southwards, slowly. He stroked her hair when her mouth was perched over the tip of his erection.

  Simon fought to stay still. He refused to spoil her fun. He enjoyed this side of Hope and he saw the teasing glint in her eyes as she stared back up at him.

  His cock tensed in her fist as her tongue licked over the tip of his arousal.

  “Fuck,” he said. The curse broke from his lips before he had a chance to contain it.

  Hope chuckled and in the next instant she’d sucked the head of his cock into her mouth. He watched his length sink inside the warm, wet heat of her mouth. Simon stroked her blonde hair and moved a few strands out of the way so they didn’t obscure his view of the delicious sight before him. She really was a tantalising woman to watch.

  The pleasure intensified in his bollocks, making it hard for him to control his arousal. He wanted to grab her face and slam deep inside her throat, but he held himself back.

  Simon knew he had to give Hope this moment. She needed it. He knew his sub better than his own bank balance. They were destined to be together—he felt it in his heart and refused to give up that feeling because he wasn’t willing to give her time.

  By the end of this weekend she will agree to be my wife.

  She pulled off his length then took more of him inside. Simon watched as she sucked his cock inside her mouth. She sucked in her cheeks, which tightened her mouth around his length.

  Simon stroked her face, wrapping his hand around the length and giving her more. The spark in her eyes couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than pleasure. “You can take more, baby.”

  She nodded her head then went down until her nose was millimetres away from his pubic hair. Simon growled as she pulled up, flicking his slit with her tongue.

  Her moans were driving him crazy. She lapped up his pre-cum and took his cock within her mouth like it was a lollipop for her to feast on.

  He gave himself over to the pleasure of her mouth, loving the way she was opening up. Simon watched as she took his length deeper inside her throat and he knew that by the time they left this room, Hope would agree to be his wife.

  Simon was not leaving the room without his ring on her finger. He held the ring in his fist, as he’d kept it on him since he’d asked her the first time. With her eyes closed, he opened his palm and saw the diamond glinting at him.

  Determination filled him. Hope was going to be his.

  Chapter Five

  His cock was oozing pre-cum and Hope swallowed every drop. She loved the taste of him in her mouth. From the look in his eyes, she knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

  Her pussy was ablaze with the need to be filled by him. Every part of her was for him and she’d never dream of leaving him.

  Staring up into his eyes, Hope found herself wishing for his question once more. He might not have said the words to her, but she no longer needed them. She was in love with him and for the moment it would be enough for her.

  Simon hadn’t asked another woman to marry him. He’d told her that several times. No other woman had meant as much to him as she obviously did.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, caressing her cheek with the back of his knuckles.

  She pulled off his cock and crawled up his body. He loosened his hold on her hair. His cock pressed against her mound as she sat on his lap.

  Hope gazed into his eyes then kissed his lips. She felt connected to him. There were no spankings or punishments around them. They were together because they wanted to be.

  “If you’d wanted to be vanilla I would have accepted that, Hope,” he said, kissing her mouth.

  “I didn’t know if we could do this as a couple.”

  He didn’t say another word as she fisted his cock in her hand and placed the tip against her aching pussy. Simon moved her hand out of the way and guided himself inside her body. He sat with his back against the wall and his legs out in front of him.

  Hope moved down his length feeling every single inch of him pressing inside her. He was thick and stretched her inner walls to accommodate his shaft.

  His hands stroked her back running up to her shoulders. His touch sent shivers down her spine as they were together with the sun shining through the windows. There was no darkness between them. They were bare to each other.

  Simon cupped her cheeks, running his thumb over her bottom lip. She stared into his eyes, seeing so much more gazing back at her.

  She didn’t wait for him to voice his feelings. Hope lifted off his lap then moved down slowly on his shaft, drawing out their pleasure.

  “You’re so wonderfully tight around me.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and moved with a speed that startled her. Simon held her underneath him. She wound her legs around his waist and he interlocked their fingers pressing their hands above her head.

  Simon thrust inside her, going deeper than she could have got him from the angle she’d been at. He bumped her cervix. Hope winced from the sudden pain that was combined with intense pleasure. Simon always knew how to hit her buttons.

  Hope moaned as their connection was stronger than ever before. From the angle he had her she felt him deep inside her body. She felt him deeper inside her. He wasn’t just making love to her body, he was making love to her every part of her.

  This was his ultimate seduction. Simon was teasing and tantalising her senses so no part of her was left unsatisfied.

  He pressed both her hands underneath one of his as he cupped her cheek with his palm.

  Simon paused over her. His cock pulsed where he was buried deep, but he remained still, staring at her.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “I’ve got something to say to you that won’t wait another moment,” he said.

  She frowned. “We’re kind of in the middle of something.”

  “And we’re kind of in the middle of something, Hope. We can’t wait anymore and I need to say this to you now.”

  Hope saw the urgency in his face and nodded her head.

  “I love you,” he said, after several seconds of quiet.

  She froze, unsure if she’d heard him correctly.


  He’d never said those words to another woman. She knew that because he’d told her and she believed him.

  Simon pressed a kiss to her lips. Hope wanted to slap him and pulled on his hand to let her go. He wouldn’t budge. Simon had pla
nned this perfectly. There was no choice left but for her to listen to what he had to say.

  “When I first met you I didn’t know if we were going to last or whether you’d be like every other woman I’d dated. But from the first moment we were together, I knew you were different. I felt it in here.” He pressed a hand against his chest. “You somehow sneaked up on me and got under my skin.”

  She saw the glint of tears in his eyes and knew he spoke the truth.

  “We never had a contract and we never talked about what would happen after. No, let me speak.” He pressed his hand over her mouth when she went to talk. Licking her lips, Hope waited for him to continue.

  “I love you, Hope. I spend my every waking moment thinking about you. I hate the fact I can’t touch you at the office. I want the whole world to know that you’re my woman. I see other men touch you and I see red. I want to kill them for touching you. You’re mine and I’m tired of hiding behind our fears. I’m sick and tired of other men getting to touch you when we both know who you belong to.”

  He ran his hand down her side and cupped her thigh.

  “The weekends are the best part of my week because I get to hold you and do anything I want with you. Hope, I’m asking you to be my wife not because I need one or want one. I want you to become my wife so that the whole world knows who you belong to. I love you with everything that I am and I’ve never been ashamed of you.”

  Simon reached up over her head and released her left hand. She felt him slide on a ring and she brought it up in front of her face to stare at the diamond engagement ring. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes from his speech. She’d never anticipated he could say such kind, loving words.

  She knew he was a dominant man but he was also a businessman, and speaking freely about his feelings was difficult for him.

  “Please, Hope Pattern, you are my world. The very reason I get up in the morning is so I can see your smiling face. Please, do me the honour of becoming my wife.”

  Hope gazed at the ring on her finger and ran his words through her mind once again. He was buried deep inside her pussy and his words would remain forever in her heart.


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