Dream On

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Dream On Page 11

by Renita Pizzitola

  “I did.” He beamed.

  “I’m impressed.” Which I was, but even more so by how he’d planned it just right with my arrival. I said I’d be late and it was definitely past dinnertime, yet before me laid a perfect meal, impeccably timed and fresh out of the oven.

  “That’s what I’d hoped for. Hopefully you still feel the same way after you taste it.”

  “The fact you cooked and didn’t set your whole kitchen on fire is already a step up from what I’m capable of. Trust me, I’m impressed.”

  Alex’s efficiency only had room for a small bistro style table. He pulled out my chair and served me a glass of wine, which I accepted without hesitation. My stomach remained coiled in nervous knots but I tried to play it cool.

  We ate, laughed and I began to relax.

  “Will you stay the night?” He finally asked the question I’d anticipated.

  I glanced at him. “You know I–”

  “I know and I don’t mean like that. Just stay with me. Don’t run off tonight. Sleep here, nothing more. I want to wake with you by my side.”

  It was sweet and totally creeped me out. Would I wake if I slept next to him?

  “I don’t know.” I didn’t have to fake my hesitation.

  “Please? I promise to keep the nightmares away and make you breakfast.”

  “Breakfast and nightmares.” I grinned.


  I bit my bottom lip and stared at my plate. If I wanted to complete this assignment, I had to go through with it. I looked up and forced a smile. “Okay.”

  “Really?” Alex’s eyes widened.

  “You sound surprised. Was I supposed to say no?”

  “I’d prepared to sweeten the deal. Didn’t think you’d give in this easily.”

  “Wait a minute, there’s more to offer?”

  “Sure, dessert, massage, my first born, anything to get you to stay the whole night.”

  I stood and grabbed my plate. “Oh, I assumed those were already on the table, they’re standard for me.”

  “Glad we cleared that up.” He followed me into the kitchen, wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me. His gaze dipped to my lips and slowly his face came down to mine. I panicked.

  “You aren’t trying to cheat me out of dessert, are you?”

  His lips paused, inches from mine.

  “Of course not.” He gave me a light peck and opened the freezer revealing several pints of gourmet ice cream.

  “Didn’t know which you liked, so I got a few.”

  “Oh, they aren’t all for me?”

  He laughed and handed me a spoon. “If you can eat them, you can have them.”

  “Don’t tempt me.”

  We settled onto the couch and he flipped on a movie. This time we watched a comedy, no high action thrillers tonight. Too bad that wouldn’t keep the nightmares away.

  The time had come to get to work. Should I enter the dream realm naturally or in spirit form? In spirit form, I’d be in charge of my own actions but Grayson had warned me about leaving my body. Of course, if the necklace worked, it’d be fine. How did I cross into a dream of my own creation? If the dream realm always existed, which I knew it did–Grayson proved that–I should be able to. Alex wouldn’t know the difference if I pretend it was my own dream.

  “Do you not like the movie?” he asked.

  I’d missed my cue to laugh. I smiled. “Sorry, I’m lost in mocha java bliss and can hardly concentrate on anything else.”

  He chuckled and turned back to the movie.

  Unable to bear the anticipation, I decided to get it over with. I forced a yawn.

  He turned to me. “Are you tired?”

  “Oh it’s fine, let’s finish your movie.” I stifled another fake yawn.

  “It’s okay. I’ve seen it before. We can go to bed if you’re sleepy.” He stood, reached for my hand and pulled me to standing. “Do you need to borrow something to sleep in or–?” With a small smile, he gave me a quick onceover.

  I tsked him, reminding him of my chaste vows.

  “Kidding, but if you need something I can get it for you.”

  “I always keep stuff in my bag for the nights I crash in my office, but I’d love a t-shirt or something I can sleep in.”

  When I emerged from the bathroom in my borrowed shirt, Alex took me in with one quick sweep, and then headed to change.

  I stared at the bed. My shoulders tensed and I took a deep breath. Weird how pretending to be a virgin actually made me feel like one. I slid into bed and threw the blanket over me. The bathroom door opened. The privacy in his studio was non-existent.

  As he climbed into bed, I eyed Grayson’s body. He wore cotton pajama pants and a fitted white under shirt. Was there anything this man didn’t look good in? I desperately wanted to curl against him.

  Alex moved his pillows around and tried to get comfortable. “I swear this isn’t a cheap come on, but do you mind if I take my shirt off?”

  I busted out laughing and gave him a look. “Sure that’s not a come on?”

  “I’m sorry, but I already have pants on, I can’t do the shirt too. I feel suffocated by all these clothes.” He tugged at his collar.

  “What do you normally sleep in?” I asked, as I adjusted my own pillow.

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh.” My mind raced with thoughts about Grayson. Did he sleep naked? And if he didn’t, what would he think about another guy sleeping naked in his body? I almost laughed aloud.

  My irrational side didn’t want to miss an opportunity to see Grayson shirtless. “You can take it off. It doesn’t bother me. I work out with shirtless guys all the time. It’s fine.”

  “Um, thanks for that visual. I don’t feel at all inferior now, thinking about the shirtless kick-boxers you stare at every day.”

  I giggled as he pulled off his shirt. Alex may have reason to feel inferior, but Grayson’s body had nothing to worry about. From his defined abs to his firm chest, his tan skin was delectable. It was hard to play the role of chaste virgin staring at godlike perfection. My cheeks warmed when I realized he watched me ogle him.

  “Good night.” I snuggled into my pillow and closed my eyes. His chest shook with light laughter as he put his arm around me.

  “Night.” He whispered.

  If I’d risk my life tonight, I’d might as well enjoy the perks. I nestled into him as if he was the real Grayson, but permitted myself only a moment to do so. I had work to do.

  I focused on the dream realm and allowed my spirit to rise from my body. It remained out of my reach but it did exist, somewhere. My spirit tingled as it wavered between planes. I ignored my life cord’s gentle tug and concentrated harder. Even though Alex’s breathing slowed, he wasn’t dreaming or I would have rocketed into his dream as hard as I searched.

  A familiar tickling energy danced over me, the hum turned into a buzz, the buzzing grew stronger and the urge to return to my body faded. The place I sought materialized like a grainy picture, blurring in front of me but I forced it into focus. The effort exhausted me, but I persevered.

  A familiar urging lifted my spirit. The sensation guided me into a dream, but I knew it was nothing I’d created. Apprehension settled over me.

  Cautiously, I entered and studied the building. Noting the chairs lining the wall and the lack of windows, it was either an empty lobby or conference room. Opposite me lay two dim hallways that I didn’t care to explore. Overall, the area seemed safe. The tension in my shoulders released.

  My gaze flicked around. Now what? What if Alex didn’t follow me? Or, what if inexperience landed him somewhere else? Worse yet, what if Grayson didn’t feel his body become available and missed the window to get it? I should have told him. I was an idiot to attempt this without running it by him first. In an act of pure stupidity, I’d let my anger conflict with what I’d set out to do.


  I turned, but my shoulders sank as I stared into the face of a stranger. He stoo
d around Grayson’s height with dark hair, but the similarities stopped there. A long narrow face stared down on me. When he shifted his weight, his thin body and lanky arms moved awkwardly. He looked uncomfortable in his own skin.

  He smiled and stared intently at me possibly waiting for me to speak. Something about his mannerisms and his eyes seemed familiar.

  “Do I know you?”

  “It’s me. Alex.”

  I clamped my jaw to keep it from falling open. Alex’s spirit wouldn’t look like Grayson, but one thing I knew about dreams–anything that happened still made perfect sense. I had to go along with it.


  He nodded.

  “You look different.”

  He smiled. “I’m still me.”

  I pretended my dream-self tried to make sense of the situation. “Yes, you still seem like you.”

  He wrapped his arms around my waist. This familiar gesture performed by a stranger made my skin crawl, but I hid my discomfort.

  “I told you I’d make your dreams good.” He gazed at me with adoration and I forced myself to move forward with the plan.

  “Yes, you did,” I said coyly.

  “That’s why I hate to do this to you.” His smile faltered, but his expression remained fond.

  “What do you mean?” On the outside, I remained calm but my palms dampened and my skin tingled. This mission was already risky, and having no real game plan besides luring him here was a huge fail on my part. The longer I kept him talking the better chance Grayson had of getting back in. When Alex showed any signs of distress, I’d book it.

  Before Alex answered my question–if he even planned on answering–a woman appeared. Her pale skin contrasted severely with her black hair and dark eyes. An ominous vibe blanketed the room.

  Prickling fire radiated from my abdomen, crawled over my skin, crept over my shoulders, singed my ears and seared my scalp. A panic attack. Taking even breaths, I appeared calm and in control.

  I pointed to the lady. “Who’s she?”

  He glanced at her and shook his head as if disappointed.

  “I wish you would’ve been honest with me.” He looked sad, but didn’t release me. His complete adoration never disappeared but frustration shadowed it.

  My body stiffened in his arms and my heart threatened to pound out of my chest. “What are you talking about?” I fought the urge to jerk free. I didn’t want to blow my dream cover if a chance remained that Alex still bought it. I’d already come this far and hated to lose the one chance Grayson would have to regain rightful possession of his body.

  Grayson appeared in the distance. My stomach dropped. This wasn’t right. Why wasn’t he returning to his body? Was he involved in this? I narrowed my gaze on him. He must have read my expression and before I questioned him, he put his finger to his mouth.

  With several controlled breaths, I regained my composure and suppressed my building panic. I found my inner strength and pulled my shoulders back, refusing to cower with fear. I turned to Alex, stepped back, breaking free of his arms and looked at the dark-haired woman who said nothing as she observed us. The smirk on her face stirred a memory, but I couldn’t place it. “What’s going on?”

  Gesturing to me, Alex asked the lady, “Will this do?”

  “Oh, she’ll do lovely.” She eyed me from head to toe like a possession she planned to purchase.

  “We’re done, the debt’s paid?” His anger-filled words were short but his gaze still held some sort of creepy affection for me.

  “When I’m in, it’s paid,” she replied sharply, as if she didn’t appreciate his tone.

  “What’s going on? Alex?” I searched his face for an explanation.

  “I’m sorry, Emory. I want us together. We need to be together. You’re everything my life lacked, but you started asking questions. I didn’t believe it was you. Here I was, searching for this dreamwalker and she’s right in front of me the whole time. I didn’t want it to be you, really I didn’t, but my debt has to be paid.” He reached out to me, but I stepped back. His hand brushed my cheek but fell as I distanced myself from him.

  “Your debt?” My heart raced again, the pounding drowning the sound of my own voice.

  “It’s not cheap, you know, keeping your body alive when you aren’t in it. Nadine here,” he gestured toward her, “runs a tight ship. I told you this new life came with sacrifice. Well, this is it. My body, the old one, is being well taken care of for a price. In order to settle my debt I need to find her another dreamwalker to replace the one I inhabited.” He ran his hands through his hair, “I never wanted it to be you.”

  “Nadine?” I turned to the lady. “But you don’t look like your picture.”

  “What are you talking about?” Alex joined in my confusion.

  Nadine’s lip twisted up. “You’ve done your research. Well, that’s merely one of the faces I wear. Soon you’ll join those ranks.” Her expression in one word–evil.

  My gaze darted toward Grayson, her comment ridding me of any lingering suspicions. His jaw clamped hard and he balled his hands into fists. His gaze narrowed on Alex as if he wanted to kill him. He looked at me and I gestured with my head, hoping he’d return to his own body.

  “I figured out a way around it though.” Alex’s comment forced my attention back to him.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “You and me. I figured out a way for us to remain together. I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you, but I have to pay my debt. But here, here we can always be together.” He motioned around us, pleased with himself. “I thought it would be hard to get your spirit out of your body, but you made it easy. Like this was what you wanted too. And all those things you said about dreams giving you freedom.”

  I shook my head. How had he construed our conversation like that? Yeah, I said dreams give you freedom even mentioned something about wanting to escape my life but I didn’t really want that. It was supposed to be figurative, a ruse to draw him out of Grayson’s body, not some ‘let’s live together in crazyland’ secret message.

  “I don’t want this. Are you kidding me? You want to trap me in the dream realm. I–I don’t want this.” I backed further away, still shaking my head.

  I noticed Nadine flicker as she tried to get into my body.

  Grayson needed to get back into his so I could get into mine. I prayed the necklace kept me safe for as long as I needed it to, but just in case it failed, I needed him secure before I returned to my own.

  “Grayson,” I screamed, “go now.”

  Alex spun his head around. “What’s he doing here?”

  “Getting out of here. Go Grayson. Now!”

  “What’s this about?” Alex’s affectionate expression slipped into confusion.

  “He’s taking his body back.”

  “He can have it.” Alex scoffed. “Don’t you get it? I’ll be here with you. We’ll be together, forever.” His tone was calm and full of reassurance, making him sound like a complete lunatic.

  Nadine placed a fist on each hip and narrowed her gaze. “No, he can’t. You need to get back in there. Now. I can’t cross over into her body. Something’s wrong.” She spoke through gritted teeth and her face flushed with rage.

  I felt my necklace. It had crossed with me, so it must work.

  “Grayson, go!”

  He ran toward me.

  “I’m not leaving you here.”

  And I knew he wouldn’t. Just as Alex wanted me here forever, Grayson wouldn’t rest until I was out of danger and back on the other side.

  “Just go. I’m fine, my body’s secure.” I pleaded.

  “Not if I kill your spirit.” Nadine’s icy words stopped Grayson dead in his tracks.

  He turned to her and, for the first time, I saw real anger in his golden eyes. How had things gone so bad, so fast?

  I looked at Alex. “Why would you do this to me?”

  “Just let her in Emory. You’ll be safe here, with me. Tell me, how are you keep
ing her out? Just tell me and it’ll be fine. You’ll be protected, my debt will be paid, Grayson can have his body back, and we’ll be together. Everything will be perfect.” He spoke in such a tender voice it should have reassured me, after all, love and kindness filled it, but instead it sent a chill down to my core.

  “You–You’re crazy.”

  Alex sucked in a sharp breath. “You didn’t think so when you were all over me tonight.” He spoke with vicious anger, lashing out in pain.

  Grayson whipped in my direction.

  “I was not all over you.” I blurted, embarrassed by the accusation and the fact Grayson had heard it.

  Nadine stomped her foot and roared, “This little lovers’ quarrel is more than I have the patience for. Either you go back and figure out why I can’t get in, or I’ll just kill her and find my own way in.” She narrowed her eyes, making me want to punch her right between them.

  “Alex, just give it up. Go home to your own body. I’m sorry, but I don’t have those kinds of feelings for you. I did this to help Grayson.”

  “What? Why would you help him?” Understanding settled over his face and anger flickered in his dark eyes. “This was never about me. You only wanted him. When you looked at me like that it was because you were seeing him.”

  I sensed Grayson watching me as I nodded.

  With raw pain in his eyes, Alex waved his hand and turned away. “Kill her.”

  “Alex!” My heart skipped a beat. How could he dismiss me so quickly? I didn’t think he truly meant it, but time had run out.

  Grayson advanced on Nadine but she darted toward me.

  She struck at me but I seized her by the wrist before she made contact. “I’m giving you fair warning. If you don’t want to get hurt, I’d back up.”

  “I’m not scared of some dreamwalker.” Nadine smirked.

  “Then you obviously don’t know who you’re dealing with.” I relinquished her wrist and kneed her in the gut. When she doubled over, my fist pummeled her face. She staggered back. I narrowed my eyes. “You still have time to walk away.”

  She rubbed at her jaw then hoisted her fists, prepared to fight. “You obviously don’t know who you’re dealing with either.”


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