Wolf's Bride (bbw, alpha werewolf)

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Wolf's Bride (bbw, alpha werewolf) Page 1

by Kelly, Carrie

  Wolf’s Bride

  Copyright 2013 by Carrie Kelly

  Published by Carrie Kelly

  Cover Art:

  © Can Stock Photo Inc. /bds

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  All characters in this story are made up by the author. They aren’t based on any real people.

  I get a feeling I don’t belong to the pack.

  Frowning, I stirred the campfire and watched the sparks fly through the air. The dark swallowed everything around us, even the trees. No moon out tonight. It’s a good thing wolves could see in the dark.

  “What’re you thinking about, Sam?” Jimmy asked.

  I shrugged my shoulders and fed another log to the fire. “Nothing. How long did Colt say he was going to be?”

  Jimmy shook his head and sat next to me. “He didn’t say. You know he’s planning on bringing a girl tonight?” he said and pulled out a stick of jerky from his pocket.

  “I know,” I said and sighed. I glanced at him and snatched the last half of the beef stick. Then I chewed a piece off.

  “Hey! That was my last one.” He leaned over and tried to take it back, but I held my hand up high and smiled.

  “You ever get tired of being short?” I asked.

  Jimmy stood up, grabbed my wrist and took the jerky back. Then he sat back down. “You ever get tired of being a jerk?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “It’s our nature isn’t it? Be ruthless. Be strong.”

  “That’s just what Colt says all the time,” he said and shoved the rest of the treat into his mouth.

  “He’s our alpha so everything he says goes. Right?” I asked.

  Jimmy pouted his lips and shrugged. “Supposedly,” he said. “You know you’d still be beta if you didn’t have such a big mouth. You’re lucky he didn’t make you an omega,” he said and stretched his arms.

  “Then we’d have two omegas,” I said and punched his shoulder lightly.

  “Shut-up,” he retorted and hit me back. Harder than I had.

  “Ouch,” I said and rubbed my shoulder, “you been working out runt?”

  Jimmy smirked. “I’m a lot stronger than you guys give me credit for.” He pulled the cooler close and took out a bottle of water. “I bet I could take Eddie out if I wanted.”

  I chuckled “I’m sure you can,” I said and looked up at the sky. Only a few stars. Kind of sad, I remember there being more from when I was a kid. “So, you agree with Colt in this situation?” I asked.

  Jimmy shrugged. “Not really. Going out and asking random girls to join the pack. It sounds crazy. Shouldn’t things like that happen naturally?”

  I smiled. That’s why I trusted Jimmy. He was just as out of place as I was. “Yeah, that kind of thing should be natural.”

  The sound of an engine roared in the distance. Jimmy shot up. “He’s back,” he said and swallowed a lump in his throat.

  I frowned and stood up. Eventually the Ford rumbled up and skidded to a stop, kicking up a cloud of dust in the air. Shielding my eyes, I coughed.

  Colt jumped out and laughed. “Guess what I found?” he sang. Then he pulled a woman out from the passenger’s side after Eddie got out.

  She was gagged, blindfolded and her hands were bound in front of her with twine. She wore a thin tank top and shorts. I balled my fists. What the fuck was going on?

  Colt hefted her over his shoulder and brought her to the camp. “Don’t just stare at me, help me tie her up.”

  Eddie pulled out a thin rope from the trunk and joined Colt. Both men tied a knot around her binds and pulled her arms up over her head.

  She kicked and struggled as they leaned her against a tree and secured her. Then she grunted and bit down on the gag.

  Colt smirked and ran his hand through is hair. “Come over here Jimmy and take a look at our new pack member,” he said and tucked a hunting knife inside his belt. “She’s quite the beauty. Nicest tits I’ve ever seen.”

  Jimmy licked his lips. His eyes were as wide as saucers. Slowly he walked in front of the girl. “Why is she tied up, Colt?”

  The man laughed. “She wasn’t exactly easy to convince,” he said.

  I walked up and gritted my teeth. “You fucking kidnapped her?” I growled.

  Colt’s eyes narrowed into slits. “You questioning my authority, pup?” he spat. “Anyway, couldn’t be helped. She’s the one. End of story. You’re welcome by the way. We finally have a mate.”

  Colts done some pretty stupid things in the past, but this was low. What the hell was he thinking?

  The alpha tore the blind fold off and pulled the gag down.

  As soon as I looked into her eyes my heart skipped a beat. Her lips trembled and chest heaved. Light pink lips, green eyes and dark brown hair. I looked across her plump body and licked my lips. An ache stirred my cock and I quickly turned around.


  It can’t be!

  “You okay Sam?” Jimmy asked.

  Eddie pulled a beer from the cooler and nudged me. “He’s fine. Just a bit turned on right?” he laughed.

  I looked down at my half erected cock, pressing against the constriction of my pants. I grumbled and turned back towards the woman with my arms crossed over my chest. Then I took a few steps towards her.

  Her heart hammered in her chest and tears fell out of her eyes. “Please,” she said, “let me go.”

  Even her voice stirred emotions I’ve never felt before. I took a shaky breath. “What’s your name?” I asked.

  “Taylor,” she said.

  “I’m Sam,” I touched her face lightly. “It’s going to be okay.”

  She flinched and turned her head away.

  “Hey,” I said and tilted her chin back.

  She licked her lips and stared.

  “You’re going to be okay. I promise,” I said and smiled.

  Colt slapped his hand over my shoulder and laughed. “Sure is going to be fine. You wanna better look, Sam?” Fingers cracked until his fingers twisted to sharp claws. Then he grabbed her tank-top and ripped it off, exposing her chest to the chilly air.

  Taylor screamed and kicked at the alpha. “You son-of-a-bitch! Get off of me!”

  “See what I mean? Feisty little fox,” he teased. He finished ripping her shorts and panties, exposing her body to the chilly air.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and my body shook. I itched to change and tear the man’s head from his neck.

  Falling to my knees, I dug my fang into my lower lip. Blood beaded from the cut and dripped into my lap.

  “The hell is wrong with you?” Colt asked and kicked my side.

  I gritted my teeth and glared.

  Taylor gasped as I got up. Probably saw the red glow in my eyes. Inhuman and dangerous.

  “I’m fine Colt just excited is all,” I said, forcing my voice to be calm.

  Eddie rummaged through the cooler and ran his fingers through his hair. “You fucking idiots!” he said and shoved Jimmy to the ground.

  I hurried and helped the little omega up. “What’s your problem?” I spat.

  “We only have hot dogs in here! We’re supposed to celebrate tonight and claim her. Can’t do tradition with fucking hot dogs!” he growled and threw the package into the woods.

  Jimmy rubbed his shoulder. “Why did you do that? It’s a waste of perfectly good h
ot dogs?” The little omega got up and walked into the darkness.

  Colt laughed and ran his fingers through his dark hair. “Once again you didn’t follow orders, Sam,” he said with a grin.

  I took a sharp breath. “No one told me to go hunt.”

  “I believe I did. Right before we left,” he said and stood up to me. “That’s okay though, Eddie and I will bring something back. Leave it to the higher ranks.”

  I quirked my lip. “Sure thing boss,” I said through gritted teeth.

  Eddie snorted and stripped his clothes. Colt followed. Their bodies twisted and cracked until their wolf forms gave shape.

  Taylor’s mouth dropped and she shook her head. Poor girl probably thought she was going crazy.

  As soon as the two wolves left I hurried up to her.

  The girl flinched as I leaned in and bit the twine around her wrists, carefully, as not to nick her. “It’s okay. I’m going to get you out of here,” I said and ripped the rope from the tree.

  Jimmy trudged back with the hot dogs in his hand, his eyes widened into orbs like the full moon. “What are you doing?” he asked as he dropped them.

  I hefted the girl up and walked to the truck. “We have to go, Jimmy. Now,” I said as I pulled my t-shirt off and handed it to her.

  Taylor took it slowly and put it on.

  “You’re running away? And with her?” he said and pointed, “Colt’s going to kill you!”

  “Colt’s out of his dammed mind!” I growled.

  Jimmy worried his bottom lip.

  “Come on get in!” I snipped.

  Jimmy shook and stared. “I…I can’t. Colt will kill us,” he muttered.

  I frowned. “I’m sorry then,” I said. “I have to do this.”

  Jimmy looked up and yelped as my fist connected with his face. My heart sank as I watched my friend hit the ground. “Sorry,” I said in a shaky breath and hurried to the driver’s side. I pulled the visor down and caught the keys as they fell. Then I started the engine and sped down the trail.

  As soon as we hit the river I parked the Ford and got out.

  Taylor jumped after I opened the door.

  “Come on. We have to go on foot from here,” I said and offered her my hand.

  “Why? We could be in town in another hour,” she said and yelped as I pulled her out.

  “They’ll catch up to us as soon as we reach town. We need to move fast,” I said and shed my clothes. Then I pulled a small duffle bag out and put them in. “Carry this,” I said and wrapped the band around her arm.

  She took it and stared at me. “How could they possibly catch up to a truck?” she asked.

  “The trail’s steep and the truck isn’t meant for off roads. Believe me I’ll be quicker,” I said and pointed to the river. “We need to hide our scents and travel downwind.”

  She nodded slowly. “I’ll do whatever you ask. Just get me away,” she said.

  I walked up to her and grabbed her hands. “Listen I know you must be scared and confused, but you have to trust me.”

  She licked her lips and it made my skin prickle with lust.

  I took a deep breath.

  “Okay,” she said.

  “I’m going to shift. Get on my back and I’ll carry you. Don’t be scared and run away,” I said and let her go. “Understand?”

  She nodded with wide eyes. “You’re one too?”

  “Well, yeah,” I said and hunched to the ground. “We need to hurry.” I closed my eyes and let the change take over. Pain erupted in my spine as it bent and cracked. Shoulder blades parted and fur spread across my body. Hands turned to paws and I growled as my teeth grew to sharp points.

  I lowered to the ground and let Taylor climb onto my back.

  She squeaked as I stood up on all fours. Tall enough that her feet couldn’t touch the ground. I nipped at her leg and she leaned up and wrapped her arms around my neck then squeezed my back with her knees.

  I shot towards the river like lightening.

  Cold water and pebbles splashed up, hitting my belly and chest. I ignored the discomfort and didn’t look back.

  I don’t know how much time passed, but we finally entered the city. I stopped on the outskirts of the woods and kneeled down.

  Taylor slid off and stood up. Her knees wobbly. “My house is twenty minutes from here,” she said.

  I shifted back into my human form and grabbed her hand. “No, that’s the first place they’ll go,” I said. If it was one thing Colt was good at, it was hunting. I pouted and sat down. Racking my brain for ideas. Can’t stay in the city that’s for damn sure.

  “What am I supposed to do?” she asked and frowned. Then she rubbed her arms. A cloud of mist escaped her mouth as she exhaled.

  “We have to get out of here. Do you have a car?” I asked.

  Her eyes widened. “You expect me to leave my home? Why can’t I just go to the cops? We’ll explain everything and…”

  I shook my head. “And you really think they’ll believe that a couple of werewolves kidnapped you?”

  She opened her mouth then shut it. “No,” she said and wiped her nose.

  I rubbed warmth into her arms and her eyes widened.

  “We have to at least stop by my apartment. All of my credit cards are there,” she said and blushed as I wrapped my arm around her.

  I scowled. Shit! She was right. It wasn’t as if I had that much cash on hand. “Fine. We go back, but we hurry,” I said.

  She nodded and I took the duffle bag and put my pants and jacket back on. Then I grabbed her hand and we hurried across the road.

  The hair stood on the back of my neck as we reached her apartment. The door was left open an inch. I pushed it open slowly and sniffed. The ghost of Colt and Eddie’s sent lingered in the air, but there was no sign of my former pack members.

  “It’s clear. Hurry and grab a few things.”

  Taylor nodded and ran inside her room. Shortly after she came back out with an overnight bag and a small purse. She wore a baggy t-shirt and another pair of shorts and a puffy red jacket.

  I blushed as I glanced at her thick thighs. Pale creamy skin. What I wouldn’t give to taste her.

  She handed me back my shirt and I shook dirty thoughts away. “Thanks,” she said and looked down.

  “You ready?” I asked.

  She nodded and we hurried across the street to an old beat up Chevy.

  Before long we were on the highway, heading out of the city. “I’ll drive for as long as I can. We can get a hotel and talk about what to do next,” I said and looked at her.

  She was staring out of the window. “Sure,” she whispered.

  I frowned and gritted my teeth. She didn’t deserve this. For her life to be uprooted because of those two stupid fucks! Not to mention how special she was to me. Did Colt know about her? How was it he happened to choose this particular girl?

  I sighed and finally relaxed after I left another three hours behind on the road. Colt’s good but there was no way he’d be able to pick up on our trail for a while.

  My eyes drooped and I shook my head. Then I looked at Taylor. She was sleeping with her mouth parted open. I reached over and touched her hair lightly. The brown locks, soft and silky under my palm.

  Eventually, I pulled into a motel. Then I tapped the girl’s arm and she jumped awake. “Hey,” I said. “It’s okay.”

  She looked up at the lit vacancy sign. Without another word she got out and stretched. I watched and bit my bottom lip hard. It was impossible to watch her do anything without my cock trying to stand at attention.

  Control yourself! I thought.

  I searched my pockets and frowned. Putting all the cash I had on the counter. I’d already spent the last half on gas and rest stops.

  The clerk frowned at me with beady eyes. She counted the crumpled bills and shook her head. “You’re eleven dollars short,” she said and I cringed at the crackle in her voice. Obviously a smoker.

  “That’s all I have,” I said and p

  “Then you don’t get a room pretty boy,” she said and crossed her arms.

  “Pretty boy?” I growled.

  Taylor slapped a twenty and glared at the woman. “I got it,” she said.

  I licked my lips and stared at her. “Thanks,” I muttered.

  She smiled and took my arm making electricity burst throughout my body. “No problem” she said and we walked to our room.

  I wrinkled my nose and raised an eyebrow at the stained walls and the spiraled green and blue comforter. Well, that hasn’t been cleaned for a while.

  I tore the cover off and threw it on the ground.

  Taylor watched me and I smiled.

  “Um, you don’t want to use that one,” I said and sat down on the bed.

  “Oh, I know they don’t get cleaned very often,” she said and put her stuff on a small table. “I’m going to take a shower,” she said and scratched some dirt off of her leg.

  The thought of her naked made my cock stir and I crossed my legs. “Yeah, of course,” I said and refrained from asking if I could join.

  She disappeared into the bathroom and left the door opened a sliver. The water spurted to life and I laid back on the bed. The cut on my lip opened and I licked the blood.

  After the water stopped I listened to her move around and finally come out in a towel.

  Really?” I thought. Talk about torture.

  “You can take one now,” she said and sat next to me. The smell of her scent enticed my senses and made my cock rise.

  Without another word I hurried to the bathroom. I grabbed my dick and pumped it as soon as I got in the shower, hot water sprayed over my head. The heat fed the fire and coursed through my nerves.

  Running my thumb over the tip, I groaned, and thought of what it’d be like with her hand wrapped around it or her mouth. The veins pulsed and the shaft throbbed as I pumped it harder.

  Licking my lips, I whispered her name. “Ah!” I gasped. Hot seed spurted in my hand as I finally burst. Fuck! I panted and leaned against the tile. The water, no longer hot, cooled the fever from my skin.

  Fangs protruded from my lips as I gritted my teeth. I finished washing then wrapped my towel around my waist. I looked into the mirror and frowned. Then I dried my hair and ran my fingers through it, trying to tame the ends that stuck out. No use. She’s probably not interested in my appearance anyway. I pouted and walked out.


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