Darkness Falls (Darkness Series Book 3)

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Darkness Falls (Darkness Series Book 3) Page 17

by Drake, J. L.

“He said the mask looked just like Jimmy Lasko.”

  Everything inside me went still. That name made my skin burn.

  The hospital was quiet. Riggs’s head was in his hands, while Riley and Johnnie leaned against the wall. Detective Michaels was off to the side with Vanessa, and she looked as if she were in total shock. Poor thing.

  I couldn’t get a grip; the memories of Lasko made it hard for me to think. The last time I was in this situation was when Emily was found in the woods after Jimmy took her. My gut had been telling me something was wrong, and I hated the idea of Emily hearing about this.

  Detective Michaels signaled for us to meet him over in the corner. “All right, guys, here’s the description from both of them. 6’3”, dark hair, dark eyes, built, and knew how to fight. They both agreed the mask looked just like Jimmy Lasko. I don’t know why he was wearing it, but it was nuts, and I don’t like where this may be leading. We’re working on a sketch now, but it seems ludicrous since we know what Lasko looks like. Campbell was damn lucky his girlfriend distracted the perp long enough for Campbell to grab his gun, or we would be following a different protocol right now.”

  “How did the guy get away?” Garrett asked.

  “Campbell got distracted for a split second, so the guy kicked him in the stomach and bolted.”

  Garrett gave me a look. I knew…I felt it too. I had to make sure she was safe.

  I excused myself and headed outdoors. I needed a moment to think.

  “Hello?” Her voice was sleepy. I closed my eyes and reminded myself she was safe and sound at home in our bed, perfectly fine. “Seth? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, baby.” I fought the urge run home to her. “I just needed to hear your voice.”

  I heard the blankets muffle the phone and pictured her wiggling around to sit up. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?”

  Garrett tapped me on the shoulder and let me know we were allowed to go in and visit Campbell now.

  “Campbell got hurt.”

  “Is he all right?”

  A pounding throb started behind my eyes. “Yeah, someone attacked him in his home.”

  There was a long pause before she spoke again. “Do they have any idea who it was?”

  A cab came flying up to the front doors. Avery jumped out and shoved a chunk of money at the driver. He looked tired as he spotted me.

  “Is he all right? Can we see him now?” I nodded and pointed to the rest of the guys who waited their turn to see him. As Avery headed inside, he gave me a pat on the shoulder.

  Clearing my throat, I continued. “Yeah, he’s alive. The attacker tried to strangle him, but he managed to get free. Umm…” I stumbled to find the right approach. “Look, baby, Campbell said the attacker had a mask on that looked just like Lasko’s face.” I waited and let her process that. I could only imagine her face. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes…” she whispered. “Seth…I think I saw that same masked man in your mother’s haunted house.”

  I glanced back at the guys inside and wondered what the hell I should do. Squeezing my eyes shut, I decided to go with my gut. “Emily.” I swallowed hard. “Please do something for me?”


  “Go to my mom’s.” I waited for her to interrupt, to argue that I was paranoid. “Please just do this for me. Now.”

  “Okay,” she repeated. She didn’t argue for once, and I sagged with relief. “I’ll pack a bag and head over in the next hour…well, as soon as I can get my things together.”

  Bending down, I closed my eyes. “Thank you, baby, thank you. Please don’t waste too much time.”

  “Seth,” she sniffed, “come home to your mom’s tonight then, okay? I need you to do that for me.”

  I knew she was scared. I could hear it, and so was I. “Yeah, Em, don’t worry, I plan to. Text me when you get there, all right?”


  I tilted my head up to the sky and took a moment before I headed inside.

  Campbell was as pale as I’d ever seen him. His neck was wrapped in white gauze, and he looked as though he was off in another world. I pulled up a chair after everyone had their turn. I asked Riley to take Vanessa to get something to eat, because it seemed like she needed a break. She looked even worse than the rest of us.

  Campbell’s fist came up slowly to bump mine. He started to speak, but stopped and went back to staring out the window. I squeezed his arm, knowing he just needed a few seconds. The clock on the wall ticked, making me remember I had been up since the wee hours of the morning.

  “When I saw his face,” he said quietly, his eyes still locked on the window, “the feeling that shot through me was he’s back, Lasko was back.” He stopped and closed his eyes. “I had the gun, and I knew what I had to do.” His eyes opened and he looked directly at me. “I had a clear shot, everything inside told me to shoot, but then I saw his mask had moved and he looked so familiar. That one hesitation gave him the chance to run. He got away…damn it!” He nearly sobbed.

  “It’s not your fault, Campbell,” I assured him. “You’re both safe, you are all right, and that’s what matters.”

  He shook his head rapidly. “You’re not getting it.” He cleared his throat. “I know him.” His finger hit his chest hard. “I know the shit who attacked me. It will take some time to place who it is, but I know…I know him. When that time comes, I want answers, then I want to wrap a wire around his neck and twist as hard as I can.”

  “Knock, knock.” Avery entered the room with a bottle of water. “I thought maybe you’d like some decent water instead of that.” He pointed to Campbell’s cup.

  “Thanks.” Campbell pushed the button to sit upright. Avery opened the water and replaced the old straw with a new one.

  “So,” Avery shoved his hands into his pockets as if this wasn’t easy for him. “Do they have any idea?”

  “No,” I answered while Campbell struggled to get the water down his bruised throat.

  Avery glanced out the window as he spoke. “What were you doing before you got home?”

  Campbell started to chuckle, followed by a hoarse cough. “I was actually hunting you down.”

  “Me?” Avery spun around, and his eyes shifted over to me for a brief moment. “Why?”

  “We’ve been trying to plan a party for your birthday for the past few weeks. But since you’re so damn introverted, we had to dig when you weren’t looking. Yesterday, I even broke into your locker and followed you for a bit, only to come up with nothing.”

  The look that passed over Avery’s face confused me, but it was quickly replaced with concern.

  Avery sank into a seat. “Sorry, dude, just plan something for when you’re feeling better. Just the guys in my comfort zone.”

  “It’s fine.” Campbell shrugged. “I’m just glad I was home and the asshole came at me first.”

  I glanced at my phone and saw a text from Emily saying she made it to my mom’s all right. I only hoped she stayed put.



  Slamming the door behind me, I headed into the spare bedroom still full of unpacked boxes and took out the stress of the last twelve hours on my punching bag.

  My sore knuckles fueled my mind, which was going in a loop with the realization that I fucked up big time. Soon my muscles burned and felt like jelly, and my legs developed a painful cramp from lack of water. Three more jabs and I fell backward and hit one of the stacks of boxes, knocking it on top of me.

  “Shit!” I chucked a t-shirt off my chest, then stood and started throwing the stuff back in. I grabbed a stack of envelopes and was about to toss them when I saw her name. Tina Upton.

  Jims was already halfway into the bottle when I arrived home from work. He had on a dirty t-shirt and shorts, and another re-run of Cops played out in front of him. I locked the door in disgust, then froze as I heard something behind me. My stomach rolled when I took in what was in my chair.

  “What the fuck is that?” I hissed at Jims, piss
ed off with him as it seemed he had added another piece to our already fucked up scenario.

  “A dog.”

  I waved my arms around. “And why is there a dog here?”


  Rolling my eyes, I moved toward the pit bull, who stared at me. “Down.” I snapped my fingers, only to have the dog growl at me. “I said move, mutt.” Nothing. I went to grab his collar, but he took a snap at me.

  “Kum,” Jims commanded, and the dog jumped off the chair and went to sit at his feet.

  “The damn dog speaks German?”

  “Yup.” Jims nodded, his attention still on the TV.

  “Rigghhtt.” I groaned but tried to maintain my cool. I spotted a small box on the kitchen table. “What’s that?”

  Jims sighed his frustration with my interruptions. He slowly looked over at what I was referring to. “Oh, Aunt May sent them.” He stumbled out of his seat and retrieved the box and set it on the couch beside him, then motioned for me to join him. “This is what it’s all about, Alexander, why we are here. This is all the proof we need to go after that selfish motherfucker.” He handed me the box and the last of his Jack Daniel’s. “You’re going to need this.” He moved back to his chair.

  I gingerly placed the bottle on the table and opened the lid on the box. I saw a stack of letters with my mother’s name written in sloppy handwriting. “They’re all addressed to Mom?”

  “Yeah, look ’em over.” He had already gotten sucked back into his show.

  “But the address is different.”

  “Remember the old lady in the brown house?” I nodded. “They were sent there. Guess our prick of a father never found out.” How odd they used written letters to communicate. Hello, you’re leaving a paper trail.

  I quickly opened the first one and stopped at the last sentence. “Wait for me, I’m coming, give me two weeks. Jack.” I scanned for a date. August third. Holy hell!

  I looked over at Jim and held up the letter. “One month before Mom died.” Jims nodded. I knew he carried guilt with him. He loved our mother just as much as I did. Still broke my heart that Julia killed her, crazy bitch.

  The pieces began to fall into place one by one as I read the letter. It was like it was playing out in front of me. I always knew there was another man in my mother’s life, but this…I shook my head and tried to understand what had happened.

  Jims got up and dug through the letters, then he handed me one and pointed to the date. “This was the last one that I know of. The address was different. Not sure why she sent it there, but it came back to her.”

  I read the date, which was exactly one week before my mother was killed. I clamped down on my inner lip as I realized what I was reading. It was a desperate plea for help.

  Dear Jack,

  I don’t know what happened to you or where you are, but things are not all right at home. He knows, Jack, I know he does! He’s made comments and threatened me. He’s hitting me even more than normal. Jack, I’m scared. I need to get out, I need to get my kids out. I’m scared he’s crazy and is going to kill all of us. He pointed his gun at my baby. He said that if he finds out I’ve been with someone else, he’ll kill me and our kids.

  Please, Jack, if you really love me like you say you do, PLEASE come and get me away from this man. I hate him.

  Where have you gone? I need you!

  Love, Tina

  I felt the rage go through me as I tried like hell to blink the tears away. This was my mother pleading for help from the man she loved. Not only was she trying to find a way out for herself, but she wanted all of us safe with her.

  “That was my reaction.” Jims shoved the bottle of Jack back in my hand. “Now take that rage and let’s plan.”


  I couldn’t sleep. My mind wouldn’t stop, and my body burned with unexploded anger. I decided to head to The Brick. I needed to calm down. I called ahead as usual to get everything lined up so I didn’t have to wait. I paid a lot to have a room there. I did not wait.

  I checked the time. It was just past midnight when I hurried in with my bag.

  “You look happy,” I muttered as I walked past her excited face. She popped her gum and leaned over the counter. She watched me pull out an envelope full of cash. I handed it to her and waited for her to tuck it in her bag. “So, are you going to tell me what has you grinning like a fool?” I had no patience; the anger still burned. She shrugged her tiny shoulders and gave me a wink. I stopped and took a deep breath. “Please tell me it’s not a guy.”

  She came around the counter and placed her cool hands on my shoulders. I hated people in my space, but with her I made an exception. In a lot of ways, I loved this girl. She leaned up and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. I closed my eyes and tried to push my first memory of her out of my head.

  “Go and enjoy yourself, Avery.” She brushed my hair back off my forehead. I grabbed her hand and tugged her back to me. I wrapped my arms around her tiny frame and took a moment for myself. She didn’t pull away. Instead, she held on tight and gave me what I needed.

  “Okay,” I whispered, “get back to work.” I actually grinned as I backed away from her. Punching the code in, I stepped inside the dim hallway, but just before the door closed, I heard her saying hello to someone, and she sounded excited. I almost turned to go back and see whose ass I would have to kick later, when I saw Sherry undoing her robe from my doorway. She tossed me a riding crop, and I forget about everything else.



  The house was quiet. Everyone was asleep, and Mom had left the kitchen light on with a note that said my dinner was in the fridge. I couldn’t eat. I was mentally fried from helping Detective Michaels chase down dead-end leads. Grabbing a beer, I headed down the hallway to my father’s office. The door was open, which was odd. He never left the house without the door locked.

  I pushed the door open further, realizing the room was empty. I leaned back out the door and listened for anyone who might be around, but the house remained silent. I stepped inside and turned on the desk lamp, and my hands were actually sweating. I could feel his presence all around me.

  “Did I leave this open?” someone said behind me. I whirled to find Gretchen in the doorway. She looked down at her basket of cleaning supplies. “Oh, would you look at that. I forgot the Pledge.” She came inside and set the bucket next to me on the desk. As she did, she glanced directly at me before she started to sort through the cleaners. “The cameras are turned off, everyone’s asleep. If I were you, I’d check underneath the bottom drawer.” She turned and gave me a little nod. “Just remember, my dear, a secret revealed often has pain following right behind it. That being said, I think it’s time.” She patted my hand before she walked out.

  I wasn’t sure what she knew, but I didn’t waste any time. I sat in my father’s red leather chair, opened the large bottom drawer, and took everything out carefully. I pulled the drawer out and could find nothing underneath, then I ran my finger around the edges. The tip of my finger found the tiny hole, I pulled upward, and sure enough, the floor of the drawer lifted. Inside was a large folder. I pulled it free and opened it. Fifty some-odd letters scattered in front of me.

  It didn’t take me long to see they were all from the same woman, Tina Upton. My hands were shaky as I lined up the letters by the date stamped on the top corner.

  I settled in, sipped my beer, and read how some woman had fallen in love with my father.

  By the sixth letter, I mindlessly dipped into my father’s liquor cabinet. I needed something stronger to chase down the sickening gut rot. My father had not only cheated on my mother, but with some woman who was clearly in a bad situation.

  “Seth?” I glanced up to find Emily leaning against the door frame in a short silk robe. Her hair tussled from sleep, she looked mighty sexy. “What are you doing? It’s two thirty in the morning.”

  I placed the letter I was holding on the desk and leaned back in the chair to stretch my sore back. “S
orry, the day, and I guess the night, got away from me.”

  She moved over to my side, ran her fingers through my hair, and leaned in so she could study my face. “What’s wrong, and why are you in the Devil’s den?” I chuckled at how true her words were.

  “It’s a long story, but it was suggested I check his desk for a secret that could hurt some people.” I pointed to the letters. “Seems my father was busy screwing some other woman while my mother was here raising me and Nick alone.”

  “What?” She grabbed one of the letters and scanned the words. Her hand flew to her mouth as her eyes flicked over to mine. “Do you have any idea who this Tina is?”

  “No.” I shook my foggy head.

  “What are you going to do with this?”

  “I don’t know yet.” I sighed.

  She looked down at me with her sexy blue eyes. “What can I do to help?”

  Slowly, I moved my hands to the back of her thighs and ran them over the cool silk. Her hands moved to my shoulders as I spread my legs to allow her to come closer. I rested my forehead against her stomach and wrapped my arms around her waist. She smelled so good, a mix of soap and her favorite lotion. I took her hips as I stood and rested her bottom on the side of the desk.

  “Seth, here?” she hissed and looked around like someone might walk in at any moment.

  I had to admit the idea of sex on my father’s desk seemed totally right just now. I hiked up her nightgown, knowing she would be deliciously naked underneath. She started to undo my belt as I threaded my fingers into her hair and tilted her back to look up at me. I stilled for a moment and burned my eyes into her. “When you’re with me, you’re with no one else but me.” I felt a wave of emotion take over. I saw her blink a few times, but she nodded. She knew I needed her to understand this. “My love,” I pleaded with her, my voice choking, “please don’t ever hurt me like this will hurt Mother.”

  “Seth,” she let go of my pants and pulled my lips to hers. “There’s no one else I would want doing this,” she moved my free hand to her breast and gave it a light squeeze, “or this.” She moved my hand over her stomach, between her legs, and let my fingers brush over her wetness. “The feeling you give me whether you’re inside me or just next to me is indescribable. I respect you and love you too much to ever go behind your back and sleep with someone else.”


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