Darkness Awakened

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Darkness Awakened Page 18

by Stephanie Rowe

  She tensed. "Isn't that dangerous for us?"

  "Hell, yes. It'll tighten our connection significantly. I doubt it could actually satisfy the bond, but it's going to take us a hell of a lot closer to the line than we are now. If we had a choice, there's no way I'd do it."

  She gave him a grim smile. "Well, try not to destroy me, okay?"

  He gave a soft laugh as he raised his hands to her face, cupping her cheeks. "I'll do my best."

  His palms were warm and rough, and his touch sent a shiver down her spine. "Is your best enough?" she asked.

  "Not always." He moved closer, and she caught a whiff of the raw masculine scent that was so him. Heat pooled between her legs at his nearness, at the feel of his skin against hers. "Now close your eyes."

  She stared into his eyes for a moment, and he didn't look away. His eyes were dark, and she got a sudden hit of his intense need for her. Lust. Desire. Possession.

  Her gaze went to his mouth, and she could practically feel his lips on her breasts, sliding over her belly, parting the folds between her legs...

  Oh, God. This sheva thing was pure insanity.

  They needed to find Ashley and separate. Fast.

  She quickly closed her eyes. "I'm ready."

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Ten minutes later, Madison was sitting opposite Ajax, eyes closed as she followed Ajax's guided meditation to open her mind to him. His hands were cupping her face again, his fingers hot against her skin.

  He'd explained the heat was an indication of his energy reaching out for hers, but it still made her uncomfortable. The hotter it got, the more nervous she was getting, despite his repeated assurances that they were nowhere close to merging their spirits. He was touching her to try to focus his energy, to lessen the impact of it on her and on their growing connection.

  "I'm going to try to touch your mind now." His voice was soothing and focused, reminding her of the way she spoke to her yoga class during meditation.

  The comforting memory eased some of her panic, and she matched her breath to his, concentrating on quieting her mind.

  She felt a tingling around the edges of her consciousness, and she tensed.

  "It's okay," he said. "I'm in control. You're safe with me."

  She focused on the deep tones of his voice, letting it echo inside her, reassuring her.

  A warm and strong presence was suddenly inside her, and she recognized it as Ajax. His controlled strength, his calm assurance. His essence expanded through her, an overwhelming aura invading her soul, penetrating her on every level, as if he would know every secret, every thought, every feeling she'd ever had.

  Every secret.

  She panicked and threw up her shields. She used the same defenses she employed to suppress Illusions, and it shut him out. She shuddered with relief when he left, her mind once again her own. Her secrets safe.

  He dropped his hands from her face. "Madison."

  She opened her eyes. "If I let you in, does that mean that you can read all my thoughts?"

  He raised a thoughtful eyebrow. "You have secrets you want to hide?"

  "I just—"

  "I'll focus only on Ashley."

  "But you could tap into other things?"

  "Technically, yes, until you learn to compartmentalize your defenses." He squeezed her shoulders, and she felt him trying to control his impatience. "We don't have time to train you. I promise I'll be good, and you have to trust me."

  She let out a long breath. "I'm not that good at trusting."

  An ironic smile flashed across his face. "Me, either. But you'll have to do it anyway."

  "You don't trust anyone?" She was surprised he understood, felt better that he knew what he was asking of her.

  "I trust only myself," he replied.

  That was the difference between them, she realized. She couldn't even trust herself. "You don't trust even Xander or Viktor?"

  He paused, then inclined his head slightly. "They're different," he acknowledged.

  Different. But that wasn't a "yes," either. "Maisy was different, too."

  He raised his hands to her face again, his touch reassuring and solid. "Someday, I want you to tell me about this woman who raised you. Maisy."

  "You can find out for yourself as soon as you get in my mind."

  "I could. But I won't." He brushed his thumbs over her eyelids, sweeping them closed "Now, be a good little mate and stop fighting your man."

  She snorted. "I could never be a good little mate to someone like you." She closed her eyes again and focused on the heat of his hands, the raw strength in his touch. "I'm ready."

  She felt his energy at the edges of her consciousness, like a buzzing trying to get into her head. It was invasive and she immediately resisted—


  She started at the sound of his voice in her head. "That's too weird."

  His chuckle slid through her like warm air, tickling her deep inside her body, bringing a smile to her lips. "You're laughing at me."

  I am. It's been so long since I've met someone who doesn't know how to do this. It reminds me of when Viktor, Xander, and I were first trying to figure out how to do it.

  She began to relax. I can't picture you as a fumbling neophyte.

  I was never fumbling. An idiot, yes. Fumbling? Never. His thumbs drifted over her cheeks. Tell me about Ashley. What's her favorite thing to do?

  The moment her thoughts went to Ashley, she felt Ajax's focus rise. She realized he'd gotten into her mind. She stiffened, and his hands slid down her shoulders, before she could kick him out of her head. His fingers drifted along her arms, light and caressing, and she knew he was trying to distract her. Have I ever told you how incredible you smell?

  Her body became hot. No.

  He pulled her close, brushing his lips over her temple. It makes me want to tear all your clothes off and bury my face in your delicate skin, to taste you and touch you until—

  Stop it. She was trembling now, able to feel his rising lust in her own body, felt herself respond. She grabbed his wrists, ran her hands down his arms, opening her mind to him, to the hot need emanating from him. His biceps were ripped and hard, his shoulders—

  Ajax swore suddenly and dropped his hands. She opened her eyes to look at him. Her cheeks felt hot, her clothes too tight.

  Ajax's eyes were dark, frustrated. "This isn't working."

  "I know." She shifted, feeling restless with him so close. "It's the sheva bond, isn't it? Making it too complicated."

  He ran his hand through his hair. "We're both holding back too much. We have to go where it takes us."

  Her body heated up about twenty degrees at the thought of not holding back with him. Of just letting all her needs and wants and instincts rule her... She swallowed, folding her arms over her breasts. "But what about the bond? The risk of our spirits joining?"

  "We have to find a way around it—" He stopped suddenly and cocked his head. He stared off into the woods, his face distant, as if he were listening intently to something she couldn't hear.

  Madison stared at him, the skin on the back of her neck prickling. "What's wrong?"

  Ajax stood up. "Zion. He's summoning me to his mountain retreat. Something's wrong." He took a step toward the road. "He wants me to come back. I can feel his stress."

  Madison thought of the leader who had sent the Order after Viktor. "Do you trust him?"

  Ajax fisted his hands. "No, but this feels different...I need to go." He took a step, then stopped and swore, his struggle apparent.

  "Are we going to him?"

  "No." Ajax grabbed Madison's hand and hauled her to her feet. "Let's get out of here. If Zion could track me here, others might too. Or they might have traced Viktor's presence during his moments of lucidity." He scanned the woods as he led the way back to the street, to his truck. "Am I under an Illusion right now?"

  She bit her lip as she followed him through the mud, hurrying to keep pace with him. She didn't want to shatter their ne
w camaraderie with a confession that she'd lied about her ability to detect whether he was under an Illusion. "Why do you keep asking me that when there's nothing around us?"

  She slipped as she tried to climb up the muddy embankment toward the street, and Ajax grabbed her around the waist to help her up.

  "It's my gift," he said as they reached the street. "I can sense danger before it comes. I know when and where and what to do to protect myself." He kept her to the shadows as they hurried down the edge of the road. "But it's not acting right anymore, and I think someone's working an Illusion on me. Not an external Illusion. One inside me."

  She frowned. "I've heard of Illusionists with the power to do that—"

  He shot her a sharp look. "You have? Really?"

  She nodded, trying to remember. "My parents knew someone like that. It's really rare, because most Illusionists who could do that were exterminated. It's dangerous because it's so hard to detect them, even by other Illusionists."

  He held her arm as she jumped a small stream. "Could it make a Calydon want to kill his best friend?"

  She hopped over a log and climbed the bank back up toward the road where his truck was parked. "I imagine it depends on how powerful the Illusionist is. My sister and I are at the top of the power grid, but not everyone is."

  "Hot damn." He smacked his hands together. "I knew that's what we were dealing with. I knew Viktor wasn't going rogue." They reached the truck and he unlocked it, opening her door for her. "So, this Illusionist could make my instincts think everything was safe when it wasn't?"

  "Well..." She frowned as she slid into the passenger seat. "I would think it would be more difficult to create a peaceful Illusion, like my sister does. She's only one of three Illusionists on record who can create peaceful Illusions. I've never heard of an Illusionist who could do both..." She and Ajax looked at each other. "Oh. My sister can now."

  He caught her around the back of her head and pulled her close, his eyes glittering in anticipation. "You have just proved your worth, sheva." He kissed her, a quick hard kiss that had her wanting more when he broke it. "I want to know about the Illusionist your parents were friends with. I doubt it's a fluke your parents knew someone with these talents, and you and your sister are now being targeted."

  Madison stared at him, stunned by his statement. "You think the person behind this is someone I know? Someone my parents were friends with?"

  "I think it's the first lead we've had." He leaned on the door frame, studying her. "Did you recognize the man who took your sister?"

  She shook her head, feeling like an idiot. "I wasn't really looking at him. I was too freaked about my sister and looking at his knife. I'm sorry—"

  "It's okay. It's been a tough day." He brushed the back of his hand over her cheek. "Do you remember anything about your parents' friend? Name? Appearance?"

  "No, no. It was so long ago. I'm not sure I even met him. I just heard them talking about him."

  His jaw ticked. "It's a little too convenient they're dead."

  "Convenient? My parents' death?" Anger made her sit up. "It's not—"

  "That's not what I meant." He put his hand on her shoulder and rubbed his thumb in a small circle, grounding her. "I meant it makes things easier for our bad guy. Did they ever find the person who killed your parents?"

  She stared at him, the blood draining from her face. "No," she whispered. "Never."

  "Well, I think we've got some digging into your past to do." He rubbed his jaw, looking pained. "I need to talk to Xander about this."

  She was surprised by his statement. "I thought you didn't trust him, or the rest of the Order?"

  "I don't." He slammed her door shut.

  She watched him jog around the front of the truck, then he paused with one hand on the hood, facing out into the woods, as if he was listening to something.

  Tentatively, she reached out with her mind, to see if she could pick up what he was hearing.

  An unfamiliar male voice was so loud in her mind that she jumped, her hand going to her heart. The hunt's almost to Nightshade Tavern.

  Ajax turned to look at her. He leaned on the hood, palms spread, staring right at her, his eyebrow cocked. How far away? he asked.

  She felt her cheeks heat up. He'd totally busted her eavesdropping on him.

  About thirty seconds.

  Thanks for the good lead time. Ajax's sarcasm was crystal clear in her mind as he raced around the truck to the driver's door, shutting down the mental connection as he jumped inside.

  He shifted the truck into drive, and the tires spun out as it lurched into gear.

  Madison yanked on the seat belt and jammed the buckle into place. "Did you tell him about Viktor? Or my parents?" She hadn't heard him do it, but she wasn't exactly an expert on psychic eavesdropping.

  Ajax clenched his jaw. "No." He glanced in the rear-view mirror and swore under his breath.

  She looked over her shoulder and saw three trucks pull into the parking lot at Nightshade Tavern. The men that stepped out of them were huge, wearing all dark clothing. Broad shoulders, too tall and lethal to be ordinary humans. She clutched the seat as she watched them disperse, sliding into the shadows and disappearing from view.

  Except for one, who turned and watched their truck. His hands on his hips, staring after them. She felt a pressure in her mind, a tentative probing—

  "Block that," Ajax snapped. "Now!"

  Madison immediately threw up her mental shields, and shut the man out as their truck peeled around a corner and the bar disappeared from sight. She turned back around in her seat, her heart racing. "What was that?"

  "It was my teammate, Rajak. Searching for me." He glanced over at her. "He was able to sense you through our blood bond." Ajax's grip on the wheel was tight.

  "I thought I had a blood bond only with you."

  He checked his side mirror as the truck skidded around a mountain curve. "Yeah, but all Calydons have a connection. We can pick up the energy of other Calydons, especially the ones who aren't mentally disciplined enough to contain their energy. We can talk mind-to-mind if we're physically near each other. I'm too good to project my presence if I don't want to but you—" He glanced over at her, his face grim. "You radiate my energy patterns now."

  Madison let her head drop back against the seat. "So, they can track me."


  "Not good."

  "No. Not good."

  Rajak touched her mind again, and she closed her eyes. She concentrated on reinforcing her shields, trying to contain her energy.

  "Good job," Ajax said. "Keep it up. It's working."

  She didn't open her eyes. "He feels cold. Not like you. You're much warmer when you're in my mind."

  "That's because he's in hunter mode. When we're hunting, it's all about discipline."

  "You're hunting Viktor, and you aren't cold."

  He was silent for a moment, the only sound the hum of the tires on the wet pavement. "I should be."

  "You weren't. I felt it. You were hot."

  Ajax said nothing, but she could feel his frustration, knew that it was because of her. The sheva bond. Already, she was weakening him. Fated to die in battle, because a bonded warrior was a liability to himself.

  She cleared her throat, not wanting him to dwell on that and conclude she was more of a hindrance than a help. "So, do you want to try to track Ashley again?"

  "No. You're not good enough at compartmentalizing to drop your shields just for me. We need to wait until Rajak loses his bead on you."

  Madison looked at the clock on the dashboard. She had less than ten hours until her deadline to deliver Ajax's weapons. "So, what can we do instead? While we're waiting?"

  "We can—" He swore suddenly, and the truck skidded across the road before Ajax could regain control and slam on the brakes. The truck careened to a stop at the edge of the road, inches from the sharp mountain drop off. Without even hesitating, Ajax threw the truck into reverse, then they were flying down the roa
d again.

  Madison tried to pry her fingers off the door handle. "What was that about?"

  "I think your sister just murdered Zion."

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The fog was thick on the approach to Zion's retreat, reflecting off the headlights. The white smoke was murky and heavy, as if it were alive, wrapping itself around the earth.

  Even with his preternatural vision, Ajax couldn't see a damn thing. The night was silent, sound muffled by the heavy fog, rendering his physical senses useless.

  He stopped the truck at the base of the trail leading up to Zion's. He'd been there only once before, a rarely issued invitation that hadn't been extended to him in five hundred years, not since Zion had forced Ajax to choose between the Order and being a civilian Calydon.

  "The visibility is terrible." Madison shifted beside him, and he felt her nervousness without even looking at her.

  Despite the fact that the mental barriers were solidly up between them, Ajax could still sense her emotions. He was vitally aware of every breath she took, of the scent of her skin, of the sound of her hair gliding over her neck when she turned her head.

  Two hours in the car with her had been the worst temptation of his life. Her pulse had been so vivid that he'd caught his own heart beating in time to it. With Rajak trying to track them, they'd been forced to spend most of the trip trying to teach her to shield, and she'd gotten better at it.

  Enough that Rajak hadn't shown up in the backseat. Since he could teleport, if he found them, he'd have been there. But Ajax knew Rajak was still hunting them, and the fact Xander hadn't touched base again meant the threat was close, and he couldn't risk dropping his shields.

  Ajax didn't like being isolated from his team. He hadn't realized what going solo truly meant until he'd had to shut out Xander, couldn't even let him know what was going on with Zion or Viktor. Until he couldn't touch Madison's mind to see what she was thinking.

  Madison looked over at him, making no move to get out of the truck. "Have you had any other contact from Zion?"


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