Darkness Awakened

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Darkness Awakened Page 34

by Stephanie Rowe

  She sighed. "I know it's not over yet. Not until we find your weapon, and the tablet, and get Ashley." She laid her hand over his chest. "Zion showed me what the world was like when Bezoar ruled it, and I understand now."

  He touched her face. "He shouldn't have shown you that."

  "No. I needed to see it. He can't be freed." She pushed off his chest and rose unsteadily to her knees, pressing her hand to her belly. "So, let's go find the tablet and your weapon and call it a day, already, okay?" She looked back toward Charles. "And my sister. We have to find her."

  "We will." He hauled himself to his feet, not surprised to discover Zion had healed all his wounds, then grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her against him. As she melted into his arms, he sank his mouth onto hers, tasting her, drinking in all that she was. She threw her arms around him and pressed herself against him, returning the kiss with a fierceness and a possessiveness that declared her unending need for him.

  His hands slipped around her lower back, and he lifted his head. She met his gaze, and he saw the worry on her face as she clenched the waistband of his jeans. "Until we actually stop Bezoar and save Ashley, we haven't truly beaten our destiny, have we? That's what Zion meant, right? That we created a crack but could still fail? We don't even know how we beat it, or if we did."

  "We beat something, and that's enough for now." His jaw tightened. "I'm not giving up, Madison, and neither are you. We've made it this far, and I'm not going back."

  She met his gaze, and he saw the determination he admired so much rise to the surface, chasing away her exhaustion, and he knew they could do it.

  They had to. He couldn't accept anything less.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Keeping Madison tucked against his side, Ajax walked over to Charles. The Calydon was pale, his breathing shallow, but his jaw was set and his eyes were narrow. Mud and blood caked his clothes and skin. He was pinned to the earth by the Order weapons.

  Ajax's fury rose, his fists curling with rage at the sight of the man who'd sunk the blade into Madison.

  Then she set her hand on his shoulder, and he glanced down at her upturned face, feeling his insides unfurl again.

  "He won't talk," Xander said. "I honestly don't think he cares if he dies."

  Madison kneeled beside Charles and grabbed his shoulders. "Where's my sister? Tell me where she is!"

  His mouth curved into a slight smile, and his body jerked as if he were entering the throes of death.

  "You can't do this!" Her voice broke and she shook him harder, tears streaming. "Tell us! Where's Ajax's weapon? And Ashley! Don't you dare die without telling us!" She started pounding on his chest, and Ajax pulled her back and wrapped his arms around her.

  He pressed his lips to her hair as she melted into his body, letting him support her. "We'll find her, sheva. We will." Holding her tight, Ajax studied Charles, looking into eyes that were so black and so evil. He was unrepentant. And there was deep fear in his face. "He's afraid of someone, someone besides us."

  "Bezoar?" Xander asked, coming to stand beside Ajax.

  "Maybe." Ajax looked around, realized Luke and Liam hadn't arrived yet. "Someone go find Liam and Luke. Bring them in."

  Isaac and Rajak took off in an easy lope, weapons held loosely, while Xander and Kerrick stayed behind. "We can't kill him until we find out where the tablet is," Xander said.

  "And Ashley," Madison said.

  "He's dying. Maybe he won't be strong enough to keep me out." Ajax reached inside Charles's mind, weaving his way through the mental barriers, reaching over the connection that they shared as Calydons.

  Charles was old enough that he should have had the defenses to keep Ajax out, but he was so close to death that he couldn't fight. Ajax slid easily past Charles's mental shields and into his mind. The moment Ajax was connected to Charles, darkness crashed into him. Evil so deep and so penetrating that Ajax instinctively started to pull out.

  Then Madison's hand slid into his, calming him, and he let the evil brush past him, using his shields to keep it out of his own mind. Where is Ashley, Charles? Show me Ashley.

  He repeated the command and Charles's thoughts shifted involuntarily to Ashley. Ajax saw her, lying in the mud, less than a mile from where they were.

  The tablet, Charles. Show me the tablet. Show me how Bezoar's walls are falling. And where's my weapon? He felt Charles's struggle, his sudden elevation of terror, then there was a flash of malevolence. It gripped both of their minds and clawed at their spirits. He jerked himself out of Charles's mind and broke the connection.

  Then Charles's body convulsed. He screamed, and then he was dead.

  His body disappeared a split second later.

  "I think Bezoar just killed him." Ajax's body was tingling from the force that had attacked Charles. He pulled Madison into his body, needing her warmth, humanity, and goodness to chase away the darkness in his body from that brief touch of Bezoar.

  "How old was Charles?" Xander asked. "A thousand years?"

  "More than that." He looked up at his friend. "Do you think he's been helping Bezoar for the last two thousand years?"

  "You think Bezoar's been controlling someone on the outside for that long?" Xander raked his hand through his hair. "I thought he was isolated in there."

  "He was supposed to be." Ajax stood up, his arm still around Madison. "If he could touch Charles, he could probably manipulate others."

  "That wasn't him." Faulk was suddenly standing beside him.

  Ajax glanced at Faulk. "What are you talking about?"

  "That's not the guy who tried to hire me. The one who did the Illusions. That's not him."

  Ajax stared at Xander, and went cold. "There's someone else. Shit!" After all that, it wasn't over. They could lose it all right now. He touched Rajak's mind. Watch your back. Someone else is out there—

  Liam's down. Luke's gone. Rajak's voice ripped through his mind. We're tracking him, and he's heading straight toward you.

  And to Ashley.

  Ajax lit out through the woods, the rest of the team following close behind. Faulk was hard on his tail for a minute, then hauled off to the right, as if he'd caught a different scent. Ajax let him go, targeting the whisper of footsteps up ahead, and knew he was in a race for Ashley. He couldn't pinpoint the location of his opponent, but he could hear him, bolting through the woods, breathing, going for Ashley, trying to beat Ajax there.

  The mud was cool, soothing Ashley's body. She was too tired to keep her eyes open, so she let them close, letting the rain wash over her face. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to turn her head, so she stayed immobile, waiting for the sound of Charles's footsteps returning.

  As she thought about her Illusion.

  Her darkest Illusion had been called forth, and it had been the moment of Viktor's death. He'd tried to help her, and then he'd died because of it. She groaned softly, knowing that even the men who'd died tonight wouldn't haunt her the way Viktor's death would.

  And Keira. She'd failed Keira—

  She heard the sounds of feet sloshing through the mud, and she tried to shrink into the muck so Charles wouldn't find her. So his Calydons wouldn't see her. She'd crawled as far as she could, but she knew it wouldn't be enough.


  Her eyes cracked open and she saw Reidar squatting next to her. He was breathing hard, and sweat was dripping down his temples. He had an unconscious man slung over his shoulder. A boy, really.

  He wavered in and out of focus as she tried to make sense of what he was doing there, but her mind was too fried to think.

  "Charles's other knife," he said quickly. "Do you have it?"

  Her head hurt. "His knife?" she echoed. Did she? She thought maybe she did, but she couldn’t remember. She frowned and tried to think, but it was too hard. Couldn't concentrate.

  "Ashley! Focus! Where's the knife?"

  "Don't know—"

  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand up out of the mud. "Empty." He tugged her othe
r one up. "Where's the knife, Ashley?" He reached for her shirt, and she tensed, suddenly remembering that was where the knife was. At the same moment, she realized with sudden, instinctive certainty that she couldn't let him have it.

  And knowing it was too late.

  Ajax bolted up the small hill, Xander and Kerrick tight on his heels as they burst out of the woods and sprinted into a small clearing. A young woman was lying in the mud, not moving. "Ashley!" He sprinted across the pine needles and then saw the flash of movement in the woods up ahead.

  He threw his sword, the blade cutting through the trees as he reached her. The blade thudded into a tree, and Ajax straddled Ashley protectively as he recalled the sword. Xander and Kerrick sprinted past him into the woods where he'd seen the movement. For a split second, Ajax wanted to follow them and make sure the job was done, but then he realized he didn't need to.

  He could trust them to do all they could, and his job was to protect the sister of his mate.

  Ajax held his place, heard heavy breathing, but it sounded like it was all around him. Knew they were being messed with. "Can you guys pinpoint his location?"

  "No." Xander yelled. "I can't get a bead on him."

  "Me neither," Kerrick shouted.

  There was a crash and Isaac and Rajak burst out of the woods, weapons up. "Did you get him?"


  Isaac cursed. "The trail ended at the edge of the clearing. We lost him."

  "He's around here. I can hear him. Find him."

  Rajak and Isaac nodded and disappeared back into the woods, while Xander guarded Ajax's back so he could tend to Ashley.

  He kneeled beside her, felt her pulse. Madison. She's alive. We have her. He smiled at Madison's sob of joy, then he gently lifted Ashley onto his lap. Her hair was black like Madison's, matted with mud and sticks. Her thigh was drenched with blood, and her ankle was limp and twisted, her face beaten so badly he wanted to leap up and rip Charles's throat out. But he forced himself to gently brush her muddy hair off her face. "Ashley," he whispered. "It's okay. Charles is dead."

  She stirred in his arms and her eyes cracked open. They were glazed and foggy. "Charles is dead? Truly gone?" Her words were so weak he could barely hear them, but he nodded.

  "You're safe. Madison's here."

  Tears filled her eyes, and his own throat tightened. "Madison," she whispered. "She found me?”

  "She did."

  There was a shout from the edge of the clearing, and he looked up to see Madison running across the muddy ground, her arms covered in scratches, tears coursing down her cheeks.

  "Ashley!" Madison fell to her knees beside her sister and pulled her onto her lap, sobbing.

  At the sound of her sister's voice, Ashley wrenched her eyes open, and let out a small whimper as she saw Madison's face. She raised her finger, touched Madison's tears. "Madison?" Her voice was raw. "Is that really you?"

  "Yes, it's me." Madison leaned over her, her cheeks glistening with a combination of tears and rain. "You're safe now, honey."

  "Safe?" she echoed.

  "Safe." Madison's voice was so firm, but her body was shaking with exhaustion, belying the strength in her voice. Ajax wrapped his arms around her to hold her up, nodding at Xander to take Ashley.

  "Safe," Ashley mumbled. "That's good." She managed a faint smile and let her eyelids close. "Get Keira," she whispered.

  "Keira?" Madison frowned as Xander kneeled beside them and slid his arms under Ashley to pick her up. "Who's Keira?"

  Ashley's eyes opened as Xander leaned over her. She looked right into Xander's eyes and grabbed his shirt, her knuckles white with the fierceness of her grip. "Swear to me you'll get Keira." Her voice was fierce with sudden energy, with desperation.

  Xander nodded. "I'll get Keira, I promise."

  Ashley touched his cheek, and then nodded, and slid into unconsciousness, her head landing against his shoulder as he stood up with her in his arms. He looked at Ajax. "Who'd I just promise to get?"

  "No idea." Ajax helped Madison to her feet, her body still weak from all the blood loss. He wrapped his arm around Madison as she pulled her sister's hand toward her.

  Then she gasped. "She's marked!" She pushed Ashley's sleeve the rest of the way up, and Ajax saw the silver lines on her arm.

  Xander bent over to inspect it. "That's Viktor's mark. How the hell did that happen?"

  "From when he tried to protect her instead of running," Ajax said. "He died to keep her safe."

  Madison set her hand protectively over her sister's belly. "Don't even tell me you're thinking about killing her because she's Viktor's sheva. I swear—"

  "Viktor's dead, Madison. There'd be no reason," Ajax interrupted before she could get upset. "She's safe." He slid his hand over Madison's where it was resting on Ashley's stomach, then frowned when his fingers brushed against something hard hidden under Ashley's shirt. He lifted the shirt, then saw Charles's knife tucked in the waistband of her pants. He recognized it from the battle they'd had with Charles earlier.

  He gently pulled it free. "She has Charles's knife? Why?" He flipped it over, then noticed it had a stone handle. "Calydon weapons are always full metal—" He stopped when he realized there was writing on the handle in an old language he couldn’t decipher. He showed it to Xander. "Can you read that?"

  "Not a chance."

  Ajax closed his fist over the knife as Rajak, Kerrick, and Isaac emerged from the woods. Their faces were tense with frustration, and their weapons were sheathed.

  "We lost him," Isaac said. "We tracked him to the road, and he's gone. With Luke and whatever he knows about the tablet."

  Ajax cursed softly. "Zion was right. This is just beginning."

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Hours later, after Rajak had taken all of them to Zion's house, a fortress that masqueraded as a mansion, Madison was leaning on the bed beside Ashley. Her sister was resting under a light sedative prescribed by a doctor Ajax had brought in. The doctor had taken care of Ashley's stab wound in her thigh, her shattered ankle, and her numerous cuts and bruises.

  It had taken all Madison's strength not to fall apart. Her sister needed her now, and she would be strong for her.

  The doctor had left them with painkillers and antibiotics. Madison closed her eyes and held her sister's hand, trying to tell herself that it would be okay. That her sister would survive.

  Physically at least.

  Mentally and emotionally? Madison buried her face in her arms and finally let the tears come.

  Then a warm hand cupped the back of her neck and she lifted her head, smiling despite the tears. "Ajax."

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him, kissing her hard. She sighed and buried herself against his chest, in the strength that he gave her. "I love you," she whispered.

  "I love you, too." He tangled his fingers in her hair and tugged softly so she had to look up at him. "You're exhausted."

  She smiled. "You are, too."

  "There's a bed in the next room. You'll be able to hear her if she needs you, and the team will keep checking on her." He kissed her head. "Xander's antsy for her to wake up so he can find out what he's supposed to be doing about Keira, whoever she is. If she's someone that was at Charles's with Ashley, she could be critical to our stopping Bezoar's release." He tugged her wrist. "Come on, sheva. You need to rest."

  She glanced at her sister, but realized he was right. Her whole body ached, and her legs were trembling. "Okay."

  He took her hand. "Before we rest, the men have something for you."

  She frowned as she followed him across the room. "Do I want it?"

  Ajax didn't answer. He simply opened the door and led her downstairs to the family room where the men had set up command. They were sprawled on the couches eating when she walked in with Ajax. Huge men in black leather who dwarfed the oversize couches. They were still covered in blood and mud. No one had taken the time to shower yet. Had they been waiting for her?

er saw her first, and he stood up.

  Liam glanced over his shoulder at her, then he set his plate down and stood, turning to face her. Rajak, Isaac, and Kerrick followed suit, until all the warriors were facing her.


  Her heart began to beat faster, and she tightened her grip on Ajax's hand.

  "You saved all of us at Bezoar's prison at risk to your life," Xander said, his deep voice reverberating through the room.

  She straightened at the formality of his tone.

  "You resisted your destiny to kill Ajax, and you broke destiny's hold on him." Liam's tone was rich with respect. "No sheva has ever done that."

  Rajak stepped in front of her and went down on one knee. "Zion came back to save you." His voice was reverent. "You have Zion's blessing."

  Isaac nodded. "You are part of this journey, part of all our destinies right now." He held out his hand. "Call out Ajax's sword."

  She felt Ajax's approval of the command, so she did as he requested, the blade flashing to life in her hand. Ajax wrapped his hand around hers where she gripped the handle and steadied the blade.

  Xander walked over to her, then opened his hand and pressed his palm down on the blade.

  She instinctively tried to pull the sword away, but Ajax's grip on hers was too tight, and he didn't let her.

  Xander held the blade until blood trickled from his palm.

  The other warriors followed, one by one, until they all kneeled before her, bleeding onto the beige carpet. Her heart was pounding as she waited for what came next.

  Xander nodded at her. "Your turn."

  She tensed. "Mine?"

  The corner of Xander's mouth turned up briefly. "Yes."

  Ajax grabbed her wrist and turned her palm over, his gaze flicking to hers for permission.

  She nodded.

  There was a sharp prick in the palm of her hand, and blood trickled over her skin. Xander was first, clasping her wrist with his hand. She wrapped her fingers around his wrist, the blood from her palm smearing onto his skin.

  "You belong to all of us now, Madison Locke."


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