Billionaire Bachelor_Justin

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Billionaire Bachelor_Justin Page 4

by Melissa Stevens

  Now she didn’t know what to do. She stepped into the closet and looked around, not sure what to wear until she remembered the package from the agency. She’d been told only that it was for her wedding night. She’d not bothered to open it, instead had stowed it in her hand bag. Remembering it, she went back to the bedroom where she’d left the bag on the bed. It only took her a moment to find the package, rip open the envelope and dump it. Out tumbled a bundle of sheer white chiffon and lace. She stared at it, uncomprehending for a moment before realizing it was a night gown.

  She picked up the thin straps and held it up so she could get a better look. It was a piece designed to echo the pure white of a traditional wedding dress, maybe the reason the agency gave it to her was to remind Justin of her purity since she hadn’t had a traditional gown? She shook her head. It didn’t matter. It was the closest she got to a stunning white wedding dress and she would wear it, but she would need something more before leaving the bedroom. She pulled the gown on and combed out her hair, then looked in the closet again, found a robe and put it on before going back out to her new husband.

  Chapter Seven

  Justin stood in the living room waiting for Hannah to finish in the shower. He’d spent twenty minutes on the phone talking to four different people before he’d finally reached the pilot that had flown Hannah here. There had been some mix up about her luggage and it wouldn’t be here for several more hours. Justin was not happy, but he suspected Hannah would be even less so. Women were pickier about their clothes than he was. If it were him, he’d just send down to one of the shops on the main level for a suit or jeans and a t-shirt. Somehow, he suspected that wouldn’t be Hannah’s choice.

  With nothing more to be done, he went to the window. The lights of the city that never slept stretched out below him as his thoughts drifted into the next room where a woman he’d met less than six hours before prepared to sleep in his bed. He may not know her well, but she was his wife. The shower turned off and he couldn’t help but think about drops of water clinging to her skin. He wondered what she looked like naked. The memory of her breasts pressed against his chest when she’d hugged him earlier made his body stir with interest. Her taste lingering on his tongue from the kiss on the balcony made him crave more. His slacks grew tighter the longer he thought about her.

  The bedroom door opened and he turned to find Hannah standing in the doorway, lashes spikey around wide dark eyes. His robe hung well past her knees and was belted tight around her slender waist making him ache to tug the knot loose and see what she wore beneath it, if anything.

  “Sorry. There was a mix up, it looks like your luggage won’t get here for a few hours yet, but it looks like you found something.”

  “I did. I’m good at least until morning.”

  “Your bag should be here by then. They’ll leave it outside the door when it arrives. We can get it in the morning.”

  She nodded then yawned and he felt bad for keeping her up. It would take her a day or two to get used to the time change and the late hours that were so common here.

  “Come here a second.”

  She hesitated then stepped closer. She looked away as if she couldn’t meet his gaze for some reason.

  “Hey.” He lifted her chin with one finger. “You all right?”

  “I am.” She gave him a weak smile. “Just a little nervous.”

  “Nervous about what?”

  “About this,” her voice was soft, barely more than a breath, “about tonight.”

  Justin frowned. “Why would tonight make you nervous?” What was he missing?

  “I don’t know what to do.” She kept her eyes lowered. “What you will like or not like.”

  His entire body tightened as he realized what she meant. “It’s okay.” He leaned close and his words were little more than a whisper as he covered her mouth with his. “I do.”

  The hand under her chin slid around to cradle the back of her neck as she opened her mouth to him. The taste of her made his body draw tight and his cock twitch. Her hand came up to rest against his chest. Heat filled him. He wanted to pull her to him, to feel her body fit against his. His tongue dipped into her mouth, teasing and enticing her until she moaned into the kiss, then he pulled away, just far enough to look down into her half-lidded eyes. “See, you’ve got this.”

  The hand on his chest fisted in the silk of his shirt and pulled him down so she could kiss him again. Her other hand came up to steady herself on his arm as she rose onto her tip-toes to meet him half way. Her kiss was hungry as if she’d been aching for something and only just realized how to get it. He wondered briefly how she’d managed to be in her mid-twenties, to have been engaged, but still a virgin. But it didn’t matter. The idea of being her first, and possibly her only, made Justin’s arm wrap around her and pull her against him.

  Everything else ceased to matter. The room around them faded away until the only thing left was the two of them. Her taste was like a drug and he was instantly addicted. Justin didn’t know how long they’d stood there, wrapped in each other when she broke the kiss, gasping for air. He wanted more. His gaze trailed down her neck to the deep V made by the robe and he wondered exactly what she wore underneath.

  “Let me see.” He reached for the belt, but as he touched it his hands were stopped by hers.

  “Wait,” her eyes flashed around the room, “not here. Come in the bedroom.”

  “It’s just the two of us. No one can see in.” He couldn’t help but smile at her modesty. “Come on then.” He bent and easily swung her up into his arms, cradling her like many a bride carried over the threshold.

  “What?” she squealed as he swung her into his arms. “Wait. No. You can’t do this?”

  “Why not?”

  “Well—” she seemed at a loss for words, “just because.”

  “It may not be the way it’s usually done, but this is Vegas, nothing here is quite what it is anywhere else.”

  Hannah laughed and shook her head, but stopped arguing. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. He carried her through the bedroom door and set her on her feet beside the bed. Once she was steady, his hands went to the belt on the robe once more.

  “Can I see?”

  Hannah looked at him a moment with wide eyes then nodded slowly as if she wasn’t sure.

  Justin held his breath, wondering if perhaps she was naked beneath the cotton and he was unwrapping what might be the greatest gift he’d ever received.

  Slowly, he pulled the thick sash loose and the sides of the robe fell open, revealing her gown beneath. Disappointment flashed through him when he saw she wore something underneath, but as he got a better look, his lips curved into a smile. He spread the sides of the robe open and pushed it back off her shoulders until if fell to the floor, forgotten. His mouth went dry as he took in what stood before him.

  The gown was lace and gossamer fabric that showed almost as much as it hid, white lace triangles cupped her pert breasts, barely hiding the berry pink tips. From there it fell in full strips of long sheer fabric to just above her knees. The fabric fluttered with the rise and fall of her ragged breathing, revealing and hiding the flesh beneath in alternating moments. He wasn’t sure which he wanted more, to stand and watch her or peel it off and lay her back against the bed and have his way with her. His eyes skimmed back up to her face and found Hannah watching him, her eyes filled with fear and trepidation, as if she was afraid he would find her lacking.

  “You’ve taken my breath away.” He moved close again, pulled her against him with an arm around her waist and lowered his mouth to hers once more. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel as if she wasn’t enough or as if she displeased him somehow. One hand came up to cup her breast through the lace.

  She gasped into his mouth. He used the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Her hands tugged at his shirt and it took him a few moments to realize she was pushing at his jacket. It wasn’t until her hands went to his belt that he realized Hannah
was trying to undress him.

  “Here.” He pulled away enough unbuckle his belt, shrug out of his jacket and finish unbuttoning his shirt.

  “That’s good.” She reached for him again and he didn’t hesitate to move back to her.

  He wanted his hands on her as much as he craved her touch. Her hands spread out against his skin, seeming to revel in touching him. His hands moved down as his mouth covered hers again.

  The kiss only lasted a few seconds before he moved away, trailing kisses down her jaw. He let his hands slide down her body and up to cup her ass. One slipped under the short hem of her gown and up along her thigh.

  Hannah gasped, but her fingers curling into the muscles of his back told him she didn’t want him to stop. He caressed up her thigh until he found himself cupping her ass. That’s when it hit him. The realization that she wore no panties, no barrier between him and the treasure that lay between her thighs. That knowledge made his cock throb with need. Lifting up, he pulled the gossamer gown off over her head and tossed it aside, then lay her back against the bed. She looked for a moment as if she wanted to cover herself, but his hands pulled hers to her sides as he leaned over her and kissed her hard.

  “Let me see you.” He skimmed his hands down her body. “You’re perfect, beautiful.” He dropped kisses along her skin, teased the hard buttons of her nipples with his fingers and caressed along her skin until she was gasping and restless. Leaning up, he quickly shed what was left of his clothes.

  “Um. I’m not sure about this.” She watched him with wide eyes, her gaze locked on his swollen aching cock. “I don’t think this is going to work.”

  “It will work, trust me.” He smiled and laid beside her. “You know how this works right?” He could see from her eyes she was afraid, but fear wasn’t what he wanted.

  She nodded, looking up at his face but her eyes still wide.

  “You know it’s going to hurt, right? There’s nothing I can do to prevent it, but it won’t last long. I promise.”

  Hannah brought one hand up and cupped his face as she met his gaze. “I trust you.”

  An unfamiliar sensation of contentment settled in his stomach, but it wasn’t enough, not right now. Leaning in, he kissed her again. The soft play of his lips against hers served as a momentary distraction from the way his erection pressed into the soft skin of her stomach. So close to where it wanted to be, yet so far away. He eased her onto her back and moved over her, teasing and caressing her every sensitive spot as he wanted her as close to that sharp edge of pleasure he could get her without pushing her over.

  Hannah cried out and reached for him, but he didn’t stop until he knew she was almost there. Justin moved over her, lined himself up and looked down at her face.

  “You’re beautiful, did you know that?”

  “Something’s wrong. I feel all weird.”

  “Nothing’s wrong, baby. It’s supposed to feel like that.”

  “Are you sure?” She looked up at him with big, trusting eyes.

  “I’m sure.” He lowered his mouth to hers and cupped one breast, teasing the tip with his thumb as he deepened the kiss. Her arm came up around his neck and he pushed, plunging himself all the way into her in one swift thrust. He froze as Hannah went tense beneath him. “I know,” he murmured. “Give it a minute. It’s over now.” He gave her a moment for her body to adjust then slowly began to move. She tried to hold him still, but he wouldn’t let her. He needed to show her what it could be, it was his duty as her first to not just take her maidenhead, but to introduce her to the great pleasures to be had from sex.

  After only a few thrusts he lost himself in her, her every gasp, her every breath reached something deep inside him and he was pushed farther. Until the two of them and the pleasure between them was all that mattered. All that existed.

  Chapter Eight

  Hannah woke with a start, not sure for a moment where she was or what had woken her. There was something warm, but harder than her pillow under her head. She frowned then remembered the day before, and the night before. That’s when she knew it was Justin. In her sleep she’d curled against him, using him as a pillow. Her face heated and she opened her eyes to find him watching her with a slight smile.

  “How did you sleep?” His voice was rough.

  “Good.” She tried to pull away, but he held her against him, dropped a quick kiss on her forehead then released her. She rolled over and got out of bed, forgetting for a moment she had no clothes on. Desperate, she snatched the robe off the floor and wrapped it around her as she rushed into the bathroom. A slight ache between her legs made her remember what had happened the night before, the pain, yes, but the pleasure too. Her mother had told her that it would hurt, but not that it could feel like that. As her body craved that heady sensation again, she understood why.

  She washed her hands, splashed water on her face and looked at the tangled mess of her hair with a sigh of frustration as there was nothing she could do without at least the brush in her purse, then went back to the bedroom. There she found Justin, wearing a pair of boxer briefs and nothing more, coming in from the front room, her suitcase trailing behind him.

  “Look what I found,” he said with a smile.

  She stood staring at him a moment before she could speak. Had he gone out into the hallway, the one shared with his office, dressed like that? What if someone had seen him? Had anyone seen him? Unable to decide what to say she shook her head and let it go.

  “Thank you.”

  He lifted it up and set the bag on the bed. “Go ahead and unpack. If there’s not enough room in the closet, let me know and I’ll clear some things out.” He gave the small bag a second look. “Is that all you have? Do we need to do some shopping?”

  “No, I have plenty more, I just didn’t want to have to deal with it all last night. The Agency said they would have them delivered. I’ll have to check on that and see when they’ll be here.”

  “Whenever. Unpack what you have, feel free to go downstairs and get what you need until there rest arrives.” He turned to leave then stopped at the door. “What do you want for breakfast?”

  Hannah frowned, surely he wasn’t going to cook. “Whatever you’re having. I’m not picky.”



  Justin nodded and stepped back into the living room, still in nothing more than his underwear and pulled the door closed. Hannah wondered where breakfast was coming from and if he often wore nothing more than what he had on now.

  She wouldn’t complain if he did, it was a nice view, but it would take a little getting used to. She unzipped her suitcase and hurried to get things put away. Twenty minutes later her bag sat empty in the corner of the bedroom, she didn’t know what to do with it. She was dressed in a blouse and a pair of loose cotton pants and her hair had been combed out and piled artfully on top of her head. She was ready for anything she could think of, aside from a society party or business meeting, not like she had any chance of needing to attend that later, she thought as she opened the bedroom door to see what Justin had planned for the day.

  Hannah stood on the balcony with the open glass door behind her. She’d come out of the bedroom and found Justin standing out here watching the city, from here the cars below looked like toys and the people barely more than ants, but it was the city that drew her attention.

  “They’re bringing breakfast up soon.” He kissed her cheek. “Don’t worry about letting them in, they know what to do, but I don’t want you scared when they do.” With that, he left her standing with her collar fluttering in the breeze as he disappeared into the bedroom, leaving both the door to the balcony where she stood, and the bedroom door standing open.

  She took one look out across the city, and the mountains across the valley then turned back inside. It wasn’t too warm yet, so she left the door open for a little fresh air and followed him.

  She stopped in the bedroom doorway and leaned against the frame as she watched him pull a clean w
hite shirt on and button it up, everything but the collar. She suspected he started every day that way, and depending on what happened through the day, unbuttoned one or two more buttons through the day. She enjoyed watching him, the way his fingers moved. With each movement she couldn’t help but recall the gentle, almost loving, way he’d touched her the night before. Her face heated.

  “What’s up?” Justin’s voice pulled her from her thoughts.

  “Just thinking.” She didn’t want to tell him what.

  He smirked as if he could guess. “Hmm… You’re thinking while watching me and it makes you blush. I wonder why.” He moved close and snagged her with one arm around her waist, then pulled her close. “I wonder what you’re thinking about that made you turn that pretty shade of pink.”

  “Um.” She really didn’t want to have to say. His gaze dropped to her mouth and she hoped he’d kiss her instead of making her tell him.

  “Hm… I bet I could figure it out.” He leaned in and covered her mouth with his.

  Hannah put her hands on his shoulders and opened her mouth to him. After last night she wasn’t so afraid to touch him. Heat pooled low in her belly. She pushed one hand around his neck and up into his hair. Justin growled into the kiss and pulled her tight against him. The hard thickness of his erection pressed into her belly, his heat seeped through their clothes and she had an urge to push him backward until they hit the bed then push him down on it and crawl in after him.

  “Good morning!” an unfamiliar voice somewhere behind Hannah startled her.

  She leapt away from Justin as if she was a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Her face heated and she knew it was bright red.


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