Bear-ly Loved

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Bear-ly Loved Page 11

by M. L. Briers

  Bonnie rose to the challenge that he was demanding of her – another orgasm – a second one – the Holy Grail of sex as she’d known it so far…

  Karl could feel her inner muscles tightening – his hips worked harder to thrust his cock to the hilt. The grunts and growls that came from him on each erotic thrust heightening her body towards the edge of oblivion – and he reached for her, bringing her back with him, as he locked her in place with one strong arm around her body, and fisted her hair with his other hand…

  Bonnie felt his breath against the back of her neck and tipped her head to the side to give him better access – his beast roared…


  He felt his bear push forward.

  Felt his fangs elongate.

  The moment that she came undone around him; he sliced his fangs into her skin and dragged downwards … he felt her hands grip his thighs, felt her fingers curl into his skin and she raked her fingernails across his flesh…

  The scent of everything mixed in the air; her sex – his, her blood – his.

  He savoured the taste on his tongue, barely able to control his need for her as he had half a mind left that made him clean and seal his mark into her skin.


  My mate…

  I’m hers…

  Forever hers…

  My heart … my love … my family…

  Family … always family…

  Karl growled gently as he nuzzled against her neck – taking her scent – his hips still moved, but now the need was greater.

  He had a fever boiling within his blood.

  He had a need to place his seed deep within her womb and finished the claim – the bond…

  He moved her with him on the bed, taking her forward and curling his body over and around hers – caging her in as his true beast – the one that wanted her more than life itself – took over him…

  He took her down his hard length, over and over. Every deep thrust taking her back towards the edge of insanity, and he joined her there.

  Close. So close that he could practically taste it…

  His growls turned to hard grunts as his thrusts became erratic…

  The curses that she bit out mixed with her moans and gasps, and he could feel her inner muscles tightening around his girth once more…

  He was lost inside of her. Desperation and frustration clawed at him.

  He craned his head back on his neck as every muscle in his body locked hard to keep from quivering, from giving out beneath his weight.

  The moment that she cried out with the intensity of the orgasm that burst from her womb and throbbed hard through every inch of her; he could feel that hard clench and release of her inner muscles suckling around his cock – and then he felt the seed being sucked from his balls…

  He felt the hard, deep sound start within his chest as a growl, but by the time it reached his lips; he roared like a bear…

  Every inch of his body – her body – was practically begging for mercy as they rode through the erotic storm as one – pulsing together in ecstasy until they were spent.

  Karl palmed the bed and locked his muscles tightly, trying to still the quivering as he took her down to the mattress with him.

  He curled his body protectively around hers as they tried to remember how to breathe again…







  Somewhere in the back of her mind Jenny heard the roar of the bear – it was in the distance, but she was certain that it was there, her mind locked on and her thoughts spun…

  “They bonded…” Bailey assured her, reading her thoughts the moment that she seemed to pull back from him, from them, from the most erotic, intense love making that he’d ever experienced…

  “Did you just read…?” She went to turn her head to look back at him over her shoulder, but he distracted her with his fingers against her sex, bringing her even more pleasure than just his hard length thrusting into her…

  “Yes I did, and that’s how I know what you want next…” he made it sound like one hell of a dirty promise.

  Bailey’s fangs locked into place. He tightened his hold around her body and fisted her hair; licking his tongue down the vein that had been screaming at him to bite – to have that taste of her upon his tongue…

  “Yes…” she breathed out…

  Bailey struck fast. His razor sharp fangs cut through her skin and entered the vein and he felt her try to pull away out of the natural instinct to protect herself – but he had her locked up tightly, caged in his arms…

  He savoured the thought of that first taste … and then he sipped, gently at first to get her used to the sensation, and to get a damn handle on his own needs…

  The sound of her moaning in pleasure was almost as exquisite as the taste of her blood on his tongue. He suckled harder – drinking more – feeding in rhythm with the pounding of his cock inside of her…

  He heard her bite down on a curse – could feel her body ripe for the orgasm that she wanted – needed, and he drank thirstily – giving her what she needed and taking everything that he desired…

  The orgasm that throbbed through every inch of her body felt unending – over and over she came undone – one heady blast after another as he took his fill of her body and her blood, until he finally joined her…



  “What’s he doing?” Jenny frowned as she brought a huge plate of raw steak out of the house and gave Karl a double take as she strolled towards the picnic table and the barbecue that was roaring with flames…

  “Proving a point,” Bonnie said with a small nod of her head and a smug smile on her lips…

  “I’m not sure I get the point…” Jenny said as she placed the plate down on the table next to the barbecue that her mate was prodding to get the coals to an even burn…

  “Apparently, and this is just a guess, because I wasn’t really listening…” Bailey offered as he waved the metal poker around in the air. “It had something to do with climbing ladders and stable ground…”

  Jenny opened her mouth, but just frowned instead as she twisted her head on her neck and regarded the shifter that was swinging from the roof – the ladder having long since fallen to the ground.

  One large hand was gripping the guttering, and his arm was wrapped around a drainpipe as best it could be…

  “He failed…” Bonnie leaned towards her friend without taking her eyes off of her mate and whispered.

  “I did not fail. I proved my point…” Karl grumbled a growl of annoyance and frustration. “The ladder fell away, and if this was you then you’d be in real trouble…” he lied, and felt a flash of guilt for it.

  He’d meant to show her how she should place the ladder on stable ground, and he’d done just that – and then the damn ground had somehow slipped away and the ladder had fallen … he guessed the same thing had happened to her just as she‘d said it had…

  Boy did he feel like an idiot…

  “And you’re not in trouble?” Bonnie shot back. She wasn’t buying his protests for a moment.


  “Then you don’t need my help getting the ladder back…?” She chuckled behind her hand.

  There was a long pause and an even longer growl…

  “Admit you were wrong…” Bailey called, stirring the pot, and poking the not-so sleeping bear.

  “No…” he growled back.

  “Fine, stay there while we eat – more for us,” Bailey shot back.

  “I…” He started, but the very next moment the guttering gave way under his weight, and he tried to keep a hold on the drainpipe, but he slid for a second, before he dropped like a stone to the ground.

  His feet hit the ground with a dull thud, and his backside followed a moment later…

  Bonnie tossed her hands up to her mouth and tried to stifle the laughter, but she couldn’t. Instead; sh
e roared like his bear …

  The look that Karl tossed back at her over his shoulder only made it worse…

  She threw herself forwards, bracing her hands on her kneecaps, and gasped for breath – but that was hopeless too…

  “Harsh…” Bailey chuckled, enjoying the sound of Bonnie’s laughter at the shifter’s expense.

  Jenny was more so chuckling at Bonnie’s reaction than she was at the shifter landing on his pride, although, she had enjoyed that as well…

  Karl grumbled and growled as he pushed up to his feet and dusted his hands off against his backside. He turned towards his mate and eyed her for a long moment…

  Bonnie gulped in a breath and her eyes tried to take him in through the tears that had gathered there, but all that she could see was the big blob of him coming towards her…

  “I’m glad I’m so entertaining…” Karl grumbled, and she reached up a hand to cover her lips, but exploded into chuckles once more…

  “You’re a scream!” Bailey said, waving his hands and the red hot poker in his grip…

  “Don’t tempt me with something sharp and pointy, vampire…” Karl growled, and Bonnie spluttered some more laughter…

  “Bear with a sore head anyone?” Bailey offered.

  “Wait til I shove that poker up your ass, we’ll see how sore you are…” Karl growled.

  “Your warped personal sexual tastes are no concern of mine, but I think your mate might be slightly worried…”

  “I do not have warped personal tastes…” he growled back…

  “Well…” Bonnie offered, her eyes full of mischief…

  “Apart from that…” Karl grumbled, but he couldn’t growl at his mate.

  “Or…” Bonnie offered.

  “And that…” Karl grumbled, rolling his eyes in his head as he rushed to close the distance between him and Bonnie, wrapping an arm around her waist and yanking her against his body as his lips came down on hers – silencing her so that she couldn’t give the vampire any more information to use against him…

  “If you’re hungry eat a steak,” Bailey shot at the mates.

  “I’m hungry…” Jenny shrugged…

  “For me or steak?” Bailey asked, eyeing her with a wicked smile.

  “Steak then you?” She offered back, with an apologetic shrug off her shoulders.

  “You do need the iron…” Bailey gave her a fangy grin and she giggled like a schoolgirl…

  “Oh … and cake … Ma’s cakes look delicious,” she added.

  “I feel misplaced on your list of importance – maybe a shopping trip – pedicure?” He offered back…

  “No…” Jenny said, and then she tipped her head to one side and thought about it. “Shopping trip sounds good though…”

  “It’s nice to know where your priorities are…” Bailey grumbled.

  “Ok, steak – Ma’s cakes – shopping trip, and then I can be your walking blood bag,” she shrugged and he sighed.

  “Fine…” he grumbled.

  “Didn’t we outlaw the word fine?” Bonnie said as Karl released her from his lips, but not his arms…

  “Oh, look who came up for air…” Bailey teased.

  He reached out his poker and stabbed a steak, tossing it onto the wrack as it protested by hissing and spitting at the hot coals and flames. He repeated the procedure time and again until he had them all on the grill…

  “More importantly, I’m waiting for the bear to admit that he was wrong. All that grumbling and berating you for putting the ladder on unstable ground…” Bailey stirred the pot between them some more, and the shifter growled a warning at him.

  “You kind of did…” Bonnie offered up to her mate with big wide eyes of expectation and a small smugness about her.

  “I…” Karl stopped protesting and drew in a large, deep breath… “May have overestimated the problem with loose earth around the property.”

  “Is that like an admission, because you suck at apologies,” Bailey offered and Karl grumbled and growled some more.

  “Accepted,” Bonnie announced, and Karl brightened.

  “Softie,” Bailey grumbled. “You should have made him squirm.”

  “I’ll remember that sentiment,” Jenny offered to her mate and he scowled back at her.

  “Not me – him.” He pointed the poker at Karl and the man raised just one eyebrow in return.

  “Stop being confrontational…” Karl growled.

  “And you’d know all about confrontation…” Bailey offered back, eyeing the man. “You can’t even go through a revolving door without thinking it’s trying to attack you.”

  “That door was…” Karl bit down on his rant the moment that he heard the females chuckling. “Fine…” he grumbled.

  “Not fine…” Bonnie shook her head.

  “Ok,” he corrected. “I was wrong and I apologise.” Karl grimaced.

  “Accepted. Again. Now can we eat?” Bonnie said. “We’ve got some cakes to get too.”

  “Females…” Karl grumbled.

  “They want their cake and eat it…” Bailey grinned.

  “Ooo, self-replicating cakes…” Jenny liked that idea. “And coffee.”

  Bonnie nodded in agreement. That sounded good to her.

  “And chocolate…” Bonnie added.

  “All the food groups,” Jenny shrugged back.

  “That’s not…” Karl frowned.

  “Hush, don’t ruin their fantasy. They’re female. We have to make allowances.” Bailey teased and the scowl that he got back from his mate scolded him into silence.

  “Ha! Doghouse,” Karl chuckled.

  “Ha! Fell off a roof,” Bailey tossed back.

  “At least I’m not in the doghouse.”

  “Yet…” Bailey tossed back with glee, but Karl was grinning like an idiot.

  He didn’t care what the vampire said.

  He had his mate.

  He had his extended family.

  And he and Bonnie had spoken about cubs.

  He’d gone from being barely loved to being blessed with a mate and family.

  Nothing could ruin that. Nothing ever would. He wouldn’t allow it.

  The End.




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