No Turning Back (Man-Maid)

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No Turning Back (Man-Maid) Page 8

by Rainey, Anne

  She grabbed the remote out of his hand and announced, “Enough of the serious stuff. I want to watch a movie. Maybe a tragic love story or something. Got any popcorn? We could even clog our arteries with some butter-flavored oil.”

  Jensen laughed and pushed the Play button on the remote. “You’re in luck. I have a great movie night in store for you. And I even have popcorn in the cupboard.” He stood. “Hold that thought.”

  When he left the room, Marquetta’s attention was drawn to the large flat-screen as it filled with black-and-white images from an era that boasted cigarette-smoking heroines and smooth-talking heroes. She frowned and squinted as Jensen came back into the room with two bottles of water and a large bowl in his hands. “Did you talk to my brother?” she asked.

  “Huh?” He took his seat beside her and handed her the bowl, then placed the bottles on the table.

  “How’d you know I like old movies?”

  He grabbed a handful of popcorn. “Actually, just dumb luck.” He winked. “Something we have in common, I guess.”

  “You like Casablanca?” Marquetta asked around a mouthful of buttery fluff.

  “Yup.” He nudged her knee with his own. “You don’t think I can appreciate a classic Bogart movie?”

  She was inordinately pleased that they had something in common. First, he cooked her a meal that would make any woman’s mouth water, and now she found out he was into black-and-white films. If he kept it up, she’d fall in love with him. And that would be the worst thing possible. She didn’t want to tangle her heart up in a relationship that might end in another broken heart.

  Jensen reached up and flipped off the lamp sitting on the end table, then they both settled in. Marquetta was amazed at how relaxed she was with him. It was nice to just sit back and enjoy each other’s company.

  He dusted his hands off, then grabbed his bottle of water and took a long swallow. Her eyes followed his every movement. He even made drinking water sexy.

  A half hour into the movie, Marquetta realized how much she was enjoying her evening. It’d been quite a while since she’d had a good time with a man. “Jensen?”

  He turned to her, his eyes unreadable in the dark. “Yeah, sweetheart?”

  “I meant it before when I said I’m thankful you didn’t give up on me.”

  He reached over and turned the light back on, then pushed the Pause button on the remote. “No chance in hell of that happening.” Sparks of desire arced between them. “You’ve been in my blood since the first time I laid eyes on you.”

  Marquetta was too pleased. Way too pleased. She didn’t know what to say, how to respond. It was moments like this that made her want to flee to another part of the country, where there were no such things as relationships and emotions.

  “So quiet all of a sudden,” he teased. “What’s going through that pretty head?”

  She pretended a nonchalance she didn’t feel and admitted, “It’s the same for me.”

  Jensen licked his lips and murmured, “There, was that so hard?”

  She sighed. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” Feeling oddly weepy, Marquetta said, “I’m not cut out for relationships. My track record is proof of that.”

  Jensen wrapped his arm around her tighter. “Maybe you just haven’t been in the right relationship.” She started to protest, but he pressed a finger to her lips and whispered, “We’re both sort of new at this. Let’s just go one step at a time.”

  She let out a shaky laugh. “Our second date, and I’m making a total mess of it.”

  His hand found its way over her thigh, caressing her through her jeans. “It isn’t the average second date, I’ll admit, but I wouldn’t want average. What about you? Would an average guy make you happy?”

  “No, that’s not what I want.”

  “I thought not.” His touch moved higher until he was an inch away from the juncture of her legs. “Now, hush and watch the movie, woman.”

  The tenderness in Jensen’s voice stopped her like nothing else could. She turned toward the TV and settled in. Truth be told, Sheldon didn’t have anything on Jensen. Never mind the same league, Jensen played on an entirely different planet.

  By the time she left, with a promise to text him when she got home safely, Marquetta realized she had enough fodder for several nights of hot, erotic dreams. Problem was, did she want any of them to become reality?

  The next day, Marquetta strode into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee from the freshly brewed pot before walking to the sliding glass doors leading out to her patio. As she stepped out, a gust of cool morning air hit her in the face. She loved Sunday mornings. It was her favorite day of the week because everything seemed shiny and new.

  Sitting in one of the patio chairs, she tucked her legs under her and took a sip of the steaming dark liquid in her mug and waited for Axel and Gavin to arrive. She’d called them first thing that morning and asked them to come over. She’d finally made a decision to deal with her two overprotective brothers, and Marquetta didn’t want to wait another day to confront them. Whether or not they were going to like what she had to say to them was up for debate.

  Her mind went back over the previous evening, and a smile curved the corners of her mouth. She’d had such a good time with Jensen. When was the last time she’d enjoyed spending time in a man’s company? Too long. Again, Axel’s words about letting go of the past sprang to mind. Marquetta knew it was way past time for her to stop hiding. Enough of her life had been stolen by grief, and she didn’t want to lose even one more day. Oh, she would always mourn the loss of her child, but the half life she’d been living wasn’t going to bring the baby back. It was time to move on; she could feel it. Things were changing, shifting. Thinking of the baby no longer brought on a dose of guilt. She could think of no better way to start fresh than to enroll in college once again. A trickle of fear rode her spine at the thought of research papers and exams, but she’d put it off long enough.

  “Boo,” a deep male voice whispered against her ear.

  Marquetta jumped and turned her head. Damn, she’d been so caught up in her thoughts that she never even heard Axel arriving. “Shit, Axel! You scared the devil out of me.”

  “You were lost in thought, sis.” He tugged on a lock of her hair. “Anything I can help with?”

  “No, but you might want to brace yourself for what I have to tell you, big brother.”

  Instantly Axel stiffened. “What happened?”

  She tsked. “Nothing happened, but I have made a decision. One I think you’ll approve of.”

  He pulled the other folding chair close and sat, his legs spread out in front of him. “If you tell me you’re running off to Vegas to get hitched, I can tell you that I definitely do not approve.”

  She laughed. “Idiot, of course not.” Taking a deep breath, she said, “But I have decided that it’s time I go back to school.”

  Axel’s gaze widened. “For real?”

  She held up a hand. “Yes, but don’t get carried away. I haven’t set any plans into motion. I only just now decided, to tell the truth.”

  “This is the best news I’ve heard all year.” He leaned forward and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’m so freaking proud of you.”

  “Well, hold that thought, because it’s been a long time and I’m rusty,” she warned. “I might just flunk out.”

  “Bull, you’re the smartest one of the three of us. Of course you won’t flunk out. Have you told Gavin?”

  “Told Gavin what?”

  Marquetta looked behind her to find Gavin’s large frame filling the doorway to the back patio. “No, I haven’t told Gavin. That’s why I asked you both here, dork.”

  Gavin strode over and sat on the picnic table. “What did I miss?”

  “I was just telling Axel that I’ve decided to go back to college. I want to get my graphic design degree, and I’m not putting it off any longer.”

  Gavin slapped his thigh. “About time you got off your ass and did s
omething about that amazing talent of yours.”

  Marquetta rolled her eyes. “Thanks, I think.”

  He waved a hand in the air. “So, what brought on the sudden change of heart? Does it have anything to do with that guy at the shop?” He wagged his eyebrows. “The one you went to dinner with?”

  Right on cue, Marquetta’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. She always did have the hardest time discussing her dating life with Gavin and Axel. It was just too awkward for words. “That’s part of it, yes.” She took a deep breath and let it out. “He reminded me of something. Something I’d forgotten.”

  “And what might that be?” Axel asked.

  “That I deserve to be happy,” she admitted, her voice a little shaky. “That it doesn’t make me a bad person just because I want to live my life.”

  Axel frowned. “And why would you think otherwise?”

  A lump formed in her throat as she attempted to share her innermost thoughts with them. “Because…because I still feel responsible for losing the baby.”

  “You’ve been punishing yourself,” Axel surmised, his voice low and rough.

  She nodded. “I know it’s irrational, but I kept thinking that if Sheldon hadn’t been married, and if the baby had been conceived in a loving relationship, then maybe…” To her utter horror her lower lip quivered, and she started to cry. “I-I’m sorry.”

  Neither of her brothers said a word. Instead, they came over, wrapped her in their arms and held her tight as she cried. The tears she shed were for the loss of her baby, but it was also cathartic. By the time she pulled away, Marquetta knew she’d reached a turning point in her life.

  After she gained control, Axel said, “You’ve been keeping that in for far too long, little sister.”

  She smiled at them, wondering once more what she ever would’ve done without them. “I love you guys.”

  Gavin patted her on the arm. “The feeling is mutual, Markie.”

  The familiar nickname turned her heart to mush, but it wasn’t enough to keep her from sharing the rest of what she’d come to realize that morning. “I know,” she replied, her voice softening a fraction. “Which is why you both need to let me do this on my own. I’ve been using you as a crutch for far too long.”

  Axel looked over at Gavin. They seemed to come to some sort of mutual decision, and it was Axel who spoke next. “Message received,” he replied. “We’ll butt out.” He made an X over his chest and said, “Stick a needle in my eye and all that happy shit.”

  “Thank you,” she replied, getting choked up all over again. “I never would’ve made it this far if not for my family.”

  “You would’ve done just fine.” Gavin ruffled her hair. “You’re a Hayes, after all, and every bit as tough and stubborn as the rest of us.”

  “So I’ve been told.” She laughed and stood. “Now, who here is hungry for one of my special ham-and-cheese omelets?” Both men spoke at once, and soon the past was well and truly buried. As it should be.

  The conversation turned toward the future as they talked about which classes she would take and the student loans she would need. There was a lot to be done, but Marquetta couldn’t wait to get started. For the first time in years, she looked forward to what the future might bring.

  Chapter Seven

  It was seven in the evening on Monday, and Marquetta wasn’t even a little bit tired. She’d met with Jensen earlier in the day at the shop to show him her ideas for the Man-Maid logo. Once she had his approval to proceed with the design, he’d invited her to meet the rest of the Man-Maid crew at Pete’s Pizzeria across town. She’d managed to finish work early so she could go home and change. The black skirt and white blouse now seemed like too much. Was she trying too hard? Jeans would’ve been more appropriate, but she hadn’t been thinking past her own need to knock Jensen’s socks off.

  Her hands shook, and she realized she was nervous. “God, it’s not as if he invited you to meet the parents,” she muttered to her reflection as she sat in her car and checked her lipstick. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her keys and purse and left the car. When she walked into Pete’s Pizzeria and scanned the room, it took her only a few seconds to spot Jensen’s lean, powerful frame. He wore a tight navy-blue T-shirt and jeans and looked good enough to lick from head to toe. He turned his head and caught her staring. Shit. His lopsided grin sent butterflies flitting through her bloodstream. He stood and crossed the room before looking her over. “Damn, now I wish I’d brought you someplace nicer.”

  She bit her lip and looked at the tight skirt. “I’m overdressed, aren’t I?”

  “Hell no, you’re dressed just right.” He took her hand and brought her to a table, where several pairs of eyes stared at her. She recognized Jason, but the rest were strangers. Her cheeks heated as she wondered what they would think of her.

  Jason and the two other men at the table stood when she approached. Jason winked and said, “Pretty as a picture,” as he pulled out a chair next to him.

  Once she was seated, Jensen took the chair on her other side and said, “You already met Jason, my idiot brother.” He pointed to a man on the other side of Jason. “That’s Seth and Ames next to him.” Both men nodded. Finally Jensen pointed to the woman with short dark hair. “The pretty one next to Ames is AJ. She’s not officially part of the company, but she’s been helping us out a lot. And if we can sway her, we’d be thrilled to put her on the payroll—assuming there will eventually even be a payroll.”

  “I can’t tell you how nice it is to have another woman around,” AJ said as she glared at Seth. “This bunch can be a handful.”

  Marquetta chuckled. “I have two older brothers, and I’m the only girl in the family, so I understand completely.”

  “So, you’re the artist I keep hearing about,” Ames said. “You’ve done some impressive work.”

  “Thank you.” She looked over at Jensen. “I was showing Jensen what I have in mind for your logo earlier. I think I have a good grasp of what you all want.”

  “It’ll be great, I have no doubt.”

  Marquetta noticed an antique brooch on AJ’s blouse. “That’s lovely,” Marquetta said as she gazed at the silver oval attached to the woman’s ivory silk blouse. There was an image of two swords on the front, with a crown in the center.

  AJ looked down at her shirt. “Thanks. It’s a family heirloom. My great-grandfather had it custom made for my great-grandmother. The sword’s supposed to be a testament of his vow to always protect her, and the crown represents his honor. From the story my mom told me, it was meant to prove that their love would never fade.”

  Marquetta let out a romantic sigh. “Wow, he must have loved her deeply.”

  “Yes,” AJ said with a small smile. “If only we were all so lucky.”

  When she noticed Seth reach out and take AJ’s hand in his own, Marquetta wondered if the pair was dating. Then Ames wrapped an arm around the back of her chair, and Marquetta decided the complicated dynamics were none of her business.

  “Who’s hungry for pizza?” Jason asked, breaking through the silence.

  At that moment, a petite, dark-haired waitress approached their table. “Have you all decided what you want?”

  Marquetta’s gaze zeroed in on Jensen. To her surprise, he was staring right at her. His possessive smile devastated her senses. She swallowed the lump in her throat, and he grinned. Suddenly, it was as if they were the only two people in the room. Oh God, she was getting turned on, and in front of his friends, no less. Clearly, her libido had no shame at all.

  After they ordered a round of beer and two medium pepperoni pizzas, the conversation turned toward the business. Marquetta’s heart skipped a beat at being included. When Jensen’s hand rested on her thigh, her blood thickened.

  Mercifully, their pizza arrived, saving her from embarrassing herself by melting into a puddle at the man’s feet. Her stomach rumbled at the succulent scents of roasted tomatoes and parmesan cheese.

  “The chef accidentally mad
e two large pizzas,” the waitress said as she placed them in the center of the table. “I hope y’all are hungry.”

  Jensen leaned toward Marquetta and whispered, “Pete makes the best pizza around. You’ll love it, trust me.”

  With the first taste of the melted mozzarella cheese, Marquetta felt as if she’d died and gone to pizza heaven. “This is amazing.”

  “Pete makes his own sauce. He swears that’s the secret to great pizza.”

  The waitress came over to refresh their glasses of water and offered them more beer. Marquetta couldn’t help noticing the way Jason smiled at the woman. In fact, every time she approached their table, Jason gave her his full attention.

  “So, what do you think, Marquetta?” AJ asked as she swiped a napkin over her mouth.

  “It’s wonderful. I’m glad Jensen asked me to come.”

  “Jensen has great taste,” Jason said, grinning at her. Marquetta shook her head at the flirty comment. No doubt in her mind that it would take a strong woman to tame that particular Kershaw.

  As if right on cue, their beautiful waitress came striding toward them. Her vivid blue eyes zeroed in on Jason, and she frowned when he winked at her. “Don’t I know you from somewhere, Emma?” he said as he looked her over from head to toe.

  Her lips thinned in anger. “You really don’t remember me, do you?”

  “Should I?” Jason asked, no longer teasing. Suddenly he looked every bit as intimidating as Jensen.

  “We went to high school together. In fact, I asked you to homecoming.”

  Marquetta watched as Jason floundered. “I think I’d remember you.”

  She snorted. “I was about a hundred pounds heavier. And you never gave me the time of day.” When she walked away, head held high, Jason had the look of a man who’d just been slapped. Marquetta felt a little sorry for him.

  “Oh wow,” AJ said in a quiet voice. “I knew she looked familiar.” She reached over and swatted Jason on the arm. “You used to cheat off her in history class. Remember?”

  Jason didn’t speak, and his gaze never once left Emma as she strode around the room, waiting on customers. His stricken expression made it clear Emma’s revelation had hit a chord.


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