The Psychopath's Prisoner

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The Psychopath's Prisoner Page 4

by Darla Lark


  Cheyenne returned from her walk and stepped inside. Not only had the shock of the cool air conditioning air greeted her but the scene before her. Things were strewn about in her apartment. Her furniture, tables, bookshelf and everything was turned over. Her fears were confirmed as she stepped into the kitchen. The cabinets were open, the drawers pulled out, even her refrigerator door was open. Silverware, plates, and pretty much everything had been pulled out and were strewn all over her kitchen. She was too frightened to go any further.

  She backed away, moving numbly. She headed toward the hallway. Her hand covered her mouth, stifling a scream when Cheyenne bumped into someone.


  She whirled around and looked up into the face of Daniel. “I need to call the police! Someone ransacked my apartment!”


  The police continued their investigation in her apartment while Cheyenne waited outside with Raina and Daniel. She and Raina leaned against her car in her buildings parking lot. Daniel stood in front of them with his hands in his pockets. Arms folded across her chest, Cheyenne closed her eyes and felt a headache encroaching. “I can’t believe this happened to me. What did I do? Was it meant to happen to someone else? A case of mistaken identity?”

  “I think you should stay with me and Aiden tonight,” Raina insisted.

  Daniel spoke up. “Look, Cheyenne, I think, uhhh…” He rolled his wrist at Raina.


  “Raina is right.” Daniel continued. “It might not be safe here.”

  She jerked her head up. Cheyenne looked at Raina, then Daniel, and back at Raina. “No.” She was adamant. “I’m staying here. This is my place and I won’t let anyone scare me away.” She paused, shrugged and looked at the open door and the hallway to her apartment. “Besides, I’ll be fine. I’m just a little shaken. That’s all. I didn’t get hurt.”

  “And you’re lucky! You could’ve been…” Raina swallowed hard.

  Cheyenne reached over and took one of her sister’s hands. “But I didn’t. I’ll be okay. I swear to it. Like I said, I’m just a little shaken up. That’s all there is to it.”

  Daniel smiled weakly at Raina. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll keep an eye on her for you.”

  Raina stared at him then asked, “Who are you, anyway?”

  “Daniel. Cheyenne’s neighbor.” He offered his hand.

  Raina warily shook his hand. “I’m Raina. Cheyenne’s sister.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he said with a chuckle. “Too bad it’s under these circumstances.”

  Raina shoulders tensed up. “Yeah. Too bad. So you’re my sister’s neighbor, huh?” She eyed him over.

  “Right next door. Apartment F.”

  “Did you see what happened by chance?” Cheyenne asked. She was suspicious of him since her apartment had been ransacked right after she met him. He had to have something to do with this. I’ll have to keep an eye on him.

  “Unfortunately, no.” He shrugged. “The police already asked. Sorry. Wish I had. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for anyone or anything suspicious from now on.” With one hand in his pocket and the other rubbing the back of his head, he looked at Cheyenne. “What’s sad is the fact that this is supposed to be a safe area.”

  “Yeah, but when you think about it, there’s nowhere truly safe,” Raina interjected.

  “True. Well, I’m going in. If you need anything, let me know.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  After he walked away, Raina leaned close to Cheyenne. “I don’t trust him, but he is cute. That’s about the only thing going for him right now.”

  “Raina, not now.”

  The detective walked up to them. He looked at Raina then Cheyenne. “Ms. Harrington?”

  “Yes, detective? Did you find anything?”

  “No. There were no fingerprints. They may have worn gloves or wiped your apartment clean. You should go through your things to see if anything is missing. If there is, then you can go downtown to the station and file a claim.” He cleared his throat and went on. “Are you sure you can’t think of anyone who would want to do something like this?”

  “No one.” Cheyenne shook her head.

  “It may have been due to the former residents. Be careful, Ms. Harrington.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a card. “This is my card. If you have any further problems, call me.” He handed her the card.

  She took the card and exhaled. “It’s possible that it has something to do with the former residents and believe me, I will.”

  “Let’s just hope nothing else happens,” Raina added as he walked away.

  “Let’s hope.”


  While going through her things, Cheyenne idly thought about many things but one incident kept repeating. What was Daniel doing in her apartment right after she found out her apartment was ransacked. It could’ve been a coincidence, but her instincts told her otherwise.

  Chapter 8

  I have never seen a more beautiful specimen of woman. From the first moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one. Now that I’ve seen her terrified, she became even more attractive. There is so much more I need to learn about her—Ms. Cheyenne Harrington. What I do know is she’s a very intelligent woman and creatively gifted to be a writer. I would know since I’ve read all four of her books. They were really great. She is obviously the perfect woman. I am anxious to get to know her better. It’s a good thing I have friends within the police department. Damn I’m brilliant.

  I smiled and lifted another pallet onto the stack. As I looked around, I saw that the place was shaping up. The late afternoon sun still reflected through the skylight.

  If only I could understand why Kim hadn’t thought I was so great. The old guy didn’t think so either. It’s unfortunate they had to pay with their lives. Oh well. Neither one of them were very smart. Too bad. Cheyenne is different. She’s far more intelligent and superior. She is the best choice for me. Oh yeah. I’m going to make her realize she loves me too. In fact, I believe she already knows it. She just has to be shown. What good luck for me!

  Chapter 9

  Cheyenne rolled off the couch, her neck and back sore. You’re the one who stayed up all night trying to clean the apartment. She yawned and nodded approval at the finished job Raina had helped to complete.

  There was an unexpected knock on the door. Who the hell is it now? She rolled her eyes and shook her head before she stood to answer it.

  “Who is it?”

  “It’s me, Daniel.”

  Cheyenne unlocked and opened the door. “What can I do for you?”

  “I wanted to check up on you and see how you’re doing.”

  “I’m fine.” She shifted from one foot to the other, debating if she should invite him in. Finally, with a shrug, she opened the door wider. She motioned him in. “Come on in.”

  Daniel walked in. “So….”

  “What?” She defiantly crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Could I get something to drink, please?”

  “Sure. What would you like? I’ve got some lemonade.”

  “Yeah. That’s fine. Thanks.”

  He followed her into the kitchen and quietly watched Cheyenne as she poured him a glass of lemonade. She handed him the glass, he took a sip and studied her. The way he looked at her made her nervous.

  “Look, Daniel, let’s cut to the chase. Why did you really come over? I know it’s not simply for a glass of lemonade.” Cheyenne glared at him.

  “You really don’t like me, do you?” He studied her facial features. “Regardless of your reservations, I really did come over to check on you.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Obviously, there’s nothing I can say to change your mind. So, I’ll go, but my door is always open.” He handed the glass to Cheyenne and backed away. “See you later.” He left.

  Cheyenne stood there holding the glass and shook her head. “Men! They are so over dramatic.” With a huff, she tu
rned and put the glass in the sink. “What am I going to do now?” she whispered. Take two aspirin and go to bed. You need sleep. She lay there in the curtained darkness. Why did he really come over? Is he the one who trashed my apartment? He’s a strange man, but it could just be a coincidence.


  Cheyenne stared at the ceiling and thought not only about the apartment, but Tyler and where her life was going. She felt good about being independent, but it felt lonely, too. She closed her eyes and reminisced what it was like in Tyler’s arms and the way he kissed her. Maybe I do need to see a therapist.

  The phone rang, cutting into her thoughts. Cheyenne pushed herself up and grabbed the phone.

  She recognized Raina’s number. “Hello, Raina.”

  “Hey sis.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Just checking on my little sister.”

  “You don’t need to. I’m fine.”

  “Yeah, yeah. You’re always fine, but I know you better than that. How are you really?”

  Before she could answer, her other line beeped through. Relieved, Cheyenne said, “Hold on. My other line is beeping. Be right back.”

  “Chey!” was all she heard Raina say before clicking over.


  “You okay?”

  Cheyenne was tired of Raina and Gaby’s constantly checking in on her. “Look, Gabrielle, I’m fine. Between you and Raina, I’ve got no time to think or breathe. On top of dealing with you two, Daniel won’t leave me alone. Not to mention, I need to get back to my writing. I need to be left alone for a little while.”

  “Daniel? Daniel, who?”

  “Guess I didn’t tell you.”

  “No you didn’t.” Gabrielle’s coy voice begged for more information.

  “He’s my neighbor. Met him yesterday morning—at six-thirty.”

  “Six-thirty? First of all, that’s early. Secondly, he obviously doesn’t know you. You’re grouchy at that time.”

  “He does now. I told him to not bother me at that time and, hey, I am not.”

  “I hope he brought you a bouquet of flowers for the intrusion.”

  “He did one better. He brought some breakfast.” Cheyenne tittered at the memory.

  “Really? That’s nice. Is he cute?”

  “Definitely! I don’t trust him. Something in my gut tells me there’s something not right about him, Gaby.”

  “That’s because you are divorced and don’t trust men. Don’t let Ty do that to you, Chey.”

  Cheyenne thought maybe Gaby was right. Maybe because of Tyler she was suspicious of all men. However, she couldn’t shake that feeling about him. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “I know I am. I always am.” There was a smugness in Gabrielle’s voice.

  “You can believe that all you want. I’ll let you.”


  “Raina’s on the other line. You know how irritated she becomes when she has to wait. Can I call you later?”

  “Of course.”

  “Bye.” Cheyenne clicked over. “Still there?”

  “Yeah.” Raina sounded peeved.

  “Sorry about that. Anyway, you didn’t need to call me. I’ll be fine.”

  “We worry about you. I think you should stay with us for a while. We would love to have you stay with us. It would be safer and make me feel a lot better. As for calling to check up on my little sister, yes I do need to call you.”

  “I’m starting over, sis. It’s better for me to stay here. No one is going to scare me away from my own place. I was a little shaken, but I’m fine. Running is not an option.”

  Raina began to whine. “You are stubborn. But I guess if that’s what you want…”

  “It is.”

  “Fine, but you know you’ve got a place to stay if you so choose.”

  “It’s very much appreciated, but I’m good.” Cheyenne took a deep breath. “Well, I need to get to work.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Cheyenne hung up and laid back down on the couch. She pulled the covers over her head and went back to sleep.


  Cheyenne awoke to a sound. Somebody is in the kitchen. She froze, not knowing what to do. Did someone break into her apartment again? Why me? Where is the knife? It was on the coffee table. Call the police. It wouldn’t be possible without someone hearing her. She pushed the covers back and stood. Three steps and she grabbed the knife, and then gradually made her way to the kitchen. She stood just outside the door and began to shake. Her heart was racing.

  Cheyenne raised the knife and rushed in. “Gotcha!” She instantly slammed into the intruder which sent them both sprawling to the floor. Cheyenne glanced up and saw something coming at her. Milk and cereal. The milk was cold. The bowl continued to the floor and didn’t break; the knife slid toward the stove.

  “Aw man!”

  “Chey? You all right?”

  Cheyenne was sprawled on the floor in a puddle of milk and cereal. She gazed at Gaby lying next to her.

  “I think so. You?”

  “I think so.” Gaby sat up.

  “Could you help me up?”

  “What about me? Who’s going to help me up?”

  “Don’t know, Gaby, but we have to get up.” She glared at her friend. “Besides, you intruded into my apartment.”

  “First of all, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Secondly, I don’t think I can move.”

  “Me either. I’m sore and wet!”

  They remained on the floor. After ten minutes, they decided to get up. Cheyenne rubbed her back and began to clean the kitchen up, but Gaby stopped her.

  “I’ll get it.” She looked Cheyenne up and down. Gaby nodded her head toward her. “You go and shower up.”

  “I will, but, for the record, it is your fault.” Cheyenne pointed a finger at Gaby.

  “How? I was checking on you.”

  “You’re the one who came into my apartment without saying anything to me.”

  “You were asleep!” Gaby threw her hands in the air.

  “You should’ve let me know—even if it involves waking me up.”

  “All right!” Gaby held her hand up. “Just don’t be mad at me if I interfere with your beauty sleep. Now, go get cleaned up. You look terrible.”

  “Thanks for saying it so eloquently.”

  “No problem.” Gaby smiled unashamedly.


  Cheyenne and Gaby discussed once more how Mr. O’Neill and Gaby were not the match made in heaven. An hour later Gabrielle huffed out of the apartment. “What is it with Gaby and Mr. O’Neill?” The question was directed at nobody in particular. I’d better call Mr. O’Neill and give him a heads up. She grinned. I’m sure she’d go right to the source.

  Chapter 10

  “Office of O’Neill, Riley, and Mackinaw.”

  “Hi. This is Cheyenne Harrington. Is Mr. O’Neill available?”

  “He’s with a client at the moment.”

  “May I ask him to return my call?”

  “Sure. One moment please.” Cheyenne could hear papers rustling before Mr. O’Neill’s secretary said, “Okay. I’m ready. What’s the number he can reach you at?”

  Cheyenne relayed the information and thanked her before hanging up. “Hopefully he’ll call me back soon. In the meantime, I’ll get back to writing.”


  Three hours later, Cheyenne’s parched throat demanded attention. A glass of milk. She opened the refrigerator and quickly realized a grocery run was in order. She grabbed her purse and keys before she turned and started to make the trek to her car. Cheyenne’s jaw dropped and her purse fell to the ground. Someone had slashed her tires!

  Cheyenne wanted to scream but silently chewed on the fist she now had to her mouth and stepped back. “Oh no! I need to call Raina.” She turned and ran back to her apartment. Cheyenne fumbled with the keys to finally get the door unlocked and immediately dialed Raina’s numb


  “My tires are slashed!” She could hear the trembling in her own voice.


  “All of them! Can you believe it?”

  “What!?!? Are you serious?”

  “Oh yeah!”

  “Are you all right, Chey?”

  “I’m fine, but frustrated. Why is this happening to me?”

  “I don’t know, sis, but you should stay with us. It’s not safe for you any longer, Cheyenne. Please, please come here. We have enough room. I’m worried about you being alone.”

  “I know you worry about me, but I’m okay. I’m going to stay right here in my place.

  “You are so stubborn—just like Mom. Chey, you’re not safe there. Think about it. First, someone ransacks your apartment then they slash your tires? Sis, you need to get out of there.”

  “Yeah? Well, what if I’m being stalked? What if….” Cheyenne began to wonder if Tyler had something to do with all of this.

  “What if what?” Raina asked.

  “Do you think Tyler might have something to do with what’s been happening to me?”

  “In all honesty, I don’t think so.” Raina paused. “He may be a louse, but I don’t believe he would do something like this.”

  Cheyenne rubbed her temples. “Maybe you’re right. All I want to know is who’s doing this to me. I’m concerned about what’s going to happen next.

  “You could stay with us. The kids would love to see their Aunt Chey. Woman, you are going to worry me to death. I’m afraid for you. Please come here.”

  “I’ll be fine. In the meantime, could I get a ride to the grocery store?”

  “Of course. Give me about a half hour and I’ll be there. I have to call a sitter. You should call the insurance company to see what they can do for you. That is, if you can think straight to do so.”

  “Thanks. See you in a bit.”


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