Dark Angel (An Angel Novel Book 2)

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Dark Angel (An Angel Novel Book 2) Page 4

by Jane West

  I made my way back to the tree swing. I refused to let a vile creature as Helen deny me the right to certain joys in my own home. Despite her opinion of how I obtained the house didn’t matter to me.

  I earned this house with my own blood. This home belonged to my family and me. I’d guard and defend this place like Daniel Boone fighting for the Alamo. We might go down in a blaze, but not without a good old-fashioned fight.

  Come to think about it, I should find a weapon. At this point, my so-called powers were useless. Having protection might not be a bad idea just in case we have more uninvited visitors.

  I slid into the swing and pushed off. As I climbed the great blue, higher and higher, the cool morning breeze caressed my face. The tension in my shoulders lightened. This very moment gave waking up a delightful purpose. I’d much rather do this all day than confront my troubles. Sooner or later, I had to come down and find a solution to hold the Illuminati at bay. The biggest question was how? What would be their kryptonite? If I discovered their weakness, I might have a chance in stopping the almighty beast. The world would be a safer place, and so would my family.

  With no warning, footsteps approached, jarring me from my thoughts. At first I stiffened. Flashes of my recent encounter flooded my mind, but when I spotted the on comer, I quickly relaxed by exhaling a Down-At-The-Heel sigh. “Oh good God! You startled me.” I gasped in relief.

  “Stevie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I wanted to bring you this.” Dom handed my shawl to me. “You will catch your death of cold out here.” He scolded me.

  I dug my heels into the soil to stop the swing. “Thank you.” I reached for the soft, shawl and wrapped it around my shoulders. It had belonged to Sara. I’d borrowed it and never had the chance to return it. “You don’t have to fuss over me. You’re not my employee.”

  “Perhaps, but it is what I do best.” Dom stalled for a second, peering over at the roped-off garden. He nodded at me, “You like my vegetables?” He smiled.

  You know that kind of smile of contentment, but I sensed there was something troubling him.

  “Yeah, the garden is sprouting.”

  “Oui, I overheard your conversation earlier this morning,” he stared out into the garden. “That intrusive creature needed tossing out on her sweet derrière.”

  “You know Helen?” My brow arched.

  “Knowing, non! It is not necessary. The girl is trouble. It is like a poisonous viper. You may not know the species of the reptile, but you know not to get near it. She is nothing like her brother. Aidan, through all his faults, he had a heart. This girl is as wicked as her black magick.”

  It seemed Dom knew more about the Family’s inherited practices than I’d given him credit for. Obviously, Jeffery and I underestimated him.

  “What do you know that you’re not telling me, Dom?” My inquisitiveness tickled the hairs on my back.

  “My beautiful child, I may play the role of naïveté, but I am far from ignorant.”

  “Wait!” my eyes orbed. “You know about their—umm, special talents?”

  “I’ve seen plenty of strange, unexplained things around that family to know they are not in the same gene pool of let’s just say, the commonalty.” Dom’s accent seemed more profound than usual.

  “But I heard you argue with Jeffery.”

  “Oui! I prefer to leave that little tidbit apart from Jeffery.” His mustache tipped upward. “You know how he gets with certain subjects. Protecting him is for his best interest and our peace of mind, yes?” Dom winked, flashing a lopsided mustache.

  A faint smile caressed my lips. “Oui on that one!” I paused with a more serious note. “Dom, just how much do you know about Aidan’s family?”

  “I’ve been wondering when you were going to ask that question.” He nodded toward the house. “Why don’t we go inside and discuss this over breakfast? You look like you can use another cup of coffee and something nourishing to eat, yes?”

  “Sure, lead the way.” Whatever Dom knew excited me and frightened me at the same time. I might as well brace myself for the worst.


  Until I stepped inside, I didn’t realize how nippy the early morning was. The warmth rushed across my face, and the smell of bacon aroused my appetite.

  Jeffery had already joined the table, holding his fork erect. I reckoned skinny folks get cranky when hunger struck. I recalled how Jeffery got his panties in a wad at mealtimes. I laughed to myself. Some things never change.

  Dom had gone all out preparing breakfast with a fine table spread of fresh fruit, a popular treat in France, baked buttery chocolate croissants, scrambled eggs and crisp bacon.

  Apart from the delicious eatables, the best part about this wonderful feast had nothing to do with the food.

  My glance bounced around the table at the two faces sitting across from me. It touched my heart to be sharing this beautiful morning with my two best friends in the whole wide world, and for that, I felt honored. They truly were my family. I think Dad would’ve approved.

  For a short while, we ate in silence, then Dom and Jeffery shared a strained glance. Dom went to clear his throat. A discussion was about to commence. I dreaded it too. I withdrew a deep sigh and laid my fork down, waiting for Dom to start.

  “Oh, for God’s sake!” Jeffery huffed. “Just say it. We’re gonna become petrified wood before you get around to it!”

  I stifled a laugh.

  “Jeffery! Where is your patience?” Dom’s voice dipped down into a scolding tone. “We can’t just blurt it out. This poor girl has been through enough. We don’t need to pour salt on an open wound.”

  “Well, it’s better to throw the whole container of salt all at once than to drag the misery out little-by-little sprinkle on a festering sore!” Jeffery folded his arms, pursing his lips.

  “I’m getting to that part if you’ll settle down.” Dom gave his long time but annoying partner a disconcerting glare before focusing back to me. “My sweet, Jeffery and I are very concern for you. You have awakened some very powerful enemies once again. We are fearful for your safety.”

  Jeffery squirmed in his chair. I reckoned he needed to excuse himself and go seek out the gentlemen’s restroom or he was a bundle of nerves.

  I could relate. My teeth were on edge too. “Yeah, after the visit from Aidan’s sister, I’ve been thinking about getting a weapon.” A tight smile snagged the corners of my mouth.

  Dom whetted a gentle smile in return. “Let me first say, nothing happens by accident. The Family is quite crafty. Throughout history any catastrophic event that has been written in the histories, the Family has been the masterminds behind it. Wars and famine are not by chance. It is the Illuminati’s ploy to bring mankind down to his knees. Even the death of your father was no accident. His deflection cost him his life by the hands of someone he trusted your mother.”

  All of a sudden, I felt regret squeezing my lungs. “Where is my mom’s grave? I’d like to pay my respects.”

  There was a hint of sadness behind Dom’s eyes. “The Family took your mother’s body before Jeffery and I had discovered what had happened.”

  “Was she given a proper burial?” My appetite began to dwindled into a sharp pain.

  “Obviously, you were not informed. I am sorry to tell you that your mother’s body was cremated.”

  “No!” my eyes burned of tears. “I didn’t get to say my last good-byes.” A swirl of mix emotions hit me.

  “We inquired of Sara’s ashes, though, we were too late. The Family had disposed of her remains.”

  “What right did they have to do that? She was my mother! They didn’t ” I paused, calming my temper. “I appreciate your efforts.” I shrugged. “I don’t expect Aidan’s family to show me any kind favors.” I glanced at the garden to compose myself.

  “Jeffery and I apologize for not...” Dom trailed off.

  Jeff interrupted. “We did everything we possibly could.” He reached over and touched my hand.

  I flashed a short smile. “I know. You both have been a huge blessing. Thank you both for everything.” My eyes glided between two sets of troubled eyes. “I have so many questions spinning in my head. Where do I begin?”

  Dom cleared his throat. “Hopefully, I can assist you with some of your dilemmas.”

  “Anything that can help, I’m grateful for it.” I leaned in closer. Dom had my full attention.

  “You see for the first time since the beginning of man, there is something the Illuminati fears.”

  I coughed out a short laugh. “That crazy occult isn’t afraid of anything. They’re on the top of the food game and we’re their meal.”

  “Ah, that is what they want you to think. They fear much.” Dom held an impish grin.

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Stevie, the Family is terrified of you.

  I almost laughed. “They locked me away in an insane asylum, framing me for murder. The Family is like God.”

  “I know it must seem as so, but please allow me to explain.” Dom simply smiled.

  “Please do.” I shifted in my seat, feeling a wave of dread.

  Dom paused briefly before he began. “As history foretells, the Family are the ones who created the secret society. Let me explain.” Dom moistened his lips. “The first sector of scientist who began experimenting with genetics were the ones who actually created Frankenstein. Of course, not as the movie but something much more sinistered.”

  “I’m not liking the sound of this.”

  “Yes, the Family can be quiet intimidating.”

  “That’s an understatement.” Chills shimmied down my spine.

  “Oui! They are very dangerous. Although, they are not the most feared. Any power they cannot mimic or possess terrifies them. That one is,” Dom slipped Jeffery a furtive glance, then back to me, “is none else but you, mon chéri.” Dom paused, extending a gentle smile.

  I crinkled my nose. “Wait! You know?”

  “Oui. Jeffery and I figured it out. The Family would have not gone to great lengths to capture you if you were a mere human. They would’ve simply taken your life.”

  The churning in my stomach deepened. “Speaking of death.” I hesitated. “There’s something I just discovered.” I dragged in a piercing breath. “Aidan’s dead.” I spat it out as if it burned my tongue. “His sister shared this with me early this morning.” I had a gut feeling that Aidan’s death and the disappearing castle was linked. It definitely had strange and eerie stamped all over it. When I lifted my eyes, I saw Dom’s and Jeffery’s stunned faces. It pained me to see the starkness in their eyes. I went on to tell what I knew. “She refused to go into any details.” I shook my head, frustrated and baffled how his death could’ve happened.

  “Lord, have mercy on my lovely soul! Jesus, take me home, NOW!” Jeffery began fanning himself like he was about to faint.

  Dom quietly torpedoed a calm-down scorn at Jeffery before he commented. “I’m not sure I can believe everything this woman says.”

  “Yeah, me either, but you haven’t seen Aidan since his castle vanished. It certainly appears as if ” I couldn’t finish saying the words—Aidan’s dead. I feared if I said it out loud, then I‘d have to believe it. I wasn’t ready to accept his death.

  “Yes, it all seems incredulous. The last time we saw Aidan, it was that night when the two of you were together in the pool house.” Dom cleared his throat. “I went looking for you to make sure you were safe. When I saw you with Aidan, I assumed everything was fine.”

  “I sure as hell wasn’t okay.” Jeffery sang. “I got tied up and locked in a mofo closet by that rascal, Aidan’s cousin, Sam. I hate dark places, and I hate that boy even more.” Jeffery crossed his arms in a stew. “That nasty booger was hiding around the corner, waitin’ for you to leave before he jumped me.”

  I clutched my chest, gaping. “That explains how Sam knew where to find me.” I half murmured to myself. “He must’ve heard our conversation.” My eyes slid over to Dom. “That night when you came to check on me, it wasn’t Aidan you saw. It was Sam. He had the ability to mimic anyone.”

  “Oh dear lord! We had no idea.” Dom’s face took on a look of dread. “I am so, so sorry! When I saw you in his arms, Jeffery and I assumed you were safe. We are so sorry!”

  “Don’t blame yourself. How could you’ve known? The real Aidan saved my life.” I paused. “He killed Sam for hurting me.” My eyes slid to Jeff. “You don’t have to worry about Sam ever again.” I tossed a pinched smile.

  “Lord have mercy!” Jeffery chimed. “I swear good thang too! Never in my life have I wished a fella dead, but that sadistic mofo, I’d happily sweeten his tea with rat poison and be smilin’ in his face while he’s downin’ it and askin’ for mo. Huh-hmm, I sure as hell would!”

  I reached over to Jeffery. “He’s gone, so maybe you should save the poison for the real rats.” I smiled, but it was strained, and right away I went to the next question. “Did Aidan ever catch up with you two the next day? He left me at the cottage to find you.”

  Jeffery and Dom looked at each other with confusion. “No. He never showed up,” Dom continued to say. “We tried finding out what happened to the two of you, but the Family had stepped in and brushed everything underneath the rug. Coupled with Aidan’s disappearance, Jeffery and I didn’t have a clue to your whereabouts. It was not until we saw your face broad-cast over the news did we realize what had happened.”

  I wrapped my arms around my waist, trying to hold off a panic attack. “I‘m very sorry for what I’ve put you two through these past three years.”

  “Don’t worry yourself,” Dom smiled. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “Still the same, it hasn’t been easy on you guys either.” I tossed a bitter smile. “You both can rest assure that I won’t be stirring up any hornet’s nest. Whatever his sister is protecting, she doesn’t have to worry. I plan to keep my distance from her and that vile family, forever.” I tried to ease the guys’ worries. Nonetheless, I couldn’t forget Helen’s threat.

  A person filled with raw fear was unpredictable and highly dangerous. If I were Helen, I’d watch my step. No way in hell would I let her or the Family hurt Dom and Jeffery or take me back to that sadistic hospital.

  “Yes,” Dom continued. “Regardless of your noninvolvement, it appears that the Illuminati is feeling uneasy having you free. Not too many people can rattle their chain as you have, my dear.”

  “Those cold hearted bastards aren’t afraid of me, Dom.” I found that hard to digest. “The Family thinks of themselves as the almighty.”

  “Contraire, my child, you are a force to be reckoned with. And because of this very fact, I am certain that Helen’s visit has a hidden agenda. What we must do is find out what.”

  “I think it’s clear. They want me out of their way, dead or alive.”

  Then all at once Jeffery erupted. “If they could’ve taken your life, you’d be stiff as a board rotting in some unmarked grave right now. Lucky for you those evil-white-ugly rascals is terrified of you. Why do you think that hospital kept you shackled and comatose? After all, you is the most badass mofo out there a genetically altered angel!” Jeffery snapped his fingers, full of swag.

  “I rarely ever say this about Jeff, but he’s right, yes?” Dom admitted.

  “I don’t feel supernatural. Rather, I feel helpless, which is pretty human in my book.”

  “Right now you are vulnerable. For this reason, we need to take measures reassuring your safety. A trainer can help you learn self-defense. As for tapping into your angelic magick, along with your Druid gifts, we can’t be much of assistance there. However, we will find away.”

  “Druid?” Surprise, shock, and stun, all rolled in one, attacked my brain. “I’m not Druid!” I shook my head. “No way!”

  “Can you be certain of that?” Dom’s brow shot up. “You are your father’s daughter.”

  “My father, Jon?”

  “Oui! Your father comes f
rom the Druid bloodline.

  My brain felt paralyzed. “I had no idea!”

  “Why do you think the family arranged for you and Monsieur Aidan to join in union?” Dom asked.

  My brows suddenly collided. “Does the Family believe in plural marriage?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “I understand that Aidan is married to Sally.”

  Dom’s face took on a look of surprise. “Stevie, I’ve worked for Monsieur Aidan for many years. Not once has he mentioned a wife. You were the only woman in his life.”

  I raked my fingers through my hair, blowing out a sigh. “Aidan clearly left out a few details.” I inhaled a sharp breath. “I’m not sure what to believe anymore.”

  “I do know that the Family had arranged for you to be married to Monsieur Aidan. They would have not allowed another woman to cause problems. They knew that with your magickal abilities and Aidan’s Druid macgick, your children would be immortal. Sickness and death will be a thing of the past. Some refer to you as the new-age Eve.”

  “Eve! That’s the first I’ve heard that!” I squirmed.

  “Yes, that does seem extreme.” Dom cuffed his mouth, hiding a laugh.

  “That‘s just icky! ” I shuddered.

  “I know this is daunting.” Dom attempted to calm me.

  I averted my eyes to the large window, wishing I had never left the comfort of my swing. I straightened my shoulders and slid my eyes back to Dom. “I reckoned now that Aidan is no longer with us, the Family doesn’t have much hope for a perfect race and a one-world government.” My stomach fluttered like butterflies as I thought about the past and an imposing future I faced. Still nothing was matching up.


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