Maibach, Ed, 8, 119, 127, 217, 219
Malcolm, Hannah, 83
Mann, Michael, 212–13
Margolin, Jamie, 127
Markey, Edward J., 138
Mars, terraforming of, 118
Marshall, George, 19, 59, 82
Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, 110
Maurer, Ed, 114
May, Brian, 117
McCain, John, 5
McKibben, Bill, 186
Medieval Cold Period, 46
Medieval Warm Period, 46, 95
Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) Cancer Center, New York City, 186–87
mental health eco-anxiety and, 126–27
temperature increases and, 120
Mertens, Jan, 231
methane carbon targets and reductions in, 111, 137
diet choices and reduction in, 210
food waste and, 209
heat-trapping blanket of gases with, 40
livestock and deforestation and, 40, 47, 177, 210
natural geologic emissions of, 44
permafrost thawing and release of, 64, 104–5, 111
Method Soap, 166
Microsoft, 159, 166, 218
Milankovicć, Milutin, 44
Milks, Kirstin, 59–60
Millstein, Amanda, 219
Mission Solar, 199
Morgan Stanley, 189
Morris, Brandi, 82
Morrison, Scott, 5
motivated reasoning, 53–56
Mount Tambora, Sumbawa, Indonesia, eruption, 43–44
Msuya, Joyce, 111
Nash, Bob, 90
National Climate Assessment, Fourth (2018), 65, 154–55
National Iranian Oil Co., 136
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 49
Native American villages, 102–3, 111
natural cycles, 45–46
Nature Conservancy, The, 182
Nicholas, Kim, 212
Nordhaus, Bill, 157
Norgaard, Kari, 133–34
nuclear power plants, 170–71
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 138
Occidental Petroleum, 181
oil exploration and production, 191. See also fossil fuels Alberta carbon pricing and, 159
Arctic permafrost thawing and, 102, 187
carbon capture plant in, 181
carbon emissions and pollution from, 39–40, 46–47, 148
carbon-neutral goal in, 149–50
climate goals and replacement of, 186, 188
Deepwater Horizon oil spill and, 202
health risks from, 140
solar industry’s retraining of workers from, 199
tar sands and, 133
oil reserves, distribution of, 164
Ojibway Nation, 162–63
Olympics, climate change impact on, 27
One Trillion Trees initiative, 181–82
Opower experiment, 77–78
orbital cycles, 44–45
ordinary science intelligence, 52–53
Oreskes, Naomi, 137
Ostrom, Elinor, 144–45
Oxfam, 125, 148
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, 47
Paris Agreement (2015) carbon-dioxide target in, 41, 111
Climate Action Plans for goals of, 155
economic mechanisms for participation in, 153
free-riding by wealthy countries in, 152
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) and, 151–2
international potluck nature of, 151
peer pressure and shaming for countries’ participation in, 152–53
U.S. policy on participation in, 155
Paris Climate Change Conference (2015), 20
Patrick, Katie, 70
Paul the Apostle, 82–83, 142, 244
peer pressure, 74–76, 77
Pelosi, Nancy, 5
permafrost thaws, 17, 64, 102–5, 107, 111, 187
Petra Nova plant, Texas, 181
Petroleos Mexicanos, 137
Pigou, Arthur, 157
plants, climate change impact on, 27–28
Plato, 53, 66
polar bears, 87–89 need to heed warning on rate of climate change from, 88, 96, 128
psychological distance and concern about, 91
rate of Arctic warming and, 110
school education on, 94
sea ice changes and disruption of food sources for, 88–89
Polar Bears International, 87, 110
population control proposal, 147
Princeville, North Carolina, 100–101
Project Drawdown, 177, 231
Protect Our Winters (POW), 25
psychological distance, 90–92
public opinion awareness of health risks from climate change and, 127
disinformation campaigns used to influence, 138–39
psychological distance and, 91
Purina, 211
Puritan ethos of disapproval, 78
rainfall pattern changes, 122, 123, 232
Raworth, Kate, 156–57
Reagan, Ronald, 39, 128
Rees, Martin, 118
Rees, William, 147
refugee crises, 125–26
regulation commons and, 144–45
fear of, 131–32
renewable energy, 14 biogas generation from waste and, 124
government subsidies for, 165
manufacturers’ generation of, 166
Opower experiment and, 77–78
Renewable Energy Group, Inc. (REG), 174
Revkin, Andy, 67–68
Rivett-Carnac, Tom, 70
Rockefeller, John D., 191
Rockefeller Fund, 191
Rolls-Royce, 170
RootLab, 211
Rotary Club talk, 13–15
Royal Dutch Shell, 136, 150, 159
Rusheen Capital Management, 181
Russell, Matt, 177–78, 191
Sanders, Bernie, 91, 139
Sanergy, 124
sanitation systems, 122, 123, 124
Saudi Aramco, 136
Saunders, Marshall, 202–3
Schechter, David, 106–7
Schneider, Steve, 114, 128
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 115
sea level changes, 27, 100–102
self-efficacy, 199–200
Shah, Raj, 154
Sharot, Tali, 10, 58–59, 69–70, 82, 242–43
Shell, 136, 150
Shelley, Mary, 43–44
shipping, 174–75, 177
Sinn, Hans-Werner, 160
Skeptical Science website, 9, 196
Smart Green Shipping Alliance, 175
social cost of carbon, 157–58
solar power area required for, 198
Australian incentives for, 196–97
carbon footprint of building materials for, 169–70
China’s investment in, 160
developing countries’ use of, 164
First Nations peoples’ project using, 163
Fort Hood’s transition to, 14
heat generation using, 168–69
need for stable supply of power using, 169
Puerto Rican clean energy using, 124–25
renewable energy prices and, 165
total global electricity capacity and, 165
tracking location and use of, 197–99
solar radiation management (SRM), 182–84
Solar Sister, 162
solastalgia, 105–6
solution aversion, 134–37
Somerhalder, Ian, 56
sports, and climate change impact, 25, 26–27
Stoknes, Per Espen, 164–65
straw man arguments, 138–39
Subhas, Adam, 180
Sun, as possible cause of climate change, 42–43
Sunstein, Cass, 66
Sustainable Aviation Fuels Academic Challenge, 176
r /> Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations, 124, 229
Suzuki, David, 220
SymSoil, 179
Taalas, Petteri, 111
talking about climate change, 215–24 approaches for finding connections in, 31–32
bonding and connecting in, 229–30
Christian beliefs and, 24–25
connecting with nonscientists in, 29–31
connecting with values people already have in, 32–33
conversations simultaneously about facts, feelings, and identity in, 54–56
example of power of, 215–16
examples of range of climate conversations in, 231–33
how to begin a conversation in, 233–35
how to have a conversation in, 235–36
importance of, for bringing people together, xi-xii, 11
learning from and reflecting on conversations in, 236–37
looking for opportunities for, 223
range of people involved in, 218–19
reducing psychological distance in, 92
Rotary Club meeting example of, 13–15
sharing data on local climate impacts in, 93–94
sharing scientific information in, 219–20
starting with what you like to do in, 25
ways of starting, 221–22
Tatum, Melanie, 211
temperature increases, 102, 120–21
Tendero, Efraim, 20
terraforming of Mars, 118
Tesla, 75, 170
Texas Rotary Club talk, 13–15
Texas Water Conservation Authority, 15–16
The Nature Conservancy, 182
threat multiplier, 22, 186
Thunberg, Greta, 25, 110, 127
Tong, Anote, 107
tornadoes, 89–90, 99
tragedy of the commons, 144
tree planting, 150, 181–82
Trudeau, Justin, 5, 159
Trump, Donald, x, 154, 156, 182
Turner, Sylvester, 156
Tutu, Desmond, 186
Tyndall, John, 40
typhoons, 99, 123. See also cyclones, hurricanes
Tyson, Neil deGrasse, 220
Unilever, 218
Union of Concerned Scientists, 113–14, 120
United Nations, 41, 111, 124, 125, 152–53, 154, 175–76, 226, 229
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 102–3
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 188
U.S. Department of Energy, 170
U.S. Department of Interior, Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC), 27–28
U.S. Endangered Species Act, 87
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 121, 135
U.S. National Climate Assessment, Fourth (2018), 65, 154–55
van Gestel, Natasja, 178–79
Vanos, Jenni, 27
Vecchi, Gabe, 32
Verisk Maplecroft, 189
volcanoes, 43–44
Volvo, 167–68
Wackernagel, Mathis, 147
Wagner, Gernot, 157
Walker, Duncan, 175
Wallace-Wells, David, 67
Walters, Lindsay, 154
wastewater treatment plants, 122, 123
water resources floods affecting, 123
India’s state hazard planning for, 232
rainfall overflows in sanitation systems affecting, 122, 123
sharing data on local climate impacts on, 93–94
U.N. Sustainable Development Goal on, 124
weather, 97–107 climate change’s supersizing of events in, 99–100
examples of extreme weather, 97–99
Weather Channel, 97
Webber, Michael, 173–74
Weitzman, Marty, 157
Weizmann Institute of Science, 180
WHO (World Health Organization), 120, 123–24, 190
Wiigwaasaatig Energy, 162–63
wildfires, x changes in area burned by, 178
climate change impact on, 10, 17, 99, 107, 239
cost of, 190
denial of climate change’s connection to, 6, 50
health impact of, 127, 219
homes at risk from, 112, 114, 229–30, 231
Wilkinson, Katharine, 162
Wind Challenger Project, 175
wind power carbon footprint of building materials for, 169
China’s investment in, 160
developing countries’ use of, 164
First Nations peoples’ project using, 163
Fort Hood’s transition to, 14
need for stable supply of power using, 169
renewable energy prices and, 165
total global electricity capacity and, 165
wind storm (haboob), 98
women clean energy businesses for, 162
education of, as climate solution, 141–42
population control proposal and, 147
Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle, 79–80, 82
World Bank, 159
World Economic Forum, Davos (2020), 182
World Evangelical Alliance, 20
World Health Organization (WHO), 120, 123–24, 190
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 146
Wray, Britt, 126
Wright Electric, 176
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, 91, 138, 217
Young Evangelicals for Climate Action, 218
zombie arguments, 38–39, 51, 57
zoonoses, 126, 146
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