Romancing the Pirate 01 - Blood and Treasure

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Romancing the Pirate 01 - Blood and Treasure Page 18

by Jennifer Bray-Weber

  The men considered Sadie’s suggestion. The thought of an accord between mollifying the sea and their captain bumbled around in the men’s heads. Some shook their heads, others nodded. But most looked to their captain, and he eyed Sadie as if he could will daggers from his eyes.

  “You are not a part of this crew, Sadie. You have no voice here.” Zane upturned his lips and growled. A bellicose veil blanketed his already angered temper.

  “I know damn well and good that ’tis you behind this little rebellion. You have been using Miss Whitney for your own designs since you boarded my ship. My men would have realized it sooner or later. I have grown very tired of your antics. My mistake. I shouldn’t have offered you my tolerance. But I have none left for you now.”

  Sadie twirled around to the crew. “Do you hear that?” She pointed back to Zane. “He would rather see you suffer a fury than to give up his warm spot between her legs!”

  “Enough!” Zane yelled. “Imprison her!”

  Ranting of men grew into a fever pitch, arguing and pushing one another in a flurry of confusion. Sadie would be thrown down in the bilge but not before she whipped the men into a frenzy. “Get the whore!” She was altogether cackling. Sadie screamed out again. “Get her!”

  Lianna lost the last thread of patience she’d held tightly in check. She put her hand on the cat-claw’s shoulder and swung her around. Lianna socked Sadie so hard the girl fell backward, knocked off her feet. Lianna had so much rage built up that it surprised her and she couldn’t have stopped herself even if she tried.

  “You’ve called me a whore for the last time!”

  Lianna jumped on top of Sadie, wrapped her hands around her neck and pounded her head into the deck. Ire blinded her to all that surrounded her. Huzzahs from the men were a distant noise. Sadie pulled Lianna’s hair. The pain distracted Lianna long enough for Sadie to roll them over. Sadie punched her, hard. Her eyes watered from the smarting twinge. Lianna swiped her fingernails across Sadie’s cheek, drawing blood.

  The two women continued to pelt each other, rolling around, screeching and clawing away. Zane exchanged a glance at Blade, not really knowing if they should break up the fight. “These lasses have a tension wound tighter than the anchor’s capstan,” he said.

  Blade nodded and he looked back to the action. “Probably we should step in, but getting too close might result in losing a limb.”

  Zane whistled. “Aye. Don’t reckon I covet losing a hand.”

  “Or strapping on a wooden leg,” Blade added.

  The rest of the crew had since grown silent as they also stood gaping at the women. Like watching a ship wreck, they were just too stunned at the carnage to look away.

  Blow for blow, Lianna and Sadie matched. Lianna’s dress had hiked up with a splendid view of her backside and Sadie’s shirt was torn completely down the front. For the crew, the show just got better.

  Jason led Henri, swatting at the boy’s efforts to help as he hobbled, to stand beside Zane and Blade.

  “Well I be a monkey’s daughter,” he said as he watched the fisticuffs. “Ye don’t see that every day. Must’ve done somethin’ right to be gettin’ to witness this.”

  Sadie pinned Lianna beneath her. “I’ll see you dead,” she hissed.

  “You can bloody well try,” Lianna spat and rolled her back beneath her.

  Henri piped up. “Me thinks they’re gonna kill each other. They be spillin’ blood.”

  Wordlessly Zane and Blade looked to each other, shrugged, then nodded.

  Zane pulled Lianna off Sadie, holding her by the waist and pushing her skirt down. Kicking her legs wildly, she demanded to be set down. “Not until Sadie is safely locked away from you.” He didn’t bother to hide the hint of amusement in his voice.

  Blade twisted Sadie’s arm behind her back. She screamed profanities like a banshee at Lianna as he shoved her toward the hatch leading below the deck.

  Zane snapped the handkerchief from Henri’s neck, dabbing it to Lianna’s bleeding lip. Henri huffed, about to protest until Zane shot the diminutive man a warning glance.

  “Woman. You are a wicked little pleasure full of bedeviling surprises.” Lianna still shook from the brawl as he set her to her feet. He rubbed her arms to calm her, to soothe her.

  “Taunt the bull, get the horns, I always say.” She smiled and took the handkerchief.

  Zane laughed heartily. Lianna tried to laugh, too, but instead grimaced as her face undoubtedly hurt. She could only muster a smile. Zane pecked her on her forehead.

  “Uh, Capt’n?” Jason stepped forward. “The sails.” The lad pointed skyward to the mast.

  The sails gently fluttered in a small breeze. Everyone on board swiveled their heads from the mizzen to the foremast as the breeze strengthened, filling out the billowing canvases. Cheers rang out when the Rissa lurched forward.

  “Well, Henri.” Zane watched his men disperse to their posts. “We’ve no more time to lose. Get us to Port Royal handsomely.”


  Nightfall beat the Rissa into Port Royal as she quietly sailed in. The seaport was unusually still this early in the evening. An uneasy feeling settled deep within Zane’s gut. Something more than just a foreboding ate at him. Profound sadness darkened his already bleak soul. More than ready to hand over The Serpent, he wanted to collect his reward and put this mission behind him. He needed to step back, come to terms with his mistakes and revive his confidence.

  All the better he reached Jamaica before Bennington. Lives had certainly been saved now that there would be no battle with the cavalier commodore. Too bad, too. The Commodore’s occupational course would fizzle like a wet fuse instead of going out with a grand bang.

  What really tormented him was giving up Lianna. The lady had seeped into his soul. He had never felt as such by any other woman. Not even close. What a cruel trade to have been able to claim her for one steamy unforgettable night and then release her from his swelling heart.

  Blade was right. He was a bastard.

  But it was the only way. He would never allow Lianna harm. If he didn’t set her free, she would surely fall victim to any one of his many enemies. Selfish it would be to keep her, keep her like some favored pet. No, this was how it was to be.


  Lianna stood with Blade at the gang plank waiting for Captain Fox to see her ashore. Zane had insisted she wear the light blue silk dress for her departure, citing her other dress too soiled to make the journey home. In fact, he had Jason prepare a case with all the dresses packed for her to keep. She tried to refuse his gift, but he would hear nothing of it. By the by, she couldn’t deny the boost in her mood to wear something new. Her life had changed and it only seemed fitting to feel fresh and look the part while starting anew.

  She had already bid Henri and Jason farewell. She’d grown quite fond of the two. Henri must’ve softened to her for he didn’t try to swat her away when she bent down to peck him on his scraggly cheek.

  “Captain Fox has arranged safe passage back to Nassau for you,” Blade said.

  “Ah.” Lianna realized too late she inadvertently looked to her feet. “He shouldn’t have gone to the trouble.”

  He must have recognized the sorrow in her voice. “He means well, Miss Whitney.”

  Lianna quickly offered him a smile. “Certainly. I, uh, it’s just Nassau doesn’t have… Oh, never mind. ’Tis a kind gesture for him to see me, er, home.” She hoped he wouldn’t press her further. Blade nodded slowly, though, she convinced herself he hadn’t been duped.

  She held out her hand. “It has been a divine pleasure to have made your acquaintance, Mr. Blade Tyburn. You have been a beacon of friendship to me and I am forever grateful to you for that.”

  “Had the circumstances been different, dear lady, your pleasure would have extended well past proper acquaintances.” Blade placed an indulgent kiss on her knuckles.


  He flashed his dimples. “As it is, I will miss you, Lianna. You ar
e quite a woman.”

  “And I will miss you.” ’Twas true. Blade had been a real friend during her most difficult times as a ward to this endeavor. She speculated she had the Captain to thank for that, too.

  “Still molesting Miss Whitney until the very end, I see.” Zane winked at Blade as he strode toward them.

  Both her body and her heart ached at his approach. Dressed for an important occasion, he wore his fine black breeches and waistcoat, white crisp tunic, and smart calf-length boots. His polished sword swung at his hip and his brace held three of his impressive pistols. Cleanly shaven, his face, and his long hair had been tied back with a white ribbon. Even under layers of clothing his muscles rippled.

  Dear God, I’m swooning.

  Blade smirked and bowed. “Good-bye, Lianna. And good luck to you.” He paused, thoughtful. “Wherever you may go.”

  No, she hadn’t duped him at all. “Thank you.”

  Blade turned on his heel, leaving Lianna and Zane alone to face what she would deem as their lamentable farewell.

  “My lady.” Zane picked up her bag and offered his elbow. Together they silently walked down the plank to the dock.

  Lianna relished the hard muscle of his arm. His strength comforted her. She drew up courage from that solace, inasmuch she needed her own strength to get her through the next few minutes. Anything afterwards would be honeyed cake. Admittedly, she had never had such a desperate sinking feeling of losing someone. Not even when her mother died. Scared, yes. But never as though she might actually be forever lost.

  If this was love, then leave it to the clods that get left behind. She had no use for this kind of vulnerability. Onward she would go.

  Just don’t look into his eyes.

  They made their way down the wharf. He seemed to take great pains in making their stroll last, taking unusually small, slow steps.

  “Lianna. What you have given of yourself to me has made me a wealthy man. Nothing I could despoil could ever make me as rich as you have.”

  “Don’t lay flattery at my feet. I am no deserving gentry, just a humble serving wench.”

  “No doubt an occupation that has carved you into the amazing person you are. Just know that I meant what I said. I will carry you in my heart.”

  She smiled, but her grief surely showed. “I will believe it long after you have abandoned my memory.”

  He abruptly stopped, put her case down, and turned her to face him. “Never.”

  Lianna looked into his crystal blue eyes. Her knees nearly buckled under his piercing stare. Ooh. I said don’t look into his eyes.

  He dipped his head to take her mouth. Lianna welcomed his kiss. She had feared she would not get to taste his earthy lips again. He held her tight, and she could feel the hard planes of his body, including an especially solid part of him against her lower belly.

  For now, she would believe anything he told her.

  Cupping her chin, Zane rubbed his thumb over the swollen bottom lip Sadie had given her. “Did I hurt you?”

  She smiled coyly, shaking her head.

  A long somber moment passed between them.

  “Well,” he said. “This is the boat that will take you home.” Lianna looked to the sloop as Zane stepped back. “Captain Bradley is a fine man. He will see to your comfort. You have my word.”

  “Of course.”

  “You will have your own quarters as well as Bradley’s personal cabin boy at your command. You’ll be safe at home in no time.”

  “Thank you, Zane.”

  “You’re most welcome.”

  With nothing left to say, Lianna picked up her bag and walked past Zane toward the waiting vessel. He grabbed her hand, yanking her back into his arms. He mashed his lips into hers, kissed like he had not yet kissed her before. She dropped her case, winding her arms around his neck and melding into his rapturous embrace. Time seemed suspended until he finally broke away to gaze at her. His hungry stare bore into her, and then shifted. Still holding her arms, he stepped back as if not trusting himself with her any further there on the quay.

  “Captain Fox!” Jason called from the Rissa’s deck.

  “Hush, boy!” Zane shushed. “All of Jamaica will know we’re here.”

  Placing a hand to his heart he captured her gaze again and whispered. “I will carry you always.”

  “A burden we will share.” She smiled.

  Zane trotted back to his ship, her heart breaking as the distance between them widened.

  “Good-bye, Captain Zane Fox,” she said under her breath. Lianna picked up her bag and headed straight down the pier into the dark alleyways of Port Royal.


  “Are you sure no one had access to my quarters?” Zane struggled to keep his belligerence in check as he put forth the question again to Jason.

  “Yes, sir.” Jason’s voice cracked. “Except for when Henri was injured.”

  The boy trembled with fear. Zane took a step backward, turning to the balustrade. He did not hold Jason responsible for the disappearance of The Serpent. But the lad looked as he did that day at the gibbet with the rope around his neck. Jason apparently thought Zane was bringing him full circle.

  Blade came running up the plank to where Zane leaned with fists on the railing. He, too, was dressed handsomely in his butternut trousers and matching waistcoat. His wayward blond hair was pulled back with a green ribbon and his sword and pistol hung from his waist with a green sash. Zane had to smile to himself.

  The two of them together in their fashioned finery were at once venerating and formidable among aristocracy along the social hierarchy. Not to mention charismatic and coveted among their wives and daughters. Many adventurous escapades ensued and some with them barely escaping alive. Great times betwixt great friends.

  Tonight, Blade was to accompany Zane to Governor Abbott’s for the exchange of the medallion. Zane would conclude his business transaction with Abbott whilst Blade looked forward to closing a deal with the governor’s youngest daughter, Abigail. Now it appeared their standing appointments would have to wait.

  Zane had sent Blade to retrieve Lianna from Captain Bradley’s protection, reasoning she must have the pendant. Zane had kept The Serpent in his trouser pocket so it was to be on him at all times. Only when he had stripped himself for Lianna was he without it.

  Blade reported his findings once he reached the deck. “She never presented herself to Captain Bradley.”

  “What? Are you certain?”

  “Aye. No one saw her board the boat.”

  Zane hadn’t believed she purposefully took the medallion and considered instead that she may have forgotten to return it. But now he wasn’t so sure. Could it be she knowingly left with the valuable pendant? He let out a heavy sigh.

  “Look. I know what you’re thinking,” Blade said. “But Lianna would not betray you and steal The Serpent for her own reward. She’s not blind to the fact you would find her and string her up. That is not where her heart lies. You know that.”

  “Maybe.” A rush of guilt sluiced through Zane. But that emotion was quickly drowned out by another. Panic. “My problem now extends beyond the missing medallion.”

  They looked out across the quay to the parlous city beyond.

  “Order all on board to stay put. If the medallion is still on the Rissa, we will be able to better recover it. Keep the search quiet. We don’t want to cause a stir. Besides, I’m quite convinced most of the men would not be foolish enough to risk their lives against me for it. With the amount of shares everyone would get from the reward, anyone who ventured in treason would be a dead man walking.”

  “I agree,” Blade said.

  “However, we can’t be too careful.”

  Blade put his hand on Zane’s shoulder. “Go. Go find her before she gets into trouble.” They looked to one another knowing she was probably already in trouble up to her eyeballs.

  Zane pushed off the rail. “Start with Sadie, Blade. She’s the only one stupid enough to do this.”
r />   “Aye. For her sake, I hope Lianna has it.”


  The streets of Port Royal at first glance were not unlike those of Nassau. Upon a closer look, though, Lianna noted the vices of humanity ran more rampant through the dirty roads, like the syrupy dregs trickling down the gutters. Stewed, boisterous drunks caroused in the streets, ferreting out a bit of fun or rowdy perilous trouble. Bawdy women lingered in doorways and perched on windowsills catcalling services to passers by. Lepers huddled in crevices and gangs of filthy children prowled the streets.

  A boy ran up to her giving her a wide smile full of dirty, crooked teeth and she found herself smiling in turn. He bowed low then sprinted past, grabbing her case.

  “Hey!” She held firm to the handle and the boy wrestled with her to let it go. “You little tramp.” Jerking her bag free from him, she stamped her foot. “Scat!” He scuttled off into the bleak street crowd thronging beyond.

  Lianna turned and stumbled into a voluptuous redhead as the woman stepped away from an open doorway. “Oh, excuse me.” Lianna tried to pass around her but the woman blocked her way.

  “Lookit the new bird,” said the redhead. Her statement was more of enticing realization than a casual observance as she looked Lianna over.

  Curls laced with gold fringe were piled high on the woman’s head. Her hefty breasts were pushed over her tight bright red and gold corset so high, her husky nipples poked out well-nigh reaching her chin. She was pretty enough, but her heavy make-up couldn’t hide the unkind years of age. Her eyes were dark and her smile darker.

  “Excuse me, please,” Lianna said again

  “What’s your hurry, sweet dumplin’?” She circled Lianna. “You lookin’ for work?”

  “Why, yes.” Maybe the woman can suggest someplace in need of a maid.

  “Well, ya best be movin’ along, girl. This here is my street.”

  “Oh, no, no. I’m not a, um, competition.” Lianna smiled, hoping not to insult the woman.


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