Forbidden Tutor

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by Chantal Cross

  Forbidden Tutor: Academy of Sin

  The 7 Huntsmen - Book 2

  Chantal Cross

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Text copyright © 2019 by Chantal Cross

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Published in the United States

  Cover design by Sekhmetrics

  Chantal’s Website:


  1. Rhiannon

  2. Ebony

  3. Leo

  4. Ebony

  5. Lucien

  6. Ebony

  7. Seth

  8. Ebony

  9. Kashton

  10. Ebony

  11. Ebony

  12. Leo

  13. Ebony

  14. Wrath

  15. Ebony

  16. Ebony

  17. Leo

  18. Gabriel

  19. Lucien

  20. Seth

  21. Ebony

  22. Leo

  23. Leo

  24. Ebony

  25. Ebony

  26. Leo

  27. Seth

  28. Ebony

  29. Ebony

  30. Leo

  31. Wrath

  Chantal Cross

  7 Huntsmen Series



  I am as ancient as the water that flows far beneath this dank cavern. If I sit completely still, I can hear the water babble in a tongue only someone as ancient as I would know. All ancient things speak the same language. The stones around me are ancient too, but they do not speak as the water does. There is life in water. There is life in me. There is no life in the stone. There will never be life in the stone no matter how long it sits on this earth. If the stone is lucky, it might soak up a little magic but it will never be like the water. It’ll never be like me.

  I run a hand along the stone wall. It’s so dark that I can’t see my own hand. That’s all right. Darkness has never bothered me. In fact, I thrive in darkness. I built my domain in darkness. My glorious kingdom dominated the shadows, the black depths of water, and the deepest pits of the earth. Now, my kingdom is no more. The darkness remains, because darkness, like the water and like me, is eternal.

  There’s a noise above me. Someone’s arrived.

  I stand and make my way through the darkness. It clings to my skin as I reach for the door. It doesn’t want me to go.

  “Rest easy, pet. Your time will come again.” I stroke a loving hand through the darkness. I feel nothing but I know the darkness listens. All of my children that I’ve left behind in the darkness will rise again. I swear on the stone heart in my chest.

  I push through the doorway and ascend the stone steps. Light bleeds in. It’s not natural light. No, I’m too far beneath the earth for sunlight. I’m somewhere under the magic academy where I was brought back into this realm. The school is heavily fortified. Magic doors, enchanted traps, and mythical beasts guard every turn. I’m corralled into a small section of rooms.

  I still don’t know if these rooms were cleared for my return or if they were just forgotten. Either way, I have not the strength to go beyond these rooms. For the time being, I am contained. This does not bring anger. I have been contained before. I bided my time and rose again. This time shall be no different.

  The stone steps twist in on themselves, looping back around and around until I’m on the next landing. The landing would still be considered dark by a mortal’s standards. Only a few bobbing orbs of celestial faelight hang in the air. It’s not enough to drive out the shadows. That’s how I prefer things.

  My inner magic is weak after being suspended between realms for one thousand years. I was on a plane somewhere between existence and non-existence. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. My time in that place that was also not a place did strange things to my magic as well as my body. Were I to venture above ground right now, the sun would sear my skin and blind me.

  As it turns out, I’m not done biding my time.

  A figure stands in the center of the room. He’s tall and handsome. It is because of his loyalty that I have survived this long. It’s the Huntsman of Envy. Once sworn to protect Snow White, he’s sworn himself to me. What a darling creature he is. While the rest of the Hunstmen think he died in the funeral pyre, they didn’t see that I had snatched his beautiful body and trapped him in my Mirror.

  “Dorian,” I purr. “Thank you for seeing me.”

  “Of course, my Queen.” He drops to one knee like the good pet he is. He learns well. I stride over to him. I run my hand through his hair and stroke his cheek. I grip his chin, forcing him to look up at me. His stony expression doesn’t waver. There’s no fear in his eyes.

  Excellent. Now isn’t the time for fear. I’ve never been this powerless. I don’t care for it.

  “Any news?”

  “The spells keeping you contained here are powerful. They are not designed to be undone by a single magician.”

  “So, you have nothing.” I clench my jaw. It takes effort to keep my face serene. I don’t control my subjects through fear. I’ve learned that fear only goes so far. Fear doesn’t inspire loyalty. But love does.

  “I’m sorry, my Queen.”

  “It’s all right.” I run my thumb across his cheek. My nail leaves a whisper-thin mark on his cheek. If he feels it, he doesn’t react. “We need to change our strategy. I should’ve known you wouldn’t be strong enough to do it on your own.”

  “Yes, my Queen.” He didn’t rise to the bait. That’s no fun.

  “I have a proposition for you,” I say. “How would you like to be my personal spy?”

  “It would be an honor, my Queen.” His eyes fill with adoration. If I asked him to kiss my feet, he’d agree. Weakling. “However, I’m supposed to be dead. The school hosted a funeral for me. They burned my body on the pyre.”

  “Not your body. A body.” I say through my teeth. “You’re a clever little sprat, aren’t you? You’ll figure it out. Disguise yourself as a raven, a rabbit, or a snail. I don’t care.”

  “And even beyond that, I can do very little as long as you keep me trapped in the mirror and only allow me to walk as a reflection in this realm.”

  “Oh, you’ll never be free of my Mirror, pet,” I say with a smile. “But you should explore that Mirror. See if you’re able to utilize it’s secrets. It’s older than even me.”

  “Yes, my Queen.”

  “Once you find your mobility again, you will make the Mirror your home. But you will be my eyes and ears. You will report anything you see Snow White or her little companions do,” I instruct. “Regardless of how insignificant you think something to be, tell me. The littlest gesture could be the key to our release.”

  “Yes, my Queen.”

  “I also want you to focus on revealing Wrath’s location,” I say.

  “Yes, my Queen.”

  I try not to grimace. The constant groveling can be a bore.

  Wrath, the seventh cursed prince. A Huntsman once sworn to protect Snow White. I can’t see him. Even with my limited magic, I should be able to sense his presence. I spend hours scrying in the darkness, yet I can never find him. He’s using a concealment spell.

  Some of Snow White’s faithful Huntsmen have turned out to
not be so faithful after all. Dorian is living proof of that, as is Leo the Headmaster of the school. I’ve twisted them into my web.

  Wrath has made himself scarce since he helped seal me away all those years ago. Neither Dorian or Leo know anything about what he’s been doing all these years.

  Wrath was always the most unpredictable of the Huntsman. I’ll have to be careful. Wrath contains enough power to be a threat to me in this state. I’m so weak.

  I’m disgusted with myself.

  I cannot rely on Wrath to be of service to me. While it’s possible that he could be easily swayed into my forces, it’s not a risk I can take now.

  Fortunately, I have another play in progress.

  The Huntsman of Pride, Leo has graciously offered to tutor sweet Snow White. She’s only just regained her powers. She’s undisciplined. Feasting on her magic now would do wonders for me in this despicable state, but I want more than that.

  Leo will shape her, train her, and guide her so that her power will grow to its full potential. With a little bit of luck, she will vanquish Wrath before I have to deal with him. Then, once Leo’s earned her trust, he will bring her to me. I will feast on the most powerful heart in the land. My power will return to me. My kingdom will flourish once more. My children of the darkness will finally have a home.

  Nothing will stop me. I will never be sealed away again.

  “My Queen?”

  “What?” I snap.

  Dorian clasps his hands in front of him and bows his head.

  “Forgive me, my Queen. A look came over your face. I just wanted to know if you’re well.”

  “Oh.” I wave a lily-white hand dismissively. “Of course, dearest one. I’m simply exhausted. With so little power, I feel that I will waste away at any moment. I’ll turn into dust or moon vaper and be scattered across these rooms.”

  I’ll admit that was a touch melodramatic but I need him to think that I need him. If I were at my full strength, I wouldn’t need to dally with these mind games. Every inch of him would belong to me.

  My control over the creatures near me isn’t absolute without my full power. I can make creatures adore me just by being near them. It’s how I grow my armies. But without that power, Dorian needs to genuinely feel something for me. I have to appeal to the hero within him.

  Thus, my little performance.

  “May I assist you, my Queen?” He asks.

  Truth be told, my strength wanes. I will need to return to the darkness soon. I need to be closer to the ancient water.

  “Please.” I extend a trembling hand. He takes it and drapes it over his shoulder. “Take me down as far as you can. I must rest.”

  “Of course, my Queen.”

  I lean on him for support. He believes every hesitant step and wobbly turn. His strong hands grip my narrow waist as we descend the stairs.

  The darkness surges forward to engulf me. Dorian becomes less sure of his steps but presses on. How admirable.

  “Where should I go from here, my Queen?” The darkness is absolute.

  “You may leave me here. I know the way.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, dearest. You may go. Remember your mission. I expect news very soon.”

  “Yes, my Queen.” He bows to me even though he cannot see me. I hear his footfalls retreating.

  Surrounded by darkness, I walk forward.

  “I’ll be free soon,” I say to the darkness. It caresses my cheek like a loving pet. I return to the ancient stone walls and sink to the ground. In the silence, I listen to the ancient water and gather what little strength I have.



  I lie awake, staring at the patterns of moonlight on the ceiling. I haven’t been able to fall asleep even though I’ve been trying for hours. I lift my head to check the timepiece on the bedside table. It’s half past midnight. Too soon to get up.

  For fun, I magically manipulate the moonlight into shapes an patters. A winged horse. A sword and shield. An apple with a bite taken out of it. I stare at the apple for some time then withdraw my magic. The moonlight returns to its natural form.

  I can’t sit like this any longer. I have to move.

  Sleep hasn’t come easy to me since I died. When Seth’s kiss brought me back to life, I felt more alive than I ever had before. The feeling soon faded. Sleep evades me. I jump at shadows. Whenever I walk into a room I expect to see Rhiannon the Demon Queen or Professor Glaw ready to snatch me away.

  Knowing that I’m not prepared to face something like that was what brought me to Headmaster Leo. I didn’t trust him but that didn’t change the fact that I needed him. He serves the Demon Queen, I heard him admit as much. He’s also the most skilled magician for miles. He’s not headmaster of the school for nothing.

  I was surprised when he agreed to train me. Once I shook his hand, I felt the pang of regret. I’m playing a dangerous game. The chance to pull myself out of it slowly slips away from me. Of course, I know there’s no true escape. Not while Rhiannon walks this earth.

  I don’t believe Headmaster Leo knows that I know who I am. I’m a reincarnation of Snow White, the legendary warrior who brought Rhiannon to her doom one hundred years ago. My companions, four of the seven immortal Huntsman, spent the last few days telling me stories of who I once was and what I once did.

  I don’t know how I’m supposed to become that person again. I certainly can’t do it without help.

  That’s where Headmaster Leo comes in. He must know who I am. But I don’t know if he knows that I know who I am. This whole affair is incredibly confusing. Often times, I wish I could just be Ebony again. I knew how to be Ebony.

  I’m still Ebony. I just have to learn how to be Snow White too.

  It’s now a quarter to one. I’ll arrive at the Headmaster’s office for training early if I leave now, but not too early. He instructed me to arrive exactly at one, but I can’t sit in this room any longer. I’ll go mad.

  I change out of my nightgown and pull on comfortable clothing I can move in. I’m not sure what Headmaster Leo will have me do tonight, but I want to be prepared. After all, there’s a chance he could decide to murder me.

  I hesitate at my bedroom door. Maybe I should’ve told one of the Huntsman. Lucien, the Huntsman of Lust, probably would’ve agreed to keep it a secret. He likes to shake things up when he can. Seth, the Huntsman of Sloth, would’ve tried to talk me out of it the moment he knew. Gabriel, the Huntsman of Gluttony, might’ve gone as far as to lock me away to prevent me from seeking out Headmaster Leo’s tutelage. Kashton, the Huntsman of Greed, would’ve offered to teach me himself. He’s talented with magic and the smartest person I’ve ever met, but he doesn’t have the Headmaster’s power.

  I take a deep breath and step into the dormitory hallway. All of the faelight torches have been extinguished. No one walks the halls at this hour. I pass the doors to other rooms. Through the floor crack of one of them, I can see the flicker of candlelight. A girl giggles inside.

  I smirk to myself thinking there’s a good chance Lucien’s in there with her. Even I’m willing to admit that he’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. The moment I saw him sitting under the apple tree on the grounds, I was taking in by him.

  I mistakenly assumed he only wanted one thing from me. Lucien surprised in more ways than one. Not only is he an amazing kisser (no surprise there) but he’s proven himself as a true ally. I understand why I, as Snow White, wanted him by my side through every battle.

  He’s the opposite of Seth. It was Seth’s kiss that brought me back from the dead. If any of them has my heart, I’d say it belonged to Seth. We grew up together with Gabriel in the house of our foster mother, Cordelia. Cordelia did everything she could to keep us separated. She even took on a job here, at the school, as a cook. She was the one who fed me the poison that would’ve killed me if it weren’t for Seth.

  Cordelia’s still trying to earn my forgiveness, but I’m having none of it.

  Seth knows I
have trouble sleeping. The first night back in my own bed, he slept beside me. It didn’t help. It only made me more afraid that Rhiannon would appear at the foot of my bed and slaughter him before me. I keep my windows and doors locked to all visitors now. I keep to myself during the day.

  Rhiannon must be somewhere, watching and waiting. I don’t want her to know how much Seth, Lucien, Gabriel, and Kashton truly mean to me. It’s better if she doesn’t know how close I am with Ivora, a charming fairy with a knack for potions, either. The more I can keep them out of the mess I’m in, the safer they’ll be.

  “We’ve got to do something about her.” I hear a voice in the adjacent hallway. It sounds like Lucien. What’s he doing walking around this late at night?

  I slip into the shadows and conjure a weak concealment spell. It’s draining. I’m unskilled with my magic. I don’t know how to properly release my energy.

  Lucien rounds the corner with Gabriel at his side. Those two have never pretended to be friends. Lucien doesn’t make friends easily. He has more fun pissing people off or seducing them. Since he’s partial to women, that means Gabriel falls strictly into the pissing off category. Sometimes it’s fun.

  Gabriel and I haven’t been close as of late. Now that I know my true identity, things might get better but I’m not going to hold my breath. If it keeps a target off his back, it’s worth the distance between us. Still, he’s the closet thing I’ll ever have to a brother.

  “What do you expect me to do?” Gabriel sounds bored. He was probably sound asleep when Lucien burst into his room and yanked him out into the halls. Gabriel’s not even wearing shoes. Lucien’s fully dressed right down to his polished tall boots.


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