Forbidden Tutor

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Forbidden Tutor Page 10

by Chantal Cross

Wrath still hasn’t been seen. I know he’s nearby. I feel his presence in the earth and wind. He’s always favored battle through weapons. He likes feeling his blade puncture skin and his boot crushing bones. I plan on taking him down if he puts one toe out of line. If he ever shows himself, that is.

  “You will stay and finish the lesson,” Professor Balkin repeats himself through gritted teeth.

  “As I said, I have a prior engagement. Will you excuse me?” With a sarcasm-soaked bow, I turn my horse around and head back to the school’s stables. Professor Balkin stocks his stables with horses possessing fae blood. They’re sleeker, faster, and smarter than the average horse. I have a particular fondness for them.

  I’m a Huntsman, after all.

  After putting the horse away, I head to the regular meeting spot. Seth, Gabriel, and Kashton are already there. They give me varying looks of disdain as I take a seat.

  “Can I help you?” I ask.

  “You’re twenty minutes late,” Gabriel snarls.

  “That can’t be right.” It’s exactly right. I enjoy keeping them waiting. I don’t want any of them to think I can be beckoned like a dog.

  Kashton slides his jewel-encrusted timepiece across the table.

  “Oh.” I pretend to be surprised but I know it doesn’t fool any of them. “Let’s get on with it then. I have another engagement this evening.” That’s not true either. I just enjoy goading them.

  “You’re going to sit here until we’re finished,” Gabriel snaps. “We have to talk about Ebony. There’s something she’s not telling us.”

  “You haven’t worked it out yet?” I chuckle. “How sad.”

  “What are you talking about?” Seth asks.

  “I figured you of all people would’ve worked it out sooner,” I taunt.

  “Can you stop being an ass for a few minutes? This is about Ebony.”

  “I think she’s sneaking out at night to work with Leo,” I say. Gabriel and Kashton laugh in my face. Seth goes quiet.

  “What makes you think that? Kashton demands.

  “It makes sense. She has all of this uncontrolled power she needs to harness. Who better to turn to than the schools master of magic?”

  “Ridiculous,” Kashton scoffs. “I study magic. She could’ve come to me.”

  “You study magical theory, not battle magic,” I counter.

  “She knows he works for the Queen. Ebony’s not that foolish,” Seth butts in.

  “Forget foolish. Going to Leo is a death wish,” Gabriel scoffs.

  “Nice try, Lucien,” Kashton scoffs.

  I’m certain I’m right. I wish I had proof to rub in their faces. I’ll get it soon. In the meantime, I know there’s nothing I can do to make them listen to me. Oh well. That’s their fault. It’s not going to stop me from trying to help Ebony. They haven’t realized that I’ll go to the ends of the earth for her if that’s what it takes.

  “Don’t listen to me if you like.” I toss my hands up. “We’ll see how this unfolds.”

  “Whatever,” Seth mutters. “We’ve got bigger problems.”

  “Wrath is lurking around somewhere. I’m sure of it,” Gabriel says.

  “We’re in agreement there,” I nod.

  “That almost makes me want to change my statement.”

  “How mature.”

  “I’ll knock those glittering teeth down your throat, I swear,” Gabriel hisses.

  “Enough!” Seth shouts. “This isn’t helping Ebony. We have to figure out what we’re going to do about Wrath.”

  “He doesn’t stand a chance between the four of us,” I offer.

  “You really are out of your mind,” Kashton rolls his eyes.

  “You wanted a solution. I gave you one. The sooner we take care of Wrath, the sooner we can focus on Rhiannon. She’s the biggest threat to Ebony,” I shoot back.

  “Wrath was insane even when we were all allies. Who knows what he’s capable of now?” Seth says. “We’re no good to Ebony if we get killed trying to take down Wrath.”

  “Are you disagreeing just because I’m the one who’s saying it?” I tilt my head to one side.

  “Can you blame him?” Kashton says.

  “I don’t need you to speak for me,” Seth snaps. “I’m not disagreeing because it’s Lucien. I’m disagreeing because his idea is terrible.”

  “Give me a better one then,” I urge.

  “Wrath hasn’t bothered us yet. There’s got to be a reason. I say we use that to our advantage. We put preventative measures in place in case he does show up,” Seth says.

  “Like what?”

  “Wards around Ebony’s room. Protection charms for her to wear,” he rattles off.

  “A charm isn’t going to stop Wrath,” Gabriel says.

  “The number of wards needed would be staggering,” Kashton added. “All four of us will have to constantly pour magic into them. We can’t do that without drawing attention.”

  “Fine!” Seth snaps. “Anyone else have an idea?”

  “We should get her out of here,” Gabriel says. “I can find a safe house for her. We’ll keep her there until the threat passes.”

  “The threat will never pass unless we get Ebony ready for it,” I say.

  “She’s not ready for that,” Kashton argues. “She needs training.”

  “I’m certain she’s already getting training,” I say. “Are you jealous she didn’t go to you?”

  “She’s not training with Leo.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Neither do you!”

  “Would you two knock it off?” Seth slams his fist down on the table. “This isn’t getting us anywhere.”

  “I still say the safehouse is the best answer,” Gabriel says.

  “Of course, you do,” I roll my eyes. “It’s your idea.”

  “And the best one,” Gabriel says.

  “You just want Ebony alone in a cabin with you,” Seth says.

  “Excuse me?” Gabriel makes a show of being offended. That’s how I know Seth’s accusation is spot on.

  “We’re never going to find a place safe enough to hide her from Wrath,’ Kashton says. “That’s why I should oversee her training to prepare her. He will come for her eventually.”

  “How transparent,” I smirk.

  “Did you say something, Lucien? I thought you wanted to prepare her for facing Wrath?”

  “I don’t want her to face Wrath at all,” I say. “Though, if that’s what it comes to, I’d prefer it if she was prepared. I’m also curious as to why Wrath hasn’t gone after her yet. She’s been giving us the slip for days now. Surely, he’s had a chance at her.”

  “I don’t know about the rest of us. Maybe she’s just giving you the slip,” Seth points out.

  “We wouldn’t be here puzzling this out if she were only giving me the slip,” I reply. “I say we figure out Wrath’s plan before he attacks Ebony. We’re on borrowed time as it is.”

  “How do you propose we do that?” Gabriel asks.

  “Kashton’s bound to have a million tracking spells in his personal library,” I say.

  “I’m not using magic to track down Wrath. That’s asking for trouble.”

  “Lucien, I can’t help but notice that your plan keeps changing,” Seth says.

  “That’s what good plans do. They evolve.”

  “Not one of your plans has been good,” Gabriel sneers.

  “Neither have any of yours,” I reply.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re trying to ensure we don’t come up with a plan to help Ebony,” Seth glowers at me.

  “That would be true to fashion,” Kashton chimes in.

  “Oh please,” I scoff. “Why would I do that?”

  “Maybe Wrath’s already been in contact with you,” Gabriel suggests. “Maybe you’ve been double-crossing us this whole time.”

  “You’re the one who’s trying to get Ebony away from the safety of the school. Why would you want that? Besides to bed her, of
course.” Now, Seth and Kashton glare at Gabriel.

  “Seth’s the one who wants to put up the weakest defenses known to man,” Gabriel gestures. “Maybe he’s been roped in with Wrath.”

  “Watch your tongue.” I’ve never heard Seth sound so intimidating.

  “Kashton, you also don’t want to track down Wrath. Could that be because you’re protecting him?” Gabriel presses.

  “You’ve gone mad,” Kashton lets out an incredulous laugh.

  “This meeting’s over.” I push back from the table.

  “Who says you get to decide that?” Seth snaps.

  “This isn’t going anywhere and I’ve got better things to do.”

  “Going to report back to Wrath, are you?” Gabriel calls after me.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I toss a rude gesture over my shoulder and don’t look back. Maybe all three of them are in league with Wrath. Maybe none of them are. At this point, I don’t know or care. All that matters is protecting Ebony.



  Convenient how Lucian can march off in a mood, calling us traitors. He has some nerve, I’ll give him that! Usually I find losing my temper too bothersome, but after that so-called meeting, I find it hard to be anything but angry.

  For once, I get a quintessential preview of what it’s like living as Wrath. The poor bastard must be so sick of keeping up this level of rage — it’s only been a couple of minutes for me, and already I’m exhausted.

  Carrying myself toward the library, I have little consideration for what the others are doing. They can be calling me until they’re blue in the face, it doesn’t change my feelings. My stance on the matter is that they’re all greedy, or lustful, or downright stupid; it depends who you catch at what times.

  Lucien is arguably the worst of them, however. At first I’d thought Gabriel the main problem, but he’s proven to be nothing but a minor annoyance. Besides, with Ebony keeping away from us, his hands can’t wander her way. Lucien though, he’s quickly appointed himself leader. Yet nowhere in the last 1,000 years do I see a manifesto that states he gets to assume this role. Therefore, as far as I’m concerned, he can keep his posturing to himself.

  We don’t need a leader. All we have is our mission, even if some of us are uncomfortable with it.

  Thinking back to Snow and her death, my mind turns to her in the here and now. She’s become so different lately, always sneaking around, doing god knows what in the dead of the night. I don’t believe Leo the one encouraging this, but nor do I believe Lucien insane for being worried.

  All of us should be worried. If Ebony is masking her behavior, it’s because she’s doing something damning, something so risky it’ll worry us all.

  Out of nowhere behind me, I hear muffled voices approaching. They sound hushed as if trying not to be heard. My curiosity piqued, I dive behind one of the hallway cabinets that line the flagstone walls. I hope in this position they won’t spot me. Given how devotedly the two are talking, I feel safe in my decision to hide here.

  They round the corner, revealing themselves to be Lucien and Kashton.

  I’m in complete shock. Those two never talk alone, never. I think the last time that happened was about three centuries back, and if memory serves me, it ended in them having a fist fight. Nevertheless, as much as I try to blink the image away, I have to accept the truth of it.

  What makes this secret meeting all the more alarming is how they’ve had to arrange it in the first place. Lucien had walked away from us, so it’s taken Kashton either skill or a preconceived plan to meet back up with him.

  This is damning evidence, but who the hell am I meant to share it with? If these two are plotting, so could Gabriel and Leo. I just don’t know anymore.

  Crouching down lower in an attempt to shrink further from sight, I strain my ears to hear them. Unfortunately, I don’t catch anything. All that haunts me is how quietly they converse, their whispers hissing between their traitorous lips. How dare they call themselves Ebony’s protectors when they act in this manner?


  I need to find her, fast.

  Seeing them like this, I can’t be sure that their plans don’t involve her welfare in some way. Gabriel or Leo could be stalking her right now, ready to enact some disgusting secret plan the four of them have devised. She wouldn’t see it coming, she’s far too trusting. Gripped by my need to find her, I tiptoe from behind the cabinet, using the thrown shadows of the case to cover my escape.

  They don’t see me, or if they do, they never draw attention to it. Not that I’d stop even if they did, especially now that I know they can’t be trusted. Nobody can be trusted anymore except for myself and Ebony. Even Ivora doesn’t feel like a safe bet anymore.

  I purse my lips together. No, that’s not fair. Ivora hasn’t done anything save look out for Ebony since her arrival; out of us all, Ivora is the only one who provides any genuine comfort to Ebony. I hate admitting that, but I know it’s the truth. Even in spite of their friendship being prickly of late, they still care for one another, it’s obvious.

  No, Ivora isn’t the issue. It’s the other princes. They’ve become jaded, lost in their purpose. True, I decided to break my promise long ago, but only because of my love for Snow, a love that has brought her back from death. If it wasn’t for my being able to share True Love’s Kiss with her, she’d be dead and the world would be lackluster for it.

  As I twist down the winding passageways, I use my aura to seek out Ebony’s. At first, I come up empty, but as I move further through the school, she finally registers. The way her essence fluctuates tells me that she’s somewhere near the roof, maybe even on it. Feeling that I should head there before anywhere else, I take the stairs two at a time. In my haste, my legs stretch wide as I clamber up them.

  Slightly breathless, I eventually reach the rooftop door.

  Creaking it open a fraction, I peer around it. My eyes fall on Ebony, her face illuminated in the pale moonlight while she watches the stars; stargazing was always a pastime we used to do together. It hurts to think she’s here doing it without me.

  I don’t understand what I’ve done to suffer all these rejections from her — before we started school, she never left my side. Much to Cordelia’s horror. But now? She always wants to be away from me.

  I’ve tried not to take it personally, to appreciate that all these changes are going to affect her in numerous ways. Understandably so. However, that doesn’t excuse her lack of kindness. She’s become cold to me. Ebony looks at me now like an exterminator eyes a pest: they don’t care for it, all they see is a problem to eradicate.

  “Ebony?” I call out quietly, so as not to alarm her.

  She flinches at first, but soon she softens when she turns my way. For a moment, I recognize the girl I fell in love with all over again when we met after our reincarnation. But then she’s gone, whisked away and replaced with a doubtful woman.

  “We always used to look at the stars together — I miss those days, Ebony, I hope you know that.” I continue, trying not to be perturbed by her dissociation.

  “Oh, I remember, Seth. I couldn’t forget.”

  “We should go back to those days, just let me in and we’ll return to how we used to be.”

  Ebony laughs then. It jabs at me like a punch to the gut, the sound feeling like a joke at my expense.

  “Seth, we can’t go back, not after all of this—”

  “Ebony, please,” I try.

  “No, you don’t get it. The past is the past, all I can do now is move forward, and if that means beautiful moments with friends have to be sacrificed, then so be it.”

  “Friends?” My sudden flash of temper surprises me. “Is that all I mean to you — I kissed you, Ebony, we shared True Love’s Kiss, or have you forgotten about that!” I know I shouldn’t shout in case anyone hears us, but I can’t help my heartache. She’s killing me every time she does this.

  Her shoulders sag in a similar way to how her eyes flicker down
ward. She can’t even bear to look me in the eyes anymore. It seems fitting given how much she’s tearing me apart.

  “I haven’t forgotten, no,” Ebony finally says, her voice low. It’s nothing but a whisper carried on the faint breeze. “but mingled in with that kiss is my nearly dying. I’ve die— I mean, I’ve been hurt so many times over, then to see the lights go dark. Seth, you can’t imagine it.”

  “I can, Ebony, because I’ve died before. When you killed yourself to save us all, I made the same decision, yet you pass it off as nothing.”

  “Pass it off as nothing, are you serious? Seth, I know you made sacrifices, all of you have, but so have I.” Her eyes rise to look at me now, dark irises sparkling with moisture. I can tell she’s holding back tears. Are they tears of anger or sorrow? I’m unable to tell. “Please, please just leave me alone, Seth. I don’t want to talk anymore, I just want to be alone.”

  I don’t bother to reply. There’s no need. Instead I go to leave, allowing her the alone time she so desperately seeks. However, as I move my hand toward the handle, a funny feeling invades my head, pricking at the back of my eyes.

  It feels alien to me, unnatural and fiendish.

  I like it.

  Grinning into the shadows of the open doorway, I leave Ebony to her whimsical evening. She deserves to have something nice before she dies.



  I don’t look at Seth when he walks away. I feel like crying. I hate pushing him away. He’s been so good to be. He doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. I just don’t know how to make him understand that it’s for his own good. Why is he allowed to protect me but I’m not allowed to protect him?

  For that matter, why is he so convinced that I can’t look after myself? If he even had the slightest clue as to what I’ve been doing lately, he wouldn’t be so concerned. He’d be furious. Maybe then he’d finally leave me alone and keep himself out of danger.

  I lay back down on the roof. I look for the pattern I was reading before, but I can’t find it. My eyes won’t focus. My thoughts won’t obey me.


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