Always Yours

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Always Yours Page 10

by Kari March

  "Hey, Cam..."Adam said, greeting us. His eyes fell on me and roamed over my body, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. "And helllloooo, Cara." His bright irises burned a hole right through me as he spoke. "You look...tempting tonight," he declared, smiling as Cam pushed my seat in for me. I don't know why but I felt my cheeks heat when his grin produced two of the sexiest dimples I had ever seen.

  "Oh, um, th...thanks, Adam," I said, stumbling over my words. Adam was typically pretty quiet when I was around, so the bizarre greeting caught me off guard. I glanced at the table in front of him and spotted three empty glasses. He already had his fair share of liquid courage tonight and now it was on display for everyone to see.

  Peering over at Cam I gauged his reaction, his jaw was clenched tight and I could tell he was biting his tongue. The tension around the table was thick and muggy as Cam scooted his chair closer to mine. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, not once taking his eyes off of Adam.

  "She is remarkable, isn't she? But this," Cam scorned calmly as he motioned to me, "is nothing, bro. If you want to see tempting, you should see her right before she's been thoroughly sated."

  "Cam!" I shrieked, elbowing him in the side. "What's the matter with you?"

  Shit, this is awkward.

  Adam and Brent's jaws hit the floor. I sunk down in my chair a little, trying to hide myself from their ogling eyes.

  "What, firecracker, can't a man be honest?" he whispered into my ear. I didn't mind the honesty; it was the personal idiom that bugged me. I mean, I barely knew Adam or Brent, and the last thing they needed was a mental picture. The looks on their faces were pretty hilarious though. They were just as stunned as I was; unfortunately, I think they were a little turned on too.

  Adam quickly recovered though, shaking off the bewildered look on his face, he started up again. "I can't believe you came here with that ugly mug of all people," he said, nodding his head to Cam as he tried to hold back the sneer that was developing on his face.

  Adam knew exactly what to do and say to get under Cam's skin and by the look on Cam's face it was working."Why don't you ditch him and hang out with me tonight. I'd like to see what you look like after you've been...what was it called, Cam? Oh, yeah, thoroughly sated." He droned, giving me an ill-behaved wink as he raised his fourth glass of clear pungent liquid to his lips.

  My face flushed with color for the third time in ten minutes and the room suddenly became very warm. I couldn't believe these two. Adam was only doing this to get under Cam's skin and Cam was feeding into every last bit of it. I needed to put an end to their bickering before all my deodorant wore off and I started to smell.

  "Alright, that's enough you two," I said sternly as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Adam, I think it's time for a glass of water. And while I appreciate the compliments, even though they are beyond inappropriate, you sound like a drunken douche." Cam started to laugh hysterically. Turning to him I continued, "I don't know why you're laughing. You're just as bad. Can't you see he's doing all this to get a rise out of you?" I gave Cam a firm, disapproving expression. "Now, can you please stop acting like two-year-olds and get along?" They both looked down at the ground as I scolded them.

  "Damn, Cam, she's a keeper. Maybe I should hire her on at the station to keep you boys in line," Cash said sarcastically from behind me.

  "Hey, Captain," the guys all said at once as he walked around the table and took a seat.

  "Hi, Cash," I greeted him shyly.

  He gave me a polite nod in return. "Sorry if the guys were unbecoming. Apparently, they don't know how to act around a lady."

  "You don't have to apologize for them, Cash. I'm used to dealing with provocative men like these guys," I teased.

  "You haven't seen provocative yet, sweetheart," Adam threatened under his breath and Cam shot him another dirty look.

  I just rolled my eyes. These two were never going to grow up.

  Turning my attention away from the juveniles at our table I spotted Blake heading towards us. He looked divine in his tux and on his arm was a beautiful brunette in a stunning black dress—I assumed it was Tessa.

  Her big brown eyes were glowing and the smile on her face told me everything I needed to know about her. I watched them cross the room and as they approached the table I saw Blake slide his arm around Tessa's waist and pull her closer as if he was scared to let her go. Just by looking at them I could tell they had something way past friendship.

  Everyone greeted them and when Blake introduced Tessa to the table I couldn't help but jump up and give her a big hug. I already felt like I knew her from listening to Blake go on and on about her all week. Cam followed suit and embraced Tessa like she was family and then we all sat down. We chatted for a while about the department and then dinner was served.

  I couldn't help but watch Blake and Tessa while we ate. They kept giving each other little looks like they secretly wanted to devour one another but were too scared to admit it. The look in Blake's eyes when he smiled at her was beyond anything I had ever seen before and I could tell he really was in love with her, even if he didn't want to admit it just yet.

  After sitting through boring award ceremonies and bidding on silent auction items, the ball was over and we were now dancing our asses off at a private after party in the presidential suite of the hotel. I had talked to Tessa a handful of times tonight and every time she opened her mouth I liked her even more. She was a wiseass that challenged Blake at every turn—she was exactly what his cocky ego needed.

  "I need some water," Tessa shouted at me over the blaring music. We had been dancing for over an hour with no break and it was getting hot.

  Giving her an approving nod, I motioned to the bar with my head and we proceeded over to it. "I think we need shots too," I said, fanning myself as we walked.

  "But no more Captain," Tess forewarned. "It’s time to get reacquainted with my Patron."

  While we waited for our shots, my eyes drifted over to Cam. He was talking to Blake in the corner of the room. They had been over there since we arrived and I was starting to wonder what they were talking about.

  "Why are they just sitting over there? And what the hell are they talking about?" Tess asked, mimicking my thoughts.

  "I don't know, but maybe we need to do something to grab their attention," I suggested with a roguish raise of my eyebrow.

  The bartender placed our Patron shots in front of us. We clanked our glasses together before consuming the cold, silver tequila. It burned going down, slowly warming my core as it hit my belly, and I cringed from the aftermath—tequila was not my cup of tea.

  "Somethin' Bad" by Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood started playing and I instantly looked at Tess. This was our chance, and by the wicked smirk she gave me, I assumed she was thinking the same thing. We slammed our shot glasses down on the bar and she took my hand, leading me out to the dance floor, making sure to take the long way so we would pass right by the guys. Cam's stare caught mine as Tess pulled me along and I shot him a tantalizing grin, motioning him with my finger to follow us.

  We reached the center of the room and began stomping our feet to the beat of the music, throwing our heads back in laughter. We raised our hands in the air and moved our hips, grabbing the attention of most of the male bystanders in the room. That was all it took—Cam and Blake had their arms around our waists in no time.

  "Are you trying to get me in a fight tonight?" Cam questioned in my ear.

  "That would be entertaining, but no." I giggled as he kissed my neck. I turned, giving him better access and he nipped at me, making me squirm in his hold.

  Glancing up, my stomach dropped when I locked eyes with Adam. A voracious glimmer filled his eyes and the right corner of his mouth arched upward, making the hair on the back of my neck stand on edge. If he hadn't been so damn good looking I would think his eccentric actions were disturbing but for some reason they were just the opposite. As attractive as he was, he had nothing on Cam; it was just Adam's mysteriousness
that caught my attention. I wanted to know more about him—I wanted to understand him.

  Writing off Adam's uncharacteristic behavior to all of the alcohol he consumed tonight, that and the fact that he would do anything to get under Cam's skin, I spun around, breaking our eye contact and returned my attention to Cam.

  "I can't wait to get you back to the hotel room, firecracker," he admitted, pushing his hips into me. "Do you feel how hard I am for you?"

  "Cam, when aren't you hard?" I teased with a small giggle.

  "It's not that I'm hard all the time. It's just you're always so damn sexy," he said with a sinful smile. "So really, it's your fault."

  "Well, I guess I'll have to repel you with my unattractive side from now on," I challenged, wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning into him.

  His hand came up and swiped down the side of my face. "You couldn't repel me if you tried. This body is too fucking sexy." I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes and took in the sweet words he said.

  I couldn't believe how fast and hard I was falling for him. The thought terrified me, making me tense up, but before I could dwell on it, his mouth was on mine.

  "Don't think, just feel," Cam's voice echoed in my head and I let go—melting into his kiss, my insecurities dripping away one drop at a time.

  My mind kept trying to build walls to block Cam out, to keep my heart safe. Only my body didn't care about my heart—it was insatiable— prevailing over the barriers with leaps and bounds. I just prayed that it had enough endurance to push through till the end.

  Only time would tell.

  "Blake, calm down. Everything will be fine. I'm pretty sure Cara and I can handle hanging some damn streamers," I said into the phone with an agitated tone.

  Blake was planning a surprise graduation party for Tessa and had been a royal pain in my ass this week. He had called me at least ten times today and it was only 2pm. Usually, Blake was easy going and laid back but this week he was worse than a woman on the rag—continuous mood swings and the perpetual worrying were just a few of the symptoms he was suffering from.

  "Sorry, Cam, I just want tonight to be seamless."

  "It will be. She's going to love it." Trying to alleviate some of his stress I continued, "Cara and I will be at your place no later than four to start setting up. Is there anything you need me to grab before we head over there?" I asked hesitantly, knowing that I just opened myself up for a list of shit I wasn't going to want to do.

  "No, I think I have everything you'll need at the house already." There was a long pause and I could hear the graduation march starting to play in the background. "Shit, they're starting, I have to go. Matt will be there around four to help you guys out. Thanks again, Cam."

  The line went dead. "That girl has got him tied up in knots," I said, putting my phone in my pocket.

  "I like her," Cara spoke up from across my living room. "She gives Blake a run for his money."

  "Yeah, well, hopefully she likes him as much as he likes her." I sat down on the couch next to Cara and put my arm around her, pulling her close.

  "Trust me, she does," she said nonchalantly.

  "How do you know?"

  "Because I have magical powers that allow me to read people's minds." I gave her a disconcerting glance and she laughed. "Come on, Cam, are you blind? Do you not see how she looks at him? A woman's eyes always tell a story."

  They do, huh?

  "Oh, really?" I grabbed her by the waist and flipped her onto her back. "This new information could be very useful." Crawling over her and straddling her hips, I pinned her arms above her head while she squirmed beneath me. "Let's see what story your eyes are conveying." Playfully, she shut them as she turned her head. "Look at me, Cara," I ordered, and she did. I loved how she submitted to my commands when we were messing around like this.

  The room fell silent as we stared at each other. The only sound I could hear was the heavy sound of our breaths rising and falling. Her irises were browner in the soft daylight and as the sun shined down on her, I saw a glimmer of love radiating through them. My heartbeat picked up and suddenly it was all I could hear—echoing through me like a train in a tunnel, and on that train was everything I ever feared.

  Commitment—one thing I was nowhere ready for. Not since Amber left.

  What Cara and I had was easy, it worked for us. I cared about her—a lot—but we had no labels, no obligations to each other, and that was just how it needed to stay. At least that's what my head was telling me, but my heart was conveying a different story. My heart was falling for her and there was no way to stop it. But what was even scarier was the fact that she might be falling for me, too, and I knew that would only lead to fucking problems—emotions always did.

  "So did they tell you a story?" she asked as she batted her eyelashes at me.

  "They sure did," I said quickly. My mind was reeling from the railroad of emotions I was undergoing, making it hard to think. Her face fell and she looked at me, disappointment evident in her eyes, and I instantly felt like a fucking jackass. With my head battling my heart, I tried to gather my thoughts, but my heart was overpowering my mind. Slowly, I leaned down like I was going to kiss her, stopping just short of her lips. "Do you want to know what I really read in your eyes?" I whispered. The rational part of me protesting—begging me to take the words back. A shy smile radiated on her face and as she shook her head yes, I closed the gap, kissing her softly.


  The loud noise of my phone made Cara jump and I released her hands. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the distraction my mind silently prayed for from my pocket. It was another text from Blake.

  Shit, the cake!!

  I shook my head before typing back a reply.

  I'll take care of it.

  "What did he forget now?" Cara asked, her voice weighty with irritation.

  "The cake." I stood up, helping Cara to her feet and she sighed heavily. Relief rushed through me as my mind regained control over my moment of weakness. "I guess we should get going then. We have a lot to do."

  We got in the car and made our way to the bakery to pick up the cake Blake had ordered. We hadn't said much to each other since getting in the car and the awkwardness between us was only growing.

  "What are you doing next Sunday?" Cara asked, breaking the odd silence in the car as we turned into the parking lot.

  "You, hopefully," I replied, flashing an errant grin.

  She reached over, slapping my arm and I winced, pretending like it actually hurt, her playfulness breaking the ice a little. "Do you want to come over for dinner, smartass?" she asked as her eyes rolled.

  "Depends on what you're making, firecracker. Can you even cook?" I teased her.

  "Yes, I can cook, but I don't know what I'm making yet. My parents are coming over and—"

  "Wait, your parents are going to be there?" I asked, taken aback.

  "Well, yeah," she said as she looked down, fumbling with her fingers. "I thought you could meet them."

  She wants me to meet her parents? Shit! I'm not ready for that yet.

  A million excuses ran through my mind but one look at her and I knew there was no way I could lie, even though the truth would hurt her more.

  "I think I'll pass on dinner, Cara." I sounded like such an ass.

  Her head shot up and she looked at me with wide eyes. "What? Why?"

  "Honestly," I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm not ready for that." I put the car in park and undid my seat belt, hoping she would accept my truthfulness and be done with it.

  "Jeez, Cam, it's not like I'm asking you to marry me, it's just dinner. My parents are going to be in town for two weeks in-between their trips and I thought I could introdu—"

  "Well, you thought wrong! I'm not coming, so stop fucking asking," I growled, flying out of the truck, slamming the door behind me.

  Why can't she just leave it alone?

  I stomped into the bakery without looking back and I wasn't surprised when she didn't f
ollow me.

  The rest of the ride to Blake's was spent in silence. Cara wouldn't even look at me; she just stared out her window with her arms crossed over her chest. She was pissed, and I needed to do some damage control and fast.

  "Earth to Cara," I said, pulling her from her thoughts as we stopped at a red light. Reaching out I placed my hand on her leg and she pulled it away. "Will you talk to me please?" I asked, tilting my head.

  "There's nothing to say, Cam," she said coldly.

  Sighing, I took deep breath. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you. I don't even know why I did."

  "Maybe it's because you're an ass?" she spit at me.

  "You're right, Cara, I am an ass." The light turned green and I began to accelerate, thankful I wouldn't have to look her in the eyes as I said the rest. "I don't know how to deal with this shit—with you. You have my head in fucking knots. There's a battle inside of me every damn day. The part of me that Amber destroyed wants to push you away like I have everyone else."

  "What about the other part of you?" she asked, her voice quiet yet hopeful.

  "That part wants to explore." She looked over at me with a confused look on her face. "I want to explore everything—your mind, your heart," I paused, cocking my head in her direction as I slowly ran my eyes up the length of her. "And every inch of that fuckable body. One day I will own you, inside and out."

  "You already do," she mumbled under her breath, so softly, that I wasn't even sure I heard her correctly.

  I took her hand in mine. "Don't give up on me yet, firecracker."

  My heart had already fallen for Cara, it was my mind that needed convincing—I guess I was going to have to work on that.

  Smiling, she reached into her purse and grabbed her stash of cinnamon bears, popping one into her mouth. "You and those damn bears," I said, shaking my head at her, despite the fact that I reached across and took one.


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