Paranormal Dating Agency_Heavenly Scents

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Paranormal Dating Agency_Heavenly Scents Page 7

by A. K. Michaels

  “I’ll do just that, darling.” He slid between her thighs, feeling like a damn giant as he towered over her briefly before dipping his head to cover her mouth with a searing kiss full of the pent-up desire he’d been holding inside all day.

  It was rough, hard, and took his breath away because Connie returned it with the same fervor . . . her nails raking across his shoulders, her teeth nipping his lip and drawing blood as a growl tore free from her throat and tumbled down his. It was gloriously sexy and not what he’d expected. His little She-Wolf was wild as she writhed beneath him, her legs hooking behind his ass and urging him toward her . . . but he held back. Holding his weight on one arm he slid his other hand between them, teasing her clit mercilessly with his fingers as their lips continued their erotic dance.

  Connie inhaled sharply, her eyes popping open and locking with his . . . he’d never closed his, watching her face the entire time and savoring her reactions. “You like that?” he asked as he broke their kiss.

  “Yes!” she hissed, licking her lips. “Don’t stop.”

  “I don’t plan on stopping, baby.” He flicked her harder with his thumb as he slid a finger inside her wet channel. “I want you to come for me, Connie.”

  He thrust his finger inside, adding a second as she rose higher, then a third to widen her in preparation for his cock . . . he didn’t want to hurt her when he finally took her and he wanted her ready for him. He was desperate to feel her around him, be inside his mate, have her screaming his name as he came deep within her . . . but he would never, not ever hurt her. He’d die first.

  Connie’s eyes grew wider, her hands reached up to tangle in his hair as she nodded. “I’m near . . . oh shit, Rocky!”

  He felt her walls tighten around his fingers, her legs quivering and shaking, her eyes glassing over as she screamed his name as she tipped over the edge into the ecstasy of her orgasm . . . she was so fucking beautiful to watch. Rocky’s breath hitched as he took in her splendor, the magnificence that the effect of the orgasm had on her body. Her face flushed, her body glistened with beads of sweat and continued to shudder for several moments as she clung to him tightly, murmuring his name softly. She was beyond gorgeous . . . he had no words to describe how she looked as she lay beneath him. No words to describe how he felt for her. The depth of his love was so great that it scared the hell out of him and he knew, without a shadow of doubt, he’d do anything to make her happy, and he’d die to protect her.

  “Oh fuck, Rocky, that was . . . like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It was amazing,” Connie finally said, a shy smile on her face. “I’ve heard others it’s different when you meet your mate, but I have to be honest . . . I didn’t believe it. But damn they were right.”

  He leaned down, kissing the side of her mouth. “We’re just getting started . . . but we can’t mate properly tonight, Connie. I’ve got the shop to run this week . . . with Jilly being on holiday I’ve nobody to take over. We can mark each other tonight but the full mating will need to wait until the weekend . . . is that all right?”

  He waited with bated breath. Although he was desperate to mate right that very moment he had responsibilities and with nobody to run his Heavenly Scents until Jilly was back, together with the large order to do for dang Theron, his hands were tied. He hoped she’d understand, he prayed she wouldn’t be upset or angry.

  Connie looked up, her eyes softening and one of her tiny hands coming around to trail a finger down the side of his face. “As long as I have your mark, I’ll be happy, Rocky. I’m aware that when we mate that we’ll be indisposed for a few days and you have your business to run, so yeah, I’m happy to wait until Jilly’s back and can take over.”

  Rocky let out a long breath, one he wasn’t aware he’d been holding until she’d answered, and also gave her a wide smile. “Thank you! For understanding and being cool with it, sweetheart. I promise I’ll make it up to you for waiting and until then . . . you can stay here with me. That’s if you want to?”

  She giggled up at him, nodding vigorously. “I’d like that.”

  “Now . . . can we get back to where we left things? I’m desperate to mark you and . . .”

  He didn’t get a chance to say anything else as she grabbed his hair, pulling his head down to cover his mouth with her soft, sweet, and luscious lips in a kiss that left him breathless and with no doubt as to what was on her mind . . . the same as was in his.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Connie was ecstatically happy, beyond anything she could’ve imagined and her life was all set to change for the better. Her mom and dad had already been into town and briefly met Rocky, approving of him immediately, and that had been a load off her mind. And she’d also spoken to her Alpha, Chad, who had wished her well and approved of her mating. That had been a huge relief to both her and Rocky.

  Things were perfect! She’d been spending the days working in the shop . . . and the nights with Rocky in his cottage. They’d spent the time getting to know each other as well as having the best sex in her damn life, and that was before they were fully mated. She couldn’t wait until they’d bonded fully. It would be amazing. Rocky had already contacted Jilly and told her to be at work first thing in the morning and that she’d be on her own for a week. A full week. Damn. Connie couldn’t wait to have him all to herself, locked away and able to do whatever they wanted with no interruptions.

  She’d spent a full hour on the phone to Cyndi the day before, telling her all about Rocky and catching up with her friend. They’d laughed and giggled and Connie felt stupid for not calling sooner, especially when Cyndi said she’d been feeling sad about not hearing from her, and that she’d not called because she thought Connie was too busy for her. Shoot. They agreed to call every week and to visit more often. It would be easier now that they both had mates, especially for Connie. She wouldn’t feel awkward anymore, and she couldn’t wait to invite Cyndi and Mitch over and what was great was the fact that Rocky didn’t seem fazed at all by the idea.

  He’d said he didn’t mind one bit and he was looking forward to meeting her friends. So long as he didn’t have to live within a Pack permanently, then he was okay with a short visit. That made Connie jump into his arms and squeal happily as she kissed him all over.

  He’d been stocking up with provisions for them for the past few days. The kitchen cupboards, fridge and freezer were jam-packed full with a hoard of items. So many that she’d asked him how long he’d expected them to be holed up inside and he’d just quirked an eyebrow at her and smirked. The look he’d given her had her thighs clenching, her stomach quivering, and her heart thudding in her chest with anticipation.

  Rocky had also slipped out of the shop the previous day for a couple of hours, tapping his nose mysteriously when she’d asked where he was going. She still had no idea what he’d been up to and he didn’t enlighten her either. So here she was, watching the clock and waiting for Theron as Rocky boxed up the order. After that she was heading to her place to get some more of her stuff. Although over the week she’d already moved quite a bit, there was some special underwear she wanted for this evening and several pieces of silky nightwear.

  She was hoping to make tonight memorable for Rocky. That was the plan anyway. If only Theron would hurry up! It was almost closing time and there was still no sign of him. She could hear Rocky grumbling in the back and knew he was getting annoyed too. He’d planned on cooking them a meal while she went to her apartment and Theron being late was holding them both up.

  “Is he here yet?” Rocky’s disgruntled shout came through loud and clear, followed by a thud.

  She stifled a laugh as she pictured him kicking something. “Hmm, nope, sorry,” she replied, stepping out from behind the counter and going to the front of the store to look out for the hundredth time. “Oh, wait . . . yes! He’s just pulled up.”

  “At last!” Rocky opened the door to the back, before disappearing again.

  Connie opened the door, holding it wide for Theron who strode up a
s if he didn’t have a care in the world . . . and of course, he didn’t. She plastered a smile on her face as he arrived. “Hi, come on in. Rocky’s got everything ready for you.”

  “Hey, Connie, how’s . . .” he stopped, inhaling sharply before grinning down at her. “Well, well, what’s that? Am I mistaken? Or is that Rocky’s mark I scent on you?”

  Flustered she let the door slip out of her hand, Theron grabbing it before it slammed into him, but she didn’t apologize, instead she stepped back, her eyes flying to Rocky who now stood with his arms full of boxes but his eyes were glaring at Theron and his lips were pulled back in a snarl. “You should step away, Theron.”

  Connie didn’t know what to do? Well, of course she did. She should move, but her feet were glued to the floor as she watched Theron’s head swivel to Rocky, his eyebrow raised but he didn’t look angry. Instead he looked amused, as if he were in on some kind of inside joke. Theron raised one hand before taking a side-step. “I’m not a threat to your mate, Rocky. Don’t be a fool . . . you know I’ve got Talia and I have eyes only for her.”

  “Your eyes were well and truly on Connie when I walked in here, Theron.” Rocky stomped over, glowering angrily. “She’s mine and you should fucking know better.”

  “Hey! I’m right here!” Connie stomped her foot.

  They turned to look down at her then back at each other. Theron nodded. “I scented your mark on her . . . I was surprised, sort of.”

  “What?” Connie stepped forward. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Theron smirked. “Nothing. I’m here for my order then I’ve got to go. I’m late.”

  “Yes, you are,” Rocky growled. “Here.”

  Theron held out his arms, taking the boxes from Rocky. “Thanks, I’m sure Talia will be very happy, and when she’s happy, I’m happy. I appreciate it, Rocky, and I wish you two all the very best. This is wonderful news.”

  “Thanks, now if you don’t mind, we have plans.” Rocky stepped between Theron and Connie, holding the door.

  Theron chuckled, nodding. “I bet you do. Have fun.”

  “Bye.” Connie waved from around Rocky’s huge body but he moved again, blocking Theron’s view before closing the door, turning around and pulling her into his arms and holding her tight.

  “Damn, we need to get our mating over with, baby, before I do something stupid . . . like challenge a damn Alpha for looking at you.”

  She didn’t know whether to be angry or laugh at him. His face was a mask of worry and his body was taut as he held her close. She could feel the tension running through him and knew that this week had been hard on him, very hard, so she allowed him to hold her and said nothing. After tonight they’d be mated and this wouldn’t happen again.

  “Okay, let’s lock up and I’ll go get my stuff and you go home and start cooking. I won’t be long,” she mumbled against him.

  “Yeah, sounds good.” He kissed the top of her head. “Don’t be long or I’ll come looking for you.”

  “I won’t be, promise.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Connie had her small backpack with what she’d wanted from her place. She couldn’t believe that her little apartment would soon no longer be hers. She’d already given notice, after all, there was no point paying rent when she’d be living with her mate.

  “You’re the luckiest girl alive,” she said aloud to herself as she cut through the shortcut to Rocky’s cottage.

  He’d shown her it the first time they’d come to get her some clothes. It ran from the back of his home right through the trees and arrived at the ones that she looked out onto from her living room. It cut the journey in half and meant she’d be back in his arms soon, and even in the waning light, with her Shifter abilities she could see just fine.

  She was so happy and focused of the night to come that it took her a moment to realize she wasn’t alone . . . was she? No. Definitely not alone. She heard another heartbeat nearby, and then the sound of a twig breaking as a foot fell on it. Her head spun around and the last person on earth she wanted to see stepped out. His cocky smirk and eyes raking over her turning her blood to ice in her veins.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” she spat out coldly.

  “I’m here for you, Connie. You knew I’d come for you . . . didn’t you? I told you before . . . you’re mine.” Alden took a step closer, his dark eyes locking with hers and that’s when she scented what Cody had warned her about.

  Alden was exactly what Cody had said . . . he’d turned Rogue. Shit.

  “I’m not yours, Alden. Never was and never will be. Go now before you do something you’ll regret.” She was surprised how strong her voice came out because inside she was shaking. Hell, her heart was beating like crazy and her stomach was churning so bad she thought she was going to throw up right on this asshole’s feet.

  “You were mine the moment I set eyes on you, Connie. It was my decision. Not yours, and I’m here to take you with me. You can come quietly or not. Either way you’re coming.” Alden shrugged as if he didn’t give a shit whether he hurt her or not and that’s when she knew for certain she was in deep shit.

  How far was she from Rocky’s? She looked around, gauging how far she’d come and saw she was almost there. Would he hear her if she screamed? Would he get to her in time before Alden took her? Hurt her? She had no idea but she did know that he would not go with him. She would not allow Alden to take her from her mate. She’d fight him tooth and claw and die before she’d allow that to happen.

  “No, Alden, I’m not going with you. Not happening.” She dropped her pack, took a step back and held her hands in front of her as she opened her mouth and screamed as loud as she possibly could, “Rocky! Help me!”

  Then she did the only other thing she could: she transformed and fought for her life.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Rocky was on cloud nine. Finally, their mating would be completed and he could stop feeling like a cat on a hot-tin-roof and acting like an ass whenever another male even glanced in Connie’s direction. He couldn’t wait to shower her with his love, and the gifts he’d gotten her, especially the matching rings he’d purchased for them. They might be Shifters but they also lived in the human world and he wanted everyone to know they were “married.” He also planned on asking if she wanted a human ceremony and if she did, well, then she’d have that too.

  He’d give her the entire world if she wanted it.

  Right now, he was making them dinner. A proper sit-down meal, complete with candles and wine, with dessert for after, and then they’d have their official mating and spend the next few days in bed. Bliss!

  The back door was open for her, that’s where she’d arrive and he couldn’t wait to sweep her up into his arms and welcome her into his home officially for the final time. After tonight it would be just the two of them and . . . “Rocky! Help me!”

  What the fuck? Connie’s scream reverberated in his head and his legs were moving before he’d even processed the words. He was out the door and leaping over the fence at the bottom of his garden in seconds, tearing along the trail in the woods towards the heartrending sounds of his mate in trouble. And fucking trouble she was in. He could hear it clear as day.

  Howls, growls, and the unmistakable noises of Wolves in battle. Oh hell no! Someone was hurting his soulmate. Fury filled him, mind, body and soul and his Lion rushed to the fore . . . fur sprouting from his skin, his muscles splitting and reforming, bones breaking and realigning and he leapt high, concluding his transformation mid-air, landing on four massive paws. He rushed forward, a roar filling the darkness as he tore through the trees, around a corner and saw . . . a small golden Wolf with a silver streak lying on the ground with blood marring its beautiful fur and trying to fend off a larger, dark brown Wolf who was snapping and snarling at her.

  Rocky knew immediately that it was Connie, she called to him, whining, and yipping as the larger Wolf turned . . . Rocky didn’t hesitate. He attacked.

  The b
attle didn’t last long. It was a one-sided fight. His huge Lion against a paltry Rogue Wolf and Rocky was filled with a fury burning like lava that caused him to fight like he’d never fought before. He wasted no time with dispatching the Rogue. His thoughts on getting to his mate his priority. He swiped his massive paw across the Wolf’s face, knocking it away, then he bounded on top of it, opening his massive jaws and locking them around the back of its neck. He clamped his jaws tight, his teeth breaking through so fast it was laughable, did this fucking Rogue really think it stood a chance against him? It was over in seconds, the Wolf collapsing beneath him, and he spat out the beast and dashed over to Connie, transforming on the way and dropping to his knees beside her.

  “Oh fuck, Connie! Are you all right? Hell, here, let me carry you home, and then I’ll get you help.”

  He picked her up, but before he could move she whined, her paw motioning to her torn clothes and a pack lying on the ground. “Good thinking.” He gathered her belongings to remove all evidence she’d been there, then started back.

  His chest ached as blood dripped down his body, terror rippling through him at the extent of her injuries. He hadn’t seen what had been done to her and would have to wait until they got home. “It’ll be okay, baby. I promise.”

  She whined pitifully in his arms, and as they came out of the woods and up into his garden there was a shadow of a man standing. A growl tore up his throat in warning. “Who’s there?”

  “It’s Cody. I was on Main Street when I heard Connie . . . she’s my Pack, Rocky, I know our Wolves. I heard her in trouble. What’s going on?”

  Rocky walked forward and Cody saw what he was carrying, rushing forward to help. “What the fuck happened? Who did this?”


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