Ye Olde Kinke Faire

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Ye Olde Kinke Faire Page 2

by Thianna D

  “So how’s he going to whip the gown off me then?” Becca asked in confusion.

  Rayin reached around her and pulled out a string. “He tugs on this and the back will fall open.” She shrugged. “It’s better than getting a real lashing if you ask me. Besides, if he misses his mark, scream red. He’ll have to stop then.”

  Becca wasn’t asking her, but in that instance, she highly agreed. “All right. Well, wish me luck.” Rayin nodded and opened the door before turning to a pile of material Becca assumed would become ugly gowns like the one she wore.

  The Faire didn’t officially open until June. However, they were open for a few hours a day trying to get everyone into their characters so that they all were prepared come Grand Opening Day. Even then, there were quite a few guests about. She glanced around to see if there was anyone she knew as she was from Seattle, but she didn’t recognize anyone. Her eyes did, however, linger on a tall man with wide shoulders and dirty-blond hair who stood over by the side of the stage staring at it with interest in his face. She wished she was close enough to see his eyes.

  Would they have the deep fathoms that the Doms she’d served in the past had? There had only been two who had that certain gift, but one look in their eyes and she’d gratefully dropped to her knees. Serving them had been the highlight of her life. Unfortunately, neither had wanted a sub long term. So she had hung out at a few BDSM groups and clubs. Real Doms were hard to find. There were tons of non-dominant sadists in the greater Seattle area, but that wasn’t who she was looking for.

  Built Guy turned slightly and she was able to see more of his face. It was like he was chiseled by an artist: high cheekbones, defined chin, and high eyebrows. And lashes. Damn it. Why was it men had long lashes? It wasn’t like they needed them.

  “Hey.” Startled by the whiny voice, she turned away from Built Guy and stared at a man only a couple inches taller than she was. He wore black leather pants which looked brand new and a black leather sash over one shoulder. He was also wearing a Zorro-style mask. Oh dear God. Was he going to try and whip a Z on her back? “We’re up,” he said. “Don’t make me look bad.”

  She raised both eyebrows but the look of scorn was lost on him since he’d already turned and walked up the three steps to the stage.

  “Gentlemen,” he said loudly, but still sounding like a whiny geek, “this wench has disobeyed orders and has come to receive her punishment. I say fifty lashes with a single tail. Who’s with me?”

  Fifty? Even for an actor that had to sound insane, didn’t it? No Dom had ever given her more than twenty-five, though those weren’t for punishment either. She glanced over the audience. None of them looked impressed. That heartened her. Perhaps they were more into kink and could see a poser when they spotted one.

  “Come on, wench.” He grasped her shoulder and pushed her in the direction of the whipping post. The post was wood and about seven feet high with leather shackles hanging from the top. He grabbed one and it took him a full minute to figure out how to unbuckle them. While he worked with it, she cast a glance over her shoulder and smirked. She needed to keep the audience’s attention or they would walk away.

  “Perhaps this is why I don’t obey,” she said in as much of an English accent as she could muster. Ugh. She sounded awful. She’d have to convince them to let her talk in her own voice. “He can’t even get the cuff undone.”

  A few of the men chuckled and Built Guy watched her. She still couldn’t see his eyes but his features once again grabbed notice. Until the idiot yanked her arm over, making her yipe as her shoulder twisted in an odd direction, and affixed the cuff. She glared at Idiot Guy and he glared right back. “Asshole,” she said in a sing-song voice loud enough that anyone in the vicinity could hear it. “You’re nothing but an asshole.”

  “Shut it,” he snapped and yanked her other arm up and affixed the other cuff.

  “Make me,” she bit back and he stepped back.

  “I intend to, wench.”

  He stepped behind her and she wrinkled up her nose. It was a good thing this wasn’t a real scene. That type of bratting would have ensured she couldn’t move without discomfort for days. But everything was telling her this was a really bad idea. For seven days, she’d seen nothing to make her feel good about the Faire itself. Not much in terms of safety, though they did have a doctor on staff… or so she’d heard. And most of the other actors looked down on BDSM. Perhaps she should just head back to Seattle and twiddle her thumbs for the rest of the summer.


  She jumped at the sound of the leather hitting the stage and she glanced over her shoulder warily. Her eyes widened at the whip the idiot had in his hand. A bullwhip? What person thought it would be a good idea to put a bullwhip into Idiot Guy’s hands? Instinctively, she moved closer to the post to get as far away from him as possible.

  “Stop moving, wench,” he called out before he pulled his arm back and let the whip fly again.

  She knew when she spotted the angle that it was going to hit and horrified, she turned away and hid her face. Fire lit up along her shoulder as the edge of the whip shredded the gauzy material of her gown. For a moment, she stood there in shock. He hit her. The asshole hit her.

  Fire erupted across her upper back and after she shrieked at the pain, she screamed, “Red!”

  Almost instantly fire lit up along her left shoulder. “Red!” It lit along her buttocks and she started to freak out. He wasn’t stopping. She’d called out red twice and he wasn’t stopping. Becca wanted to try and move around the post away from him, to catch the eye of one of the guys in the audience, but she was terrified to move. If he was even half aiming and she moved at the wrong moment, it could prove disastrous.

  However when pain slammed into her spine, she’d had enough. Screaming “Red” at the top of her lungs, she tried to move around the post, aware of yelling behind her. When she got to the other side, she dared to peek around it, surprised to find Idiot Guy on the stage, flat on his stomach with two guys on top of him. Built Guy was striding toward her with a look of fury on his face.

  He paused a couple feet away, his palms out and his fury dissipating. Calm took its place. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said in a firm voice. “We’ve stopped the bastard from continuing. I want to get you to the doctor’s. Your back’s pretty bad.”

  She whimpered as the fire trickling along her back and buttocks made itself known in a huge way.

  “I know,” he said in a gentle tone. “Let’s get you to the doctor’s office. You need to get those cuts looked at.”

  “Help,” she whispered and he moved quickly. In less than thirty seconds, her hands were free and he lifted her up in his arms. She cried out as his arms hit some of her welts.

  “I’m sorry,” he said and then he strode forward and jumped off the edge. He landed so smoothly she barely felt it. “Where’s the doctor?” he bellowed. Someone must have pointed toward the small white tent that held the doctor’s office.

  The pain was horrible. Nothing Dennis or Rob had done to her had felt that bad. And unable to stop them, the tears began to flow.

  “I know,” Built Guy said. “We’re almost there. I’m sorry this happened to you.”

  So was she. She was a sub. She should know better than to blankly trust anyone.

  The brightness of a late spring day diminished as they stepped inside the tent.

  “What the hell?” The surprised gasp had her turn and look at a man in his mid to late thirties. He wore what might have passed for a doctor’s uniform in some past age—a three-piece suit along with a fancy cravat and knee-high boots—but his shrewd eyes took her in as Built Guy lay her face down on a cot.

  “Some idiot actually whipped her at the whipping post. Ripped her up good. She safe worded but he didn’t stop.”

  “Fuck.” The doctor stepped up and got to work. “What’s your name?”

  “Becca Hesse.”

  “All right, Becca. I’m going to have to cut the rest of the dr
ess off to treat you.”

  “Do it. I don’t want to wear it again.” Or even see it.

  “Are you her partner?” the doctor asked as he pulled a few things out of an apothecary table.

  “No. I witnessed what was going on.”

  “Then I’m going to have to ask you to step outside.”

  Fear struck her but she battled it down. She didn’t know Built Guy any more than she knew the doctor. But she felt safe with him in the room.

  “All right. I’ll wait outside if you need anything.”

  “Don’t go,” she murmured, but either he didn’t hear her or she just thought she said it, because he left and the flap that acted as a door swung shut.

  “All right, Becca,” the doctor said in a soothing tone. “I’m Dr. Myles. I’m a lifestyle Dom and have been for fifteen years. I know the difference between a welt and what I’m seeing on your back. Can you tell me what happened?”

  She shuddered as he cut off her dress and removed it. It made her feel better when he covered most of her with a sheet as he got to work cleaning each of her cuts. As he worked, she told him everything that had happened. “Rayin told me he would never get close with the whip, but he did. And he wouldn’t stop.”

  He sighed. “Am I the only one who thinks this whole place is a bad idea?”

  She snorted and then winced as fire lit up along her cuts again. “It certainly sits outside of safe or sane. And the consensual part is a bit iffy as well.”

  “Agreed,” he said as he pulled out some sterile gauze and bandaged her back. “Are you allergic to any medicines?”

  That took a moment’s thought. “Penicillin.”

  “That’s fine. I’m going to give you a shot as, quite honestly, I doubt the whip he used has been in any way sterilized. The medication will also aid in pain relief for the next few hours. Are you staying in the township? Or in Sequim.”

  “In town,” she said, glad she was so close. “I can’t imagine if I’d have to take a boat trip right now.” And while her body hurt, mostly she was angry. This was supposed to be a safe, kinky fair. The concept of a kink spot that would be open for twelve hours a day, four days a week for three months had turned her on. But just like the few times she had played with Doms who didn’t match her needs, it was turning out to be the opposite of what she expected.

  Dr. Myles was a gentleman and had a very calming influence. Before he gave her the shot, her pain levels had dulled a little and she was feeling a little clearer headed. “Since I doubt you’ll want to walk around naked with blood-soaked bandages on your back, I’m going to call out for some clothes for you to wear. Then I’m going to walk you back to your cabin and make sure you get safely inside.” He paused and rubbed his chin. For the first time since Built Guy laid her down, she got a look at the doctor.

  He was handsome. Not gorgeous, but definitely handsome with dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a goatee. And something about the way he’d treated her and the expression on his face made her relax even further. The guy was dominant, no doubt about it. And she’d always had a thing for gentlemen Doms. Great. She had to meet him when she was in such a state. Not the best way to make a good impression.

  Myles went to the door and opened it. His conversation was low, so she couldn’t hear the words but when he stepped back, Built Guy walked in, a bag in his hands. He instantly looked at her and she finally saw his eyes. Blue. His eyes were sky blue. “How are you feeling?” he asked gently as he came and squatted next to the cot.

  “Okay. Still aches, but that’s going to be awhile,” she said. “I’ve been whipped before, but only by guys who knew what they were doing.”

  “If this were my club, that guy would be the next one chained to the post,” he said with a deep rumble in his voice. “I’d pull out my canes and some of my CBT toys. Oh, and I asked a friend of mine. She sent along some clothes. Hopefully, they’ll fit. You look about the same size.” He handed over the bag. “I’m Kendrick Finleigh, by the way.”

  Kendrick Finleigh. What a wonderful name. It fit him—Fair hero. But if he played with CBT, then he was probably gay. And wouldn’t that be her luck? She should probably see if the doctor was available as going after a gay Dom would really put a kibosh on the whole experience.

  “Thanks,” she whispered and pulled the bag close. “For everything. I thought it was just going to keep going on.”

  He frowned. “I didn’t like the way he was throwing. It was obvious he didn’t know what he was doing. I had actually turned and walked away when I though I heard you call red. As I turned back I heard you call out red again and he didn’t even try to pull his shot. When he pulled back for another go, I and two of my friends went after him. I’m surprised they haven’t tried to bring him to the doc. He’s most likely got an arm pulled out of the socket.” He smiled grimly. “It’s one of my friend Neil’s first moves on an opponent. Takes them down every time.”

  That made her smile. “Well, I should get dressed…” In any kink club she wouldn’t worry about being naked, but after the day she’d had, she just couldn’t see being bare in front of him.

  “Of course.” He rose to his feet. “I’ll wait outside.”

  Kendrick left and Dr. Myles came over to help her get to her feet without putting too much strain on her welts. The clothes Kendrick brought were loose. A summer dress that wouldn’t cling to her and sandals that would cushion her feet. Relieved, she pulled them on and he buttoned up the back for her. “Now I think the man who brought you in would like to accompany you back to your cabin, but if you’d rather have me, I’m willing to go with you. It sounds like you don’t know him.” He frowned, obviously worried for her. Yes, she liked the doc. If she didn’t leave first thing in the morning, perhaps she’d try to learn more about him, what his kinks were, and if he was looking for a new sub.

  “I think I’ll be fine,” she said as she slipped her toes into the sandals. “He seems nice. And he and his friends saved me from Whipper Boy.”

  Myles grunted. “Well, once you’re gone, I’ll let them bring the ass in here to be treated. I’ve made them keep him at bay. So if you’d like me to accompany you, he’ll have to stay in pain that much longer.” His eyes twinkled dangerously and she laughed.

  “Thanks, doc. But I think having two strong Doms at my side is a bit overkill.”

  “Ah well,” he said with an exaggerated sigh. “I guess that means I must treat your attacker.”

  He opened the door and she stepped out into the sun, surprised to spot Kendrick standing next to three men and a woman. His head swiveled in her direction and he stepped toward her. “Are you all right to walk?” he asked.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him. “I just need to get something to eat.” She had only eaten a piece of toast for breakfast and her stomach grumbled reminding her of the fact.

  His obvious care showed in how he hovered next to her. And then he did the worst thing possible. He smiled. It lit up his entire face and made her gawk. It was like looking at the sun. It so wasn’t fair he was gay. “May I treat you to some coffee and whatever they serve over at the Java Pike?” he asked, waving toward what passed for a coffee shop. She didn’t have the guts to tell him the coffee sucked there. Washington State was picky about its coffee but either nobody told the owners of the Java Pike or they just didn’t care.

  Silly girl that she was, she nodded. “I’d like that. I could definitely use a shot of caffeine.”

  “Wonderful.” He waved toward his entourage. “These are Craig and Neil. They’re the ones who held the guy down. This is our friend Joseph and his wife Alice. Alice is the one who donated the dress to the cause.”

  Neil and Joseph nodded in her direction. While they didn’t smile, they did look kind. Craig watched her, an almost assessing glint in his eyes. Alice stepped forward and took her hand. “I’m so glad they got to you,” she said in a kind voice. “If I’d been there, I would have socked him right in the balls.”

  “She would have, too,” Joseph sa
id wryly. “He would have deserved it. Are you all right?”

  “Yes, thank you. Haven’t gone into shock yet,” she said with a laugh.

  Kendrick nodded. “Which is why I want to get some food and drink into you. Come on. I’ll meet up with you later,” he said to the others.

  They moved off and she followed Kendrick across the dusty lane to the coffee shop. It was small, just like all the buildings in the Faire, but it had two tables. After they ordered coffee and a couple croissants each, they sat down. She winced slightly as her rear made contact with the hard plastic, but handled it.

  “Seriously,” he said in a firm voice that made her toes tingle. “How are you doing?”

  The barista brought them their drinks and pastries and she took a long sip of her coffee, somehow managing not to grimace. “It’s just happened so I haven’t quite internalized it yet,” she said. “It’s what my past Doms made me do. Go over it, face the fear, and put it to rest.”

  “Good.” He took a sip and yanked the cup away. “What the fuck is that?”

  She snickered and put her hand over her mouth to try and hold back the laughter. It didn’t work. The horror in his eyes was too much and she burst into a peal of giggles. “That,” she said, trying to hold back the laughter and snorting instead, “is what they pass off as coffee here.”

  He cocked a brow at her. “Why did you let me bring you here?”

  “There really isn’t anywhere else but the cabins.”

  A long low breath escaped his lips and he shook his head. “We thought it would take a week to see everything and make our decision. But I think my decision is pretty much made. There’s no way I’m putting my money into this place.”

  She stalled, her cup halfway to her mouth. The scuttlebutt had been that the owners were looking for an investor, but she assumed that wouldn’t be until they were off the ground. Apparently she was wrong. “No offense, but why would you want to invest in a place like this?” she asked.


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