Ye Olde Kinke Faire

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Ye Olde Kinke Faire Page 16

by Thianna D

  Nobody asked any questions. They just nodded and left.

  “Come on,” Kendrick said and took her hand. “Let’s get this done. You’ll feel better when it’s behind you.”

  Becca gave him a tremulous smile. “It’s probably stupid, but I feel they’re all judging me for leaving.”

  He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her, holding her slightly trembling body against his. “They’re not. They get why everything happened. But if there’s any lingering doubt in their minds, it will be put to rest by our scene. And, love,” he said to remind her. A small smile crossed her lips at his endearment. “The only two people who matter in that room are you and me. But if you’re wondering about outsiders, the slate will be wiped clean and you can look them in the eye from then on. Okay?”

  She blew out a breath and nodded. It was obvious she was nervous, but the trust in her eyes made him feel strong. “Okay.”

  He went upstairs and packed a few pieces. One of them was a collar Craig gave him a few days ago. It was one Jilly had created. The intricacy of the threaded leather design was unique and absolutely stunning. It was delicate and yet made a statement. It was perfect for his Becca. Especially with the fact this one had a small lock only he could remove. He put the tiny key on the small chain he wore around his wrist and slipped the collar into his bag. Time to go make Becca his so everyone knew it.

  They walked hand-in-hand toward the dungeon and Kendrick marveled again at how cool the nights were. It was late June and it felt like early spring. While he knew that meant the winter would be nasty, he thought he could handle it for the beauty of the summer. Besides, there were so many fun things to do inside as well. He glanced at Becca who seemed lost in her own head. Given what was ahead, he left her to it. What they were about to do was big, at least in their minds and those of their friends.

  It wasn’t a collaring ceremony, but it was everything but. He was going to take her in front of his friends in a way to make sure nobody was of any doubt who she belonged to. Her skin would show the marks he would place on her for a week or so, just in time for the opening day when he could claim her in front of the entire fucking Faire. There was no way to stop his grin. He planned to do that often.

  “Someone’s thinking of something naughty,” she teased.

  He glanced over at her and winked. “Just thinking about using your delectable body every day at the Faire.”

  Her eyes twinkled in the dim lights. “Oh, I’m counting on it, Sir.”

  The grounds were quiet with just the crickets filling the air with their music, soft breezes rustling through the trees making it feel as though they were on their own deserted island. Until they stepped into the dungeon.

  It was set up as it would only be for demonstrations and when they played. No guests would be allowed to play at the dungeon due to its safety issues. The overhead lights were off. Small electric lamps sat around the circular dungeon, flickers making them look like candles.

  Their friends stood off to the side, just waiting to see where they would play. He paused just inside the door and turned toward her. “Becca,” he said in a tone low enough only she would hear. “I wish you to strip and come kneel next to me. You’re not to say anything unless you need to safeword. Otherwise, this scene is about reconnection. It’s about us. Ignore those who watch us for they’re here only to witness to our union.”

  Warm hazel eyes looked up at him, trusting and filled with hope, and she nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  Without another word, he turned and strode toward the piece of equipment he would use. Kendrick wanted the scene to carry the energy the field scene had, but didn’t want to duplicate it. He wanted it new, exciting, and to keep Becca waiting and wandering what wonderful thing would happen next.

  On the opposite side from the door was the piece he wanted and he set the bag next to it. As he moved the arms and the base to work as he wanted, he was aware when their audience joined him. They all stood back, giving him room, but he loved that they were there. He wished his brother Rhys and his friend Beau could have been. Then everyone he loved in the world would have been present.

  He wrapped hemp rope along the arms, giving cushion to the hard metal surface. Kendrick wasn’t sure how long their scene would last, and while he planned for Becca to be sore the next day, he did want her to be able to move. After adding two extender arms, he pulled the collar out of his bag and turned toward his friends.

  “Thank you for witnessing tonight,” he said in a calm voice. He felt a presence and he knew Becca was at his side. “Everyone here knows me and you’re also aware of the issues that arose over the last few days. Tonight takes care of the sins of the past and starts everything with a new slate. From tonight onward, Becca is mine in every way. She’s in my bed and my life. If something happens and you have issues with her, you’re to bring them to me. If you see someone bothering her, contact me instantly. As you would protect anyone in our circle, I ask that you offer that protection to my Becca.”

  In the dull lighting, he could see the smiles on his friends’ faces. Craig wasn’t smiling so much as smirking. He stood with his arms folded over his chest and the look on his face clearly stated he was in favor of Kendrick’s choice.

  Turning his mind to the one that mattered in that moment, Kendrick turned toward his girl and for a brief moment couldn’t move. Becca had done as he asked and knelt beside him. But the way she did it took his breath away. Instead of kneeling next to him and facing their audience, she knelt facing him. She was a vision of submission. The low lighting flickered across her shoulders, making them appear a creamy peach. Her nipples were erect and she sat back in her heels with her back straight, her head up, and her eyes cast down.

  He pulled the collar out of his pocket. The design drew his eye and he looked at it. Made from one strip of leather, a long oval had been left whole but the rest of it had been stripped and weaved together, bringing chaos out of order and returning it absolutely perfectly.

  “Rebecca Hesse,” he said clearly, his voice echoing in the large chamber. “Will you accept my collar and be my submissive? Will you follow my command and trust that my decision will be in your best interests? Will you allow me to love you as long as it is possible to do so?”

  Becca slowly raised her eyes, the lights showing how glassy they were. Love poured out at him from those beautiful hazel orbs. “Yes, Sir. I accept your collar and your dominance. I trust you and submit myself to you. I love you,” she ended on a whisper, her breath catching on a sob.

  “Stand.” He reached out and took her hand when it was obvious she was struggling. Tears trickled down her cheeks and small hiccupping sobs escaped her throat. Her emotions were out for everyone to see. She’d never been more beautiful.

  Once she stood tall before him, he turned the collar toward her so she could see it. In the center where Jilly had left the leather intact was burned one simple word. MINE. He wrapped the leather around her throat and used the small lock to secure it. When he stepped back, the rest of the world faded away as he took in his girl—his submissive, his love—standing proudly before him.

  While he could have stared at her all night, that wasn’t why they were there. Kendrick took a step to the side and pointed to the device. “Come.” She followed him and he pointed to the metal piece that was affixed to the floor. “Straddle it.” Becca stepped over the metal and he moved the upper arms into place under hers. He quickly wrapped cuffs around her wrists and secured them and added a cuff to each upper arm as well. Once those were snapped shut, her upper body was secure.

  He pulled over one of the many arms that Alec had created for the apparatus and placed it right in front of her left foot. “Lift,” he said and placed a hand on her left ankle. She allowed him to place her foot on the foot rest and he affixed a cuff to her ankle and her instep to keep her from sliding off. He walked around to her right side and tapped her right ankle. The pause was slight but Becca took a deep breath before she allowed him to lift her r
ight leg and put it on the arm. He quickly secured it. Pride in the amount of trust she showed him filled him up.

  There was no doubt that allowing him to do this was putting her out of her comfort zone. And he was going to push her further. Each of the arms was built into a computer system and he walked over to the small monitor and pushed the sequence he wanted and grabbed the small remote. He stepped back to her side and placed a hand on her ass. “Relax,” he said calmly and pushed the button on the remote. The arms that held her feet began to lift and expand. A squeak left her and he pressed a little more firmly on her ass, making sure she knew he was there.

  She tensed, but when it became obvious that the places she was attached would not let her fall, she relaxed a little. Her ass hung down while her legs hung up in a V and her arms and upper body were held above the floor. She was open for anything he wanted to do to her.

  Once she looked as comfortable as she could in that position, he walked back to his bag and opened it. He pulled out his favorite flogger, a rattan cane, two dildos, a halter, and a vibrating ring. After laying everything on a small table that was behind her so she couldn’t see it, he spread his hands on her lower back and slid them down to her ass. He pulled back and smacked her hard.

  She gasped and then moaned. Perfect response.

  He grabbed the small leather harness and affixed it around her inner thighs and buttocks. It wouldn’t cover any area he might want to hit, but it would keep the vibrating ring where he put it. He slid the ring into place and flipped the switch to turn it on. The ring had been devised for men, but he had instantly found a way to use it with a female. The ring surrounded Becca’s clit but didn’t hit the most sensitive glans. It would be tantamount to being teased and teased and teased without getting the big push that would make her come.

  Until he added the other toys and his own cock.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Becca hadn’t spent much time in the dungeon so she had never seen this particular piece of equipment. It looked a bit like it belonged in medieval torture chambers, only it seemed to be animatronic as well. Doms could do the most dastardly things with average items. With a piece like this, it left the use up to the Dom’s wildest imagination. And Kendrick’s imagination was infinite as far as she could tell.

  Her upper body was supported by the metal, but with her legs also up in the air, it left her entire ass and pussy dangling in air. That was both slightly humiliating and freeing. Just like that day in the forest, she was his to do with as he pleased. And she could hardly wait to see what he pleased.

  Well, except for that vibrating thing. It pulsated through her entire pussy, but it wasn’t hitting her clit. It felt like she had an itch and she couldn’t scratch it.

  A warm wet finger pressed against her back hole and she moaned as it pushed inside. A warm chuckle wafted past her ear. “You can squeeze your muscles, little one. It’s still going in.”

  It? She blinked. Sounded like whatever was about to go in wouldn’t be his cock. Before she could wonder what he would use—a vibrator maybe—he pressed three fingers in and she gasped at the intrusion.

  “That’s right, Becca. My hole. It’s mine to do with as I please.”

  She trembled and let her head fall back in surrender. The fact was, as uncomfortable as three fingers were, they also felt amazing. She loved it when he fucked her, no matter what hole he chose, but she had to admit she had an affinity for him fucking her ass. Becca didn’t have a fetish for it like some subs and hadn’t wanted it before. But Kendrick was just so good at it that he’d turned her into an ass whore. No. Not an ass whore. His ass whore.

  His fingers pulled out and she squeezed her sphincter, feeling the lube he’d pressed inside her drip out. It was both disgusting and a total turn on. The buzz of the machine came to life and she wondered what it would do now. And then she didn’t have to wonder anymore. Oh shit. Something large pressed against her ass and slowly slid inside. A dildo. It was a dildo. But it was connected to something that whirred and buzzed and went in and out of her ass so slowly that she wanted to scream.

  Kendrick usually fucked her fast and she wanted fast.

  But she’d promised to submit to him and so she forced her body to relax as the dildo continually went in and out. The hard slap of a flogger filled the air at the same moment heat flashed across her ass and she gasped and arched her back. Another blow fell and she whimpered in pleasure and pain as the thud became a wonderful throbbing ache in her pussy that was spread by the vibrating thing around her clit.

  So much sensation. The falls of the flogger came in a slow beat, going in time with the dildo. In, thwap, out, thwap. So slow. Too slow. And yet totally and completely wonderful.

  Her buttocks sizzled with heat and when he stopped she took a few seconds to try and catch her breath. Kendrick stepped into her view and she stared at her gorgeous hunk of Dom. He was one sexy man. And he definitely knew how to drive her to the brink and carry her over into sensation she hadn’t known existed until him.

  His face was a total mask of concentration. His eyes were on her, taking in her breathing and each twitch she made. And no doubt cataloguing it for the next time he used this dastardly machine. He pulled another one of those metal arms over and affixed another dildo to it. He wasn’t going to… No. Double penetration? Before the thought even went through her head, he pressed the head of the dildo against her pussy and pushed a button on a remote. It slid inside as the dildo in her ass slid out. Both dildos rubbed against one another through the thin lining inside her body and she mewled softly, unable to stay quiet even though she wanted to.

  Kendrick looked up into her eyes, the color of his a dazzling, passionate blue. He was as turned on as she was. And he watched her as the dildos moved in and out of her, driving her up and up as they rubbed and brushed and drove her mad. The new one in her pussy continually brushed over her g-spot and she thought she might explode into a million pieces once she did come.

  And then he lifted his hand and she spotted what he held. A rattan cane. She both loved and hated the instrument. It was painful, but the results were worth the pain, especially in his hands.

  One sharp snap and a welt showed up on her inner thigh. Her breathing sped up and she stared as welt after welt appeared on her inner thighs, each one about the same size and equidistant from one another. As he got to the top of her thighs, she thought maybe he would continue around to her back. Instead, he lifted it higher and brought it down on her right breast.

  She cried out in surprise and then instantly shut her mouth as the sting sizzled along the welt. Becca breathed in through her nose to control the pain, to let it slide through her, to let it up the pleasure. Kendrick waited until she calmed and then he brought the cane down on her left breast. More pain but her breathing took that pain and sent it straight to her pussy where it combined with the pressure against her g-spot and sent her brain reeling.

  Pride on Kendrick’s face just made it even better. Each stripe she received from the cane filled her with pleasure and him with pride. When he stepped back, she had no idea how many welts she had and it didn’t matter. They were from him and she considered them a gift.

  With him watching her, she became intimately aware of how wet she was. Liquid trickled out of her pussy and down to her ass and the sound of that wet snap each time the dildos moved was music to her ears.

  Kendrick lifted his hand once more and brought the cane down. Fire lit up over her clit and her world exploded. Lights danced in front of her eyes and somewhere someone was screaming out delighted yelps. Becca thought it might be her.

  The dildo in her pussy was gone but was almost instantly replaced by the real thing. Kendrick reached around her and grasped her ass, which still smarted from the flogging, and he fucked her. His body pistoned in and out of her like a machine and all the while, his eyes held hers. Blue. She focused on the blue while everything else in her vision was stars.

  Snap. Slap. Fuck. Her entire world centered down to wh
at she could see, smell, hear, and feel. Kendrick continued to fuck her hard and fast, just the way she craved. The scent of musk and sex surrounded them like a cloud and she didn’t think she ever wanted it to end. Each wet snap as he pulled out and slap as his body connected with hers filled her head like a soundtrack. But it was the feeling as his dick continued to ram into her that brought everything together.

  The blue in his eyes intensified and then… the world went soft. Her senses took a hike and she soared on a cloud of such happiness that she never wanted to come down.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Kendrick unhooked Becca from the cuffs and carried her over to a small bed nearby and wrapped the both of them up in a blanket. He could take her back to their cabin later. For now, he wanted to rest with her in the aftermath of their scene.

  She’d taken everything so wonderfully, her trust in him apparent. It was probably a good thing he hadn’t taken a pill tonight or he would have fucked her into a coma.

  Becca curled up to him and he pulled her tighter.

  The soft whispers and murmurs of his friends came from a distance and he didn’t pay much attention. The soft scent of cleaner filled his nostrils and he knew someone was cleaning the equipment. He would thank whomever it was tomorrow.

  Footsteps left through the door and as his mind slowed toward sleep, he finally heard a voice loud enough to make out. It was Slate, Jilly’s cousin.

  “Damn,” he said. “Please tell me somewhere there’s a gay version of Kendrick. Because oh my god I need to find him.”

  Alice laughed softly. “Has anyone told you about his elder brother Rhys? He’s gay and a Dom.”

  “Really?” The voices drifted off and he smiled as he pulled Becca closer. Maybe the next time Rhys visited he’d introduce the two. It would be nice to see his brother with a more permanent sub.


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