He opened that door, prepared for anything.
“You let her get away!” Duncan argued.
“She wasn’t yours to begin with!” Christian yelled, he wanted a fight, he was hoping for it his feelings for Eve continued to grow no matter how much he tried to deny them, he knew sooner or later they would gain control over him.
“We will find her,” Stacy added, more furious than the others. “We will finish what we started, we always do we never leave our meals behind.”
“I’ll stop you.” Christian knew he had it in him to do so.
“You try and you’ll die.” Will stated. Christian and Will always had it out for each other, always having to prove who was more superior exhausted Stacy and Viviana. Viviana mostly kept out of the arguments when it wasn’t her place.
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“After we are done with her, we will come back for you.” Duncan said angrily.
He was relentless when it came to his prey, he never gave up on a hunt especially if one slipped away from him, Christian never showed any fear and he wasn’t going to. Duncan wanted what he thought was his; Christian planned to stop him even if it meant death.
The pack may have left, but they weren’t finished with Christian not by a long shot.
He could still hear their voices inside of his head, a gift he didn’t tell a soul especially them. It would’ve helped him find Eve and he knew he was going to get to her before them.
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Eve stared outside the hotel window couldn’t hear a sound with the howling wind, feeling as though it would have been safer with Christopher and Dana who knew how to fight them. She was strong, but couldn’t take them all, no one could.
Dana who was glad to be home although she worried about her brother who had been taking double shifts just to keep awake and his mind off Eve and the pack had tried to rest in the comfort of her own bed. It had been difficult, always since she was a child. The way the dreams haunted her, disturbed her; made it impossible to concentrate on actual sleep as tired as she felt she was desperate and shutting off her thoughts didn’t seem to work at all.
She could see the pack the second she closed her eyes and Eve, the fear in her eyes which went deeper than she ever thought was possible. They circled around her, leaving no room for escape.
Another premonition, she realized they always felt different than a dream or nightmare.
There was a reason for it; she just had to find out what.
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The pack was bloodthirsty and were seeking revenge. Eve knew not to stay in one place too long they would instantly pick up her scent. Christian had already felt his feelings for her grow immensely, to see her would be a great risk for falling in love. Falling in love with a mortal was something he promised himself he would have never done, the more he thought about her the more he knew it was already happening and there was nothing he could do when love is a powerful weapon more powerful than he was.
Eve was in danger if the pack was after her and they wouldn’t stop until they had her.
Dana thought working with Christian might have been a better plan and Eve would have still been with them. She knew her brother wouldn’t have listened to her about it, it wouldn’t have stopped from thinking of it while there was still time.
Eve might not have known the pack’s plan for her, but she knew it involved death and she knew Christian would have been next in line. A part of her wished he would have gone with her to keep himself safe and she didn’t know why after he had held her captive, there was something in his eyes that called to her; something that made her yearn for him, want him more than she had ever wanted anyone in her entire lifetime.
When he simply breathed it made her heart beat in such a way she had never felt, in a way she never knew she could feel, she didn’t want to stop feeling it but she didn’t if Christian had felt that way too at the time. He wasn’t happy with her escape; she knew that a little too well.
He wanted her but as far as she knew not in the way she wanted him too.
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“We are not letting her get away another time, we get a hold of her we do it than. Who knows what was said or done while he kept her.” Duncan said with a voice filled with anger.
“He feels for her,” Stacy said, “We can use that as a trap.”
Viviana didn’t much of a point, she wasn’t different than the rest of them. She wasn’t dead set on always having revenge, she wanted to be free like Christian. He did what he wanted when he wanted and didn’t have anyone to answer to. Duncan thought because he was the oldest of all of them he had every right to take charge, his attitude alone annoyed her and she wasn’t sure how much longer she would have been able to tag along with them without roaming off on her own.
She wished she was able to at the moment that thought was going through her mind. They were talking about death because secrets might have been revealed. Secrets Duncan didn’t want any of them to know.
They had a rule, to not kill for the sheer pleasure of it Duncan couldn’t keep it.
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Jade Erikson was walking into her work parking lot after closing, the last of the patients had left the doctor’s office and she was alone. She was searching through her purse for her keys when she heard a strange rustle in the trees. She turned around to have a look when she dropped them on the pavement after bending over to get them Duncan charged at her with the instinct to kill. It wasn’t for hunger, he knew it; it was the monster inside of him that urged him to do another. He felt as though Christian knew something, his behavior around him was what gave it away.
Christian had seen him, it was difficult keeping the secret from the others. The danger he would have put them in was too much for him to bare. Duncan was not the same man they knew him as before he turned into the wolf. It was hard to deny them; the constant cravings.
A heart beat called to him a mile away and the less he fought them, the hungrier he became.
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Micah thought he had seen her, if Gwen was in town it meant trouble for a lot of mortals and for himself and she would have gone after Lily and her sister. He had a feeling when he watched the news to keep updated on the recent deaths and he saw her in the background watching the news reporter, keeping out of sight with blood on her mind.
It wasn’t what he had expected; he hadn’t seen her since he snuck off on his own. He didn’t want to be turned further into something he would regret, but Gwen wasn’t finished with him yet.
As Katya walked the darkness she was remembering how much used to love the night as a mortal and how the air smelled so fresh when she did it on the beach, the sounds of the critters in the distance made the night even more beautiful.
When she met Gwen she made the choice to not let herself forget the enchanting ways of life, how having a heart beat was so unique. It made her wish she had enjoyed more nights than she had. Gwen expected more of her, once she had been a half-vampire like her sister Lily had been, understanding why Lily had fought the monster inside of her for so long. She was there when her sister chose to feed, hidden where she could not be seen. As a vampire, the hours are longer and dreadful. You wait until it’s time to feed and feed again sometimes, the cravings just don’t stop.
In her mind, she did have a choice to kill the beast within herself before a hunter.
She could feel her sister didn’t like the darkness she chose to embrace, she set out to find her she still questioned whether or not to let her see her after every confrontation they ended up having was worse than the one before.
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Lily was on a hunt, she found her prey at the local carnival. He was riding the Ferris wheel with a date, two for the price of one.
Where was Micah when you needed him? She thought, as she stood near it watching, waiting for the ride to end she stayed a few feet behind them, pretending she was just a tourist.
heard them talking and the girl laughing flirtatiously. She could hear her hunger as it gnawed at her insides, she wanted to know the taste of their sweet blood; she wanted her every being to be fulfilled, but she had to be patient.
She stepped into the shadow when her sister Katya appeared.
“You’re in my way!” Lily shouted with frustration as the prey was getting away.
“You don’t want them.” She said cautiously, “This may not be your first kill, my dear sister but it’ll end up being your last if you are not careful you are not strong enough yet to take on two.”
She didn’t want to listen, what she really wanted was to feed.
“I suggest you get out of my way!!” The anger in her voice rose.
She heard the two she had chosen, screaming in the distance.
“Move now.” She wanted to get by anxiously.
“You don’t want to get involved with something you know nothing about.” She said as she stepped aside to let her through.
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Eve entered a grocery store for the food she would to need to survive as well as drinks, not expecting to be stopped by a police officer on the way out because she looked too young to be out on her own.
“You look like you shouldn’t even about here.” The officer said worriedly.
“I’m fine really.” Eve said nervously, hoping he wouldn’t notice she wasn’t.
“Alright I’ll let you go.” But he was going to keep a close eye on her.
The hotel wasn’t far from the grocery store; she was lucky and thankful for it. The pack was always on her mind, she was barely sleeping and she knew Christian would have eventually closed in on her as well the question was would he have helped or took their side?
The endless thoughts made her head hurt. She sat there on the bed with the T.V on eating her dinner, she couldn’t see much from what she was watching with all the static, when she finished she turned it off laid in for the night, believing she actually would have slept.
But the dreams stopped her.
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They came to her often and still didn’t know why; they came to her just before Dana and Christopher come to rescue her, she only wished she could have read their thoughts and she would have known what was to become of her. She knew she was in for the fight for her life.
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Lily was angry that her sister had gotten in her way once more. She hadn’t changed much outside from becoming a vampire. It reminded her of the time when they were six years old and Lily had a pet, Katya wanted to play with and Lily refused to let her. The next morning, they learned the dog had somehow got out of the sliding door and accidentally drowned in the pool, Lily had always believed it was Katya but could never prove it.
She hadn’t seen Micah in weeks since he left her and hadn’t expected him to be in the motel room sitting on the bed just thinking, he wasn’t sure what she was going to say to him but he was ready for it.
“You’re back?” She asked surprised by her own words when she wanted to scream and yell at him only calmness came out.
“I thought you would need me.” And she would if Gwen caught up with her, Gwen was a very jealous type of vampire if she claimed what was hers no one else could own.
If Lily had been a smart girl she would have stayed clear of her path.
He could see it through his mind’s eye what Lily had wanted; it was Gwen had already put a mark on and she put a mark on Lily, her sister tried to tell her she was getting in too deep.
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“I needed you when you left.” He knew she was right, he felt guilty being a vampire hadn’t changed him, no matter how hard Gwen had tried to stop him from being who he wanted to be.
“I made a mistake can we leave it at that.” He couldn’t lie to himself; he had feelings for her, something half-vampires sometimes refused to let themselves feel. Micah could have never fed off another human being.
It was up to him to save her, he couldn’t imagine what it would be like without her.
call of night: beyond the dark Page 5