Erotica: 11 Short Stories XXX Bundle

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Erotica: 11 Short Stories XXX Bundle Page 8

by Tina Long

  Then, she was shocked to see Bob kneeling between her thighs. She was not holding his prick really close to her vagina. She pushed it away a bit further.

  “We will not have sex,” she said.

  “We will just touch each other,” she added.

  “I am okay with it but we can rub just the tip against your labia, it is harmless,” he replied.

  “This will help you to have an idea of the feeling,” he suggested.

  While he was talking, Bob was pulling his cock from her hand and grazing it along her cunt lips back and forth. The babysitter squirmed quietly as she became conscious of where his dick was and what it was doing. She was about to protest when she felt the dick penetrating her.

  “I said no sex,” gasped Natalia.

  “You are pushing it inside,” she pointed.

  “No, I am not pushing in, your lips are slightly pouted and the tip just snuggled naturally in the spot,” he replied.

  “You can look down and see that your inner labia are slightly gripping my cock,” he continued.

  “I can make you more comfortable if I push it a bit inside so that your inner lips close properly around it,” he added as he pushed in his prick.

  She felt it rubbing a sensitive spot inside her and she involuntarily pressed against his dick to see if it would ease the strange sensations she was feeling. She let out a slight gasp as she felt a wave of pain from her cunt. Bob’s dick was now moving deeper into her pussy.

  “I said no sex,” she almost wailed.

  “I am not the one to blame, I was just showing you what it would do and you pressed yourself against it,” he responded quickly.

  “I did not know. Stop now,” she protested.

  “If I stop now, it would be a waste of effort,” he said.

  “I do not understand,” she replied.

  “Well, you have now lost your virginity and it is fair to enjoy the fun that comes with it,” he explained.

  “You have just to relax a bit,” he added.

  She had to admit that he was not wrong. She knew it but she was just a bit confused to process it. She found out that it was hard to think clearly with a dick in your pussy. Bob was now thrusting steadily, pushing the entirely of his prick into the babysitter and he realized that the young woman was now getting restless after a few thrusts.

  “Baby, it would be easier if you thrust back,” he whispered.

  “You should give it a try and see it for yourself,” he added.

  She found herself thrusting back and she liked the sensation. It was really amazing and she decided to take more of his meat. Since she was now into it, Bob decided to pick up the tempo.

  He smiled at the young woman as Natalia was getting used to the various sensations her body was feeling. She kept quiet but vowed to be vocal the next times. She was not completely quiet as she was making some moans of approval while Bob pushed into her. A keen sound from her mouth told him that she desired more and this was what he gave her.

  Natalia was now clinging to Bob. Without realizing it, she wrapped her legs around him and clutched his broad shoulders with her hands. She dug her fingers tightly as she thrusted against him herself, savoring the close contact of his muscular body against hers.

  She desired to feel more of him inside her and she was going crazy with her excitement as she began begging him, not realizing what was coming out of her mouth.

  Bob was pleased to respond as he sped up the tempo and began fucking her harder and faster. Natalia nearly convulsed as her orgasm hit her violently. Bob was happy to explode inside her.

  It was over and the babysitter resumed to slowly putting on her clothes. She was still in kind of amusement as she thought about what had taken place a few seconds ago. It was at that moment that Helen walked back in the room.

  “Bob, give us a minute,” said Helen to her husband and Bob left the room.

  “Did you enjoy this?” asked Helen.

  “You do not have to say since it is all written over your face,” she pointed.

  “And I can tell you will enjoy it more after some practice,” she added.

  “More?” asked the babysitter with confusion.

  “I am not sure if I will survive with more,” she pointed.

  “I mean that you need some tips to improve your skills,” she explained.

  “Since you are a bit sore now, you can come back tomorrow for some lessons,” she added.

  Natalia could not believe that she said yes as she left the house.

  The End

  Threesome at Birthday Party

  Kevin had just gotten off the phone when he heard the doorbell ring. He instantly hoped it was either Yvonne or Jenny. He had been waiting for them for a whole hour and they still hadn't shown up which was disappointing considering they had a surprise birthday party to throw and they were running late. He walked to the door and opened it to find Yvonne with a regretful expression on her face. He had known her long enough to tell that it was fake.

  "I'm so sorry I'm late," she recited, "I got caught up at the mall because I really couldn't find the decorations I wanted." It was another lie that fell effortlessly from her lips.

  "Did you find them?" he asked deciding to go along with her. Knowing Yvonne she had probably ended up screwing the cashier. Yvonne was a major slut and the whole neighborhood would constantly talk about her. He did not care though because Yvonne was still someone he could count on and very kind when she was not fucking around random men. However, he didn't want to question her about her lateness because he just wanted the party to go on successfully.

  "Of course I did. I always have your back, don't I?" she replied showing him a bag full of the stuff he had asked her to get from the birthday.

  "Yeah, I know you do. Let's just go inside," Kevin said as he moved away from the door so that she could come in. He took the bag from her and walked to the kitchen to place them on the counter. He was just about to go through the bag when the doorbell rang again. This time he knew it had to be Jenny. He went back to the door and opened it.

  "Jenny. You finally decided to show up," he said mockingly. She blushed at his accusatory remark and could not remember the excuse she had wanted to offer. She muttered unclearly under her breath before Kevin rolled his eyes an ushered her into the house. She placed the box of drinks on the counter and sat beside Yvonne. Kevin found it suspicious that they had come within a minute of each other but he just did not want to know what was happening. Today was just going to be about his daughter Teresa.

  "So you both know that we are behind schedule because for some reason both of you decided to show up late. So we'll just start with the decorations. I'd expected this more from Yvonne. You two can take the living room and I'll decorate the backyard. Is that clear?" he asked. They just nodded and went off in their appointed directions. Kevin knew that he should not be so hard on the women who were just trying to help him out but this was his daughter's birthday they were screwing up. He sucked in a few deep breaths before walking to his backyard with some of the decorations in his hands. He was all about positive thinking so what mattered now was that they were here.

  He had been trying to plan this birthday for two weeks and though he knew he was putting way too much effort into this, he knew it would be worth it when he saw the expression on Teresa's face. He was halfway done when he decided that he needed more balloons and went inside to get them. He was however more than a little annoyed when he saw that the living room wasn't even done yet.

  "Yvonne. Jenny," he called out harshly, "what the fuck are you guys doing?"

  He walked to the kitchen to find them getting up from the floor. Their hair was a mess and Jenny had lost a few buttons from her yellow blouse. He was puzzled for a moment not knowing what to say.

  "I'm so sorry," Jenny said before he could think any further, "we can explain."

  "Explain that you guys are fighting when you're supposed to be organizing my daughter's birthday," he asked rudely. The two women had a pu
zzled expression on their faces for a while before Yvonne decided to talk.

  "Yes we were fighting. I'm so sorry. We just couldn't agree where to put these balloons."

  "You guys need to get your shit together. Is that clear?"

  "Yes," Jenny and Yvonne replied in unison surprised at how clueless Kevin could be. They had known this about him for some time, but it still never failed to shock them. That was what made him more attractive though and that was why they had decided to help with the arrangements. That was why every woman had offered to help. They counted themselves lucky to have had such an opportunity.

  Kevin grabbed a couple of balloons from the counter before going back outside to finish up with the decorations. He kept wondering what had happened between Yvonne and Jenny to make them so mad at each other. He had never known them to be violent or dramatic women. That was why he had wanted them and no one else to help him out. Of course it also had something to do with how hot they were and how they were always trying to get him into bed with them. Even he as clueless as he was had to admit that to himself. But they were both married so he would not want to pursue them with anything other than friendship. Especially since the failure of his marriage. He made a mental note to try and resolve things between the two friends later. It would not do to have them fight in his house every time they came which was quite often.

  Kevin was done decorating the back yard within thirty minutes and decided to get himself a drink from the kitchen. The living room this time was fully decorated. It was amazing how fast these two could work when they were not fighting. He didn't see them nearby so he headed to the kitchen planning to find them afterwards. He was just about to go in when he heard Yvonne and Jenny arguing again. This was only a few seconds after he had mentally praised them for their good work. These women always had a way of surprising him. He wasn't one to involve himself in such matters so he stood outside waiting for the right time to intervene if he had to. He moved a bit closer so no one could see him but he could hear more clearly.

  "We agreed that I was going to be closer to him today," he recognized Jenny's voice," I let you have him last week."

  "We did not agree on anything," Yvonne replied, this is stupid. It's not like he's a piece of meat."

  He did not understand the conversation or why anyone would be the cause of their fights. They had been close friends since the day he moved in.

  "Look, he's a grown man. If he wants any of us, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard for him to say so," Yvonne tried reasoning with her friend.

  "Fine. But Kevin can't know what happened between us," Jenny said giving up her resolve. Kevin was startled to hear his name mentioned in their conversation.

  “I agree. I don't even know how it happened," Yvonne said, "it was good though. I don't regret a thing."

  "Maybe we should ask him for that other thing we talked about though," Jenny suggested.

  "I don't think he'll agree to the plan," Yvonne said, "he probably won't get what we were saying.”

  "I know," Jenny said and they started to laugh hysterically.

  Kevin had had it with being in the dark for the whole day. These two had been acting strange and it was time they explained themselves to him. And why on earth did they think he wasn't capable of getting anything.

  "Ask me for what?" he asked as he revealed himself from his position behind the door. The girls were surprised to see him. Kevin noticed that they stood too close to each other and immediately felt as if he had interrupted an intimate moment.

  "Kevin, what are you doing here?" Jenny asked.

  "I live here," he replied mockingly, "you guys have been acting weird since you showed up. You need to explain yourselves. And what does any of this have to do with me by the way?"

  The women looked at each other not sure of what to say to Kevin. They didn't want to upset him or make him think he couldn't trust them. That was the last thing they would have wanted to do at the time so they knew they had to tell him the truth eventually.

  "We don't have the whole day ladies. We have a party to organize," he said noticing their hesitation.

  Yvonne and Jenny looked at each other for a while before Jenny nodded to her friend and walked towards Kevin.

  "Yvonne and I are sleeping together. It's been going on for a while," Jenny explained with a shrug of her shoulders. Kevin was beyond surprise. He knew that they were not lesbians and that they were also married so this did not make any sense at all. What could have led to their sudden attraction to each other. Of course it might be just because both of them were crazy hot. He would do anything to be a part of the action.

  "What does this have to do with me?" he asked as the thought suddenly occurred to him. Jenny moved closer to him until they were just but an inch apart and his lips hovered over hers.

  "We want you to be a part of it?" Yvonne said from her position beside the counter. It was as if she had read her mind.

  "Aren't you two married?" he asked having been taken by surprise.

  "Jenny has an open marriage and my husband is too old for me to have sex with," Yvonne said as she walked towards them and stood by Jenny, "besides we also thought that it would be good to try something different for a change."

  "No we didn't Yvonne. It just happened," Jenny chipped in.

  "Haven't you two been fighting?" Kevin asked trying to stop this from happening thought he wanted it very badly, "I just saw you do it in my floor like a while back."

  "You are so clueless Kevin," Jenny said with a smirk. Suddenly everything seemed to make more sense to Kevin. The messy hair, the popped buttons. How could he not have realized that they were having sex in his kitchen. He had had people call him clueless before especially his ex-wife before she left him to go fulfill herself by helping the poor.

  "I like that about you though," Yvonne pitched in, "it makes you a lot cuter not that you aren't hot enough already."

  "So you mean to tell me that you two were doing it in my kitchen?" he asked.

  "Yeah that's it," Yvonne answered.

  "And did you also happen to show up late because of that?" he asked again.

  "Yeah. We got occupied in Jenny's car and time flew past us," Jenny answered his question calmly.

  "We thought it would be fun and it was. So what do you say to joining us. It will be fun. Besides I know you want us. I see the way you look at us when we come over." Jenny said. She moved behind him where she ran her hands own his masculine back. Yvonne took the opportunity to kiss him. It was a long kiss and he could feel himself losing his sanity with it. He hadn't been with a woman since his ex-wife. He knew this was a dream come true to most men and he would be a fool not to jump on the opportunity.

  "So what do you think?" Yvonne asked after she stopped kissing him.

  "What about the birthday party?" he asked remembering his obligations even through the hazy lust.

  "What birthday party?" Jenny asked mischievously as she bit his earlobe gently.

  "Fine, but we have to make this fast and no one could ever know about this," he replied giving in to the temptation but still trying to keep his integrity for his daughter's sake.

  "What about the birthday party?" Jenny asked mockingly.

  "Fuck the birthday party," Kevin replied as he turned Yvonne around and kissed her neck. He led her to his bedroom where he threw her on his bed. He turned to Jenny who had followed them and kissed her also.

  “Show me what you did in the car," he demanded, "exactly like you did it and don't leave anything out."

  Jenny joined Yvonne on the bed and kissed her slowly as Yvonne’s arms wrapped around her neck. Jenny pulled Yvonne closer while their lips moved in sync and ran her hands down her chest smoothly. She cupped her breasts through the flimsy fabric of her blouse and started to unbutton her shirt revealing a black lacy bra. She removed the entire shirt from Yvonne and expertly unhooked her bra. Her hands delicately cupped her breasts and Yvonne moaned at the contact. She let one hand wander down to the waistband of her short
s and encircle the soft skin around it. She opened the button and slid her hand down Yvonne's shorts while her other hand still expertly tugged on the pebbled nipple. Her other hand found Yvonne's pussy which was wet with need and she slid two fingers into her. A moan escaped Yvonne's throat and she started to buck her hips to meet the thrust of Jenny's fingers which moved slowly inside her.

  "Go faster Jenny," she begged her voice husky with lust.

  Kevin just stood there watching them. He was awed by the beautiful sight before him as his throbbing erection was proof. He felt his breathing getting heavier as each second passed and could no longer stand to be just watching. Jenny must have noticed this because as soon as Yvonne had her orgasm, she crawled over to the edge of the bed where Kevin had been watching them from and kissed him. His hands slid down her back as her slid down his chest till she was at his crotch. She took off his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. She dragged his pants and boxers down to get a better view of his junk. She reached her hand for him and grabbed his penis. She teased at the tip that was covered in pre-cum with her thumb and heard his breathing get faster. Jenny bent over and put his cock into her mouth. She started with the tip first sucking at it slowly then put his whole cock into his mouth. She began to move her head slowly at first the picked up speed gradually. His hand was in her hair the whole time.

  Yvonne crawled over to Jenny and kneeled behind her. Taking advantage of her arse high position she dragged her hand up her thigh to her wet pussy. She stroked her for a while before sliding a finger into her. Jenny moaned at the contact. Yvonne's other finger rubbed at her clit roughly until Jenny had an orgasm.

  "Turn around," Kevin instructed Jenny and pulled away from her lips. Jenny did as she was told and turned. Without any warning, Kevin slammed into her and he began to move inside her. Yvonne started to kiss Jenny on her lips while sliding her fingers into her own pussy. She moaned as she came apart with another orgasm. Almost immediately, Jenny had her own orgasm.


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