Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man

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Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man Page 3

by Susan B. Martinez, Ph. D.


  The Holy Bible refers to events of this sort as restocking the world with a more advanced people. The protohistorian’s version predicates that “man’s first civilization arose on Lemuria,” whose émigrés became the initiators who went on to “stimulate the development of civilizations in Egypt, Peru, Tiahuanaco and the lands of the Celts.”3 And this is why the Egyptian god Ptah, who “re-created” the world after the flood, is pictured as a dwarf. For these émigrés, the sons of Noah, were of the Ihin race, a short, pale, and bearded people. These Egyptian-Lemurians, in turn, seem to correspond with the ancient people of Libya called the Garamantes, ancestors of the Egyptians who are painted on walls and cliffs as fair-skinned, blond charioteers living in the Sahara Desert.

  This period, ca 24 kya, is generally recognized as the time of dramatic demographic dispersal of genetically modern peoples (AMHs). The deluge brought about a new configuration of the globe and was the true year one of the present human race.4 It is the deluge, really, that divides the Upper from the Lower Paleolithic. At that time, 24 kya, the only advanced culture left in the world was on the continent of Pan.

  Figure P.2. James Churchward’s map of Mu (Pan). Churchward made famous the phrase “the motherland of Mu.”

  The Ihin hath been destroyed off all the divisions of the earth save Wagga [aka Pan].


  As we will be seeing, retrobreeding and genocide in the Old World had curbed the march of civilization. Indeed, the chosen people (Ihin) had everywhere been killed off and despoiled, and by 24 kya, even the land of Pan had become peopled over with men raised up to deeds of blood; yet a remnant of the peaceful Ihins remained, hiding from their evil pursuers.5

  Preflood people are an older stratum, often with unclassifiable languages and unique customs and physiognomy. Today there seem to be a few surviving languages that were spoken by the little people before their near-universal extermination by barbarians (those “wicked” giants), which took place before the flood: The Filipino Abenlens, for instance, speak a language of their own that no one ever heard of. The Ainu language of Japan is also unlike any other. The (Bay of Bengal) Andamanese speak a completely unclassifiable language. The little people of Australia have a language different from the full-size Aborigines. The tiny Tapiro of New Guinea also retain a unique language. The Malagasy Mikea people have a vocabulary and way of life completely unlike their neighbors, their language thought to be a remnant of the Vazimba tongue. All of the above-mentioned are little people.

  Centuries ago, when two African pygmies were brought to the king of Italy, it was soon learned that they spoke a dialect of their own, different from any known African tongue. Why? Because they go back to preflood days, predating the influx of Pan people and their subsequent mixes in Africa (explained in chapter 11). Schweinfurth believed the little Akka and Bushmen were the ultimate aboriginals of the continent. Today, the Mbenga pygmies are extremely divergent from all other human populations; they are among the unclassifiable groups and language speakers, which may well be anterior to the great postflood amalgamations.

  There is reason to believe the “chosen” people were chosen to survive the devastation of Pan, for they were the light bearers (the “immortals”) of deepest antiquity. Records kept by the Babylonian priesthood traced the first dynasty after the flood to the year 24,500 BP. Studying the Babylonians and their Gilgamesh Flood Epic, we find the hero setting out in search of immortality; a man named Utnapishtim (the Babylonian Noah) and his family had been the only survivors of the debacle and afterward the gods made them immortal. This immortality (as we touch on again in chapters 2 and 7) was the force of soul, the capacity for everlasting life—made possible through the influence and genes of the Ihins, sole survivors of the deluge, “seed” and spark of future humanity.


  Five great divisions of the earth there are . . . [for] the Lord established the five peoples who were saved from Pan.


  While the doctrine called monogenism (one origin) has mankind arising in a single place, the school of polygenism posits separate development of the races in several different locations. A leading polygenist and anthropologist, Carleton Coon, thought Homo sapiens arose not in one place or cradle, but in five different areas of the world.

  The ancient tradition of five divisions of Earth (iconically five men) seems to reinforce Coon’s (much derided, as we will see) scheme of mankind established into five different races: Caucasoid, Congoid, Capoid, Mongoloid, and Australoid. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, the father of physical anthropology, also divided the human races into five, a bit more accurately than Coon: Caucasian (Shem), Mongolian (Jaffeth), Ethiopian (Ham), American (Guatama), and Malayan (Yista). As we will see, these five races, Shem, Jaffeth, Ham, Guatama, and Yista, correspond to the five fleets out of Pan (see figure P.3 for depictions from all over the world of five men in a boat, representing the five races leaving Pan).

  Five figures appear on the Sumatran “soul ship,” a ceremonial motif; the frequent appearance of boats of the dead in Sundaland (Southeast Asia) may be understood as a memorial to the land of their ancestors to the east—Oceania. I think it is significant that the Oceanic Malekulans attribute their megalithic-building tradition to five culture-bearing brothers, white men with aquiline noses. In India as well, the Pan-davas are the five heroes/brothers of the Mahabharata, their name presumably based on Sanskrit pan-du, meaning “white, yellow-white pale.” A tradition of five brothers is also recalled by the Haida Indians of British Columbia, who say the first people came out of clamshells (read dugouts, arks), and they were “five little bodies,” which is to say the Ihins, Homo sapiens pygmaeus.

  And J. blew His breath upon the ships of His sons and daughters; blew them about upon the ocean; blew them to the east and west and north and south . . . the ships were congregated into four fleets; thirty-four ships [e.a.] into each fleet, except two ships, which were carried together in a fleet by themselves. The Lord said: I will name the fleets of my chosen, and their [five] names shall be everlasting on the earth: Guatama, Shem, Jaffeth, Ham and Yista. The Lord said: From these, my seed, I will people the earth over in all its divisions.


  Figure P.3. Five men in a boat. The image of five men in a raft has been portrayed in almost every part of the world.

  The Irish Book of Invasions records that the Nemhedh were five brothers who, bringing order, justice, and prosperity, established the five provinces of Ireland. These Nemedians “had thirty-four [e.a.] ships that traveled the open sea in search of new lands.” The name Nemedian seems to be an anglicization of Neimhidh, being a “noble sacrosanct, worthy” people who arrived in Ireland some time (six hundred years) after the deluge. As Nemed, they are the king’s poets and the forefathers of Ireland’s diminutive Tuatha de Danaan, a “divine” race.


  Caucasoid origins remain . . . shrouded in mystery.


  Mystery, really, means that something, a piece of the puzzle, is missing (perhaps ignored or even suppressed). Too often mystery is the throwaway term for issues that today’s paradigm enforcers would rather not deal with. But where did Caucasians come from? Cross-cultural comparisons may tell a tale: in many places, the sudden injection of culture (along with a different breed of people, a Europoid type) 24,000 to 25,000 years ago brought with it a raft of inventions that are uncannily similar in widely separated lands.

  Every case is different. It’s the similarities that intrigue.


  In the last two centuries, new light has begun to shine on these parallel works, which include: pyramids, mounds, arts, engineering, agriculture, medicine, astronomy, navigat
ion, writing—the entire gestalt hinting at a mutual heritage, a common origin. But this wellspring of humanity, the key to all that followed, the key to the Upper Paleolithic and all its “mysteries,” has not been a welcome subject on academic turf for a long time. It remains in limbo.

  But it is not a mystery. Only the straitjacket rules of science have made it so. Europe’s Cro-Magnon man, it is understood, came from elsewhere, since all that was before in Europe were brutish Neanderthals. The oldest rock painting in France is 25 kyr. French cave art at Lascaux, Ain, and Montespan, dated perhaps 20 kya, was the work of little people, for here the Cro-Magnon artist (usually over six feet) was less than five feet tall. France’s Lascaux paintings are reminiscent of South African cave art dated 22 kya. “It would seem that the masters of Lascaux came from Asia or even from the legendary Mu.”6 Perhaps so, for the first Paleo-Caucasoids also turn up in China, Australia, and America at this time; and it is probably not a coincidence that Mexico’s (Valsequillo) artifacts of the Cro-Magnon type are given this date: 24,000 BP.

  Russian art may hold some answers: The earliest artists in the region of Lake Baikal are dated 23,000 years old; a 24,000-year-old Sunghir burial (near Moscow) contained thousands of ivory beads—one of the earliest examples of jewelry. Most intriguing is the tradition in Vladimir, Russia, that their village is 24,000 years old. Indeed, pre-historians say moderns first spread through central Siberia and Russia at that time. The earliest Venus figurines are also part of the mix, dated in Russia to 24,000 BP. In fact, the distribution of Venuses is so extensive in the Old World as to suggest “a large population movement [in] the final . . . period of the Ice Age.”7

  We can track this movement in cranial morphology, Russia appearing as the hub of a widespread round headed race; this brachycephaly, as it is called, is the distinctive head shape of the Ihins, who made their way from Pan to almost every continent. As one approaches “Hiva [Pan aka Mu], the more the people become brachycephalic.”8


  Italian prehistorian Egisto Roggero in Il Mare observed that “the great Oceanic race, an ancient people of whose story we know nothing . . . [were striking in] their resemblance to the white races of the west.” Polynesians are neither Australoid nor Negroid nor Mongoloid, but rather a combination of these races, also possessing “a strong white element,”9 their tall redheads so like the stately Inca nobility with their wheat-colored hair. Remarkably pale people abide at Baie des Francais and Mangea, as well as on other islands of the Pacific,10 such as New Hebrides (the Ambat people), the Solomons, Vanuatu, Fiji, Rotumah, and Suuna Rii. The Polynesian race founder Kon-tiki is said to be bearded and white, as were the little people of Hawaii. Bearded people (most typical of the Caucasian stock) are also known among South America’s Mapuche Indians, Arawaks, Tiahuanacans, and Incans. Builders of Brazil’s Trans-Amazon Highway came across a white-skinned, red-bearded tribe called the Assurinis, their language different from the regional dialects. Though the ancient Mexicans were themselves beardless, most of their deities were bearded (like the Olmec statuettes), just as the Alux, a relict race of little people in the Yucatan, sport long jet-black beards. James Churchward in his classic, The Lost Continent of Mu, explained this by supposing that “far back there was a white race dominating Mexico and Central America. . . . All the kings and queens of Mayax during the twelve dynasties were of the white race. . . . The forefathers of the white Polynesians of today, the forefathers of the white Mayas of Yucatan and the forefathers of all our white races were one and the same.”

  In North America the Pomo and Hupa Indians (California) have remarkably abundant beards, as did the legendary little Nunnehi of Cherokee country as well as the white Eskimos. The 10-kyr Great Stone Face, found in Chicago and not Indian made, is bearded.

  In the Far East the only heavily bearded and Caucasoid people are the Ainu, their name a variant of Ihin and Innu-it. Blond Inuit were seen by Sir John Franklin in the nineteenth century: an Alaskan people with blue eyes and remarkably abundant beards, possibly descendants of the “mummy people” (so called because they mummified their dead), a seven-thousand-year-old Caucasian-like race who lived on Alaska’s Aleutian Islands. Early in the twentieth century, explorers again encountered several tribes of white Eskimos, some with red hair, living on the shores of Davis Straits, their facial features “so well made.”

  Figure P.4. Ainu with beard.

  The Inuit themselves assert “the men first made were white.”11 The Inuit’s ancestors, perhaps ten thousand years ago, enjoyed an advanced culture and possessed a complexion as fair as the Cro-Magnons. American anthropologist Roland Dixon adduced a Neolithic population of blond, fair people extending from Asia to Siberia to the Bering Strait. They may have descended from the people who built an Alaskan “arctic metropolis.”12 Excavations at Ipiutak gave up astonishing ruins—a town a mile long with a population of probably four thousand, remains of eight hundred houses, long avenues of living sites, and thoroughfares. The town’s inhabitants had produced sophisticated ivory carvings with motifs quite similar to the Ainu of Japan. Delicately made and engraved implements also bear an uncanny resemblance to items from North China. The intricate carvings as well as the detachable harpoon head of the Ainus and Alaskans have been carefully compared and deemed almost identical.


  The peoples of Oceania have kept records of a great deluge: “All the legends of Hawaii, the New Hebrides and New Zealand talk about a white-skinned race with fair hair”13 who survived that calamity. New Zealand natives called that long-sunken land Hawaiki, peopled over by “an ancient Caucasian race [from] . . . across the ocean.”14 The highland people on Flores, Indonesia, have their own white Noah, the forefather of their tribe who was “saved from a flood in a ship.” J. Macmillan Brown, geologist and one-time chancellor of the University of New Zealand, found it impossible to account for the remains on Easter Island (in the South Pacific) without positing a submerged archipelago. Since his time, others have asked: Why are Easter Island pictograms so similar to those of India (Mohenjo Daro) and China? (See figure P.5.) Easter Island’s rongorongo inscriptions have also been compared to the pictographs of Panama’s Kuna Indians (see appendix A) and to the figures in Peru’s Nazca lines (geoglyphs), as well as to Egyptian hieroglyphics and decorations at Turkey’s Çatalhüyük.

  Figure P.5. Rongorongo comparisons. On Easter Island this figure was the symbol of knowledge. In my own meanderings I have found variations on the theme of the quipu (an accounting device) on Easter Island, and in China, Babylonia, Peru, and Hawaii.

  The Mu folk of Hawaii’s Kauai forest are described as people with Caucasian features (ancestors, some say, of present-day Aryans15). They were civilized. A numerous and unrivaled race, they were, according to the Hawaiians, shipbuilders and skilled mariners, and one Polynesian legend records exactly how the ark was built. As long as 40 kya, the Ihins were navigating the globe, the regular commerce between Old and New Worlds extensively probed in the work of Barry Fell, Harvard marine biologist and epigrapher, and also in the books of Frank Joseph, Philip Coppens, and others.

  Students of prehistory are taught that Australia was peopled by the migrations from Southeast Asia. In this view (which I do not share) the little people of Australia, as anthropologist J. B. Birdsell argued, can be traced to Negrito migrants moving across South Asia to the southerly islands. On the same wavelength, Joseph Campbell saw the peopling of Melanesia as a late diffusion also coming from the mainland, perhaps China. And in the same way, the ancestors of the Polynesians are thought to have come from Asia around 1500 BCE. I don’t think the Polynesians “came from” anywhere. Nevertheless, genetic studies have found that the great migrations of the Paleolithic moved from the islands of Sundaland (insular Southeast Asia) to the north and west of the mainland, thus populating Asia and beyond, instead of the other way around.

  The most far-fetched theories are offered to account for (explain away) the white genes of Polynes
ians; we will have to argue, though, that they (like the Australians, Papuans, Filipinos, etc.) are all indigenous to their locale and not “imported” from anywhere. If Oceania owes its history to migrants from China or Singapore or Southeast Asia, why are there no antecedents to Austronesian languages on the mainland of Asia? Because they “could have arisen in Oceania.”16 Circling the empty Pacific Ocean are languages that: (1) use numerical classifiers; (2) put the verb first in a sentence; and (3) have pronouns beginning with m and n. This geolinguistic mapping suggests a wave of people spreading out, from some lost Oceanic center, in all directions along the Pacific rim. With vocabulary, numerals, and grammar of Sundaland, Asia, and Native America matching up with Polynesian languages, there is good reason to ask if “at some remote period . . . they were originally one people.”17


  In the Chinese deluge story “the pillars of heaven were broken . . . the heavens sank lower toward the earth . . . and the earth fell to pieces.”*7 On the Asian mainland, “from the end of the flood onwards, we begin to see settlements all along the . . . coast of China.”18 The Uighurs of China are remembered as the first civilizers in the Old World after the flood. Chapter 10 of Patrick Chouinard’s recent book Forgotten Worlds regales us with hundreds of blond and red-haired mummies found in China with Europoid features. “Asia,” he wrote, “was once home to a lost tribe . . . a Caucasian population.”

  The sons of Noah (Jaffeth branch) who fled to China were, like most of the Ihins, white and yellow men: “The original inhabitants of the region, far from being Mongoloid, were actually Caucasian.”19 Neither are the blue-eyed Uighur (of Western China) and the “Paleo-caucasoid” Tocharians (who entered China 25 kya) of a Mongoloid caste. There must be some truth to the Chinese legend recalling that the Gobi Desert was once a great sea and there was an island in this sea inhabited “by white men with blue eyes and fair hair . . . [originally] inhabitants of Mu . . . who imparted civilization.”20


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