Strong Hate (A Thin Line #1)

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Strong Hate (A Thin Line #1) Page 19

by R. D. Berg

  “Maverick, what is wrong with you?” I ask in confusion. Dr. Waller looks between the both of us waiting for an answer.

  Maverick lowers his hands slowly his expression perplexed. “Well, Doc just said we were going to get a look at the little fella, as in boy,” he states as if we all just jumped off the idiot express.

  Dr. Waller clears his throat. “Right, so that is just a figure of speech I use for the fetus, it’s too early for us to determine the sex,” he calmly explains.

  “Ohhhhhh, I gotcha. Well, don’t let me stop the show,” Mavericks jokes, trying to deflect the unwanted attention he’s caused.

  They leave the room, and I am asked to undress from the bottom down so that they can do a sonogram. I take this opportunity to chastise Mav and tell him to settle the fuck down. When they return, the nurse is rolling in a huge contraption I assume is the ultrasound machine. Maverick comes to my side, and takes my hand in his, rubbing it with the pad of his thumb. My eyes go wide as Dr. Waller take out this huge wand looking thing and pops a freaking condom on it, along with a generous amount of lube. I look up to Mav and his eyes mirror mine.

  “Now we are going to insert this into the vagina so that we can get a clearer image for measurements,” Dr. Waller explains as he bends down beneath my sheet. Maverick’s hand has stilled as his eyes are glued to the grainy screen. We both look on as Dr. Waller instructs the nurse to measure this, and take a picture of that. When he’s all done, he removes the wand, and removes his gloves.

  “Say hello to your little fetus.” He points at the screen where a small white dot sits inside of a black circle. We both ogle at the screen as if it will grow right before our eyes. This is beyond amazing.

  Dr. Waller appears over me holding a tiny contraption. “Now, let’s see if we can hear a heartbeat.”

  “Really? This early?” I ask.

  “You are about seven weeks, so might be one there. Now if there isn’t don’t be alarmed, most people don’t hear one until week eight or nine.” He turns on the machine and a soft static noise instantly fills the room. He raised my shirt and presses a small stick into the lower part of my belly. Everyone grows quiet as we all extend our ears eagerly awaiting the tiniest noise. There’s a strong steady beat and he explains that what we are hearing is my heartbeat. After several moments a fast, strong, beat travels through the room. It’s the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.

  “There we go, nice and strong,” he states.

  “That’s our baby?” My voice is quivering as I look up through watery eyes at Maverick who is beaming for ear to ear.

  “That’s our baby,” he whispers and bends down kissing me softly on the forehead. This feeling is indescribable. Our baby is smaller than my fingertip and I am already so in love.

  “So what name do we put at the top of the pictures?” the nurse asks.

  Maverick and I both gaze at each other, tears are streaming down my face, and unshed tears glisten in his eyes. “Strong,” I say more to Maverick than her. “This is baby Strong.”

  “I’ve been craving this place all week.” Lundyn clasps her hands together and rubs them in anticipation while I open the door to Mesa, a local Mexican restaurant here in Lansing.

  “I could have guessed— you’ve been sending me taco emoji’s all week.” Kissing her forehead, we make our way to the host stand.

  Once we are seated at the table, Lundyn orders queso and a sweet tea for both of us. I’m not allowed to drink if she can’t. I’m hoping it’s just her hormones and she’ll ease up on it. A man can dream.

  Lundyn picks up her phone as Finn walks up to our table and takes a seat. She reads her text and says, “Harlow just text that she’ll be a little late.” Then everything else is forgotten because the waitress sits chips and queso in front of her. She instantly picks one up, dipping it in the cheese with a smirk. “Mmm, that’s the best.” Lundyn coo’s and closes her eyes.

  “Pregnancy thing?” Finn quips and I nod with wide eyes and raised brows expressing ‘dude, you don’t even know the half of it.’

  “It’s weird you didn’t bring a date.” Lundyn snaps another chip and talks with her mouth full. “You always have a date.” And now that she points that out, I realize she’s right.

  “Ah, been a bit of a dry spell.” He signals for the waitress while Lundyn finishes chewing, but you can tell she’s got something on her mind. “I’ll have a Shiner, thanks.” Finn orders making my mouth water. Is this what cravings are like?

  “Are you still on that app?” Lundyn’s elbows are on the table totally engrossed in the food and Finn while she takes another swipe of the cheese.

  “Sorry I’m late.” Harlow doesn’t even glance at Finn. Which is odd. “I kinda, you know, didn’t want to be here,” she shrugs. “But you lured me with Mexican food and talk of surprises, so.” She waves her hand to wipe all that away. “Here I am. What’d I miss?” she finishes as she tosses her purse over the seat and sits beside me.

  “Lundyn was just asking Finn about that Swipe Right app,” I offer up.

  “Oh? What about it?” Harlow’s eyes soften around the edges, just a tiny bit. If I wasn’t her brother, I probably wouldn’t notice, but she’s in defender mode and I want to know why.

  “I think it’s weird he didn’t bring a date. Finn always has a date,” Lundyn repeats.

  “Tell me about it,” Harlow whispers under her breath although I don’t think anyone but me heard it.

  “I don’t know why my dating life is the topic of this dinner, but for your information, I haven’t dated anyone in about six weeks. I’m on a cleanse,” he says the last part like it’s the new trendy thing to do.

  “Ha!” Harlow belts out so loud I may need a hearing aid after this dinner.

  “What?” Finn’s brows wrinkle together before the waitress reappears and takes Harlow’s order.

  “So what did you two bring us all together for on this dreary evening?” It’s fall, and it’s Texas; there’s nothing dreary about tonight. Why is she being more overly dramatic than usual? “Did you find out the sex of the baby?” Harlow’s voice sounds hopeful. “It’s a girl. I just know it.”

  “It’s a boy. The doc even thinks so.” Harlow’s eyes go wide with my announcement.

  “No he doesn’t,” Lundyn snorts on a laugh.

  “He just doesn’t want to say anything, but the way he said fella today, he believed it. So I do, too. They’re my baby bullets, and they got past her defense, so boom, it’s a boy and he’s going to play football.”

  “Mav, we’ve talked about this. Dr. Waller said it’s too soon to tell. He wasn’t giving you hints.” Lundyn takes her hand out of the chip basket long enough to pat mine soothingly.

  “So, what did he say?” Finn asks this time and Harlow side eyes him.

  “Baby Strong is well… strong.” Lundyn chuckles and touches her belly. I love it when she does that. The look in her eye, it’s a look of pure love and joy. “The heartbeat is fast and loud. It was the most incredible thing to hear.” Tears pool in her eyes, so I lean over and kiss her while putting my hand over hers on her stomach.

  We made that.

  “That’s amazing.” Harlow is hanging off of every word that spills from Lundyn’s mouth.

  “There’s more,” she says and pauses. “Maverick and I have decided to live together.”

  Harlow nods and places a finger to her chin in thought. “I guess that could work.” She removes her finger from her face and tilts her head. “What will you do with your house, brother?”

  “Lundyn and I are moving into my house.” I prepare for her explosion.

  “What? You work nights! You’ll never be home. What if she needs something in the middle of the night, but you’re with a perp and she’s crying because she needs whatever it is?” Harlow takes a deep, I’m assuming calming breath. “No. No, she can just stay at my place.”

  “I requested to switch to day shift, Lo. This is a done deal.”

  Her mouth drops open
. “What about Finn?” This is the first time that she’s actually said his name tonight. “I mean,” she clears her throat. “He’s your partner.” She sits and fidgets.

  “I put my shift change in at the same time he did,” Finn announces and then looks at Harlow, “I’m ready for a change.” Then. Then he winks at my little sister. Now I know something is going on.

  “There’s one more thing,” I say straightening up in my seat. “As crazy as it sounds, we want you both to be the Godparents.”

  “Yes!” Harlow shouts with a grin, and claps her hands together. “Godmother and Aunt. It’s like this kid is winning the lottery.”

  I look at Finn, who is watching my sister. “It’d be an honor, dude.”

  “I’m so happy we got that all out of the way! Baby Strong will have the best Godparents in the history of ever.” Lundyn’s happy and that makes me happy.

  Finn is still staring at Harlow while we all smile and laugh about what kind of Godparents they’ll make. His eyes never leave her. It’s what eventually leaves his mouth that has me confused.

  “I love you, Harlow,” Finn whispers out, but it’s loud enough that everyone at our table heard him. I’m not sure he even realized he was actually speaking.

  “Are you guys ready to order?” The waitress asks to all of our shocked faces. Lundyn has a chip with cheese dripping off of it, halfway to her lips. Finn is ashen white and I’m sure if I could see my face, it’d be red. How, and when the fuck did this happen?

  Harlow is the only one who looks unfazed. With determination she looks up at Lundyn from her menu and says, “I’m starving. Lundy, did you feed my baby enough today? What are you guys getting?”

  “Did you hear me, Harlow?” Finn leans over toward her. She doesn’t move a muscle. Almost as if she plays dead he’ll just leave her alone. “I said, I love you.” Even the waitress freezes her pen and we all stare with wide-eyed expressions at Harlow. Who still looks unaffected.

  Harlow closes her menu with shaky hands, the only sign that gives away she’s feeling something, “I’ll have the enchilada’s.”



  When we came to the idea to write a RomCom, we’ll be honest, we had no idea what we’d end up with. I mean, it’s us. Co-writing together has been such a great experience and although we were already crazy and, kinda funny, together – writing together takes it to a whole new level. We’re excited for what the future holds.

  Kelly Tucker and Amanda Hall, we seriously, would be SOL without you ladies.

  Our awesome beta readers, Leslie, Melissa, Shannon, Yara, LaKreshia, Crystal, Kelly and Amanda.

  Cassy Roop from Pink Ink Designs, for working and creating our awesome cover.

  Amy, for being a rock star and working through our horrible grammar and punctuation. You editing master, you.

  Yara Greathouse, for helping Ashley Christin figure out this formatting wizardry, and for all of your support.

  Bloggers, thank you for being so absolutely amazing. We’re forever grateful for your time and all that you do. Thank you for reviewing our book. Your feedback is like crack; we’re addicted to it. Thank you for being the supplier.

  To you, the reader, thank you for taking the chance on us and reading our over the top words. We hope you laughed until you cried and then laughed some more. We hope that your day is a little lighter and your smile, brighter. Endless thank yous for reading!

  Thank you to, God. For bringing us two crazy, book reading, word writing, shenanigan loving friends together.












  RD Berg lives in the great state of Texas with her three boys who drive her to the brink of insanity most days. She loves to read, write and watch her two favorite shows, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. When she isn’t enthralled with a novel or a gory show, you can find her in the stands loudly cheering on her boys at their basketball and football games. She has three strong beliefs in life; Vanilla cake and Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream should be a major food group, Halloween should be celebrated every month, and Harry Potter’s birthday should be a national holiday.



  Twitter @AuthorRDBerg


  [email protected]


  I’m Texas proud with the accent to prove it. During the day I wear scrubs as a cape and try to save the world one patient at a time as a nurse. At night, mainly Friday nights, you can find me with a glass of wine faithfully by my side while I type away on the computer. I seem to get my days and nights mixed up, because my best ideas seem to come around midnight, so I’m a complete night owl. I have a long-term boyfriend who puts up with my crazy and a black lab named Sadie AKA Sadie Lady. In the in-between times of my life, I’m just tryin’ to survive my twenties with beer, good friends and fun adventures!




  Instagram @ashleychristinauthor




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