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Unwilling Page 2

by Julia P. Lynde

  Melissa spent the morning consulting on the designs I was doing and making sure I didn't need to leave my desk. She provided food, coffee, water, and I think would have gone to the bathroom for me if she could have. Shortly before noon I pushed away from my desk and told her, "It's not quite done, but we promised Vivien."

  We mailed it off to Vivien and called her a few minutes later. Melissa talked to her for a couple of minutes before hanging up. "She's coming in," she said. "She'll be here in another ten or fifteen minutes."

  I didn't say anything but rotated back to my computer and kept working. I became completely absorbed in what I was doing and didn't notice when Vivien arrived. The two of them had been talking behind my back for several minutes before I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Vivien.

  "It was good of you to give up your weekend," she said.

  I shrugged. Vivien pulled up a chair and examined the work we'd finished so far. "This is much better than Wayne's. His work was good, but this is a better direction." I showed her everything I'd done, told her why, and explained what I wasn't happy with yet. In the end she said, "I don't have a single suggestion. Can you finish by tomorrow? We have Wayne's as a backup if you can't make it."

  Melissa said, "Actually, we don't." She explained.

  Vivien turned to me. "You're saving the account."

  I shrugged again. "What would you have done if I'd wanted Wayne's version?" she asked.

  "I would have done my best to give it to you," I told her. "That's all I could do."

  She nodded. "I have dinner plans tonight. I want an update at five. That will give me a chance to comment."

  We sent everything off at five. Vivien had a few suggestions, which I incorporated. We worked until late, passing the files back and forth more once we got to the point where Melissa could start inserting the text. We resumed again Sunday morning, finishing shortly before noon. We called Vivien again.

  "We're done," Melissa said. "Alex just mailed everything to you." We sat on the phone for several minutes while Vivien looked at everything. She was satisfied and gave us last minute instructions for everything. We were all done right at two.

  Melissa and I stared at the screen then turned to each other.

  "Have I delivered?" I asked her. "Have I given you everything I promised?"

  "Yes, Alex," she said.

  "You've lived up to one of your three items," I told her. "Vivien knows how much help I was."

  She nodded.

  "Are you going to live up to your agreement? Or am I going to get screwed?"

  "I'll fulfill my end," she said quietly. "Are you going to hurt me?"

  I looked at her, thinking about it. I pulled out paper and wrote my address down for her. "This is my address and phone number. Six PM tomorrow." I paused. "If you want to stay on my good side, you will make an effort to look nice and you will be pleasant, almost as if you are happy to be there. Bring anything you need for the week."

  First Night (Melissa)I left work early on Monday. The presentation had gone very well, and the client was ecstatic. I drove home, dreading the evening. But Alex had come through, and I wouldn't give her the pleasure of reneging on my agreement.

  At home I changed into what could best be described as sexy date clothes, then packed for the week. It took a garment bag and a large rolling suitcase, but I hauled it all down to my car and drove to the address Alex had given me.

  Alex lived in a small house in south Minneapolis. It was a cute house, I guess, and looking at it, I realized that she had done the exterior design work. I arrived at five forty-five and sat in my car, staring at her house, until just a couple minutes before six. I gathered my bags and walked slowly up the sidewalk to what I was sure would be my doom.


  Night (Alex)Melissa sat in her car until the last possible minute. It kind of pissed me off. I'd gone above and beyond for her over the weekend, and she was making sure not to give me even an extra few minutes of pleasure. I watched her walk up the sidewalk, dressed in a long coat, carrying a garment bag and dragging her suitcase.

  At least she had shown up. I didn't think she was going to.

  She rang the bell. I waited until she wasn't looking at the window before moving away from it. I didn't want her to see movement and know I'd been watching for her. I opened the door. We stood staring at each other across the threshold.

  "I bet you thought I wouldn't show up," she said after we had stared at each other for a while.

  "No, I didn't. I'm glad to find I was wrong." I held the door wider and she stepped in. She laid her garment bag down across her large suitcase then slid out of her coat.

  I forgave her for waiting until the last minute. She had gone home and changed clothes, and she looked nice.

  "You dressed for me."

  She nodded.

  "You can hang your coat up in the closet," I said, pointing. "Then come with me."

  I gave her a tour. My house was a small three bedroom rambler with a living room, single bathroom, and kitchen. I used the basement for storage. One of the bedrooms was mine, one was a home office, and the last was a guest room. I showed her to the guest room. "You may use the closet in here," I told her.

  She eyed the bed. I ignored the hopeful expression. She'd be warming my bed.

  "Leave your things in here," I told her. "Come with me."

  She set the garment bag on the bed and left the suitcase in the bedroom, then followed me back to the living room.

  "Are you really going to do this?" I asked her.

  She thrust her chin out. "I keep my agreements," she said.

  I smiled. "It's six oh-five. Kneel."

  She stared at me.

  "Kneel!" I told her firmly. "Now!"

  After that we had a staring contest before she slowly lowered herself to her knees in front of me.

  "Good," I said. "Stay there." Without a backwards glance I walked to my bedroom. I had an entire dresser devoted to toys. I opened the top drawer and removed a switch. It was black leather, stiff, and two feet long. I walked back to her in the living room and walked around her twice.

  I poked her with the switch. "Back straight," I ordered. "Head down. Eyes on the floor in front of you." She adjusted without a word. "Legs together." I tapped her legs for emphasis. "Unless I tell you differently, of course." She adjusted again, taking on exactly the posture I wanted.

  I paused. "What is your position here?"

  "Kneeling," she said.

  I laughed. "I'm sorry, yes, you're kneeling. What is your role here?"

  "Oh." She paused. "I am your love slave. For a month."

  "And my servant."

  "And your servant," she amended.

  "There are rules," I told her. She didn't respond. "No lying. If I ask a question, you will answer it, no matter how personal it is. You will address me respectfully at all times. You will do whatever I order. If you break the rules, I will punish you. You will not enjoy being punished. Do you understand these rules?"


  She managed to say it without sounding sullen.

  "When you come here each night, you will put your things away then kneel in front of me, waiting for my orders. Do you understand?"


  I walked around her. I'd never done anything like this before. Oh, I'd had plenty of women kneeling to me, but each and every single one of them had wanted to.

  "Do you want to be here?"

  She didn't answer. I walked behind her and spanked her ass with the switch. She flinched.

  "Do you want to be here?"

  "No," she said.

  "Do you resent the deal I made with you?"


  "Do you want to share my bed?"


  "Do you want me to kiss you?"


  Fuck. This had been a stupid agreement. I should have taken the five grand.

  "Have you eaten?"

  "I had an apple."

  I walked around her again.r />
  "Can you cook?"

  "Passably. Not gourmet."

  "Go acquaint yourself with the kitchen. Make us a light meal, whatever you think we would both enjoy. Remember who is going to be cleaning up afterwards."

  "What do I call you?" she asked. "I've heard dominatrix's like being called by a variety of names."

  "Alexandra," I told her. "Nothing else."

  "Yes, Alexandra," she said, rising to her feet. She looked relieved.

  Fuck, what was I going to do with her? I had wanted to punish her for months of hell, and I had spent hours thinking about all the kinky things I had planned for her, if she showed up.


  * * *

  Melissa made dinner, pasta with a light sauce. She had found the asparagus and did a side dish. I sat in the living room, pretending to read, and pretended to ignore her when she came in to get me. She knelt down in front of me and said, "Dinner is ready, Alexandra."

  I looked up at her.

  Damn it, she was beautiful, and looking at her on her knees in front of me was making me hot. She looked scared but determined. I stood up and caressed her cheek gently. "Thank you, Melissa. Come, let us enjoy it."

  I led the way to the dinette table, Melissa following meekly behind me. She had set the table nicely, and the food smelled wonderful. I sat down and told her, "You will serve us both."

  "Yes, Alexandra," she said. I looked at her but didn't detect an ounce of sarcasm. She dished plates for both of us. "What would you care to drink?"

  "Just water," I said. She retrieved water from the pitcher in the refrigerator and poured glasses for both of us before sitting down at the table across from me.

  We both ate quietly, although we were stealing glances at each other the entire time. Halfway through the meal I told her, "Everything is wonderful. Thank you."

  She offered a wane smile but told me I was welcome.

  "I have candles," I said. "In the linen closet outside the bathroom. There are candlestick holders all over the house."

  "I'll get them," she said.

  "No. Next time."

  We finished the meal quietly. I looked across the table at her. She had her eyes lowered to her plate and refused to look at me. I studied her.

  I had no idea what I was going to do now. There was a part of me that wanted to hurt her for how badly she had hurt me. There was a much bigger part of me that simply wanted her. But I wanted her willing, and she certainly wasn't that.

  "Please clean up, Melissa," I told her. "Then you may put your things away. After that you will find me." I paused. "If you are slow, it will annoy me. If you are sloppy, it will also annoy me."

  "Yes, Alexandra," she said meekly. She got up immediately and began clearing the table. I watched her for a while.

  I wanted her.


  (Melissa)I hurried to clean up from dinner. I didn't know what Alexandra had planned. I hated kneeling to her, but she hadn't been mean about it. And she had been kind over dinner.

  What would she make me do later?

  I put the few leftovers away then washed and dried all the dishes. When I was done, the kitchen was cleaner than when I had started. I looked around once more to make sure I wasn't leaving her an excuse to become angry with me then headed to the guest room where my clothes were waiting for me.

  I hung up or put away my clothes then wondered what to do with my cosmetics and related items. I looked in the bathroom and found an empty drawer. I stepped out and found Alexandra on the living room sofa with her laptop in her lap. I knelt down in front of her.


  "Are you done?"

  "I had a question."

  "What is it?"

  "Is the empty drawer in the bathroom for me?"

  "Yes," she said. "As you can see, I don't leave my cosmetics out, and I don't want you to do so either."

  "Thank you," I told her, getting up. I put the rest of my things away then returned to the living room and knelt in front of her again.

  "I am done," I told her.

  She didn't say anything at first, but after a few minutes she closed her laptop and looked at me.

  I was scared. I had no idea what she was going to do to me. But she had saved my job and done so very well. Vivien was ecstatic with the results, and I wasn't going to give Alex the joy of knowing I cheated on my deals.

  "Thank you for looking nice," she said. "I appreciate it."

  "You are welcome, Alexandra," I replied.

  "How long will it take you to get ready for bed?" she asked me.

  I gulped. "Five minutes."

  "Don't be late. Meet me in the bedroom. Naked with your clothes hung up and everything completed you need before going to bed."

  "Yes, Alexandra."

  I fled to the bathroom. I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth, and took care of my other needs. I ran to the spare bedroom, took off all my clothes, hung up the ones that should be hung up, and wondered what to do with the rest. For now, I stuffed them into one of the suitcases.

  I arrived in the bedroom. She was naked and sitting on the bed. "Go out and turn off the lights in the rest of the house. Make sure the doors are locked. Then come back here and kneel."

  My heart pounding, I did her bidding, returning to kneel on the floor in front of her. "Please don't hurt me, Alexandra," I asked her. I was deeply embarrassed to be naked in front of her and almost as embarrassed to see her naked.

  "If you do what you are told," she said. "I won't hurt you. At least not tonight."

  "Thank you, Alexandra."

  "Why do you hate me?"

  "What? I don't hate you."

  "Do not lie to me!" she yelled. "You've made it very clear you hate me. Is all this hate just because I'm a lesbian? Are you that big of a bigot?"

  "I was a bitch," I told her. "I didn't hate you. I certainly don't now. I don't know why I was a bitch. I'm sorry."

  She sighed.

  "I guess you have something to think about. I expect a proper answer sometime in the next few days."

  "I'm sorry."

  "So you've said." She paused. "You will give me a massage until ten PM. After that, you will slide under the covers with me and we will go to sleep. During the massage, you will talk quietly and calmly to me. I don't care what you talk about."

  "I don't understand."

  "What part wasn't clear? You agreed to be my slave. I believe giving back rubs falls under slave duties. Cuddling afterwards does as well."

  "You aren't going to..."

  "Going to... what?"

  "Make me have sex with you?"

  "Not tonight. Don't worry; we have 29 more nights after this one. Plenty of time to corrupt you." She paused. "Being gay is catchy, you know."

  I looked up at her.

  "There are oils in the nightstand," she said, pointing. "You may use them or not as you see fit. You will start on my back, but if you decide to pamper other parts of my body, that is fine."

  "Yes, Alexandra," I replied.

  I watched as she pulled the covers of the bed back then lied down, pulling her hair out of the way and getting comfortable. I stood up and walked around the bed to the nightstand, looking for the oils. She had several bottles of oils and lotions.

  "Do you have a favorite?"

  "I like all of them," she said. "Please do something about the light before you start."

  I sniffed each of the oils, finding one I enjoyed. I put the rest of them away. I wanted a little light to work with, so I turned on the hallway light and turned off the bedroom light, then crawled up on the bed next to her. I poured oil into my hands, set the stopped bottle on the nightstand, and then began massaging her back.

  I had to admit. She had a nice figure. I hadn't paid attention to her like this before, but now I couldn't help it, with her naked body lying on the bed next to me.

  "You aren't talking," Alex said. "And I get the impression you haven't done this before."

  "I have," I told her. "Just
not to a woman before."

  "Make sure you get the large muscles across the lower back."

  "I don't know what you want me to talk about."

  "I don't care," she said. "Anything that helps me get to know you better. Talk about something you love, or where you grew up, or what you like to do. Anything."

  "Growing up," I told her. "I spent a lot of time at my grandparent's cabin."

  "I'd love to hear about it," she said. "I'm going to enjoy this now, so don't expect any more responses." I watched as she settled further into the bed.

  I talked about the cabin, about growing up and learning to fish. I gave her the best massage I knew how. Alex moaned appreciably from time to time. Still, I'd done everything I could to her back and only consumed half the time she'd ordered.

  I leaned over her and said, "Do you want me to stick to your back?"

  "Do whatever you would like if I were massaging you," she said quietly.

  So I massaged her scalp for a few minutes, then moved down to her feet and worked my way up her legs. With five minutes left, there was only one part of her I hadn't massaged, her butt. I stared at it, wondering if she expected me to, then skipped over it and went to her lower back, working the deep muscles for the last few minutes until ten.

  The clocked turned ten just as I finished a story about snowmobiling in the winter.

  I leaned over her and whispered, "Ten o'clock." She didn't say anything. I got up from the bed, put the oil away, turned out the lights, then crawled into bed with her, pulling the covers up over both of us and putting some distance between our bodies. We both lied there in the dark for a while, me too nervous to move. Then slowly she rolled over to face me.

  "Thank you," she said. "That was very nice."

  "You're welcome."

  "Did you think about my ass?"

  I laughed nervously. "Yes."

  I heard the smile in her voice as she asked, "Did you think about massaging it?"


  "Touching my ass won't make you gay."

  I laughed again.

  "Sleeping naked with me will."

  I turned to face her. "I'm not afraid of gay germs," I told her. It was her turn to laugh.


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