King's Reign

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King's Reign Page 4

by Nina Levine

Zara nodded. “Okay. That’s good then I guess.” Her voice betrayed her inability to fully buy into that, but at least she didn’t appear further distressed.

  “Yes,” I agreed.

  Her features shifted into a frown. “What’s happening with you and Dad? Like, is he moving back in with us?”

  I really need to deal with this.

  Like, really really.

  “No, he’s not. He’s just helping me look after you guys while Brynn’s in the hospital. And he’s getting our house ready for us to move back into. That’s all.”

  “Oh, okay.” She paused before adding, “I think he thinks you guys are getting back together.”

  I sighed. “I’ll talk to him.” I lifted my chin towards the door. “Go start your breaky. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  After she left, I pulled my phone out and sent a text to Adelaide.

  Me: Sorry I didn’t reply to your text last night. I was dealing with King and then I completely forgot. Sorry, babe.

  Adelaide: Girl! Don’t you dare apologise to me. Can I call you?

  I rang her.

  “How are you today, hon?” she asked as soon as she answered.

  I took a deep breath. “Not good, babe.”

  “Okay, so I’ve organised the day off so I can spend it with you. You want me to swing by your place and pick you up and take you to the hospital?”

  I sat on the edge of my bed and smiled through my sadness. “Has anyone told you you’re the best bestie a girl can have? I would love you to do that. God knows I need to stop relying on Linc to drive me.”

  “Yes. How is he? Are you guys getting along okay with him being there? And wait, let’s back this up a beat. What were you dealing with King for? I thought he’d fucked off?”

  “Yeah, he had, but he turned up here last night after I rang him and told him to send his men home.”

  “Oh, they were still there?”

  “Yeah. Anyway, we argued over it a little and then Linc turned up and told King we were back together. King then told me we weren’t over.”

  “So let me get this straight. King doesn’t want you except when he thinks you’re no longer available? Bloody asshole.”

  That was a thought I hadn’t been able to shift all night. The more I thought about it, the more annoyed at the whole situation I grew. “Seems so.”

  “Oh, babe,” she said softly, “I’m sorry he’s a dick. I know you thought there was something there between the two of you, but I think he did you a favour when he walked away the other day. You don’t need a man who pulls that shit.”

  “Yeah,” I whispered as tears fell down my cheeks. I felt dumb crying over him, and told myself I was only doing it because of everything else going on, but even I didn’t buy that. I’d been ready to give King more than I’d been ready to give any man for years, and he’d hurt me. I’d pushed this hurt to the side for the last few days so I could just get through the days, but it had forced its way to the surface now.

  “Right, we’re not going to talk about him again today, okay? Let’s go back to Linc. How are things there?”

  I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees. “I’m fairly sure he truly does believe we’re getting back together. I don’t think he was just saying that for King’s benefit. So I have to have that conversation with him today.” The more I thought about what I had to do today, the more I wanted to crawl back into bed, hide under the covers and shut the world out.

  “This morning?”

  “Yes, I’m about to go and have it with him now.”

  “Good. I’ll be over in about an hour or so.”

  “Thanks, Addy.”


  We ended the call and I gathered all the strength I could find to go and talk to Linc. I found him alone in the garage, cleaning rubbish out of his car.

  “We need to talk,” I said when he glanced up at me.

  He came my way. “You okay, baby?”

  “Linc, you can’t call me that anymore. I’ve told you that before.”

  He hit me with a confused look. “I thought we were working on something here.”

  I wasn’t convinced I was up for this conversation. Not while anxiety and worry had me in their grips. My emotions were all over the place, and that wasn’t a good starting point when dealing with my ex. Linc had a way of twisting my words to suit himself, and a way of muddling my thinking. I’d known him for sixteen years. We’d been together for most of those years. He knew my triggers, and he wasn’t afraid to push them to get what he wanted. I’d had to learn how to manage my boundaries with him, and that usually required me being completely on my game. Today was not that kind of day.

  “I appreciate everything you’ve done to help me through this, but I never once said we were working on something. I’m sorry if I gave you that impression.” I really didn’t think I had, though. But people often took what they wanted from an interaction, and miscommunications had always been a big part of our relationship.

  He stayed silent for a good few moments and then his face twisted into an ugly expression. “Is this because that asshole showed up last night?”

  Before I knew what was happening, a strong desire to defend King rushed up from deep inside. It was immediate and it was fierce. And I had no idea why the heck it forced itself on me, because defending him was the last thing I wanted to do after he’d hurt me. But hearing Linc say nasty things about him drew out my protective side.

  “Don’t call him that. And no, this has nothing to do with King.”

  His brows lifted. “If you’re standing up for him, that says something, don’t you think? Fuck, Lil, doesn’t our marriage count for something? All those years we worked towards building—”

  “You really wanna go down that path? Because if you do, I’ve got a whole heap of stuff to get off my chest concerning the work we were doing on our marriage. And none of it has anything to do with King, so let’s just leave him out of this, okay?”

  “No, let’s fucking not. He hasn’t been here for you the last few days. Not like I have been. So I have no clue why you’d even look at him, let alone wanna be with him. And what about the fact you just stood by while I told him we were together? Are you playing both of us?”

  He had my blood boiling now. It was as if all the sadness and worry I felt collided with my frustration and irritation, causing the perfect storm of anger. “Have I ever played you, Linc?” I yelled. “Have I ever been anything but supportive of you? God, you make me so freaking mad some days I could scream at you for hours. I’m sorry you got the wrong end of the stick about us, but I honestly didn’t say anything to make you assume I wanted you back. For the record, I will never take you back. You broke my heart when you cheated on me, and I could never trust you enough again to be with you. And as for King, what I do with him is none of your business.”

  His lip pulled up in a snarl. “It is if it affects my kids.”

  My eyes widened and I went at him with a ferocity I didn’t know I had in me. “Do not threaten me. You will not like the outcome if you do. I’ve worked hard to keep our relationship civil. You wanna threaten me? I won’t give a fuck about civil.”

  He leaned closer to me and yelled, “Fuck you, Lily. You think you’re above me, but you aren’t. Just because you went and got yourself an education while I stayed home with the kids doesn’t mean you’re any fucking better than me.”

  This was an old argument of ours. Linc had never moved past the insecurities he had over me earning more than him. And while I’d studied for my degree, he’d spent most of the time bitching about me being away from the family. If it had been any other day, I would have walked away at this point, but it wasn’t. It was today, and he’d pushed me too far. “I’ve never thought I was better than you. That’s your hang-up, not mine. I don’t care what people do for a living or whether they’ve got an education. All I’m interested in is whether they care about those they love, and you proved that you don’t. You can stand there and tell me you
love me and that you wanna be together again, but your actions speak a lot louder than your words. I don’t care about words or promises anymore, Linc. I don’t even hear them. I hear actions.”

  Steam practically billowed from him he was that angry. Huffing out a shitty breath, he backed away and snapped, “Fine, you wanna be like that, I’m done here. I’m out. You can fucking sort your own shit out.” He stared at me for a few beats, like he was waiting for me to change my mind. When I said nothing, he shook his head angrily at me and stalked inside.

  I took a minute. He had me all worked up that I shook with the adrenaline coursing through me. Sagging against the wall, I got my breathing under control while I thought about our argument. It struck me how easily he turned on me. He turned mean. That definitely wasn’t a characteristic I wanted in a man I gave my heart to.

  Following him back inside, I found him telling Holly he would drive them to school this morning but he wouldn’t be here when they got home this afternoon.

  Robbie and Zara were in their bedrooms so I went back to mine. The less time around Linc, the better. My phone sounded with a text as I walked through the bedroom door.

  Skylar: Hey Lily. Just checking in on you to see how you are. I’m thinking of you.

  My heart sped up as I read the message. I couldn’t think of Skylar without thinking of King.

  Me: Thanks babe. I’m okay.

  She’d been texting me every day since Brynn was shot. In a short amount of time, I’d grown to adore her. Kinda like how I’d fallen for her brother in a crazy short time.

  She didn’t send another text. She rang instead.

  “I really doubt you’re okay,” she said when I answered the phone. “Give it to me straight. We’re friends now, and friends don’t bullshit each other.”

  I smiled, and for the first time in days, it was a genuinely happy smile. Funny how those who truly cared about us could do that for us even when we were going through something that had no joy in it. “I’m not okay, but I kinda am if that makes sense. I’ve got some really good people around me, including you, and that makes things so much better.”

  “Good. Now, I’ve organised some home-cooked meals for you with the girls here. They’ve all pitched in and cooked a heap of casseroles and stuff for you guys. I’m going to ask King to drop them over late this afternoon. Will you be home?”

  A new wave of emotion overwhelmed me and tears streamed down my face. How was I so lucky to have people like Skylar looking out for me? I squeezed my hand tighter around the phone as I tried to talk through my tears. “You’re amazing,” I choked out. “Thank you.”

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry I made you cry.”

  I dashed the tears away. “They’re good tears, I promise. And besides, I cry far more at the moment than I don’t, so this isn’t anything unusual.”

  She was quiet for a moment. When she spoke again, her voice softened. “How’s your sister?”

  I swallowed hard, the unrelenting pain slicing through me at the thought of Brynn lying unconscious on her hospital bed. It knocked the wind out of me, and I had to sit on the bed to stop myself collapsing to the floor. “I don’t know,” I whispered through more tears. “She’s still on the ventilator. The doctors don’t know when she’ll wake up.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Her voice held tears now, too. “I’m going to come and see you today. Will you be at the hospital?”

  “Oh no, don’t do that. You’re still on crutches and in pain. I’ll be okay. And besides, they won’t let you into the intensive care unit. It’s just family.”

  “I’m fine. Don’t you worry about me. I’m still doing all the exercises you gave me, and getting better every day. And I don’t care if I can’t come in. I just wanna be there for you in case you need someone to talk to or cry with. I’ll sit outside. What time will you be at the hospital? I’ll ask King to drop me off for a few hours.”

  She’d mentioned King twice now. I’d ignored the first mention, but my body wouldn’t allow me to do that twice. Because although my head stayed firmly committed to not starting up with him again, my body had completely different ideas. Kind of like my heart did.

  Skylar King had the same level of determination as her brother, so I knew there was no point arguing with her. “I’ll be there in the next couple of hours until around school pick-up time.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you later. Do you need me to bring anything for you?”

  “No, you’re already doing so much.”

  After the call ended, I took a deep breath. Today would get tricky if she managed to convince King to do those things for her. Hopefully he’d be far too busy to say yes.



  I stretched my neck before shoving two Advil down my throat. I avoided washing them down with whisky. There was a hell of a lot of shit to get through today; whisky wouldn’t help with any of it.

  It had been a long night sitting outside Lily’s place. I’d headed home for a few hours of sleep after Mace covered me early this morning, but it had been broken. Sleep was the last fucking thing on my mind, though. I could run on sheer fucking determination if I had to.

  “Where’d you get to last night?” Axe asked, joining me in the office.

  I settled my ass against the office desk. “Had shit to do.”

  He gave me the look that told me he would wait for further information.

  Scrubbing my hand over my face, I muttered, “I gave Mace the night off.”

  His eyes narrowed at me. “He was watching the physiotherapist, right?”


  “Since when do you take on that kind of job?”

  “Fuck, brother, do we really need to play twenty-fucking-questions? I’d rather go over the shit we’ve gotta take care of today.”

  “Jesus, King, how long since you’ve had some good sleep? You’re being extra fucking whiny today.”

  I glared at him. “Tell me you’ve heard from Johnny.”

  “I have. He thinks he has the location. He’s confirming it now and said he’ll be back in touch within the next hour with any luck.”

  I wouldn’t ease off this guy until I had that address in my hands. “Keep on him.”

  “Will do.”

  A knock sounded at the door and Skylar called out, “King, you in there?”

  I pushed off the desk and opened the door. “What’s up?”

  She made her way in, using her crutches like a pro. Lily had worked her magic on Skye’s recovery. She went from strength to strength daily. “Can you drop me off at the hospital this morning?”

  I frowned. “You don’t have an appointment today, do you?” It wouldn’t surprise me if she did and I’d forgotten. My head felt like it could explode with all the shit in there.

  “No. I want to go and see Lily. I feel so useless and unable to help her, but I figure I can sit and just be there in case she needs someone to talk to or be with her, you know?”

  My gut tightened at the mention of Lily. I knew exactly what Skylar meant. I felt useless, too. And fuck, what I wouldn’t give to make shit right in her world again.

  I checked the time. We’d be cutting it fine because I had a meet scheduled with Eric Bones in just over an hour, but I’d make this happen. Nodding, I said, “We’ll leave in ten.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  As she exited the room, Hyde came in. “You good to leave in about twenty for this meet?”

  Bones had called yesterday after word had travelled about the visits I’d been making around Sydney. Visits letting everyone know Storm wouldn’t take shit lying down. I’d had Eric on my list, but he’d called me first.

  “Change of plans,” I said to Hyde. “I have to swing by the hospital on my way, so I’ll meet you there. If I’m running late, start without me. We’ve got too much to get through today to slow shit down.”

  “Agreed. See you there,” he said and left us.

  Axe met my gaze. “I’ll call you as soon as I hear from Johnny. You gonna
have time to get this done this afternoon if he comes through with an address?”

  “I’ll fucking make time for that.” I would move heaven and earth for that. The fact Romano still breathed infuriated me. The kind of anger that made a man willing to go places he’d never considered before lived inside me over Romano. The only other time in my life I’d felt rage like this was when Margreet had been killed. A bloodbath had been my response to that. I wouldn’t hesitate to do the same this time if that was needed to ensure the safety of my family and my club. And of Lily and her family.

  “You haven’t visited her yet?” Skylar asked, surprised when she realised I didn’t know where the intensive care unit was. We’d arrived at the hospital five minutes ago and the need to see Lily compelled me to park the ute and go inside with Skye. I’d known it would. It was why I’d told Hyde to begin without me when he met Bones.

  “I’ve been busy, Skye,” I muttered.

  We found our way to the lifts and headed up to where Lily’s sister was. Skylar sent a text to Lily letting her know she was here. When we arrived outside the unit, Lily was nowhere to be seen and I wondered how long I’d have to wait for her.

  I didn’t have a lot of time to spare.

  And yet, the tension punching through me told me I’d wait.

  I needed to see her for myself. Had to see she was okay.

  Skylar took a seat in the tiny waiting room. I didn’t. Instead, I paced the area, my thoughts completely on Lily.

  “God, King, sit down,” Skylar grumbled.

  I checked the clock on the wall. Fuck, the silence in here was deafening. We were the only ones waiting, and the corridor was quiet, too. I disliked noise, but I would have done anything for something to take my mind off shit.

  “Send her another text.”

  “No. I told her I wouldn’t get in her way today.”


  “I’ll be back in a minute,” I said, exiting the room to make a call. As I stepped out into the corridor, Lily pushed through the door from the intensive care unit, her eyes coming straight to mine.


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