Jude (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 5)

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Jude (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 5) Page 8

by Arcadia Shield

  Octavia was too trapped in her own panic and anger to listen. She yanked open the door and hurried out. “This was a mistake.”

  Chapter 7

  Jude rested his head against the wall. What the fuck had gone wrong? Maybe he’d come on too strong. But standing so close to Octavia and seeing the vulnerability in her eyes, and how her lips had opened as he’d neared, he couldn’t help himself. He’d had to kiss her. Scars be dammed. He didn’t give a shit about them. They did nothing to detract from her beauty or who she was on the inside.

  He would not let her put up this barrier between them.

  Jude hurried out of the comms room and saw Octavia round the corner ahead of him. He raced after her. She was running, heading into the bio zone. The door had already slid shut by the time he reached it.

  Patrick McCloud kept the bio zone climate controlled, giving him the ability to grow crops throughout the year. He hated people going in uninvited and messing with his environment.

  Warm air drifted around Jude as he walked through the door and into the bio zone. Swathes of green filled every available space. There were raised growing racks rising in five tiers. Patrick was an inventive son of a gun when it came to maximizing growing space.

  Jude slowed and looked around. There was no sign of Octavia.

  “Hold it right there, buddy.”

  Jude turned and came face-to-face with Patrick. He was a grizzled-looking guy in his mid-forties, with no love for the scissors when it came to dealing with his tangle of dark hair. He also sported several weeks’ worth of beard.

  “Patrick. I’m looking for someone.”

  “There’s only one group of scheduled visitors in here today.” Patrick wiped his mud-stained hands down his khaki pants. “No one else should be in here.”

  “Octavia came in,” said Jude. “Did you see her? She’s wearing a black cap and has long blonde hair.”

  “There are no blondes in here,” said Patrick. “Believe me, I’d notice if there were. We’ve got a redhead, though.”

  “You’ve taken on an assistant?” Patrick was renowned for guarding the bio zone as if it was his only child.

  “Assistant be buggered.” Patrick grabbed a pair of shears from a bulging pocket of his pants. “People volunteer their time here. Everyone loves the bio zone.”

  “So who’s here?”

  “Anastasia and Skyler.” Patrick’s mouth curled into a smile. “I never thought I liked kids, but Skyler has a way of making you like her. She’s got the cutest smile.”

  “Maybe they saw where Octavia went. Where are they?”

  “I should throw you out,” grumbled Patrick.

  “I won’t cause any trouble. I’ll get Octavia and we’ll be out of your way.”

  Patrick’s flint-gray eyes narrowed. “Touch none of the plants while you’re here.”

  “I’ll keep my hands off,” said Jude. “I just want to make sure my friend is okay.” Hell, he wanted to make sure he hadn’t messed everything up between them.

  The door into the bio zone opened. Lincoln strode through, grinning when he spotted his brother and Patrick.

  Patrick threw his hands up in exasperation. “I don’t know why I bother to keep this place climate controlled.”

  Lincoln walked over. “You love us being here.”

  Patrick eyed the bag in Lincoln’s hand. “I don’t suppose you’ve brought me any cake from the canteen?”

  “There might be cake if you stop being so mean.” Lincoln looked at Jude. “I rarely see you in here.”

  “Octavia came in.” Jude looked around. “We’ve had...” He didn’t know what to call what had just happened between them. It wasn’t exactly an argument.

  “Are you breaking her heart already?” Lincoln pulled a wrapped package out of the bag and handed it to Patrick. “This should see us right for the rest of the week.”

  Patrick grabbed the package and opened it. The smell of warm, sweet fruitcake drifted out. “I reckon this will do.”

  Lincoln slung an arm over Jude’s shoulders. “Let’s see if we can find your friend.” He led him through the growing beds, past tall strands of ripening corn and beds of sugar snap peas.

  “My girls love this place,” said Lincoln. “We come here at least once a week. So long as I can bribe Patrick with something suitably sweet, he lets us have this little corner for a few hours. Skyler can’t get enough of all the bright colors and smells. It’s a great way to start her education.”

  “She’s not even a year old,” said Jude. “Isn’t that a bit young to be teaching her stuff?”

  “She’s a smart kid.” Lincoln grinned at him. “She takes after me.”

  Jude had to smile, despite the concern he felt for Octavia. Lincoln was besotted with Skyler, he had been ever since the day he’d helped rescue her. She had changed him, and made him grow up. Being an adult suited Lincoln. Not that he couldn’t still be a complete ass when he wanted to.

  As they turned a corner, Jude saw Anastasia and Skyler sitting on a checked blanket on the ground. Skyler had several flowers in her hands and was pointing above her head.

  Jude looked up. In an apple tree sat two small brown birds. The State had decimated the wild animal population. Patrick was slowly introducing wildlife into the bio zone to help with the pollination of plants.

  “They’re not for you to play with.” Anastasia tweaked Skyler’s button nose.

  Skyler laughed and grabbed hold of a strand of Anastasia’s long red hair. She looked around, and a shout of delight rang out. Skyler pushed herself to her feet, staggering unsteadily toward Lincoln.

  He ran forward and bopped down, holding his arms out wide. “What’s my favorite girl up to?” He wrapped Skyler in his arms and spun her around.

  She shrieked with laughter and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Jude could see the dragon scales covering most of her skin. It had been a cruel thing to do, forcing her abilities out at such a young age. The State could have killed her. But Skyler was managing well. Although, according to Anastasia, there had been a few accidents with fireballs.

  Anastasia stood and smiled at Lincoln and Skyler before nodding at Jude. “We’re having a picnic if you’d like to join us. Lincoln always brings too much food.”

  “He’s not interested in chatting with us.” Lincoln walked over to Anastasia and kissed her. “He scared off Octavia She’s in here somewhere.”

  “I haven’t scared her off,” said Jude. “I found out... something about her. She didn’t like it.”

  “Like what?” asked Lincoln.

  “It’s nothing bad.” Jude ran his hands through his hair.

  “If it’s her secret, maybe Octavia should tell it when she’s ready,” said Anastasia.

  Jude nodded. “It’s kind of a hard secret to hide. But I don’t care. It doesn’t bother me.”

  “If it bothers her, then it has to matter.”

  Anastasia was right. Jude had been too quick to dismiss Octavia’s concerns about her scars.

  “She hasn’t come this way?” Jude looked around.

  “If I tell you where she is, will you go easy on her?” asked Anastasia. “Don’t forget, this is all new for Octavia. She’s been on her own for a long time. I remember when I first saw this place, it blew my mind.”

  “I think you mean when you first met me.” Lincoln ducked as Anastasia swiped at him.

  “You have seen her?” asked Jude.

  “She passed by,” said Anastasia. “She asked if there was a quiet place she could hang out in for a while. I said she was welcome to stay with us, but I think Octavia wants to be on her own.”

  “Should I leave her alone?” Jude hated the idea, especially after she’d fled from him. He needed to make things right between them.

  “I expect she needs a friend,” said Anastasia. “Be gentle with her.”

  “Sure, I can do that.”

  “Man, you’ve got it bad for this girl,” said Lincoln.

  Jude gritted his
teeth. “I’m no worse than you are with Anastasia.”

  Lincoln slung an arm around Anastasia’s waist, the other holding Skyler securely, and grinned. “Well, what can you do? When you find the one, nothing will stop you from acting like a love-struck idiot.”

  Anastasia’s eyes flashed red for a second and she smiled at him. “Make sure you never stop acting like an idiot.”

  “Baby, I will always be your idiot.”

  Jude bounced on his toes, eager to find Octavia. “Where is she?”

  “Go past the corn and take a right,” said Anastasia. “You should find her by Patrick’s new pond. I thought she might like that. It’s quiet, and I find the sound of the water soothing.”

  Jude nodded thanks and hurried away. He resisted the urge to run, remembering Anastasia’s words to be gentle. He wanted Octavia to know her scars didn’t matter to him. He’d do everything he could to make her feel better about them.

  The sound of trickling water reached him. Jude turned the corner, and there she was. Octavia’s back was to him, her shoulders hunched and her arms folded across her middle. Discarded on the ground were the cap and scarf she’d worn. She looked so vulnerable.

  “Octavia.” Saying her name always made him want to smile.

  She turned toward him, and his smile faded. Her eyes were full of anger.

  INSTINCTIVELY, OCTAVIA reached for the cap, but then let it drop back to the ground. Jude had seen her now; he’d seen the scars.

  She knew he’d follow her. Jude was persistent. He had to be, to be so good at what he did.

  The anger that flared through her like fire wasn’t directed at Jude. She was pissed at herself. She’d been foolish to run. She’d shown herself as weak.

  Jude stepped closer, slowly, like he was approaching a wounded animal. “I didn’t mean to spook you.”

  She let out a sigh. “You didn’t. I spooked myself.”

  He took another step. “You don’t need to hide your scars. You’re beautiful.”

  Octavia shook her head. “I’m not. I used to be. Not anymore. Maybe it’s a good thing. My sister always told me I was vain, and that looks fade. I never expected to have mine ripped away so fast.”

  “Can I take a closer look?”

  She tensed but then nodded. “You’ve seen the worst of them. I’ve got scars on my right arm, as well. My face is the most disfigured.”

  Jude closed the gap between them. He gently tilted her chin with his warm fingers.

  Octavia sucked in a breath and closed her eyes. She could feel his breath disturbing her hair as he touched the scars. It reminded her of their kiss, of his sweet taste.

  “You’re not disfigured. You are still beautiful. It’s simply that you have a unique twist to that beauty.” Jude’s fingers slid down Octavia’s throat and along her arm, sending shivers through her.

  “That’s one way to describe it.” Her words came out sharp.

  “It’s how I’m describing it,” said Jude.

  She opened her eyes and looked up at him. There was only honesty reflected back at her. It didn’t make her feel any better. “The novelty will wear off. You’ll want a normal woman again.”

  “I never do normal.” He grinned at her.

  “You like me because I’m a freak?”

  “What if I do?”

  “It will get boring quickly.”

  “I won’t get bored with you.”

  Jeez, he was hard to shake off. Octavia appreciated his kindness and wished it was something more, but she didn’t want Jude because he felt sorry for her. She wanted him to desire her, take her body and soul and consume her. This pity affection would get stale, and he’d resent her. He’d grow to hate her and lust after women who weren’t wearing their history in jagged lines on their flesh.

  “I’ll help with this Dinnorm language, get that figured out with you, but that’s it.” She tried to turn away from him.

  “No!” Jude tightened his grip on her arm and forced her to look at him. “That’s not going to happen.”

  “That’s what I want.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  Why wouldn’t he get the hint? This was a way out for him. They could remain friends and forget crossing the line. Jude could forget their kiss. It can’t have meant anything to him. When he’d had time to think about it, he’d know this made sense.

  “You have to.” Octavia tilted her face so her scars were fully on display. It made her feel sick doing it, but Jude needed a slap of reality.

  “You will not shake me loose.” Jude brushed a thumb along her jaw. “Don’t shut me out.”

  “I’m a voice on a radio. Real life will be a lot different. You’ll see these wounds every day. Wake up next to these a few times and you’ll see the real me. It won’t all be cozy chats and sharing secrets.”

  “It will be, but it will be so much more. Real life will be more exciting.” He brushed a kiss across her lips. “I want you, Octavia.”

  Her throat tightened. How could she know Jude was telling the truth? He was a good guy, a decent person. What if he was doing this because he felt pity for her? It would destroy her.

  Octavia stepped away and shook her head. “This is a bad idea.”

  Jude closed the gap. He wrapped an arm around her waist. “It’s the best idea I’ve ever had.”

  “I’m not who you think I am.” She wanted to say more, let him know how messed up and broken she was. How she saw fire and blood and death when she tried to sleep. Tell him about the nights she’d woken herself screaming. The words wouldn’t come as she stared into his green eyes. Whenever she looked at Jude, she felt at peace.

  “You are exactly who I know you to be. You’re passionate and loyal and dedicated. Now that we’ve met, I also know you’re stunning. Maybe more stubborn than I first thought, but I can live with that.” He pressed another kiss to her lips, this one lingering, giving her a taste of his sweetness again.

  “Jude, I don’t want what we have spoiled.” Holy dragons, his kiss was addictive. Every touch of his lips against hers made her want more.

  “I know you, and I love what I know. This won’t go wrong. It will only get better.” Jude’s next kiss turned hot as his tongue slid into her mouth, his arms crushing her against him.

  Octavia couldn’t resist. Hell, she didn’t want to. She let go.

  Chapter 8

  Jude ran a hand through Octavia’s soft hair as his mouth covered hers.

  The soft moans coming from her urged him on. He scooped an arm under her legs and swooped her off her feet. He strode around a small copse of apple trees until they were out of view of anyone else and wouldn’t be discovered.

  Octavia clung to him, kissing him like she was starving and he was the nourishment she’d craved for so long.

  Setting her feet back on the ground, Jude ran his hands up her sides. His fingers brushed her breasts.

  She responded by tightening her hold on the back of his neck and pulling him in for a deeper kiss.

  Jude barely heard the quiet hissing sound over his head until it was too late. The overhead sprinklers poured water on them.

  Octavia broke away from their kiss and blinked water out of her eyes. She laughed, and swiped the water away. “Did you know this would happen?”

  Jude tried to cover her with an arm, but it was no good. They were both soaked. “It must be Patrick. He’s not happy I’m in here.”

  “That must be the guy who yelled at me when I came in.” Octavia tipped her head back. “I did say I was looking forward to a shower.”

  “Let’s get out of here.” Jude grabbed Octavia’s hand. They ran back to the exit.

  “That’s right,” roared Patrick. “Get out of here. Don’t come back without an invitation.”

  They both laughed as they raced away from the bio zone.

  Jude was happy to see the anger had gone from Octavia’s face. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips swollen from their kiss. She had to know he wanted her. He would show her in an
y way possible.

  “So, what now?” Octavia shoved the soggy cap on her head.

  “You still haven’t slept,” said Jude.

  “You want to take me to bed?” Octavia’s eyelids lowered.

  Jude backed her against the wall and ran a hand down her arm. “More than anything.”

  She pushed her damp hair under the cap. “Maybe we should get cleaned up first? And there’s the small matter of the State and their weird comms signals.”

  Jude felt like nothing mattered in that moment other than Octavia. But she was right, he couldn’t let himself get too distracted by her. There would be plenty of time for that later.

  “You go to the comms room,” he said. “I’ll grab towels and something to eat.”

  “Coffee would be good,” said Octavia.

  “Then that’s what you shall have.” He grabbed another quick kiss before hurrying to his quarters.

  He rough-dried his hair and shrugged on a clean T-shirt. His pants had escaped the worst of the drenching and would be fine in an hour.

  He collected a clean towel and another T-shirt before heading to the canteen where he collected the only food available; two freeze-dried ration packs and some coffee.

  When Jude returned to the comms room, Octavia was already in a seat, an earbud in as she listened to the channels.

  “I got you something to change into.” He handed her the T-shirt.

  “Thanks.” She took it but kept it clutched in her hand.

  “Have you picked up on something?” Jude placed the food and coffee down and sat next to her.

  “Take a listen to this.” Octavia handed him an earbud. She began to pull off her long-sleeved T-shirt and then stopped. “Keep your back turned. I’ve got nothing on underneath this.”

  “That’s something I’d love to see.” Jude grinned as he shifted around in his seat, giving Octavia some privacy.

  “What do you think of the message?”

  Jude forced himself to concentrate on the garbled noise in his ear, and not the fact Octavia was stripping off. “Hold on. This is English I’m hearing.”


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