The Streets Keep Calling

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The Streets Keep Calling Page 10

by Chunichi

  “Trixy, are you sure? Because lately every stack has been short. My crew can’t be that fucked up,” Breeze stated.

  “Yeah, I’m sure, nigga,” she said defensively.

  “Let me count it. A second set of eyes wouldn’t hurt. Breeze, maybe you should consider investing in a money counter,” I suggested as I started counting money in thousand-dollar stacks. My count had been right. Both of them came out to what they was supposed to be.

  “You got four thousand five hundred, right?” Trixy asked, hoping I wouldn’t blow her spot up.

  “No, the amount came up to ten thousand dollars not nine thousand,” I insisted.

  “Trixy, you stealing from me?” Breeze asked.

  “Oh, so you just gonna believe her over me? You ain’t gonna count it for yourself to see who’s lying?” She barked at him.

  “Trixy! She’s a bank manager. She counts money for a living. Why the fuck wouldn’t I believe her over your ass? How you gonna do me like that, Trixy?” he asked with anger in his voice.

  “Because, nigga! I was the only woman who gave a damn about you when you came home. You ain’t have shit when I took you in and the second you got some paper you played me! You didn’t look out for me. Instead you went and got you a snooty-ass, uppity bitch who probably don’t give a fuck about you, anyway. Maria left your ass to rot in prison and this bitch will do the same shit!” Trixy proclaimed.

  “Man, roll the fuck out. I won’t be needing you anymore. Go suck some dick so you can get your cable bill paid this month. You messed up a good thing, Trixy,” Breeze yelled, now in a rage.

  “Fuck you, Breeze,” Trixy responded before throwing a pile of money in his face.

  “Bitch, get the fuck out my house before I stomp your face in! You lucky I ain’t fucking you up for messing with my paper,” Breeze spat at her as he practically kicked her out the door.

  I didn’t know what to make of the way he had just yelled at Trixy. I almost felt sorry for the girl. I understood she was stealing from him but that was really harsh. I didn’t even know he was capable of speaking to someone like that. It dawned on me that there was a side to Breeze that I had not been exposed to: a cold, ruthless side. I was fully aware that I was dealing with a drug dealer, but he acted like such a gentleman with me. He treated me like a queen. I must admit, seeing that side of him scared me a little bit, but on the other hand, it gave me reassurance that he knew how to handle himself if something ever happened.

  Chapter 14

  Payback Trixy

  This nigga was trying to play me over some snooty-ass bitch who didn’t even want him. I bet if his ass got in a jam again, he would have tried to creep back up into my bed again. I knew I wasn’t the first or the last to dip in the pot. It’s just how the game goes. I had been counting money and moving shit for Breeze for a while, and this was the motherfucking thanks I got. Niggas fucked him over and he had to come back to me. It had been proven that I was the only person who truly had his back. Breeze had fucked me over for the last time. It was time he paid. I guess that nigga had forgotten I was from the streets too. No one fucked with me and got away with it. Sure, I left Breeze’s spot without a fight, but I left my mark before leaving. On the way to my car, I couldn’t help but notice a hefty tree branch on the side of the curb. I happily picked it up and busted Breeze’s and Tanisha’s windows out of their cars.

  “Who’s laughing now?” I shouted as I sped off. “Payback’s a bitch! I got something for your ass, nigga. The sun won’t rise in the morning, fool,” I ranted to myself as I drove toward Park Place, going seventy-five miles per hour.

  I found Mannie at the barber shop, gambling as usual. I walked right up in the middle of the game. “Hey, Mannie, you got a minute?”

  “Damn, Trixy, what the fuck?” Mannie looked up at me with a snarl on his face.

  “We need to talk. On the real!” I snapped.

  “Come with me. I was about to roll out anyway.” Mannie knew it must have been something serious.

  I hopped in the car and we headed to his favorite strip club. It was a hole in the wall, a little place called Dexter’s in Portsmouth. We walked in and found a secluded seat in the corner of the little smoke-infested place. We weren’t there five minutes before some old-ass man had the nerve to come over and ask me if I was going to get my ass on the sticky pole. I took a deep breath in an attempt to maintain my composure. I was already pissed the hell off. The last thing I wanted to do was come off on this old man like a psycho bitch.

  “No, sir, I’m not a dancer,” I said calmly.

  “Well, you shole is pretty enough. Girl, you got a whole lotta junk in your trunk,” he said between missing teeth like the character Jerome from the sitcom Martin.

  Once the old man walked away, I dove right into conversation with Mannie. “Breeze has been playing you. He’s trying to take over this whole area and put you out of business. At first he was taking birds from you, cooking them up and breaking it down, then sending it to some cats across town. Then he hooked up with this Mexican in California and now he’s pushing weight. He got purer coke for a cheaper price. The fucked-up thing is he wouldn’t work with you because he wasn’t trying to do all the work while you make the money, in turn making Mr. Biggs rich. Mannie, this nigga has plans to take over the whole seven cities. He trying to lock it down like he had it before he got locked up.”

  “Oh, yeah? So what make you come with this news?” Mannie questioned my motives.

  “Damn, Mannie. You know we go way back. You my nigga. I always look out for mines. I hate to bring you bad news, but I felt you needed to know what’s about to pop off. You know my loyalty always lies with you. Plus, I heard Mr. Biggs been getting some losses because of this shit. Don’t y’all niggas wanna know where the lack of business is coming from? I know you didn’t think it was because of the recession. Ain’t no fucking recession in the drug game. Just droughts and losses!” I spat.

  “The streets talk, baby girl. Nigga knew something was up. We were just waiting to see what was really going on.” Mannie didn’t say much, but I knew from the look on his face it was time for war.

  “This nigga just got out of prison. Now he’s trying to be the king. Breeze even trying to bring niggas from New York to start taking over the blocks.” I added fuel to the fire.

  “A’ight. Thanks for looking out for me, Trixy. Here’s some paper for you,” he said, breaking me off a couple hundreds. “Keep looking out like that and I got you, shorty. Just let me know what’s up.”

  “No problem. It’s getting late. I need to get going,” I replied. I quickly took the money and left. I didn’t want Mannie to see the tears running down my face. The truth was that I really was feeling Breeze, maybe even loved him. Even worse, he was my son’s father. That’s right, I got pregnant on the first fuck. That nigga was so happy to be in virgin pussy that he didn’t even bother to wear a condom. Then he told my little naive ass that a virgin couldn’t get pregnant on the first fuck. But what do you know? Trixy ends up pregnant and no sooner than I find out does he go to jail. Besides, I knew there was no chance in hell that the almighty street king, Breeze, would claim a baby from a hood rat like me. I’d raised my child alone for six years and I was prepared to continue with or without Breeze. Stupid-ass nigga never even asked who my son was a junior to. Maybe if he would have asked, he would know he was the senior to my junior.

  Payback was a bitch, and it was time Breeze learned it. He had to learn I wasn’t some jump-off bitch he could just toss away. After I got into the car, I started punching the steering wheel, imagining it was Breeze’s face.

  Chapter 15

  Word on the Street Mr. Biggs

  The sound of my phone during dinner really burned me up.

  “This better be good,” I said as soon as I picked up.

  “Oh, it is,” Mannie vowed. “I just got word on Breeze. That nigga has a connect with the Mexicans. He’s definitely been taking our business. He been flooding the seven cities with b
etter coke at cheaper prices. That’s why we can’t compete. From what I hear, he’s got plans to take over.” Mannie ran down the information like a confidential informant working for the police.

  “Nobody’s gonna take what I have and I’ll make sure of that. I knew this day was soon coming. I’ve thought long and hard about it. I already have a plan in mind. I know what I have to do. I’m gonna make some phone calls and get back to you. Get ready for war, Mannie. Be ready to go on the word,” I directed him.

  “You got it, boss. I’ma spread the word we shot shit to do,” he said before hanging up.

  “Damn it!” I yelled as I threw my glass of wine against the wall.

  “Biggs! Have you lost your mind? You’re scaring the children,” Maria yelled, then directed her attention toward the kids. “You guys may be excused. Go on and get ready for your baths.” She sent them away from the dinner table. I completely ignored her as I dialed up Li’l D.

  “What up boss?” he answered on the second ring.

  “It’s time for war.”

  “I’m ready. When and where?” Li’l D asked like the true soldier he was.

  “It’s Breeze. We gotta let this nigga know we mean business. Find out where his spot is and run up in there. Round up the soldiers and hit him late in the night tomorrow,” I instructed Li’l D.

  “Done,” D said before hanging up. I felt a little more at ease after getting off the phone with him. I knew if I could count on anyone to get the job done, it was Li’l D. He was what you call a true soldier; he didn’t ask questions and just did as instructed.

  “What is that all about?” Maria was in my face before I could even put my phone down on the table. This woman was really starting to get on my last nerve.

  “Get out of my face, Maria. This doesn’t concern you,” I warned her.

  “No!” she yelled, then proceeded to put her finger in my face. “You will tell me what is going on!”

  Without warning, I jumped out of the chair and pushed Maria against the wall. While pinned against the wall, I grabbed her by the neck and whispered in her ear, “This does not concern you,” then I walked away.

  Chapter 16

  Women of My Life Breeze

  “May I take your order, please?” the waitress asked Tanisha. I could tell she hadn’t been in good spirits all day.

  “I’ll have your sliced tomato and onion salad and a glass of merlot. That’s all for me,” Tanisha replied.

  “All right, and for you, sir.”

  “Let me get the steak and lobster tail. For my steak, I would like it to be cooked well done. Also, I want a cold glass of Heineken.”

  “No problem,” the waitress responded after jotting down our order and taking the menus from us.

  “Baby, what’s going on? What’s on your mind?” I asked, truly concerned.

  “I’m fine,” Tanisha commented.

  “No, you’re not. Something is going on. Is it me?”

  “It’s nothing like that. Breeze, I have to tell you something.”

  “What is it? You can talk to me about anything, Tanisha,” I assured her.

  “Well, it’s just that every man dreams of a beautiful wife and kids. I’m confident that I could be the perfect wife for you, but it’s the children who are a problem.”

  “What? Are you saying you don’t want to have my children?” I asked.

  “No. I’m not saying that at all. I would love to have your children Breeze. It’s that I can’t.” She said with a worried look.

  “Why not? Is it because of the drug game? Tanisha, I promise you this is all just temporary,” I explained.

  “Breeze, listen to me,” Tanisha said sternly, then paused. She took a sip of her water, took a deep breath, and then continued. “I can’t have babies. I don’t ovulate as a normal woman would.” She broke down sobbing.

  I quickly grabbed the cloth napkin that sat on the table. “Take this,” I offered.

  “Thanks,” she whispered.

  “I’m so sorry, Tanisha,” I added, caressing her hand.

  “When the doctor told me on my last visit, I was speechless. The doctor said my eggs are not strong enough to conceive, let alone carry a baby to full term. I’ve always wanted a big family. Now I feel like I’m less than a woman.”

  “I hear you. Listen, if it will help, the next time I get the kids, you can join us.”

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  “Cheer up, babe. Maybe, if you’re willing, we can look into going to a specialist or something. I hear all the time about woman having children by surrogate moms. Don’t worry. We’ll work something out.” I tried my best to console her.

  The rest of our dinner was kind of quiet and awkward. All sorts of things were going through my mind, but I tried not to show any worry across my face. After we ate, I grabbed a couple of DVDs from the Redbox at the store, and we headed home.

  While we were in the middle of one of the movies Tanisha said, “Thank you for being there for me.” Since we had come home, I’d been doing my best to be a little extra affectionate with her hoping to get her to feel a little better about her situation. She was sitting between my legs, and we were hugged up under a blanket. I was doing my best to get through it, but that food from Ruth’s Chris was starting to put me to sleep.

  “You’re welcome. That’s what I’m here for,” I said before yawning.

  “Listen, it’s getting late and I have to be to work at seven o’clock in the morning for a manager’s meeting. Before I go, I want you to know I really appreciate you being so supportive about this whole thing. It makes me feel so much better that you are okay with me not being able to have children. I was so scared of how you were going to react to the news,” Tanisha explained as she turned her face to look at me.

  “Why would you be scared? I got you, baby. I ain’t going nowhere,” I said as I leaned in to kiss her forehead. I pulled away, and she turned herself all the way around. She gave me soft, sweet kisses as her hands gently ran down my stomach and landed on the zipper of my jeans.

  I allowed Tanisha to take the lead. Sex with her was different from the usual rough sex I had with Trixy. It was always deep and passionate. Whenever we had sex, I never got the urge to just want to bang her out and get my nut. With her, I would usually take my time and explore her body. I don’t know what it was about her that wouldn’t get me to just want to fuck her like that. The weird part was that I didn’t even miss the rough sex, and I was cool with it.

  After unzipping my jeans, she pulled them, along with my boxers, off. She took her time gripping my dick with both her hands. Then she looked up at me with a devilish smirk as she began to trace swirls with her tongue around the head of my penis. After that, she bent her head over and started sucking and kissing it all around. My shit started getting real wet and all her extra spit was dripping all over my balls. I don’t know how or where she learned to be so on point with her head game. You’d never expect to get such good head from a classy-type woman. Either way, I was loving the shit out of it. When my balls were dripping wet, she grabbed one with each hand and began massaging them while she sucked on the tip of my dick. After a couple of minutes she got up and started stripping in front of me. Damn, this girl was sexy. My dick stood rock hard as she pulled off her clothes and straddled me. She sat down on top of me and slid my dick inside her. Her pussy was so tight, and it felt extra good that she let me go in raw dog. I guess she didn’t mind not using a condom since she couldn’t get pregnant anyway. Tanisha squeezed my nipples as she rode me giving long, deep strokes, forcing my dick deeper and deeper inside her. I could have busted off just from the moans and groans she made. And, I gotta admit, it’d been a long time since I had straight skin-to-skin contact, so my shit was feeling extra sensitive right about now. We made sweet love for thirty minutes before we came together.

  After Tanisha left, I was already starting to miss her when my phone rang.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Um, hey, Breeze, it’s Mar
ia. I’m sorry to be calling so late. Would it be all right if the kids and I come over for a bit?” Maria asked in a low, cracked voice. I wasn’t sure, but it almost sounded like she was crying.

  “Yeah, that’s cool. Is everything straight wit’chu? Are my kids okay?” I asked. Maria had never asked to come over, and she had never called so late. I knew something was up.


  “Do you know where the Hamptons Apartments are?” I asked.

  “It’s near the water, right?”

  “Yeah, it’s apartment number five. I’ll see you when you get here.”

  I paced the floor and kept looking at the clock while I waited for Maria to reach me. It seemed like every five minutes I would look out the window, hoping to see them walking up. I couldn’t relax. I felt deep inside that something was wrong. All I could think about was that that Mr. Biggs nigga had done something to my kids. My mind was made up; if that nigga had touched my kids I would be going back to prison. I knew that would be well worth the trip. I would spend the rest of my life in jail or go to the electric chair to protect my children.

  When I looked out the window for the fourth time I saw Maria and the children. I quickly ran to the door and swung it open. After the kids came through the front door, I scooped them both up at the same time for hugs. Maria didn’t say much, but I could see worry all over her face. I didn’t want to talk about things in front of the kids, so I turned on the TV and grabbed some snacks. With popcorn and grape soda in our hands, we watched about thirty minutes of The Proud Family. It didn’t take long before they were knocked out. After I laid them down on my bed and made sure they were comfortable, I came back to the living room to chat with Maria.

  “What’s going on? Maria, you didn’t come over tonight for nothing.”

  “Biggs slammed me up against the wall,” she explained, showing me the bruises on her back. She kept her face down, and I could tell she was embarrassed about it.


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