Mr. Beast

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Mr. Beast Page 66

by Nicole Elliot

  I stopped to catch my breath, still smiling from ear to ear. As we played, I forgot all about forgetting her and moving on with my life.

  She made life more interesting when she was around. I found it hard to locate any of her faults. We all had them, but in the first pangs of love, they were hard to spot.

  Needless to say, the women won the game, with Trey allowing two women to tackle him to the ground and steal his flag, losing it for us. I didn’t care, so happy to be playing with Brooke.

  “Great game,” she said, breathing heavy.

  “Let’s get a water from the car.”

  “There’s a water fountain over there,” she said, pointing outside a bathroom on the far side of the field across from the parking lot.

  “It’ll be good to walk it off,” I said. “Let’s go.”

  “Walking off might not be all we get to do,” she said.

  I turned my head and saw a mischievous grin on her face.

  What was she up to now?

  At the water fountain, she took a drink. I did the same. She then took my hand and dragged me behind the building and into the trees.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.


  She stopped next to a tree and bent to her knees on the soft forest floor. I smiled down at her, surprised she would do something so sexy and dangerous.

  “Remember, this is all fun and games. No strings attached,” she said.

  “Got it.”

  As I watched, she took my cock out and stroked it a few times with her small hand before sliding her mouth on the tip. Fuck. She worked more into her mouth.

  While she sucked, she continued stroking. I found myself getting hard quick. Between someone seeing us and the sensation of her lips on my swollen shaft, I had no chance.

  Her beautiful eyes peered up at me, open so wide. I never wanted her to stop. Ever. My dick got even harder as I got close to coming. I tapped her on the shoulder urgently.

  She did not stop. I stood up, tapping harder.

  “Come for me,” she said. “I want it.”

  My cock slid back into her mouth. I bit my tongue so I wouldn’t cry out as pleasure built up, getting closer. All of a sudden, I wasn’t able to stop myself.

  As I came, shooting one powerful spurt after another, she swallowed every last drop, making the experience that much better.

  “Fuck,” I said, breathing heavily.

  She stared up at me, her hand still clinging to it.

  “Did you like it?”

  I nodded.

  “Good,” she said, smiling. As she stood and brushed some leaves from her knees she let those beautiful eyes raise up to me. “In totally unrelated news, I need a favor tomorrow.”

  I grinned.

  “Here we go.”

  “It’s not bad. You might like it.”

  “Not as good as what just happened.”

  “Me sucking your dick?”

  “I love when you talk dirty.”

  “Can you help me?”

  “Sure,” I said, not knowing what she wanted.

  “Great. Are you free around two in the afternoon tomorrow?”

  “Yeah. You want me to come to your apartment? Some afternoon delight?”

  “No, the Medical Sciences building. I need someone to demonstrate some stuff in class.”

  “Oh,” I said. “I don’t think…”

  “Please?” she interrupted.

  “Okay. Well played, by the way.”

  “Talk to you tomorrow, then. I’ve got a full schedule the rest of the day.”

  “Me too, but this was a nice break.”

  She smiled, making me want her even more.

  We walked back to the field together then went our separate ways, like nothing had ever happened.



  I sat in the lecture hall near the front and kept peering at the double-doors. Where the hell was he? I thought as the professor looked at me and pointed to her watch.

  At the last possible moment, Austin appeared. Many of my classmates pointed at him and whispered amongst themselves as he jogged down the steps.

  “Sorry I’m late,” he said. “Practice ran over.”

  “It’s fine,” Professor Carrington said. “Carry on, Brooke.”

  “Thank you,” I said, standing and walking over to the podium at the front of the room.

  Somehow, perhaps due to the marvelous blowjob I’d given him, he had agreed to lie and say he suffered grave injuries to his testicles. I would get extra credit for having him come to class and answer questions. I needed the extra points badly.

  “As you all probably know, this is Austin, runningback of our football team. Back in high school, he took a hard hit to his testicles, and they were damaged. After two years of treatments, he’s all better and playing like a star. He’s here to answer any questions you might have.”

  I looked out at the other students scattered throughout the room that held three-hundred people. Two of them raised their hands.

  “You,” I said, pointing to a woman in front wearing an ugly green sweater.

  She stood up, giggling before she even asked her question.

  I glanced over at Austin, who shuffled nervously from one foot to the other.

  “Does everything still work?” she asked then sat down.

  Austin tilted his head back a bit and smiled as he glanced over at me.

  “Let’s just say I have no complaints, and hope to have three children someday.”

  I pointed to another student whose name I didn’t remember.

  “What techniques did you find most helpful for healing?”

  “Well, it was a dislocation,” Austin said exactly like I’d coached him. “It was so bad, I had to see a specialist, what I called the ball doctor at my young and tender age.”

  The students laughed. I glanced over at the professor and saw her smiling as well.

  “What mostly helped was rest, medicine for the pain, and antibiotics.”

  Another woman raised her hand. I pointed at her. She stood up.

  “Can you show them to us? For science?”

  The class cracked up. I looked over and saw a grin on Austin’s face as if he were enjoying all the attention.

  “I would, but I’m seeing someone special right now.”

  He turned and looked at me for a few seconds before turning back to the other students.

  “They’re normal, though. And I have two of them still.”

  Everyone laughed again. Ms. Carrington stood up and clapped her hands.

  “Okay, class. That’s enough. Let’s give a big thanks to Mr. King for showing up to discuss his sports injury with us.”

  I smiled, filled with joy as he bowed. As he walked up the steps to the doors, I watched him, unable to believe he was still interested in me. The rest of the class flew by as I thought about the night before and how I wanted to do it again. All night long maybe.

  After class, I stood in the hallway and called him. Quite a few people gave me a pat on the back as they passed, mostly the women who had participated.

  “Hey,” he said. “How did I do?”

  “You’re the best,” I said, walking toward the door of the building. “You coming over tonight?”

  “I should be studying for midterms, but I’d rather spend the night with you.”

  “Aww. You’re so sweet.”

  “Don’t tell anyone.”

  I smiled, falling for him even more.

  “Come over about eight. Jocelyn will be gone.”

  “How are things going with her?”

  “Ugh. Don’t even ask. She’s become even more of a slob if that’s even possible.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about her,” he said casually.

  “Easy for you to say. You’re not living with her.”

  “I am spending more time at your place.”

  “Not nearly enough for my liking.”

  “Who’s the romantic one now?”
he asked.

  “You caught me,” I said. “I’ll light the candles before you arrive.”

  “Smart. It will give us more time. Bye, Brooke.”

  “Bye, Austin.”

  I slipped my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and headed home with a bounce in my step. A one-night stand didn’t often repeat. If we slept together again, we might have something real. Was I ready for that?


  Back at the apartment, my mood soured as soon as I opened the door and walked inside. Jocelyn sat on the couch, her bare feet resting on the arm of my recliner.

  “Hey,” she said, taking them down and standing up. “You’re home early.”

  “Yeah, I need to get some homework done before tonight.”

  “Oh? An extra work shift?”

  “No,” I said simply, still upset with her.

  “You want to hang out before I go to work?”

  “I told you I need to do homework now.”

  She frowned, her shoulders slumping.

  “Okay. I understand.”

  “Do you?” I asked, not ready for one of her self-pity parties. “If you applied yourself a little more, you might actually find life enjoyable.”

  “You don’t know what it’s like to be me,” she snapped, defensively crossing her arms over her flat chest.

  “No, and I’m glad I don’t.”

  As I walked away, I instantly felt bad for saying the words, but she had to learn. My life, for whatever reason, was heading in a good direction. I didn’t want Jocelyn or anyone holding me down. Thoughts of Austin hit me as I entered my bedroom and shut the door.

  I turned the lock then dumped my backpack on the floor. Besides, I told myself to alleviate my guilt, I did have homework to do if I was going to be up half the night with Austin. A smile slid on my face at the thought of his name as I sat down at my desk and opened the books I needed to study.

  Human Anatomy 101. I giggled to myself. Everything reminded me of sex. After two years of working hard and not having a social life at all, it felt nice to relax and take a break with Austin.

  I pushed all other thoughts aside and hit the books, studying hard for midterms which were quickly approaching. Every ten or fifteen minutes, I glanced over at the door to my bedroom, trying to hear if Jocelyn had left yet or not.

  She eventually left about ten minutes before her shift started. I rushed through the apartment, cleaning up and striving to make it seem better than it was in reality. Most of the time, I spent in my bedroom, strategically placing candles.

  One more night of fun then back to work.



  By the time he knocked on the front door, I had the candles going, smooth elevator jazz playing softly in the background and fresh linen on the bed.

  Wearing only a see-through black nightie, I opened the door and smiled at him. He grinned and walked forward, putting his arm around me.

  As we kissed, he kicked the door shut. He smelled of shampoo and soap, so squeaky clean. Had practice run late? I didn’t care as his tongue swirled against mine.

  I pulled back and looked at him with a serious expression on my face.

  “Are you sure your testicles are up for this tonight?”

  He laughed.

  “You’ll have to check them for yourself.”

  “Ooh, sounds kinky.”

  I took his hand and led him to my bedroom.

  “Why do I feel like I’m in an elevator?” he asked.

  “Are you making fun of my music? It was this or Barry White.”

  I knew I had gone a bit overboard, but I was never sure which night with Austin would be my last. I wanted to make it memorable.

  “This is fine.” He kissed me. “I want to play you like an instrument and make music.”

  “There you go again, Mr. Romantic. I’m going to spill your secrets in a tell-all letter to the campus newspaper.”

  “That garbage? No one would believe you.”

  I stood on my toes and kissed him again. He put his hands on my ass, pressing my body against his crotch. We kissed a moment before he pulled away.

  “Your outfit is nice.”

  “I don’t like yours. You should take it off.”

  “Why don’t you do it for me?”

  I stepped forward, my fingers undoing his pants as he bent to kiss my lips again. After they were unbuttoned and unzipped, I pulled them and his briefs down at the same time, revealing my prize. As he lifted one foot out of the loose fitting jeans then the other, I grabbed his cock.

  It felt so warm and good in my hands, I forgot about his shirt. He pulled it up and over his head, suddenly standing completely naked in front of me.

  “There’s something I’ve been meaning to do,” he said seriously.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  He nodded then put his hand on the small of my back and led me over to the bed. I had no panties under the short nightie, so I left it on as I laid down on the bed.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “Get up.”

  I tilted my head to the side and stared at him. He laid down on his back. Before I figured out what he wanted, he took my hand and pulled me toward him.

  Does he want me to sixty-nine? I turned to straddle him.

  “No,” he said again, more firmly. “I want to taste you. I’ve not stopped thinking about it since you went down on me in the woods.”

  “You don’t need to do that,” I said, straddling his chest.

  “Come here. Bring it closer.”

  I scooted up his body, suddenly acutely aware of my body, and his too. With my thighs on the sides of his head, he reached up and grabbed my breasts through the sheer material. At the same time, his tongue licked from the bottom to the top of my pussy.

  “Oh, Austin,” I moaned, adjusting myself.

  He moved his hands to my ass, pulling my pussy closer to his face.

  Oh. My. God.



  The next morning, I snuck out of bed before she woke. She had set her alarm, so she would get up eventually. My internal clock never let me down.

  As I stopped in the kitchen for a bottle of water and to write Brooke a note to leave on the refrigerator for her, Jocelyn walked in wearing her nasty brown robe.

  “Hey there,” I said, nodding my head at her as I closed the refrigerator door.

  “Stealing another water, are you?”

  She nodded at the water bottle in my hand.

  “I guess you could say that, but it’s not stealing.”

  “Yeah? You going to pay for that, are you? I’m going to tell your coach,” she said, following me. “You’re not supposed to be sleeping around, are you?”

  I stopped and turned to face her.

  “I can do whatever I damn well want,” I said. “You can’t stop me.”

  “We’ll see about that,” she said. “By the way, Brooke isn’t really interested in you. She’s using you to get to Trey.”

  “That’s bullshit,” I said, not believing her.

  “It’s the truth. I’m just trying to help you.”

  Shaking my head, I turned and left out the front door. On the walk to my apartment, I thought about the night before. Would Brooke sleep with me and Trey? Did she have some weird fetish where she liked to sleep with multiple sports stars?

  I told myself I had no proof. Brooke hadn’t done anything to make me suspect she wasn’t trustworthy. Still, Jocelyn had planted a small seed of doubt. It pissed me off, so I pushed it out of my mind, determined to forget about Brooke for a few days.

  Football and classes were the only things that truly mattered. The rest was cake. She might come clean if I put some space between us. All around, my idea sounded reasonable and even helpful. I had nothing to worry about.

  When I reached the house I shared with a man who might or might not be sleeping with Brooke on the side, I walked up the porch and opened the door. Inside, I saw Brian and Teddy both sunk into the couch.

  “Have you two even got up since I saw you last?”

  “New game,” Teddy said, eyes glued to the television.

  “Trey around?” I asked.

  “He left already,” Teddy said, then added. “Take that fucker!”

  “Alright, bro. If you see him bring a woman around, would you let me know?”

  Teddy paused the game and looked over at me.


  “It’s nothing,” I said, waving my hand away from me as if swatting away the whole idea. “I’ll catch you guys later.”

  “Off for your run?”

  “No, I think I’m going to grab a bite at the student center then get to class. You guys remember classes, right?”

  Brian laughed.

  “Yeah, we go sometimes. It’s all bullshit anyway, bro.”

  I adjusted my backpack slung over one shoulder.

  “Alright, then. Catch you fellas later.”

  “Later,” Teddy said.

  He turned back to the game as I walked into my bedroom.

  Why did this woman have me so messed up in the head? Actually, both of them. Jocelyn and Brooke. Were they both secretly insane and trying to bring me down?

  I stepped into the shower. None of it made any sense. Warm water washed over my body as I lathered up. Memories of fucking her came back to me.

  And that blowjob. I bent down and made the water a bit cooler. To help get her out of my mind, I went through everything I needed to get done that day. If I skipped my morning run, I would have to work it in later. Classes and practice were essential too.

  The more I thought about my busy life, the less I cared if Brooke was sleeping with Trey or anyone else. It might even turn out to be a good thing. Without her around, I would be able to concentrate on everything important in my life. Football would be my future.

  After my shower, I got dressed and prepared to leave. Brooke called, but I ignored it, sending her to voicemail. She sent a short text, “I had fun last night, call me later,” but I didn’t respond to that either. To me, at least for the day, she didn’t exist anymore.

  I left the house a changed man. No longer weighed down by a complex modern relationship with a woman who had a crazy person as a roommate, I might be able to more easily achieve my big dream – playing professional football.

  Any team would make me happy. As I walked toward the Student Center food court, I went through my top five teams, wondering if I would be good enough in a couple years to get drafted by one of them. Dreams kept me motivated.


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