A Modern Day Persuasion

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A Modern Day Persuasion Page 8

by Kaitlin Saunders

  Chapter 18

  When Etta and Charles returned, Chuck tagged along to accompany them for the remainder of their hike.

  Rick stole a look at Anne in time to see her extract a water bottle from her backpack for a needed sip of water. He watched as she became frustrated, remembering that Mary had already finished it.

  Grimacing, Anne placed the empty container back into her pack. Rick slowed his pace to hand Anne his own water bottle. Anne looked up at Rick curiously and took it, showing surprise and gratitude on her face. Inwardly, she wanted to cry at his thoughtful gesture. She tried not to read into Rick’s chivalrous act, but found herself half-elated and halfhoping. Can it be that despite the long passage of time Rick still holds some fondness for what we once had? Anne instantly chastised herself for these whimsical thoughts. She was being foolish and leading herself on. What Rick did for her, he’d probably do the same for anyone—simple as that.

  Struggling with her wishful thoughts, Anne followed the group to the top of a knoll overlooking a beautiful and serene lake. Ducks swam across its surface effortlessly, prompting Anne to take a few pictures with her camera. Over the gentle sound of the water pressing against the river’s bank, the party heard the sound of an approaching boat.

  “Look, Rick! It’s your sister and her husband!” Etta exclaimed.

  Sure enough, the Admiral and Mrs. Croft could be seen coming downstream, maneuvering their craft towards the bank.

  “Ahoy there!” Rick said. “What are you two up to?”

  Rick’s sister smiled in greeting. “Mr. Croft wanted to feel as if he was on the sea again, so I suggested we rent a boat.” Mrs. Croft gestured indulgently at her husband.

  The Admiral in turn smiled, “Whatever will make Sophie happy.” It was evident the couple were still in love after many years of marriage.

  “You all look beat. Have you been walking long?” Mrs. Croft asked the group. “We have room for one more in the boat if anyone is tired, isn’t that right, Mr. Croft?”

  Her husband scooted over, leaving an empty space, and asked, “Who will it be?” as he patted the metal bench.

  Rick quickly approached the boat and mouthed an inaudible comment to his sister.

  Sophie looked at Anne, and promptly asked, “Anne, why don’t you join us?”

  Anne looked hesitant at being singled out. “Me?”

  “Why, yes. It will save you a good two miles.” Anne was indeed tempted as she was tired from the walk.

  Rick, sensing her indecision, came over and ushered Anne to the boat before she could refuse. His touch on her back and hand caused her breath to catch. Anne looked back at Rick to see if he had noticed, but he avoided eye contact.

  Once settled in the boat, Mrs. Croft asked, “Comfortable?” Anne nodded and smiled in answer to her question.

  Anne was still reeling from the feel of Rick’s touch on her. She wondered if he’d experienced the same electrifying jolt. In addition, her mind was swirling with unanswered questions. Why did Rick single me out for the choice ride on the boat? Was it out of concern because he noticed I was exhausted, or was it so he could flirt to his heart’s content with Louise after I’d left?

  “Okay! See you back at the Musgrove’s,” shouted the Admiral. He was ready to be on the move again and with that, pulled the boat away from the shore towards home.

  Once they were a distance away from the rest of the group, Mrs. Croft turned to her husband. “So, what do you think about Rick spending so much time with Louise and Etta?” Her question pulled at Anne’s heartstrings.

  “I think he’s come to the realization it’s about time to settle down,” he answered.

  Anne couldn’t blame Rick for wishing to find happiness with someone other than herself. After all, she had been the one who postponed the relationship, albeit with much persuasion from her father and Carol. Still, Anne had hoped things would have turned out differently.

  Anne had never wanted the relationship to end. Far from it! Instead, she’d fervently hoped that Rick would have stuck around to secure her father’s blessing. Under the circumstances, it was no wonder her dad was resistant, considering Rick was just a high school graduate working part-time as a lifeguard. At 20, Rick was content to live from paycheck to paycheck, seizing any free moments for fun. In reflection, Anne understood now why her father and Carol objected. Yet one thing she could not come to terms with was their concept on social standing. That to Anne, was flat out prejudice. However, instead of Rick attempting to gain her father’s confidence, he simply vanished from her life.

  “Anne, which one do you think Rick likes better?” asked Mrs. Croft. The unexpected question jarred Anne.

  Fortunately, the Admiral responded before Anne could even compose herself enough to address the question. “I put my odds on Louise. She is a spirited little thing and rather easy on the eyes.”

  “I don’t know,” Mrs. Croft said hesitantly. “I think he’d prefer the disposition of Etta more.”

  Anne looked away, finding herself depressed. All this talk about Rick with another woman was painful to say the least. She couldn’t wait to get home so she could privately break down in tears.

  “Yes, but you forgot, she’s already got that fellow…what’s his name?” Admiral Croft prompted.

  “Hayter, Chuck Hayter,” Anne answered softly.

  “Yes, that’s it. Do you remember the way he looked when he caught Etta dancing with Rick at the restaurant? Now, that’s a man in love.”

  Mrs. Croft agreed, “Of course. You are always right, dear.” The Admiral and Mrs. Croft shared a special look between themselves and smiled.

  Chapter 19

  Two hours later, Anne found herself sitting on the Musgrove’s couch watching Sesame Street while the boys played with their Lego’s. She juggled her attention between entertaining her nephews while also semi-listening to Mr. and Mrs. Musgrove as they happily chatted with the Admiral and Mrs. Croft. Anne perked up at every mention of Rick’s name which seemed to be constantly paired with that of Louise, a combination that Anne found quite distressing. She tried desperately to tune this part of their conversation out, forcing herself instead to concentrate on Burt and Ernie.

  The sound of boisterous noises coming through the front door startled Anne, announcing the return of the rest of the party. Anne felt herself tense involuntarily even though she’d been anxiously awaiting their return, mulling over the reason behind Rick’s actions. Anne didn’t know whether to be grateful for the quick lift back to the Musgrove’s or not. Yes, she’d been tired, but a part of her had wanted to stay just to be in Rick’s presence, no matter how painful.

  Seconds later, Anne was greeted by Louise who plopped down on the couch beside her, exclaiming, “We’re exhausted!” Anne smiled, but found it difficult to keep her gaze from Rick who seemed occupied. Lowering her eyes, Anne took a deep, inward sigh. At times like this, she wished she could shut off all her emotions, then life would be so much easier.

  While Charles and Rick found seats, Mary and Etta sat cross-legged next to the boys who eagerly recounted their exciting day thus far with Grandma and Grandpa. Anne found their enthusiasm amusing and ruffled Little Charlie’s hair. Glancing up, she caught Rick observing her. Anne felt a shockwave jolt through her body, not realizing her hand was still entangled in her nephew’s locks. It wasn’t until Little Charlie complained that Anne became aware she had ceased to move. Blushing, Anne pulled away her hand as Little Charlie proceeded to demonstrate to Etta how to properly build a starship.

  Mrs. Musgrove, seeing the happy and contented faces around her, decided to test the waters. Clara liked how well Rick fit in with their family and couldn’t help but envision him as a future son-in-law. “So, could you see yourself someday living here permanently?” she inquired of Rick, hoping for a positive answer. Her goal was to have Rick settled nicely next door, if at all possible.

  Rick pondered the question, resting his chin in his hand. “Actually, yes. What little I’ve seen of Bl
ack Butte I like. I could easily picture myself establishing a home here.” Mrs. Musgrove could not hide the delighted smile these words brought to her face.

  Mrs. Croft turned to Clara and Anne. “I’m certainly glad to hear him say so! After all, it was Rick who first told us about the Elliot home being for sale in Portland.”

  Anne’s head jerked up at this news. How had Rick known?! Anne’s mind swirled with unanswered questions, especially why he would even suggest such a thing to his sister and brother-in-law. She studied Rick carefully as Mrs. Croft talked, hoping that perhaps a facial expression would give her some kind of explanation for his actions, but came up empty.

  “Now that we have purchased it,” began Mrs. Croft again, “He had better stay in Oregon, especially since it’s the primary reason we moved here. The Admiral and I wanted to live closer to Rick.” She looked at Rick with a mixture of sadness and tenderness. “You see, I wasn’t around much when he was growing up, being fifteen years older and then later, being a Naval wife…”

  “Well, we will make it up to him now,” Admiral Croft said, seeing the remorse on his wife’s face. He smiled reassuringly at Sophie, grasping her hand in an effort to bring comfort.

  While Rick’s sister and her husband shared a special moment, Mrs. Musgrove utilized the silence to further monopolize Rick. “Next week is our annual parade. Do you think you’ll still be in Black Butte for that?”

  Louise looked hopefully at Rick, awaiting his answer to her mother’s question. Anne could sense Louise was already picturing herself hanging on Rick’s arm while showing him around town during the festival.

  “I’m afraid not. I’m leaving in a few days to see an old naval buddy who lives near the coast.” Louise’s face fell upon hearing this.

  “What stretch of beach?” asked Charles.

  “Lincoln City,” Rick replied.

  “I haven’t seen the ocean for a while…it’s quite beautiful there,” mused Charles.

  “Well, why don’t you all come then?” Rick suggested, sitting up in his chair. “I’m sure my friend wouldn’t mind. And I believe there’s still a number of rooms available in the motel I’m staying at.”

  “Oh! I would love to visit the coast!” Etta said with excitement, dropping the Lego in her hand to give complete attention to that of planning an excursion away from home.

  “We can make a weekend of it!” Louise suggested.

  “I don’t like the beach. Sand gets in everything,” Mary said while picking off some extra fuzz from her cardigan sweater. Rather than dampening their spirits, her reply became a green light to the rest of the party who moved forward with Rick’s wonderful invitation.

  Although Anne could tell Charles was keen on getting away for a few days, he hesitated because of Mary. Her sister clearly showed a distaste for the whole idea, and Charles knew from experience his wife didn’t enjoy the coast, especially since Oregon’s beaches were notoriously wet and cold.

  “You know, it actually might be nice to get away,” confessed Charles. “Maybe we could stay just a few days?” He looked pleadingly at Mary, trying to read her reaction.

  “Well, we’re going whether Mary comes or not!” Louise said with determination, adding, “And Anne will go, too.”

  Luckily for Charles, it appeared Mary disliked the idea of being left behind more than she hated going to the beach. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t go,” Mary said huffily, her resolve quickly fading.

  Louise continued, “Plus, it’d be a nice farewell for Anne before she leaves for Napa Valley.”

  At the mention of this, Rick’s head popped up. He seemed surprised to hear of Anne’s plans to leave the area. He made a mental note to ask Charles later regarding her situation. In the meantime, he addressed the whole group, “Well, it’s settled then. I’ll call my friend to let him know.”

  Louise put her arm around Anne’s shoulders and gave her a sisterly squeeze. “You would like that, wouldn’t you, Anne?”

  Anne turned to acknowledge the question with a smile and a nod. Louise’s inquiry caused Anne to study the young beauty sitting next to her. Louise really is striking, Anne thought. And she has a personality to match, too. Glancing between Rick and Louise, Anne didn’t notice any significant partiality on his side, but yet why did he spend so much time with the Musgrove family?

  Chapter 20

  Anne was getting carsick. Louise, in her eagerness to admire Etta’s engagement ring kept impeding Anne’s view by her frequent turns from the front seat. And if Louise wasn’t looking at the ring, it was to discuss wedding details, making Anne’s stomach lurch on the curvy road heading towards Lincoln City. This made Anne wish she had taken the offer to sit in the front seat. While Anne lowered her window for some fresh air, she attempted to keep her eyes fixed on the limited view ahead. The last thing she wanted to do was puke in Rick’s luxury SUV—but it would be one way to make him remember her for a long time, at least as long as the stench remained. Despite her queasiness, the thought made Anne almost giggle.

  Etta glowed with satisfaction at her sister’s admiration over the clarity of the diamond and its elegant setting. Chuck had finally popped the question the evening after the hike. No doubt having Rick in the area was an incentive for Chuck’s quick action in proposing. Although battling her carsickness, Anne was truly happy for Etta.

  Rick’s Lexus provided a smooth ride while covering the three and a half hour drive from Black Butte to the Oregon Coast. During the trip, Anne listened to Etta and Louise, and when consulted, gave her opinion on their ideas for Etta’s big day. The bulk of her time though, was spent reveling in the picturesque landscape along the freeway. Once, as Anne glanced ahead to see if Mary and Charles’ Subaru Outback was still in sight, she noticed Rick looking at her through the rear-view mirror. Upon being caught, Rick adverted his eyes so quickly Anne began to think perhaps she’d imagined it, but even so, it caused her heart to skip a beat. I really need to get my emotions under control, Anne silently reprimanded herself. Anne wondered how she was going to cope once Rick was out of her life, or worse, married to Louise. Oh, why did Rick have to show up in my life again?

  When the group reached Lincoln City, they collectively agreed to do some exploring before checking into their motel. The day was bright and sunny despite the slight misting of rain on the drive over, so no one felt like giving up the unexpected hours of sunshine in exchange for unpacking. Etta and Louise headed up the troop in their quest to window-shop, and soon the group found themselves in a gift shop. While inside, Anne chose to explore the aisles with her sister rather than to tag along with Louise and Etta. Occasionally, she stole a look at Rick and Charles who had stationed themselves in front of a rotating wire rack to read some humorous greeting cards on display.

  “I love it!” Anne heard Louise say from the jewelry counter, diverting her attention from the men. “Don’t you think this necklace and earrings will go well with that new dress I just bought?” Louise asked her sister.

  Etta nodded and held up another necklace. “How does this color look on me? I’ve always loved this shade of green, don’t you?” Louise nodded affirmatively.

  “Hey, Louise, Etta, come look at this,” Rick petitioned the girls. They hurried over to glance at the card he wanted them to read. The three chuckled merrily, and Louise looked up at Rick doe-eyed. Anne wished she had been invited to partake in their amusement, for after seeing Louise’s open admiration of Rick, she was in desperate need of a laugh herself.

  “How cute!” Louise exclaimed, taking the card from Rick with a determined air. “I’m buying it.” With that, she strutted over to the cash register where she and Etta purchased the card along with the jewelry they had been viewing.

  As they were leaving the shop, Etta halted with a gasp.

  “What’s wrong?” Anne asked her with alarm.

  “Oh! I just realized the necklace and earrings I bought will match perfectly with my wedding colors!” Etta smiled brightly and then promptly resumed walking with
a decided spring to her step, feeling quite elated with her recent purchases.

  “I think we should start making our way to the motel,” Rick said as he looked at his watch. “My friend Harve is expecting us at seven o’clock so that just gives us an hour to get settled in our rooms.”

  Munching on salt-water taffy purchased earlier, the group reluctantly agreed, leaving behind the beachfront railing overlooking the torrent and rocky sea below.

  After getting checked into their rooms, each unpacked, then spent time freshening up before heading over to Harve’s place. The drive was just a mere ten-minute excursion from their motel. After parking alongside the neighborhood street, Rick led the entourage down a path to the front porch of Harve’s house. Anne instantly fell in love with it. The place was a picturesque beach cottage with clean-cut and simple lines surrounded by beautiful landscaping.

  Rick paused before reaching the staircase at the foot of the porch. “Before we go in, I should mention that another one of my Naval buddies, Ben, is temporarily living with Harve. Ben’s been hit with some real hard times over the past year. You see, he was engaged to Harve’s sister, Francie. Just two weeks before their wedding date, when Ben was overseas, Francie died unexpectedly. As one would expect, Ben took it quite hard. In fact, he’s still having a difficult time recovering.”

  “How sad!” Etta said, the true romantic of the Musgrove family.

  Anne couldn’t even fathom the heartbreak Ben and Francie’s family must be suffering. She swallowed back tears and found herself already feeling a sense of kinship with Ben, a person she had yet to meet.

  Rick rang the bell and Harve opened the door with a warm, welcoming smile.


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