A Modern Day Persuasion

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A Modern Day Persuasion Page 16

by Kaitlin Saunders

  Anne nodded and bit her lip nervously.

  “Oh, that reminds me,” Rick added. “Did you hear the good news about Louise and Ben? Who would have guessed an engagement would have resulted from her accident?”

  Hearing Rick refer to Ben and Louise’s plans of marriage as “good news” cheered Anne’s heart. It made her think perhaps Admiral Croft had been correct in supposing Rick never cared for Louise in that way.

  “Yes!” Anne smiled. “The Admiral told me. I was really surprised. I hope they’ll be very happy.”

  “Me, too,” Rick smiled in return. “They are fortunate that both families approve.” As Rick said these words, he glanced pointedly towards her father. Anne felt she understood his meaning as he continued, “It just makes things easier when there is no opposition. Even so, I am surprised at how quickly their love has come about. Don’t get me wrong, Louise is a great girl, but after all, Ben was still recovering from a broken heart…you see, his fiancé, Francie, was such an incredible woman…a man does not simply forget someone like that. If he does, then I’d have to question the depth of his love.”

  The gentleness behind Rick’s eyes as he voiced these words mesmerized Anne, making her incapable of looking away. Could there be a deeper meaning behind his words? she thought as she stood before Rick bright-eyed, feeling as though she were eighteen years old again.

  “Anne,” Rick tenderly spoke her name, “I have never…” he paused.

  Anne waited breathlessly to hear more and the stillness seemed like an eternity…

  KA-BOOM! A spectacular opening firework blasted into the sky, exploding as it sent shimmers of light everywhere. The beautiful display normally would have caused Anne much delight, but the timing could not have been worse as it interrupted Rick mid-sentence. Between the noise of the fireworks and the ensuing appreciation from the crowd, it made the hearing of Rick’s words next to impossible.

  “Ladies and gentleman,” began the host from his platform on the stage, “Welcome to this year’s Fourth of July celebration!”


  But this time it was not Rick’s strong and tender voice calling her name, but rather the shrill voice of Elizabeth. With dread, Anne looked over to her sister who was standing nearby with her hands on her hips looking displeased. Apparently Anne’s interaction with Rick was causing a spectacle, and her sister was not the only one who had noticed. Her father and the others were observing them as well, but more out of curiosity.

  “The show’s starting!” Elizabeth’s voice was laced with veiled contempt towards Rick as she issued what seemed like a command for Anne to join them.

  Anne turned back to Rick who now spoke with disparity. “As always, your family wants you,” he said, his body language indicating whatever moment had just been happening between them no longer existed. Oh, will the two of us ever get that second chance I feel we both desire? thought Anne as her eyes shimmered with tears she refused to shed. Now was not the time to get emotional.

  Glancing back at her family, Anne’s heart tightened when she saw Rick already moving back to rejoin Harve. Anne felt as if her world were falling apart, but even so, she continued to hold out a glimmer of hope that Rick still cared, else why did he come tonight?

  As she settled onto the blanket Will had laid out for their family, Anne belatedly wished that she had invited Rick and Harve to join their party. Even if they hadn’t been able to talk, Anne felt she could have communicated volumes by her behavior towards Rick.

  “What do you keep looking at?” Will asked Anne with a hint of annoyance at being ignored. Anne had been too wrapped up in keeping an eye on Rick to worry about what the others were thinking around her.

  “Oh…um,” Anne began, trying to force her eyes away from Rick so that she could answer Will but was reluctant to do so.

  Seeing that her attention was still divided, Will placed his finger on the top of Anne’s hand to trace it seductively up her arm. The sensation sent chills down her spine—the type of chills you get though when watching a horror flick. Startled at this intimate gesture, Anne quickly pulled her hand away, hoping Rick by chance hadn’t witnessed Will’s forward touch.

  “I’m just taking everything in, crowds included,” Anne explained while sending Will a questioning look.

  But Will was not so easily duped. Since Anne’s arrival, he had noticed her preoccupied behavior. He also was aware Anne kept looking in the direction of the man previously seen at the mini-mart.

  Trying a different approach to secure the answers he wanted, Will turned to Mr. Elliot. “Who’s that guy over there?” he asked, motioning to Rick in the distance. “The one Anne was talking to earlier.”

  Walter looked as directed, straining his eyes to see the person Will was referring to, but it was Elizabeth who answered the question, “Oh, him…that’s Rick Wentworth.”

  At the mention of Rick’s name, Mr. Elliot became alert, squinting even harder as Elizabeth unenthusiastically pointed Wentworth out to her dad. “Really?” he said with surprise at catching sight of him, “I would never have recognized him.”

  “If you’d wear your glasses like you’re supposed to, you wouldn’t have that problem,” Elizabeth retorted, settling back into her lawn chair.

  “But they make me look old,” Mr. Elliot pouted.

  Having obtained the information he sought, Will pointedly moved back to sit close to Anne, making sure Rick noticed the gesture while sending a malicious look of triumph his way.

  By that time, the band had begun playing the tune “What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?” Will listened to the first stanza. Since the words to the song served his purpose nicely, he decided to make the most of this opportune moment. Securing her attention, he pointedly asked, “Anne…what are you doing for the rest of your life?”

  Obtuse to his meaning, Anne absentmindedly responded, “Oh yes, I like that song, too.”

  A shockwave of anger rippled down Will’s spine as he watched Anne once again turn her attention back to her present favorite activity: keeping an eye on that fellow named Rick. “No!” he exclaimed more sharply then he had intended, causing Anne to look his way. Noting the frightened look in her eyes, he quickly softened his tone to one of tenderness. “Dearest Anne, I was asking you a question. What are you doing…for the rest of your life?”

  Anne looked at him rather confused. “Huh?” she asked, not getting his meaning.

  Will was having trouble keeping his irritation under wraps due to Anne making this more difficult than expected. He quickly channeled his MTV experience to mask his displeasure, picking up her hand and stroking it with tenderness. “Anne,” Will began, “What would you say if I told you I wanted to love and pamper you for the rest of your life?”

  Anne tried to pull her hand away, but Will’s tight grip refused to lessen. Thinking Rick might be observing this tête-à-tête, she worried he might misunderstand. To make matters worse, Will placed his other hand directly on Anne’s cheek, forcing her to look into his eyes.

  “Will…what is this all about?” Anne asked, now completely bewildered—not only by his words, but also by his actions.

  “Anne, I envision the two of us—” Will started to say, but Anne didn’t hear the rest.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Anne witnessed Rick turning to leave with Harve, causing panic to set in. Struggling against the hold Will had on her, Anne managed to get free.

  “Anne!” Will yelled with a combination of frustration and astonishment at seeing Anne scramble after the departing Rick.

  As Will was heralding Anne, she was shouting out to Rick, hoping the latter would slow down enough for her to catch him in the crowded park.

  Luckily, Rick heard his name and turned in time to see Anne rushing towards him. Stopping his progress, Rick spoke briefly to Harve who nodded. His friend then proceeded on to give the two some space.

  “Leaving so soon?” Anne asked breathlessly and with some trepidation when she reached him.

��Yes,” Rick bit out the word, his voice an emotionless pit.

  Anne’s mind went blank. What could she say to convince him not to leave? She somehow sensed Rick would be unreceptive to any of her entreaties. It was only when Anne felt a touch on her shoulder that she realized Will had followed her, filling Anne with a sense of doom. By Will’s pursuit of her, he effectively signed, sealed, and delivered Rick’s goodbye.

  “Anne…dear, please come back,” Will pleaded, his voice causing Anne’s blood to boil at the addition of the word “dear”.

  Rick didn’t wait to hear Anne’s reply and began to walk away. Not wasting a moment, she moved swiftly in front of Rick’s exit route, not caring how her actions appeared.

  “…but the fireworks, they’re not even half way through!” Anne gasped. Then taking one more leap of faith she pleaded, “Please, can’t you stay?”

  “There’s no reason anymore,” Rick replied, his eyes portraying the closed state of his heart.

  It felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her. Anne stood there feeling the hurt of his words—so I’m not enough of a reason for him to stay… the thought slowly penetrated Anne’s mind. Here I’ve pined for Rick for nearly eight years and this is how I am to remember him and be remembered?

  “Anne,” Will interrupted the depressing thoughts. “Speaking of fireworks, we’re standing in the way. We need to go sit down.”

  Anne, who was normally courteous, couldn’t have cared less at this point about blocking other people’s views. She was also extremely irritated at Will since he was most likely the cause for the cool demeanor Rick was now exhibiting.

  “Don’t worry,” Rick said, looking between the two of them pointedly and adding harshly, “I’ve seen enough. Now excuse me so that I can be on my way.”

  Anne’s shoulders slumped as she watched Rick aggressively move past her without even a backwards glance, disappearing into the crowd and out of her life. She stood there deflated and drained as if the very essence of her had been removed. Anne remained in this state until Will jarred her back to reality when he circled his arm around her shoulders, expressing a wish to head back. Will’s touch seared her. Anne was shocked to find how repugnant Will now was to her when merely days ago he seemed handsome and entertaining. Everything in her wanted to push Will away but was too weary to fight.

  Her dad chose that moment to appear, carrying three ice cream cones in tow. “Good! I’ve found you!” Mr. Elliot said as he approached, totally oblivious to what had happened merely seconds before. “Ice cream anyone?”

  Although indulging in ice cream seemed like a great antidote for a broken heart, it held no remedy for Anne. However, the rare kindness shown by her father proved too much for Anne and without warning, despite her resolve to stay strong, she burst into tears and fled.

  Walter stood there perplexed. “Did I choose the wrong flavor? That’s not like Anne to be so picky,” he bemoaned with an injured tone. Mr. Elliot turned to Will for sympathy but found none. Will also declined the offered cone as the young man followed in haste after the distraught Anne. Her dad frowned, “Now what am I going to do with the two extra cones? Has everyone around here gone bonkers? Good gravy! This is Haagen-Dazs we’re talking about!”

  Chapter 40

  Fortunately for Anne, she had visitors to occupy her time and mind. Mary, Charles, and the boys had arrived, as well as Etta and Mrs. Musgrove.

  Since Anne was to be one of Etta’s bridesmaids, she was quickly recruited to help with arrangements for Etta’s forthcoming wedding. Anne felt grateful for this occupation as it filled her days with enough activity to avoid almost all interactions with Will and Rick. Etta was all aflutter at having such an abundance of bridal selections at her fingertips while staying in California. Etta and her mother heavily relied on Anne’s attendance at the numerous appointments with cake makers, decoration warehouses, florists, and most importantly, wedding dress boutiques.

  On this particular day, they were at their fourth dress shop with Etta gazing at herself in a full length mirror. Anne tried not to be bored, but just at this location alone Etta had tried on at least two dozen or more selections. As Etta returned to the dressing room, Anne sat in a corner, resting her eyes from all the excitement while Mary preferred to look through magazines. Not wanting to feel left out, Mary had tagged along even though her complaints had become a constant occurrence. Luckily, this bridal boutique had a gossip magazine full of pictures to keep Mary occupied for the time being.

  “Anne!” Etta called out, jarring Anne from her rest.

  “Hmm?” Anne responded rather absentmindedly, not bothering to look up. If Anne was to be honest, she considered Etta a bit excessive in her search for the ultimate dress. During the past two hours alone, Etta had declared five different dresses to be ‘the one’, only to later change her mind. Although this was aggravating, Anne tried to remind herself that perhaps she might be as tiresome when her time came. At this reflection, Anne suddenly stopped short. An unwelcome thought came to her mind…but will I ever get to be a bride? What if marriage never happens for me? These thoughts depressed Anne greatly, since at this point, matrimony seemed highly unlikely.

  “Well, what do you think?” an animated Etta squeaked with newfound excitement. There upon a pedestal, Etta stood, reverently stroking the soft, white sheathy material of the dress. It shimmered with beauty and gathered becomingly at Etta’s waist as the folds of the gown worked magic to enhance her already lovely form. To complete this stunning dress, an exquisite and very lengthy train flowed behind, showcasing impeccable bead work.

  The sight took Anne’s breath away. Etta looked fantastic in the gown—a picture of perfection. “Oh, Etta…it’s magnificent!” Anne exclaimed.

  Mary, at hearing the awe in Anne’s voice, took a moment to tear her eyes away from the scandal magazine to bestow her approval. “Wow, Etta, you look incredible!”

  Judging by Etta’s smile, Anne presumed the search for the ultimate dress was complete. To cement Anne’s intuition, Mrs. Musgrove and her daughter embraced one other, tears brimming in Clara’s eyes.

  While the two finalized a few needed alterations with the seamstress, Anne looked wistfully through the dresses, wondering if one day, she too, would have the opportunity to wear a wedding gown. Although the selections before her were beautiful and elegant, it had always been Anne’s dream to wear her mother’s dress. Anne had discovered the vintage gown while packing up the house in Oregon. Not being able to resist trying it on, Anne was ecstatic to find it fit perfect, almost as if it had been made especially for her. But with her 26th birthday fast approaching, Anne felt as if her young, girlish dreams were quickly evaporating. The final blow had been Rick’s rejection at the Fourth of July celebration. Anne had always held out hope that despite their long separation it would be Rick she’d one day walk down the aisle to—and now that dream had been destroyed.

  Anne’s stomach growled, reminding her it had been hours since her last meal. Looking at her watch, she realized it was almost time for the girls to meet up with Charles, Rick and Harve for lunch. The idea of being around Rick almost made Anne’s appetite vanish, but she would suck it up, at least for her stomach’s sake.

  “Ready?” Mary asked Anne when she finally located her sister wedged between two tight aisles of wedding gowns, “I’m starving!”

  Anne nodded and followed Mary out of the maze, hoping the meal would be worth the pain of being in Rick’s company.

  “Where are the kids?” Charles asked Mary when they all finally met up at the mall’s restaurant.

  “With my dad. He took them to a movie,” Mary replied from behind her menu. She couldn’t decide between the Biggie’s Buffalo Burger or the Spicy Sausage Spaghetti.

  Charles nodded and then accepted Anne’s offer to vacate the seat next to Mary so he could be near his wife. Rick and Harve had already seated themselves, so Anne cringed when she realized the only spot left was next to Rick. Just my luck, Anne thought as she slowly sat do

  Rick inclined his head in her direction, but to Anne’s relief she was spared an acknowledgment by the arrival of the waitress who greeted everyone with a kind smile. “It looks like your party is all here now? Are you ready to order or should I give you a few minutes to look over the menu?” she inquired politely. The group indicated they needed more time, and the server left to check on her other tables.

  “Did you find a dress, Etta?” Charles asked his little sister after deciding on his selection for lunch.

  The glow on Etta’s face was answer enough, but she left no doubt when she excitedly began to describe the dress in vivid detail. Anne smiled and listened, but periodically allowed her eyes to sneak peeks at Rick. To Anne’s surprise, during one of her glances, he leaned towards her and began to speak in a hushed tone. Breathless, Anne listened.

  “So…when am I to wish you congratulations?” he asked, avoiding eye contact.

  “Congratulations…for what?” she whispered back in confusion. Anne found herself not only flustered by Rick’s close proximity, but was now perplexed by his question as well.

  “Your engagement to Will Elliot,” he stated matter-offactly, his voice flat and infused with a hint of accusation.

  “What are you talking about?” Anne asked flabbergasted, trying to piece together the puzzle his words had created. This didn’t make sense. She wasn’t engaged to Will! And who would spread such a rumor?

  “Charles told me the two of you will most likely wed this fall,” Rick answered, flipping over his menu as if totally uninterested in her reply.

  Dumbfounded, Anne croaked, “What! Why on earth would Charles say such a thing?” Rick’s head jerked up at Anne’s vehement response, causing him to look at her with surprise. Anne met his eyes squarely, and continued, “I’m no—”

  “Are you ready?” interrupted a voice. Both turned to see the waitress all set to take orders. Trying to be calm, yet feeling anything but, Anne looked at her menu to quickly scan for an item to select.


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