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Angst Page 7

by Victoria Sawyer

  Finally we’ve made it to the bottom of the stairs and push our way to the shiny silver keg. Everyone’s focused on drinks and normally I would be too, but I can’t keep my eyes from drifting toward the McKinley brothers in the corner. I want to know if it’s him. I stare for a moment, trying to tell. Finally he turns toward me for a moment and I catch his dazzling white grin. It’s him. Goddamn, it’s him, sexy man. I gulp, unable to tear my eyes away. Without his shirt, he is literally breathtaking.

  “Look,” I yell to Hannah, pulling her in close to be heard over the music, drawing her attention to the two brothers.

  “Oh my God!” Hannah breathes as she catches sight of them. “The taller one is Jared and the shorter is Andy,” she says in a rush, staring intently at the younger brother Andy as he stands across the table from Jared talking with two guys. Andy looks like Jared but is blonde and slightly shorter with a muscled chest and arms. He has on aviator sunglasses and camo shorts, but the grin is the same, white and blinding. Hannah is definitely staring at Andy. I study him for a moment too, but I’m more drawn to Jared. His messy curly hair looks so good and he has on dark aviator sunglasses and khaki colored shorts. Without a shirt, his chest, broad shoulders, arms and abs look even more defined and rippling. They both look stunningly hot and I can’t help but be staggered by Jared’s lopsided yet sexy-as-hell grin as he laughs with his friends.

  “I would die to date a guy that hot. How do you know them Hannah?” I ask, trying to pay attention to my sloshing cup that Kayla is filling with beer for me.

  “One of my guy friends in high school was friends with Andy. I went to a few football games at their high school with my friend. They were legendary back in the day because they were so close in age and so good looking and both on the football team. I guess they still are…legendary, I mean,” she says, her eyes never leaving Andy as he stands, aiming his ping pong ball at the red cups across the table, his white teeth showing in a grin against his tanned skin, his bicep muscle flexing in the half-light.

  “Jared came into the store the other day and cashed his check,” I say to Hannah, who clearly can’t stop looking at Andy. I laugh and follow her example, studying them, my eyes always drawn up from Jared’s chest to his grinning face.

  “Is cashing his check some kind of euphemism?” asks Hannah with a laugh. “Did he like ’cash his check‘ in your snatch?” she says, giggling, “…hilarious word choice.”

  “Snatch!” I saw with a gasp laugh, “...I fricken love that word. You’re a snatch,” I say with a grin and notice that Hannah’s lost, she’s still looking…over there.

  The brothers are playing against two sexy school girls with pig tails and short plaid skirts and it appears that Andy and Jared are winning, if the number of cups on the girl’s side of the table says anything. A group of guys and girls are gathered around them, cheering them on and Hannah and I are spellbound.

  Just then, Kayla and Celeste pull us out into the crowd and we start dancing, squished in a tiny space, surrounded by moving bodies, the music booming and vibrating through us, and we’re throwing back drinks like water. I’m feeling good, scanning the crowd for Jared and Andy and any other good looking guys that catch my attention. But my eyes are constantly being drawn back to Jared. God is he good looking. I could never get a guy that hot to be interested in me.

  I keep catching myself watching him talk and laugh with his friends as the girls across the table throw their ping pong balls and all I can think about is sex, especially now that he’s already half undressed, imagining his hands on my body, running my hands over his rock hard sexy pecs and abs, the heat of my lips against his, our pulses throbbing beneath the surface as we attack each other, hot, nasty, and fast. I tingle all over, trading looks with him from across the room, glancing away when he happens to look up.

  I catch his eye once, and he grins that gorgeous smile, his eyes sparkling as he clearly admires me for a moment. I wonder if he remembers me from the store? I wish I could approach him, be forward, kiss him, dance with him, make him want me as much as I want him. Look at me. Want me. I dance in a provocative way hoping he’s still watching me, suddenly caught up in the start of an exhibitionist, alcoholic sexual haze and Hannah is dancing near me when my favorite song comes on and I squeal and we dance together holding hands and grinding down low, singing loudly along with the music, knowing that people are watching us together, not caring.

  After we’ve had several drinks and done some serious dancing, Celeste pushes her way through the crowd toward us with the news that she knows the DJ and he is planning on doing a contest for the sexiest girl costume.

  “We should all go up!” she says laughing as the music cuts out to prepare for the DJ to start talking. I’m starting to feel pretty good, confident, ready for anything, my vision slightly blurred, just a bit unsteady on my feet when I’m not focused on it. I nudge Hannah with a smile and laugh and she grins back. How sweet would it be if we won the prize?

  “You in, snatch?” I ask her and she nods an enthusiastic yes.

  “NHU Hotties and Notties, tonight we’re gonna have us a little friendly competition between the sexy ladies in ultra bangin costumes. I’m gonna ask all the sexiest girls to come up front here and I’m gonna pick a few of you to get on the stage and dance for us. Men are pigs, especially frat brothers, and we want to see you shake it if you want to win the prize. If you win, I’ll be giving the lucky hottie a credit card gift card good for $50. So get your pretty asses up here and let me see what you've got.”

  Kayla grabs our hands, “Come on girls, you two are looking hot.” I laugh, what the hell, why not? I follow Hannah up through the crowd to the DJ table. The tall scruffy DJ is busy sending girls back into the crowd if they don’t meet with his standards. Finally he gets to us.

  “Oh yeah, sexy angel and devil have got to stay, as a pair,” he says, pushing us up onto the stage set up behind the DJ table. While we wait for the DJ to finish picking out his girls, I look around at the competition. There are at least eight other girls already on the stage, all of them very pretty with various costumes that leave little to the imagination and show lots of different skin tones.

  Next to us stands a belly dancer with her hand on her pushed out hip, gold sparkling chains around her exposed taut mid-riff, next is a blonde dressed up as Marilyn Monroe with the white dress, except shorter and bombshell hair. She’s laughing and smiling at a lady cop with a cleavage baring costume, cuffs and a baton, next to her is Madonna from the Like a Virgin video who’s pretending to vogue, smiling at friends in the crowd.

  I’m not feeling so confident now when I see all these beautiful sexy girls. Who the hell am I? Inadequacy is clanging around in my stomach and I feel out of my league despite the alcohol that usually gives me confidence. Suddenly the DJ starts talking again and I forget to be worried as I look out over the crowd at all the expectant male faces. Maybe this will be fun? I smile over at Hannah and she grins back, flashing me a quick thumbs up.

  “Now I’m gonna play some dirrrrrty rap music and I want you girls to shake it like you mean it,” he says leaning over his equipment until music is pumping through the speakers behind us, the artist’s voice talking about sex, the beat bumping and pulsing. I lean over to whisper in Hannah’s ear.

  “Act innocent and I’ll act dirty and evil.” Hannah laughs, shaking her finger no, no, no at me and as she begins to dance, I gyrate up against her, moving my hands over my waist and hips, finally turning around to reach out and slide my palms over Hannah’s waist. I move down low and then up fast, pulling Hannah in close, whispering in her ear. “Let’s make this hot so we can win.” Hannah’s a good actress because she looks indifferent, pretending that she isn’t interested and tries to push the devil away. I laugh evilly, grinding up against her as the crowded room of guys begins to cheer wildly, stomping their feet.

  “Whoooooooooo, angel and devil,” yells a short blonde dude from the crowd.

  “Get a fricken room you
nasty bitches,” seethes one of the other girls on stage, in a Greek goddess costume, a haughty angry expression on her face, pissed that we’re garnering all the attention.

  I smile seductively at the crowd, my eyes suddenly snapping to where Jared and Andy are watching the stage. Jared’s standing with his legs braced apart, arms crossed over his chest, the dog tags glistening in the light. Just as I look at him, he looks up directly at me and a flare of desire that starts just below my belly and races up my body, flashes over me setting my cheeks on fire. He cocks an eyebrow at me and grins and I can’t help but break out into a huge smile as I dance around Hannah, finally pulling her in and goosing her ass. Hannah laughs, unable to continue to act innocent at my games.

  “I’m a turn-coat,” she laughs. “I can’t resist you, you slutty devil,” she purrs, grabbing me back, touching my waist and grinding up against me. I put my hands on Hannah’s hips moving them in time with the thumping bass beat and we move in close to each other, her arm around my waist, mine around her neck, hips grinding. Now the crowd is really getting pumped up on the angel going bad and I smile as we grind down low.

  “Make out!” yells a guy from the crowd and the guys go wild, cheering, hollering out cat calls and pressing toward the stage. The DJ’s eyes are wide as saucers and his dumbfounded expression says he should have stopped the music a while ago, but forgot to in all the excitement.

  I look out over the crowd and seeing Jared’s amused expression, his lips turned up in a crooked grin, I grab Hannah by the hips and pull her in. “Kiss me, beautiful angel,” I say feeling drunk and exhilarated by all the attention at my first frat party. Hannah laughs and kisses me hard on the lips, running her hand up my back. I kiss her back, when suddenly I feel her grin and I pull back because the room is echoing with a deafening roar of cheers and the music screeches to a stop.

  “Devil and angel. Devil and angel!!!!” cheers the crowd and the DJ finally picks up his chin from the floor and grabs his microphone.

  “Sorry, ladies,” he says addressing the rest of the girls, “I think we have a winner…ur…winners! What are your names?” he asks, jumping up on the stage next to us.

  “Fuckin sluts!” says the girl in the belly dancer costume under her breath as she jumps down, her eyes tiny, glaring slits.

  “My name is Hannah and this is Victoria,” says Hannah, pulling me in close as the crowd cheers again.

  “Since you girls are so close I guess you’ll be okay with splitting this gift certificate?” he asks with a raised eyebrow, placing the gift card in Hannah’s cleavage.

  “Let’s hear it one more time for the event of the evening, Sexy Angel gives it to Dirty Devil!” The crowd cheers, hooting and hollering and clapping and Hannah and I laugh, blow a kiss out to the crowd and jump off the stage as the DJ starts the music again. We strut our way over to Celeste and Kayla, the crowd parting before us like new royalty.

  “Holy shit, ladies, that was something else,” says Kayla, grinning like a fellow she-devil. “That was pretty awesome and those other beeotches were mad as cats when you guys started making out. It was pretty flippin hilarious.”

  Hannah and I grab new red cups and are soon drinking again. I’m amazed by the number of male eyes on us and whispered comments and nasty looks from girls as we push through the crowd to rejoin Celeste and Kayla. But I don’t care, I feel amazing. Sometimes acting slutty makes me feel high. I don’t know why and I don’t care at the moment, the alcohol is going to my head and I feel invincible, sexy and wild.

  “That was fun, Victoria,” yells Hannah, giving me a wicked grin as we start dancing again. My feet are stumbling a bit now and my center of gravity feels off ‘cause the lights are revolving overhead, but I’m free of panic, free of my everyday thoughts of fear and that freedom is addictive. Soon the lights seem dimmer and bodies are pulsing to the music, couples grinding with one another, hands moving over tight clothing, guys and girls alike hoping to get someone to go back with them to their dorm rooms. I look up suddenly and watch as Jared and Andy make their way through the crowd in our direction.

  “Oh…my…God,” I say to Hannah with a grin. They are bigger and even better looking now that they are close. I’m studying Jared’s jaw line, full yet masculine lips and his perfectly formed nose. I hold my breath ‘cause I’m hoping they’ll come over to talk with Hannah and me. Lucky for Hannah, Andy pushes his way through the crowd in her direction and stops to pull her aside to talk. Hannah looks elated as Andy grins and jokes with her, clearly he remembers her from the high school football games. I continue to dance with Kayla and Celeste, not wanting to look up and see if Jared will come over to me.

  Unfortunately he doesn’t stop, but keeps on walking toward the stairs and as he’s almost out of sight a petite blonde dressed in a lacy fairy costume grabs his arm, pulling him down so she can yell in his ear. I sigh. Dammit. I really want him to come over to me, but like usual I’m not getting the attention of the guy I want. Instead some other hussy is getting his full attention, her cleavage clearly visible in her very low cut body suit. Faacck, if only I wasn’t so damn cautious, so full of insecurities. Even the alcohol isn’t helping me with Jared. He’s too good looking, too far out of reach.

  There are, however, plenty of other guys nearby who seem interested. Oh well, fuck em, I think, smiling at the closest guy who is standing nearby, his eyes constantly flicking questioningly to my face. At my invitation, he’s instantly at my side. I run my hands up his chest and move in close. He smells good and his body is hard. I close my eyes and imagine that he is Jared McKinley.


  I’m having a good time, chatting with the girls, laughing and dancing when the petite blonde in the fairy costume bounces up to us, apparently recognizing Kayla from somewhere and quickly making herself a new best friend. The blonde, Stacia, is cute, in a little girl kind of way with a short blonde bob and perky nose. She’s also incredibly out going and kind of annoying for my taste. I’m not sure why I’m immediately turned off by her, but it might have something to do with her talking to Jared earlier. I’m dancing with Hannah when I hear her say,

  “Who are all these girls? Introduce me, Kayla.” Kayla smiles at her and brings her over to meet us and I groan inside. I’m not excited to meet this potential “competition,” although I guess every girl is potentially a competitor for Jared. Not that he’s shown any interest in me.

  “And this is Victoria,” Kayla says bringing her over to meet me and I feel my stomach plummet. She’s so damn cute, looking up at me as if I’m a giant, her bright blue eyes piercing. We could be opposites. I’m dark haired and taller and she’s short, petite and girly, yet somehow she has huge tits. Damn her.

  “Hi, Stacia,” I say in my best ‘I’m brushing you off’ voice.

  “Oh hi, Victoria,” she says, “That was some show you guys put on up there. A little scandalous for my taste, but you’re a freshman right? Freshman are always pulling stunts like that,” she says, as if she’s so wise and mothering, when I know she’s trying to stick it to me. I smile sharply, wanting to get away from her as soon as possible.

  “Yeah, well, it was pretty fun,” I reply turning away from her to tell Hannah that my favorite song is on and we absolutely must dance. She nods, because she can tell that I’m annoyed with this new chick.

  Later, after another drink and dancing with several different guys, I spot Jared making his way back into the room. Andy had left a while ago to go up to his room for some mysterious reason, (drugs, anyone?) but now he’s back and talking to Hannah again and I watch as Jared makes his way through the dense crowd to Andy’s side. My hearts starts thudding faster the closer he gets and I feel tongue tied, literally at a loss of what I might say to him if he even notices that I’m here. I lounge against the wall, casually sipping my beer with the girls, trying to be oblivious to his presence. Don’t look, God I’m a stupid bitch!

  Jared stops and pulls Andy aside for a moment, yelling into his ear until
Andy nods and then he turns as if he’s about to walk over to me when Stacia pushes through the crowd up to him, all smiles, her stupid girly costume so damn frilly, yet showing quite a bit of cleavage. She grabs onto his arm, bouncing in her exuberance, telling him something or other and he’s polite or maybe really interested in her, nodding, leaning down to properly hear her. I groan. Dumb bitch. Stacia giggles and Jared looks up, catching my eye for a moment and I can tell he recognizes me from the store. He smiles and soon tells Stacia something and she bounds off in another direction and he’s on his way to my side. Purposeful. Holy what?! I can’t believe it because he looks so fuckable, dog tags glistening in between his nicely sculpted pecs, biceps bulging, literally to die for.

  “Hey,” he yells over the very loud music, smiling down at me. I can’t stop staring at his chest, which is at my eye level. It’s beautiful, perfect. Not too much hair, smallish nipples, very nice pecs and chiseled abs that seem to move when I look at them. Either they move, or I’m far too drunk. I drag my eyes away from his chest and look up at his very nice, gorgeous face.

  “Hey,” I finally reply back as someone in the crowd pushes and I bump into Jared’s chest. I gulp and jump back, smiling apologetically, wishing that I could think of something to say to him through my alcoholic fog. The girls continue yelling to each other nearby but I’m oblivious to everything other than him. He smiles again, disarming me with his weapon of thought destruction, holding on to my arm to steady me.

  “Thanks for the help with the stuff at the store a few weeks ago,” he finally yells, as I take a nervously long gulp off my half-filled cup. I smile and nod.

  “Always happy to help,” I say. I’m a complete idiot.


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