The Nanny (A Billionaire Romance)

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The Nanny (A Billionaire Romance) Page 6

by Naomi Niles

  "Come for me, like a good girl," he commanded. I let myself go.

  My hands gripped the sides of the desk as I cried out with rapture. My body undulated, my muscles seized, and waves of indescribable pleasure ripped through me.

  Suddenly, Tate withdrew from me. He pulled me off the desk and flipped me around.

  "Bend over the desk," he commanded forcefully. He pushed me forward, and I bent at the waist, pressing my tits flat against the desk and putting my ass high in the air. I gripped the sides of the desk with my hands, and Tate spread my legs wide. I waited eagerly for him to fuck me from behind, but he didn't.

  Instead, he massaged my legs and buttocks, drawing out my anticipation and making me so hungry for his cock, I couldn't stand to wait.

  "Fuck me," I begged. "Please, let me feel your dick inside me."

  "Not yet," he teased. He was holding his hard cock in his hands and rubbing the lips of my quivering, wet pussy with his engorged head. I wanted to feel him shove it inside me; I was desperate.

  "Please, fuck me. I'll do anything," I begged. My pussy was quivering with need, and every muscle in my body was aching for the release of orgasm. I was so horny, it was almost painful. I knew I'd do anything if he would only give me what I wanted.

  He walked away from me and sat in a chair in the corner of his study. Looking at me with blazing eyes, he said, "Get a condom from the top left-hand drawer of the desk."

  I did as he'd commanded, but when I started to bring it to him, he ordered me to stop.

  "No. Not like that. Crawl to me."

  I should have felt demeaned, but the taboo nature of his little game only made me feel more aroused. Keeping my gaze locked on his, I got down on my hands and knees and crawled naked across the room, carrying the condom to him in my teeth.

  "Good girl," he praised me when I finally reached him. He stroked my cheek and took the package from my mouth. He opened the wrapper and held the condom out to me.

  "Now put it on me," he instructed. Grinning mischievously, I took the condom, but I didn't put it on him right away. Instead, I brought my mouth to his purple head and lavished kisses upon it.

  He closed his eyes, threw back his head, and groaned with pleasure as I took his dick into my mouth, sucking the length of him with noisy slurps of my lips. Harder and faster, I fucked him with my mouth until he was near orgasm. Then, I stopped and slid the cool plastic of the condom down over the length of him, securing it in place.

  "Was that being a good girl?" I asked him teasingly.

  "Yes. I would say you were a very good girl," he praised me.

  "Does that mean I get my reward now?"

  "Come here," he answered and pulled me up onto his lap where he sat on the chair. My legs straddled his waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him there. Then he guided himself into my tight, wet slot, entering me carefully with measured force until he was fully inside me.

  I gasped at the sensation. He was so large, I marveled that I was able to take him in so completely. After a brief pause, he started to move – slowly at first, then gaining momentum as I rode on top of him, matching him thrust for thrust.

  My tits bobbed in his face, and he took them in his hands, suckling my nipples as he continued fucking me with his enormous dick. I moved my hands over the rippling muscles of his chest, scratching him with my fingernails until I drew a small trickle of blood.

  "I'm going to come." I gripped the back of the chair as I bucked uncontrollably, caught in the throes of ecstasy. My orgasm enveloped me like a tidal wave, forcing the air from my lungs and causing my muscles to seize.

  Tate moved me from his lap to the floor and turned me over, guiding me to kneel on my hands and knees. I was still shaking and shuddering from the throes of my orgasm when he plunged into me from behind, sinking deep into my quivering pussy with one stroke.

  He gripped my hips as he fucked me. I braced myself against the floor, driving my hips backward to deepen his thrusts. Together, we pounded into each other, driving one another to greater and greater heights as our passion mounted. Together, we fell into orgasm, crying out in rapture with one voice.

  My arms trembled, and my legs grew too weak to keep thrusting. I collapsed onto the floor, still writhing with pleasure as my orgasm kept going with a life of its own.

  I felt Tate scoop me into his arms and lift me up against his chest. I was sweating and panting to catch my breath as my orgasm slowly ebbed, leaving my body tingling with pleasure.

  "I don't want to stop," I whispered. I was nearly delirious from the power of my orgasms and the toll they had taken on my body, no matter how wonderful. I'd never climaxed so many times in one session before, and each of those orgasms had been ten times more powerful than anything I'd experienced before.

  "You have to stop," he said in a soft voice. His hand wiped my damp air off my sweaty forehead as he carried me out of his study and down the hall to my bedroom.

  He laid me down naked on the sheets and pulled the covers over me. Then he kissed my forehead and whispered, "Go to sleep now. You were a good girl tonight, but now you need your rest."

  Exhausted from my exertions and satisfied to the point of complete relaxation, I closed my eyes and instantly fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Ten: Rachelle

  I woke up in a haze. Had what happened last night been real? I pulled back the sheets to discover I was completely naked. The negligee I had been wearing when I first went to bed was gone. So, it hadn't been a dream, I decided.

  I took a quick shower and got dressed in the outfit I had laid out on a chair last night. It seemed like a lifetime ago. Sure, I had been fantasizing about having sex with Tate but that didn't mean it was okay for it to happen. He was my boss, for God's sake. I was employed to serve as his daughter's nanny.

  Thoughts of Halle made my stomach drop, and I clutched it to keep from throwing up. I ran to the door that adjoined her room to mine and cracked it open. There she was, sleeping soundly in her little toddler bed with her pink blanket snuggled against her cheek. She looked like an angel, completely innocent of the debauchery that had taken place last night between the woman she trusted to care for her and her very own father. I was sickened by my own behavior – even while I couldn't stop smiling.

  It had just felt so right at the moment that it was happening. Tate Holland was so handsome and so incredibly charismatic. His smile alone was enough to make me wet, and when he gazed at me with those hazel green eyes of his simmering with desire, I knew he wanted me just as badly. It was only a matter of time before we both succumbed to our animal lusts and fucked. I had been hoping that we'd be able to hold off longer; actually, a lot longer, like never.

  He'd been such a gentleman with me, so kind and caring. I didn't think he'd ever make a move on me no matter how much I wanted him to. I thought he'd have the courtesy and the professionalism to keep our relationship strictly employer/employee. In fact, I had been counting on his discipline to give me the strength to do the same.

  When I heard that crash in his study and gone running in to make sure he was okay, it was clear I had caught him at a weak moment. His eyes were wild with emotion, and I knew at once that he was going through some kind of personal crisis.

  Perhaps that why he did it. He was caught in a weak moment and needed some comfort, needed me to make him feel better again. But why did I participate? What's my excuse for acting so abominably?

  The truth was, I had no excuse. What I'd done was wrong on every level. It was unconscionable for a teacher to sleep with the parent of a student, and I was certain the same rule applied for nannies. It was morally wrong of me to take advantage of a man in a vulnerable state, especially a single father whose household just suffered a loss. It was despicable to violate a child's trust, and I was deeply ashamed. I decided I must never behave so dishonorably again…no matter how good it felt or how much I may want to.

  There could be no doubt that the things Tate had done to me last night
were the most incredible I'd ever experienced. I'd never had such powerful orgasms or felt so alive. He made me feel like a woman: beautiful, sexy, and exciting. I wanted more of that; I wanted more of him.

  I couldn't, though. What we'd done had been a mistake. I knew we must never do it again. I needed to be strong and resist my biological urges. I needed to make it clear to him that our actions last night were never to be repeated.

  Closing the door on Halle where she slept, I marched down the hall towards Tate's bedroom. To my surprise, I saw he was seated in his study when I passed by the open door.

  "You're working early today," I commented with surprise.

  He looked up at me from his desk and smiled. "I had a lot of organizing to do today," he said with a wink.

  Everything on his desk was perfectly well placed, just as it always had been. There was no sign of the things that had gone on last night atop that very desk.

  "I wanted to talk to you, Mr. Holland," I stated, straightening my spine in an effort to look confident.

  "My, aren't we formal all of a sudden. I told you to call me Tate." His eyes sparkled with amusement.

  "I don't think I should," I said coldly.

  "It's my house, and I make the rules." His rebuttal was firm, and I felt taken aback. He peered at me from across his desk powerfully, and said, "Now, what is it you want to discuss? I'm a busy man, and I have a lot of work to do today."

  "It's about last night," I stammered. So much for my cool bravado and standing firm. He'd already wiped out my all-business attitude by insisting I call him Tate. Plus, he was looking incredibly sexy, and I could feel moisture growing between my thighs. This was going to be a lot harder than I anticipated.

  Still, I needed to do it, and so I forced myself to say what I came to say. "We can't let that happen again. The things we did last night were a mistake."

  "Oh really?" The look of amusement was back on his face. "So, you don't think we'll make a regular thing out of it?"

  "Absolutely not. It was a one-time mistake, never to be repeated. I'm sure you agree. I just wanted to say it aloud to make sure we're on the same page." I was sweating, but he looked perfectly cool. What is going on? Why isn't he as embarrassed by what had happened last night as I am?

  "The same page? Like the pages of our contract?" he asked.

  "Yes. Exactly. Like the pages of our contract," I stated firmly.

  He reached into his desk and pulled out a copy. "Have you actually read this contract that you have signed and are obligated to adhere to?"

  I hadn't, but I didn't want to admit that to him, so I simply shrugged my shoulders noncommittally.

  "That's what I thought. If you had, you would know that last night wasn't a mistake. It was part of your duties in this household as my employee."

  "What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "I was hired a nanny, not a whore. What are you talking about?"

  Tate just tossed the contract across his desk at me. "Page three of the contract clearly states that I can fuck you whenever I want and you must comply with my desires. Failure to do so is grounds for dismissal, and you will have to pay back all of your previously paid salary."

  I had grabbed the contract and was frantically flipping through the pages. I stopped when I got to page three and read it carefully word by word.

  According to the document, I had no recourse to refuse sex with him whenever he wanted it, any time, any place, and any way. If I failed to comply, I would be terminated.

  I needed the monthly income to pay for Mama's treatments and pay for her to have a nurse. Without proper care, she would surely die. Even if I found another job that would pay as well, I still couldn't quit, or I would have to pay back all my past salary, and that was a debt that would destroy both Mama and me.

  According to the contract, the only way out was when he grew tired of me and let me go. Until that day, I was his to fuck whenever he wanted.

  My eyes were wide as I let the contract fall from my hands onto the floor.

  "So, you see, it's not a one-time thing. You're mine now, and I can fuck you whenever I desire." He stood up from his desk and loomed over me.

  I wanted to say something, but no words would come. He was right. I had signed a contract promising to be his sex slave, and that's all I was now. So why did feel so excited?


  Chapter Eleven: Rachelle

  I felt meek standing before him in the clothes I was wearing to fit his strangely specific and yet vague dress code. I wore a short black skirt with a lace hem, knee-high white stockings, and a pair of black patent-leather shoes with silver buckles and a low, wide heel. The pale blue blouse matched my eyes, and I liked the way the black lace collar went with the skirt, making me feel pretty and feminine. I kept my pale blonde hair pulled back in a simple ponytail, just the way he’d specified that he liked it.

  As Tate stared down at me, his eyes dared me to object, but how could I?

  He was right, of course. According to the pages of the employment contract I had signed, my job wasn't just to serve as a nanny for Halle, but also to satisfy his sexual desires. Anytime he wanted to fuck me, I was obligated to spread my legs. The whole idea was degrading, humiliating, and made me feel like a cheap whore.

  As I stood there, anger welled up inside me. I'd had applied to work as a nanny, not a prostitute. If I had only taken the time to actually read the contract of employment before I’d signed it, I wouldn't have been tricked into this awful situation. Why had I been so foolish as to sign something without reading it? Laziness? Conceit? Blind trust? Plain stupidity?

  The reasons didn't matter now. It was done. I had signed the contract, and now I was his paid whore, his trapped sex slave, his hired slut.

  It was mortifying to think of myself in such degrading terms, and yet a part of me felt strangely titillated by the idea. My nipples puckered under my blouse, making it evident I had forgotten to put on a bra when I got dressed that morning. And beneath my short black skirt, moisture was collecting on my panties from my sexual arousal. Was I actually turned on by the idea?

  Tate was inches away from me now. So close he could kiss me if he wanted to, and I found myself tilting my face towards his, hoping that he would.

  After all, he was the most striking man I'd ever met. His dark wavy hair had been thick when I ran my fingers through it, and I could stare into his hazel eyes for hours. He dressed in expensive, tailored-made suits that showed off his strong physique, but when he took them off, his muscular body was sculpted like a Greek statue. He was smart, witty, and charming as hell.

  Best of all, he was incredibly kind. I loved to watch the way he was with his daughter, but my favorite times were when we could steal a few moments alone together. Tate Holland had a way of making me feel special.

  Me, Rachelle Clare, the twenty-four-year-old kindergarten teacher from the slums with no father and a mother dying of cancer. No one ever cared about me or noticed me – but Tate did. He made me feel like the most important person in the world. Like nothing else mattered but my happiness; and boy, did he know how to make me happy.

  Our night of wild love-making last night had been utterly incredible. He could do things with his lips, mouth, and hands that no other man had ever done to me. His erection had been huge, but he knew how to use it to bring out pleasures I had never known existed. Just thinking about it now was making my pussy so wet, my panties were soaked.

  Perhaps being required to have sex with him wasn't an obligation after all, but a privilege, a unique perk that I alone could enjoy. I had certainly enjoyed it last night.

  The only reason I'd marched into his office this morning to tell him that we could never have sex again was because I had felt morally obligated to. Everyone knew that if someone had sex was their boss, it was a violation of the rules of being a proper employee. But since having sex with my boss was actually in the job description, I wasn't violating the rules of position at all. In fact, I was upholding my duties.

aving sex with the handsome and skillful Tate Holland made a good employee, and since I relied on the money from this job to care for my sick mother, being a good employee also allowed me to be a good daughter and a good person. The justification may have been perverse, but if I were going to allow this to happen, I needed something I could to tell myself to make it okay.

  Looking up at Tate, I asked, "Do you wish to fuck me now?"

  He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to him. My petite body was crushed against his tall frame. He grabbed my ponytail and tugged forcefully, pulling my head back so he could take my lips with his own. I could feel his erection digging into my hip. I wanted him, but not if I had no choice in the matter.

  "What does that tell you?" he asked, grinding up against me sensuously.

  My body began to tremble as I realized I would have to have sex with him right then. Even though I knew he could give me great pleasure during the act, not having any choice in the matter made me feel shameful and used. Still, I was determined to uphold my duty.

  With a fake smile on my face, I asked him, "Are you going to force me to fuck you now?"

  Tate released his grip on me instantly and took several steps back, widening the distance between us.

  "Force you? Never."' He looked sickened by the idea, and I wondered if I had misjudged him. "I'd never force a woman to have sex with me who didn't want to. I'm not a rapist."

  "But the contract states I'm required to fuck you anytime you want, or I'll be terminated and have to pay back all my salary. How can you not consider that force?"

  "I can tell when a woman wants me." He took a step towards me to caress my cheek. "Subtle things, like a change in her breathing, the dilation of the eyes, or the puckering of her nipples."


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