The Nanny (A Billionaire Romance)

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The Nanny (A Billionaire Romance) Page 13

by Naomi Niles

  "That's wonderful." Rachelle smiled through to her cheeks, and her eyes sparkled with joy. So that had been it. I should have known. God's most precious creatures weren't meant to be caged, but to run free.

  "I was wondering if you had any ideas on where Halle would like to go." I stroked her vanity by asking her opinion.

  "She still talks about wanting to go the zoo," Rachelle said. "Today, she put all her stuffed animals in cardboard boxes and drew cage bars on them, like they were in the zoo. She even drew water and hay in some of the cages for them to eat, and made herself a badge so she could pretend to be a park ranger. She has quite the creative imagination."

  "It's settled then; I'll take her to the zoo on Sunday," I declared. "It would be wonderful if you could join us. I know Halle would love it, and to be honest, I would enjoy having your company, too."

  "I'm sorry, but I can't," she said sadly, and I was shocked. I'd been certain that using Halle as a draw would be the perfect way to coerce her into spending some time with me in a casual setting. Damn it!

  "Why not?" The words came out more harshly than I intended them to.

  "I thought I had Sundays off to do what I liked," she snapped back. She may be shy and petite, but Rachelle knew how to stand up for herself. She had a fire in her that sparked whenever she was provoked, and it made her even more attractive than before.

  "You do, I just thought you would enjoy a day at the zoo. Or don't you like spending time with Halle?"

  It was dirty pool playing her affection for Halle against her, but I wasn't above fighting dirty for what I wanted. Her refusal to spend time with me only made me more desperate for her, and I was willing to do almost anything to convince her that I wasn't such a bad guy. All I needed to was get an afternoon alone with her outside of this house, and I could remind her why she was attracted to me to begin with.

  Rachelle was smart and strong-willed, but she was also young and inexperienced. She would be easy to seduce – but first I had to get her to spend some time alone with me, and that was proving surprisingly difficult.

  "You know I adore Halle," Rachelle responded to my provocation perfectly. "It's just that I promised my mother I would visit her on Sunday, and I can't let her down. She's all that I have, and we've been through a lot together."

  I listened as Rachelle told me about how her father was killed by a drunk driver when she was just fourteen, and how she had struggled to take care of her mother all alone ever since. When Patricia Clare had been diagnosed with cancer, Rachelle had done everything to get her the best treatments possible, and now that cancer had returned. My heart broke for her, and suddenly I felt like the biggest asshole on the planet.

  "Why wait?" I said, and Rachelle looked at me with surprise.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean, why wait until Sunday? Tomorrow is Saturday. Take the whole day off and spend it with your mother. I'll have Scott drive you."

  "Thank you, but I really can't afford to miss a day of work. Mama's medication is very expensive, and I have to pay for her nurse, and now there's the additional cost of her new treatments. I need every penny I can earn."

  "Don't worry. There are a few personal days built into your contract, so you'll receive full pay for the day. Plus, a bonus for the month will be deposited into your account along with your next paycheck."

  "A bonus?" She looked faint, and I held her shoulders to steady her.

  "Yes, for advancing Halle's education and teaching her to spell and count, as well as keeping her from waking up at night. She hardly does it anymore, and I believe it's entirely because of you and how well you care for her. All your hard work entitles you to a bonus of three month's salary in addition to your regular pay."

  "That's very generous," she gasped, and her blue eyes filled with emotion. She moved to hug me but suddenly pulled back. "Are you sure? I don't want neglect my duties if Halle needs me."

  "I'm positive." I grinned. "Halle has been thriving under your care and helping you take care of your mother is the least I can do to thank you."

  "But, if I leave for the day, who will take care of her?" Rachelle was still fighting me on the gift, and I had to stifle a laugh over her stubbornness.

  "Let me worry about that. I insist you go, and besides, if you spend Saturday with your mother, that means you'll be available to help me take Halle to the zoo on Sunday. She can be a real handful, and I need you."

  "I'll be there." Rachelle beamed. Then she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I could feel her nubile breasts crushing against my chest as she did so.

  "You're the kindest man." She kissed me. "I don't how I ever could have doubted you."

  I didn't know what she meant by doubting me, but with her hot wet mouth on mine, I didn't give a shit.

  I pressed her back against the nearest wall and lifted her into my arms. Her long legs wrapped around my waist as we kissed passionately and her fingers curled through my hair. My hands slid up her skirt, cupping her perfect ass, and she ground against me, obviously wanting me.

  I unzipped my slacks and quickly slipped on a condom. Then I gripped her hips and gave her what she desired, sinking my hard cock deep into her tight, wet slot while she gyrated and moaned with pleasure. She shuddered and clenched as I brought her to orgasm, and I came deep inside her.

  I didn't know what reasons she had for avoiding me before, and I didn't care. Whatever they were, they had been resolved. Rachelle was back, and that's all that mattered.

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Rachelle

  "Would you like me walk you up?" Scott asked as he surveyed the building with a frown.

  "No, I'll be fine." I smiled at him as he opened the door of the limo to let me out.

  "I'll just wait for you here by car." Scott clasped his hands behind his back as he stood by the car. I was touched by his concern, no matter how misplaced.

  "That won't be necessary. I grew up here. It's perfectly safe, although a bit rundown," I assured him. "You can take off for the day, just pick me back up in the evening."

  "As you wish." Scott tipped his hat. I could see a smile dancing in his eyes at the idea of a day off, despite his best attempts to appear stern. "I'll have my cell phone, so just call me if you change your mind, and I'll be right here to get you."

  "Thanks, Scott." I gave him a hug, and he looked taken aback. I wasn't used to having a maid, and a cook, and a chauffeur. It was hard for me not to view all the employees at the mansion as friends, even though it was obvious that Emma hated me; but I got the feeling Stuart truly cared for me, and I knew that Scott did, too. From the day he protected me and Halle when we got overwhelmed by paparazzi in the driveway, I'd felt a kinship to him like he was my brother.

  Scott watched protectively as I entered the old crumbling building that used to be my home and didn't drive away until I was through the security gate. I felt a wave of nostalgia as I walked up the five flights of stairs to the apartment I used to share with Mama. God, how I had loathed walking up so many flights after a long day of teaching, especially if I were carrying bags of groceries or books or assignments to grade. With the elevator being so unreliable, it made it nearly impossible for Mama to go anyplace that wasn't absolutely necessary, and a large reason why I wanted to hire a private nurse to stay with her when I moved into Tate Holland's mansion.

  When I got to the apartment door, I suddenly felt nervous. Mama knew me so well; I'd never been able to hide anything from her. She lived her life with a high moral center and had raised me to do the same. I knew she would never approve of me having an affair with my boss, most especially the kinky and taboo things I had let him do to me. I wondered if she would be able to see the sinful shame sticking to me like an unshakeable aura. I hoped not; but there was no way to know if I could keep my secret from her until I tried. So, with a deep breath for courage, I turned the knob and walked through the door with a smile on my face.

  "Rachelle! Baby, what are you doing here?" Mama's careworn face lit up with
joy at the sight of me. She was sitting on the faded couch in her nightgown and robe with her favorite floral handkerchief covering her bald head. She moved to hug me, and I rushed across the room to embrace her frail body.

  "I have the whole day off, and I'm spending it with you." I beamed at her.

  "Look at you! You look like a million bucks!" Mama held out my arms and admired the pretty dress I was wearing. It was one that Tate had bought for me for work, and I liked the way the pale blue color matched my eyes. Hugging me gently so as not to wrinkle the dress, Mama said, "I guess life in the mansion agrees with you."

  "It's not the same as home, but I like it there," I said honestly, and we both sat on the couch together side-by-side. "How have you been? Is Julie taking good care of you?"

  "Oh, yes. She's the next best thing to having you here." Mama squeezed my hand. Then she looked excited, like she'd forgotten the nurse was even there, and called out for her loudly. "Julie! Come quick!"

  "I'm coming, Mrs. Clare." The thirty-eight-year-old Hispanic woman came rushing into the room, with her matronly hips swinging underneath her pale green uniform. Her black hair hung in a long braid down the center of her back, and her chocolate eyes were alert and bright.

  "What's wrong, Mrs. Clare?" Julie asked breathlessly.

  "My daughter is home for the day." Mama beamed, and Julie smiled down at me on the couch with warm recognition.

  "Hello, Miss Clare. It's good to see you. Is everything all right?" She suddenly had the worried look of someone about to be fired, and my heart went out to her.

  "Everything is fine. I'm just here to visit for the day," I assured her. We made casual chit-chat for a little while, and then I told Julie she should take the day off to spend some time relaxing with her family.

  "Thank you so much. I'll be back in the evening before you have to go." Julie waved goodbye before shutting the apartment door securely behind her.

  At long last, Mama and I were alone, and I hoped and prayed I could keep my secret from her.

  "She seems nice," I said, and my mother agreed.

  "Julie is the best. We get along great, although she doesn't put enough salt on the cooking, and she's a real stickler about my meds. I like her a lot, though. You have no need to worry about me."

  "Good," I sighed with relief. I didn't realize what a burden I'd been carrying wondering if Mama were alright until that moment when it was lifted.

  "Enough about me. Tell me about you. What's it like living in that huge mansion?"

  I told her about the house, and most especially my room. She asked me about my job, and I talked endlessly about Halle, being careful to make no mention of Tate.

  "What about her father? What's his name?" Mama asked with a penetrating gaze. I should have known I couldn't get anything past her.

  "Oh, Tate Holland?" I picked up the cup of tea I had made earlier and sipped it casually to hide my nervousness. "He's a good boss. I like working for him."

  "Did he buy you that dress?" Mama's eyes bore into mine and I couldn't lie to her.

  "Yes. I didn't have any clothes appropriate for the dress code, so he bought me some. How did you know?"

  "You never wore clothes like that before. I'm just so used to seeing you in jeans and tee-shirts, I guess. Don't get me wrong, the dress looks good, just not like the old you. And you used to always wear your hair down."

  "Am I really that different?" I suddenly felt very self-conscious as I ran my hand over my ponytail, another change in my appearance Tate had insisted on. I'd grown accustomed to it, but I realized now that they must seem like big changes to Mama and chastised myself for not dressing in my old clothes for this visit.

  "It's not a bad change; but yes, you are different." Mama's gaze narrowed as she tried to figure out just what it was. With a firm nod, she said, "You're more mature, sophisticated, and feminine. When you left, you looked like a girl. Now, you're a woman."

  "Thank you." I smiled with a blush. Her analysis was high praise. Mama was smiling as she squeezed my hand.

  "Are you happy over there? Does he treat you well?"

  "Tate is a wonderful boss. He's very kind and generous. You should see how he is with Halle, and he's made me feel like a welcome part of the family."

  "You mean household," Mama corrected. "Don't think of yourself as a part of the family. Remember, you just work there as an employee."

  "That's what I meant." I flushed. Crap! I had to be careful not to make that kind of mistake again, or she'd know we had a more intimate relationship than was appropriate.

  Mama smiled and said, "I'm glad he makes you feel welcome and treats you well. I was worried about letting you go over there after what happened to the last nanny. Tell me, have you heard anything about the murder investigation?"

  "There's not much to tell," I lied.

  There was a part of me that desperately wanted to tell Mama everything. To tell her about Tate Holland and how he insisted that all his nannies sign a contract agreeing to have sex with him anytime he wanted. About Emma and how she was filled with so much jealous hatred, I wondered if maybe she herself wasn't capable of murder just to end the arrangement she found so despicable. I wanted to tell her about Tate and how he was so seductively handsome, I had let him charm me into his bedroom where he revealed so many dark secrets my head was still spinning.

  But how could I tell her? I could barely wrap my mind around most of it. The memory of Tate standing in his bedroom, speaking to me in that creepy monotone voice, still gave me chills.

  I could still hear his words from that night.

  I had wondered how he could possibly know the things he told me, until he'd shown me the secret room that lay hidden behind the bookcase in his bedroom, and I saw the spots of blood on the patch of carpet beneath the sex swing.

  He was such a kind and gentle man, I had thought it was impossible that he could have murdered Rose until I felt the hood placed over my face and his hands squeezing my neck. Ever since that moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that just maybe he was the one who had killed Rose.

  I desperately needed to talk to someone about all these doubts swirling in my head. Mama and I had always been so close, we could talk to each other about anything; but as I sat there on her couch, gazing into her tired eyes, I knew I couldn't tell her this.

  Mama needed all her strength to fight this insidious disease that was trying to kill her. She needed to devote all her concentration and energy on getting well. Concern for my safety would overwhelm her and get in the way of her recovery.

  Worse than that, she might die feeling ashamed of or disappointed in me. I couldn't let my mother know her only daughter had become a paid whore, fucking her boss who might be a murderer. The disgrace alone would kill her, and then I would be responsible for her death. I would, in fact, become her murderer, and so I plastered a fake smile on my face and lied.

  "The police should be closing the case soon with no arrests," I simply said in response to her question.

  "You mean like her death was an accident?" Mama sounded so relieved. She put her hand on her chest and said, "Thank the Lord up in Heaven. I've been worried about you constantly since you went to that strange place."

  "There's no need to worry, Mama," I assured her. "I'm completely safe in the mansion. Halle is a joy to work with, and Tate is always there in the house, so I'm never alone. There are servants and bodyguards. It's like I'm a queen in a palace; I couldn't be safer."

  "And you're truly happy there?" she insisted on knowing.

  "Yes," I stated clearly.

  "Good." She peered into my eyes, "Because if something is bothering you, you can always tell me. I don't care what it is, big or small."

  "I know, Mama, and I love you, too." I hugged her tight.

  As we pulled apart and I gazed into her eyes, I wondered if I wasn't making a mistake. Maybe I should confide in her. After all, if something happened to me, someone should know what has been going on.

  As I opened my mouth to spea
k, the front door swung open, and Julie came into the room looking sunny and refreshed.

  "Sorry, I'm late. I had such a wonderful day, time got away from me," she said. "Then I saw the sun was setting and I knew I'd better get back."

  "Is it dark already?" I rushed to the window and saw that the sun was just about to disappear on the horizon.

  "Almost," Julie confirmed. "Thank you so much for letting me have the day off with my family. I hope you two enjoyed the day together, too."

  "We sure did." Mama beamed, and I knew everything I was doing was worth the effort. Seeing her looking so well and happy gave me the motivation I needed to keep going, despite my fears, because in the end, I was doing it all for her. And, perhaps a little for me, too. After all, making love with Tate was no hardship – I just hoped it wouldn't be the death of me like it had Rose.

  I thanked Julie for all her hard work and hugged Mama goodbye. Scott was waiting for me downstairs with the car, and I sat in silence in the backseat all the way home. It had been bittersweet seeing Mama again, and leaving her was much harder than I had anticipated. Luckily, I was able to stave off my tears, and by the time the car pulled into the driveway of the mansion, I felt better.

  The rundown apartment no longer felt like home to me; the mansion did. Walking up the stairs to my bedroom suite was like coming back to the place where I belonged.

  "Tate, I'm back." I stuck my head in his office, but to my surprise, it was dark and empty.

  "Tate? Where are you?" I checked his bedroom and the library, and even called down to the swimming pool and the kitchen. There was no sign of him anywhere.

  I went to the nursery, hoping I could at least see Halle and was shocked to discover it was empty as well. They were both gone, and I was alone in the vast and eerie mansion. As I wandered the long and empty hallways, I was surprised by just how much I missed Tate and Halle. I didn't realize how much I'd been looking forward to seeing them until there weren't home.

  I saw Emma downstairs, just getting ready to leave, and I ran down to her. "Where is everyone?" I asked rather breathlessly.


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