Sassy Ever After: Sass with a Past (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Demons, Gods, and Monsters Book 1)

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Sassy Ever After: Sass with a Past (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Demons, Gods, and Monsters Book 1) Page 1

by Flewz Nightingale

  Text copyright ©2018 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by LATIN GODDESS PRESS INC.. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Sassy Ever After remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of LATIN GODDESS PRESS INC., or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:


  Sass with a Past


  Chapter 1 - The Setup

  Chapter 2 - The Call

  Chapter 3 - The Proposal

  Chapter 4 - The Dinner

  Chapter 5 - The Nightcap

  Chapter 6 - The Demons

  Chapter 7 - The Agony

  Sass with a Past

  Tanisha Violet is a mom on the run. She didn't realize she married a demon, nor that he was abusive and would never let her be free. She's been running with her son for years, but her abusive past is bound to catch up with her.

  Along with being a descendent of a Nordic wolf god, Colby Fenrir is the director of an outreach center for shifter youth. With the center in constant financial need, his work keeps him busy (and so does his mythic wolf). He has too much responsibility and no time for setups.

  When Barbara Wolfe asks Tanisha and Colby to work on a grant proposal for the center, their strong personalities cause sparks to fly. But just as things heat up between them, an abusive past threatens their future. Can new love survive a demonic past?

  This is the first book of an upcoming series:

  Demons, Gods, and Monsters.


  Tanisha sat looking across the protective glass keeping her husband away from her. The sight of the man stirred mixed emotions, none of which she liked. He looked threatening even in his prison uniform and with guards standing around them on either side of the glass. She fought the fear that was making her leg shake and tremble, the fear of a man whose fist she’d seen too many times close up.

  She didn’t want to see him in prison. She didn’t want to see him ever again. But he was intent on making her life hell. Four years in prison was enough time to change as a person, or so she hoped. She changed, getting her degree, moving to a new town, trying to start a new life. Who’s to say he couldn’t too?

  Maybe she could reason with him. Surely he’d leave her alone when he saw the weight she put on. Maybe he’d leave her alone for the sake of their son—conceived non-consensually, though in his mind a husband never needed his wife’s consent. She no longer considered herself his wife; she wanted that to be made official, but his letters over the years indicated his refusal to accept that.

  He was being released in a week. He’d gotten word to her that he wanted to discuss this in person. She came to the prison to have the discussion, glass and guards around and between them.

  Brad flashed the same smile that triggered fear and the release of bile in her gut. She didn’t realize then that the smile was demonic. He was the first non-human she’d been with. She didn’t know about demon and their ways.

  He flexed his muscles, causing Tanisha to instinctively flinch. His biceps looked twice as large as Tanisha remembered. His grin widened. He liked inducing fear.

  Why wouldn’t he cooperate? Why can’t he just leave them alone? He didn’t really want a role in his son’s life, except perhaps to terrorize him or do some other form of physical or mental damage. He winked at her as he got up, hung up the phone, and began to walk away.

  Tears filled her eyes at the stinging realization that she was once again in danger. He would never leave her alone. She had to run.


  Tanisha took a deep breath as she prepared to leave her apartment. “Come on Jr.,” she said.

  “Why are you crying?” asked Jr.

  She sniffed and tried to keep herself from sobbing. She looked at him and smiled. “Because I’m happy to have you,” she said hugging her son.

  He hugged her tightly and rested his head on her shoulder. “I love you mommy.”

  She held back the sobs that would scare him, the sobs that would let him know they were both in danger. She smiled and told him she loved him. “You got your suitcase packed?”

  He let her go and ran toward the Pokeygo suitcase she bought him for their adventure. He was proud of the suitcase and at the moment probably loved it as much as she loved him. “Okay, baby, let’s go. Ready for an adventure?”

  “Are we still going to see Nana?” Brad Jr. asked.

  Tanisha held back another sob and smiled all the wider. She didn’t want to think of the conversation she had with the woman that wouldn’t help her, the woman that was afraid of her own son. “Nana’s really really busy, so she asked if we can come another time.”

  “There’s always time for families,” he said, scolding with wisdom beyond his four years.

  “It’s okay, baby, we’ll see her next time.”

  “So where are we going?”

  She couldn’t answer him because she didn’t know herself. “It’s gonna be a surprise. You love surprises, don’t you?”

  “Yeah,” he said exploding in agreement.

  “Good.” She wished she could be equally as enthusiastic, but her enthusiasm was drowned by the need to survive and fear. But that wasn’t for Brad Jr. to know. “Okay, go get your backpack, sweetie, and then we’ll go.”

  She watched him run to his bedroom, then looked around the apartment, hoping it wasn’t for the last time. She was happy to run before, leaving behind the years of nothing she and Brad Sr. had accumulated, but this time she was leaving behind everything she worked so hard for.

  It can be replaced, she thought.

  She grabbed Brad Jr.’s hand and walked out the door, taking the only thing she deemed important.

  Chapter 1 - The Setup

  2 Years Later

  Tanisha and her sister watched Brad Jr. pack his bag.

  “For how long again, mom?”

  “Just a few weeks. You’re staying with auntie and uncle until the week before Christmas.”

  “Where are you going to be?”

  “Right here.” Tanisha’s sister looked at her with scolding eyes. They both knew she was lying. Tanisha’s guilt forced her to prepare her son for the blow; when they saw each other again they’d have a new address. “Are you ready for a new adventure?”

  Tanisha knew he was less excited about their adventures, this making the third one in less than two years.

  “Your cousin has a lot of stuff planned for you guys.”

  Tanisha saw her son’s face light up. He looked to her sister for confirmation.

  “It’s true,” her sister said, “he said something about you two having a super hero detective agency? A lot of crimes to solve?”

  Tanisha smiled as Brad Jr.’s face lit up with excitement. She was thankful to have her sister back in her life.

  “Go give your suitcase to your uncle to put in the van, okay?”

  He zipped up his suitcase and hurried to take it to his uncle. Tanisha smiled knowing that he was excited and knowing that he would be safe. She looked to her sister whose face grew concerned as Brad Jr. left the room. “How many more times are you going to do this?”

  They’d been arguing about this all of yesterday, nearly ruining Thanksgiving.

  “You can’t keep running.”

  “It’s not running.”

“You’re moving. Again.”

  “Only until he goes back. He always goes back.”

  “Recidivism. That’s your strategy?”

  “Don’t do this.” Tanisha didn’t want to argue this again. There was no other way. He wouldn’t divorce her and he wouldn’t let her leave him. What else was she supposed to do? He’d never stopped chasing them. “What are you proposing?”

  “A gun.”


  “Extreme measures,” said her sister, “that’s all his kind understand.”

  Tanisha didn’t doubt that it would take extreme measures, but she also doubted her capacity for murder.

  “Or you can let Omar take care of it,” said her sister. “You know he’s got connections.”

  Tanisha hugged her sister, turning down Omar’s connections, which were probably as violent as Brad. “At some point he’s going to get tired of this too. It’s been almost 6 years now in and out of jail. He’s going to want to get out at some point and move on with his life. It’s just a waiting game.”

  Her sister’s eyes squinted, screaming bitch please. She shook her head. “Recidivism and the waiting game? Does that really sound like a winning strategy?” Tanisha’s sister came closer. “Look, I don’t like this. I hate this. I hate Brad, I hate that you ever met him, and I hate that this is the life for my sister and my nephew. Stop running and get a gun. Please.”

  Tanisha shook her head. “So your solution is murder?”



  Tanisha and her sister jumped. A wave of guilt overtook Tanisha at the sight of her son reappearing. This is just what he needed, something else for him to talk about one day in therapy—walking in on his mother and aunt plotting his father’s murder. “How long have you been standing there, bugaboo?”

  His silence caused Tanisha and her sister to share a concern glance.

  “What is it, baby?” asked Tanisha. “Is everything okay?”

  He seemed to be mulling it over.

  “What is it, sweetie?”

  He fidgeted. “Amelia’s here.”

  In the living room, a round of quick introductions and long goodbyes ensued, the round of goodbyes taking longer than usual as Brad Jr. refused to hug Amelia, his godmother, because he was still getting over the fact that she was a witch. She tried to explain that she wasn’t one, only that she dabbled in spells and enchantments, but those kind of distinctions seemed too much for a six-year-old.

  “Are you okay?” asked Amelia when the living room finally cleared of family.

  Tanisha forced a smile. “I will be.”

  “Well, let’s get you ready for the ball.”

  An hour or so later Tanisha emerged looking enchanted and magical. She wore a violet dress that looked like it cost a couple of months of daycare. “This is too much,” said Tanisha.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You never know about tonight. I know this isn’t supposed to be a setup, but this is a Barbara Wolfe event we’re talking about. You never know.”

  Tanisha’s face scrunched at the idea. She was close to Barbara and had a hard time believing that the invitation to her fundraising ball was all an elaborate setup. Still, even if it were, who could say no to Barbara? But that’s not where her mind was. “I’m just going because Barbara wouldn’t take no for an answer. She said she wanted to talk to me about something, probably more work.”

  This were true, but this wasn’t the real reason Tanisha was going. She couldn’t even tell Amelia the real reason, despite the fact that she considered Amelia her closest friend, and after her sister, the only person she would trust with Brad Jr. – despite their current quarrels about Amelia’s witch status.

  Tanisha was having trouble speaking as she saw herself in the mirror. It had been so long since she’d gotten dressed up, so long since she considered herself beautiful. She smiled as she looked in the mirror and admired the violet dress that hugged her hips and curves just right. She was like a Coca-Cola bottle in a custom made coozy.

  “What about the makeup? How do you like it?” asked Amelia. “It’s from the new line I’m developing. This is from the Enchantress collection. What do you think?”

  Tanisha wasn’t sure what to think. She didn’t normally wear makeup, but if it always applied itself and looked like this she would. “I love it,” said Tanisha, slightly uncomfortable but genuinely loving her appearance.

  Amelia smiled at her work. “Almost done,” she said, reaching into her floating magical cosmetics kit. “Okay, which scent?” Amelia pulled out several sample sized vials of perfume. “This one’s called Seduction,” she said handing Tanisha a vial of rose colored perfume. “Works without trying, so make sure you actually want to seduce the guy. Otherwise you’ve got a stalker on your hands.”

  Tanisha practically through the vial back at her, shaking her head frantically. “What are the other options? Anything for repulsion?”


  “Here it is.”

  Colby looked at the tuxedo that JC just presented to him.

  “It’s kind of formal isn’t it?”

  “The invitation said black-tie. Besides, this is one of Mrs. Wolfe’s events. That means matchmaking is in the air.”

  Colby shuddered at the idea. Barbara was like a godmother to him and they’d already talked about this several times. He didn’t need a mate. He wasn’t one of her sons.

  “You need to get laid,” said JC.

  Colby looked at the young shifter he was responsible for mentoring.

  “What? It’s true. You get grumpy when you haven’t had any.”

  “How would you know how I act when I have and haven’t had any?”

  JC thought for a moment. “I guess you’re right. I guess I’m kind of hoping you’re in a better mood after you get some.” He laughed and left the office.

  Colby was slightly upset at the idea that his little shifter “brother” was making such a stark assessment. It could be said that yes, maybe he did need to fulfill his needs, but work kept him busy.

  He felt the hairs suddenly began to grow on his arms. His Fenrir was being aroused. His Fenrir knew he was lying.

  He didn’t bother arguing with the wolf who acted like a split personality more than a conscious. But it was true, he was the director of the Big Shifter Center and his job was to make sure that young shifters had a place for them. He began getting heated as he thought about how difficult it was to get funding for the center, let alone think of ways to keep the building maintained and provide new programs for the people coming in. He hoped this wasn’t an elaborate matchmaking setup from Barbara, but rather an introduction to people who would have the funds to keep the center open for as long as possible. Business came before pleasure, especially when there was so much business needing tending to, and especially when not succeeding meant so many kids would lose their safe place to hang out. If it came to him getting laid or the center staying open, there was no question that the choice was for the latter.

  His wolf roused in him again, arguing that the two weren’t mutually exclusive.


  Sounds of jazz danced in the air, cymbals rat tat tatting in Tanisha’s ears. She looked around for familiar faces, but remembered that besides Amelia, she made it a point not to make any friends. Her efforts were clearly successful.

  Tanisha made her way through the crowd of well-dressed patrons. Her eyes were peeled for Barbara, but she couldn’t find her. As people brushed and bobbed in front of her, it seemed that they were all conspiring to keep her from achieving her mission. That said, she wasn’t looking forward to the conversation they would have.

  Barbara had been like a mother and mentor to her for the six months she’d been in town. When she arrived, she helped her get her car fixed and find the new temporary place she was renting. She wasn’t sure if Barbara knew what she was running from, but they always knew that Tanisha was running from something. She appreciated Barbara even more for helping her but allowing he
r her privacy.

  She looked around some more, then saw him.

  From across the room his eyes seemed to glow. She shouldn’t stare, but they beamed at her, cobalt blue, seeming to see through the violet dress she was wearing. Or was that wishful thinking? She calmed herself and looked away, but her eyes darted back to his. Was he staring at her?

  She was about to give him a third glance when her eyes instead found Barbara. Tanisha’s hand waved before she knew it was doing it. “Barbara,” she yelled.

  Barbara perked at the sound of her name. She looked into Tanisha’s direction, greeting Tanisha with a smile. Her hand waved, inviting Tanisha over.

  As Tanisha made her way to Barbara, doubt started to creep in. Was it because this was when she was going to have the conversation that she was dreading? Could she really tell her that she was planning to leave? She just wanted to thank her in person, as it seemed too rude to abscond without a word in the night.

  Tanisha felt her footsteps getting sticky and heavy, like they were stuck in molasses. But it wasn’t her apprehension of the conversation that was slowing her down, it was that he was standing there with her. Mr. Cobalt Blue Eyes who was making her flush.

  She walked closer, making her way through the crowd, as she did she noticed how he seemed to grow in height with every step closer she took. He had to be about 6 foot 4; he towered above everyone in his and Barbara’s presence.

  “Tanisha,” said Barbara, making hand gestures to hurry her over. “I’ve been looking for you all night. I have someone I want you to meet.”

  The man extended his hand, even before Barbara properly introduced him. “Colby Fenrir,” he said, “please to meet you.”

  She extended her hand and shook his. His hand was warm and engulfed hers. She stayed firm but for a moment allowed herself to be lost in his grip.

  “Please to meet you,” Tanisha finally said, remembering her composure. It sounded canned, like she just stepped out of charm school and they just learn how to properly introduce themselves.


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