The King & His Queen (Pict King Series Book 3)

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The King & His Queen (Pict King Series Book 3) Page 26

by Donna Fletcher

  Hemera nodded. “So she admitted, and it would make sense why the King’s previous wives are now with child. She was wise in the way of plants and wise in her deceit.”

  “Then she was the one to poison the bread,” Paine said, he, Wrath, and Gelhard being the only ones permitted in the High Council Chambers upon their return from the woods.

  “She was here in the stronghold from the start, working in the feasting hall, hearing things and passing on all she heard and learned to our enemy,” Wrath said.

  “You rutted with her. Did she learn anything from you?” Gelhard asked.

  Wrath rose slowly off the bench and leaned over the table toward Gelhard. “I should kill you where you sit for thinking I would betray my King.”

  Gelhard drew back away from the man, the blazing anger in his eyes and voice enough to shiver him with fear. He quickly apologized. “I meant no disrespect, Wrath, anything could be passed in innocent conversation.”

  “Talk was not something Simca and I shared, though she was with Broc and Tarnis as well and who knows how many others.”

  “Simca worked her wiles well, learning information and no doubt persuading the embittered to join with her against the King. It is no wonder our enemy does so well, having had her among us for so long,” Paine said.

  “At least now the enemy will lack for information,” Gelhard said.

  “Unless there are more traitors among us,” Wrath warned.

  “It is the enemy who is the King’s friend that should concern you,” Hemera said. “He no doubt has at one time or another spoken with all of you here and as Gelhard mentioned things can be passed in innocent conversation, though if he is believed a friend than far more was probably discussed.”

  Talon watched how the men who once thought Hemera slow-minded were now paying attention to her every word. Did they finally realize that her strange ways were because she was far more intelligent than anyone could ever imagine? It certainly had taken him long enough to realize it and there was also something else about her he had yet to grasp. In time though, he would.

  “It is good the wedding will be private with a celebration to follow when the land blossoms. Otherwise the enemy would probably be in attendance, leaving the King and his queen vulnerable to possible harm,” Gelhard said.

  “I will wait no more to make Hemera my queen. We exchange permanent vows on the morrow in the feasting hall,” Talon commanded and noticed the small gasp that Hemera tried to hide. “Let the news spread through the stronghold that all are welcome to attend and tell the cookhouse to prepare a feast. I want all to know a queen will be crowned.”

  “Aye, it is wise to wed now. The people will be happy with the news, though...” Gelhard raised a finger. “Excitement would grow among the people if a rumor was heard that the future queen already carries the King’s bairn.”

  Hemera looked to Talon. He reached out, taking her hand that rested on the table in his. “It is time for all to know how proud I am that you will not only be my queen but that you also carry my child, heir to the Pict throne.” He gave her hand a squeeze before turning to Gelhard. “Let the rumor be heard.”

  Gelhard beamed with excitement. “I should start on that right away. May I take my leave, my King?”

  “By all means, Gelhard, you have much to do and I am confident you will see it done.”

  “Aye, my King, I will. I have waited long for this glorious day and news of an heir to the throne.” He bobbed his head and hurried from the room.

  It was not lost on Hemera that Wrath and Paine were not surprised by the news that she was with child. Wrath no doubt had been there when Verity had told the King of her dream and Anin probably had known before Hemera herself did and had shared it with her husband.

  It would seem that secrets might be difficult to keep here and the thought reminded her of something she had to do. “I must speak with my sister.”

  Wrath nodded. “I agree. Verity would want to hear from you about the wedding tomorrow and the rumor that is sure to spread quickly.”

  “I also want to see how Gerun is doing and see how the pup fares,” Hemera said anxious to leave.

  “You are telling me that you will be gone a while?” Talon asked, not caring for the news. He preferred she remained by his side where he could keep her safe.

  Hemera nodded, her thoughts heavy.

  He saw no smile on her face and it disturbed him. “You do not smile. Do you not want to be queen?”

  Hemera stared at his fine features and thought how much she enjoyed looking upon him, though she enjoyed the closeness they shared even more. She had never expected to feel as she did for Talon. She had always thought she would live a more solitary life, mostly because she felt so different, so removed from others. Losing her heart to Talon had changed all that, but being his queen...

  “I do not know,” she answered truthfully, “though I do know that my heart belongs to you and there is no other place I want to be than beside you—always. If I must be queen to do that, then I will gladly be your queen.” She stood, went to him, and as she leaned down to kiss him, she whispered, “Tuahna.”

  He thought he saw tears glisten in her eyes as she stepped away from him and he reached out to grab her hand, but too late, she already was out of his reach and as she hurried off, she paid no heed when he called out to her.

  Hemera wiped at her eyes, refusing to let one tear fall. There was much she had to see done before the wedding and things Talon should know. Secrets she had once promised to keep that now would come to light whether she wanted them to or not.

  She headed to the healer’s dwelling, first to see Gerun and upon seeing him, feared he would not survive. His skin was hot and his wound deep and he was not responsive to her voice or touch.

  “I am sorry,” Bethia said. “I have done all I can.”

  “You must help him fight to live. You must not let his body become too heated or let his wound grow putrid. “I have some herbs that may help. I will see them sent to you with instructions.”

  “I am grateful for any help you offer,” Bethia said.

  Hemera went directly to her dwelling after leaving Bethia and asked Tilden, who shadowed her every step to send for Opia in the cookhouse. She was pleased to see that the wolf’s mum was seeing to the pup’s care. Now that the tiny pup showed no signs of illness, the mum accepted him into the pack and was seeing that he got fed. Pleased with the pup’s progress, she hurried to fill a pouch with a mixture of herbs that she hoped would help Gerun.

  She gave specific instructions to Opia as to how the mixture was to be used and after the young woman assured her that she would explain it all to Bethia and help her prepare it if necessary, Hemera headed for Verity’s dwelling.

  Her steps were slow. She had never thought she would speak to her sister about this and dreaded doing so, but she had no choice. She had to tell Verity, for the truth would be revealed soon and she would have her sister hear it from her lips and no other.

  Hemera knocked on the door and when it swung open, Verity threw her arms around Hemera.

  “I was so worried about you, but I knew when I heard of your return that you would come to me as soon as you could.” Verity stepped back. “Come in. come in. I have prepared a brew for us to enjoy.”

  Hemera stepped inside and as she closed the door, she said, “There is something I must tell you, Verity.”

  Wrath walked in on his wife and Hemera hugging and crying, he assumed tears of joy at the news that Hemera would be queen. “Delight over the impending wedding stirs outside as well as in here.”

  The sisters broke apart, though remained beside each other.

  Wrath knew his wife well and it was not happiness he saw on her face. He walked over to her, forcing Hemera to step away as he came between them and slipped his arm around Verity. “Something troubles you?”

  “No, No,” she assured him quickly. “It is all that has happened and now Hemera will be queen. So much change to accept at one time.”r />
  Wrath knew by his wife’s forced smile that she was not telling him the truth and he was surprised that she would lie to him. They kept nothing from each other. Why did she feel the need to now?

  “I will see you at the feasting house later,” Verity said as Hemera walked to the door.

  Hemera turned and nodded at her and as she spoke Wrath looked on surprised and was more surprised when his wife responded in the tongue of the Northmen.

  When the door closed, Wrath turned to his wife. “Your sister speaks the language of the Northmen.”

  “That should not be a surprise since we both spent such a long time with them. We were bound to learn it,” Verity said.

  “She speaks it with the skill of someone born to it.”

  Verity’s head shot up. “Do you think she is not a Pict?”

  He did not expect such a defensive tone from her. “No, I simply marvel at her skill.”

  “A forced skill, and the reason we decided while on our journey here that we would never speak it again.”

  “Then why speak it now?”

  “An old memory brought it forth,” she said, sadness filling her eyes as she laid her head on his chest.

  Wrath held her close. “Tell me.”

  “It is a memory better left forgotten.”

  Wrath wanted to believe her but something warned him against it. Whatever the sisters had discussed here was important and he intended to find out.

  Hemera felt her heart constrict with pain. She should have realized that her and her sister’s return home would eventually unlock secrets. Secrets she did not want to face or others to know. She thought of running to her dwelling and doing what she often did...escape into solitude. It had been unwise of her to engage with others as much as she had done since her arrival here. She should have kept to herself, but there had been an eagerness to gain more knowledge of her home and its people. What had it gotten her?

  She turned to seek the solitude of her dwelling.

  Stop running from your destiny.

  Hemera almost stumbled, she stopped so abruptly at the scolding voice in her head. Was that what she had been doing? Was this all truly her destiny?

  She looked in the distance where her dwelling waited and turned and looked toward the feasting house. She did not hesitate... she ran to the feasting house.

  Talon stood in the feasting hall, looking to see if Hemera had returned yet. It had concerned him to see tears in hers eyes after learning she would be queen and he wanted to know why. He also wanted to know why the sudden need to speak with her sister. Mostly though, he wanted to take her in his arms and hold her close.

  “My King,” Gelhard said as he rushed toward Talon. “A message has been delivered. Your Uncle Egot and Aunt Ethra will arrive on the morn.”

  “Egot never sent word he was coming here,” Talon said and wondered over the man’s unexpected visit. “I am sure you have already seen to having a dwelling prepared for them.”

  “I have, my King,” Gelhard said and lowered his voice. “He was a distance away when Simca took Hemera and he is a friend.”

  “He is more than a friend, he is family,” Talon said disturbed by what Gelhard implied.

  “You are right and he is well-trusted by us all.” Gelhard bobbed his head. “I must see that all is going well for the ceremony tomorrow.”

  Talon would never believe that his uncle would betray him, though he understood Gelhard pointing out the obvious to him. It was after all Gelhard’s task to make him aware of things he would not take heed to. But his uncle had fought hard alongside him in uniting the tribes and had advised Talon often on what was expected of him when he became King. The question still remained. Why was his uncle here?

  The door to the feasting hall suddenly burst open and Talon glared as Hemera rushed in, Tilden following on her heels and stopping abruptly when she came to a halt. Her fiery red hair was windblown, ringlets springing out around her face, her cheeks were flushed as red as her hair and... tears ran down them.

  She shuddered as she took a labored breath and his heart felt her pain. He raced toward her, pulling her into his arms. She buried her face against his chest as his one arm tightened around her waist and his hand went to the back of her head.

  He looked to Tilden. “What happened?”

  “I do not know, my King. After leaving her sister’s house, she looked as though she would return to her dwelling when she suddenly turned and ran here as if a snarling hound was after her.”

  With a firm hold on Hemera, Talon ushered her into the High Council Chambers and hastily sat, pulling her into his lap. His worry was in his words. “Do you feel ill? Is it the bairn?” He rested his hand to her stomach as if somehow he could protect the nesting child.

  Hemera placed her hand over his. “The bairn is fine and I am well.”

  “Then what is wrong?” he asked relieved she and the child were well, though concerned for her tears.

  She looked off in the distance for only a moment, then rested her brow to his. “There is something I must tell you.”

  Talon kissed her gently. “Do you still give your heart to me freely?”

  “Without question,” she whispered, running her thumb over his lips softly before kissing him.

  “Will you continue to whisper tuahna in my ear?”

  “Until I have no more breath left in me,” she said.

  “Then there is no more I need to know.” He kissed her silent when she went to protest.

  Their kiss barely ended when Hemera attempted once more to speak.

  Talon pressed his finger to her lips. “There is nothing that will stop me from making you my queen, so do not waste your words.”

  “After I am queen you will hear what I have to say?” she asked, resting her hand to his cheek.

  “Aye, I will hear you then,” he agreed and turned his head, letting his lips graze the palm of her hand.

  Hemera shivered.

  “There is something I have been meaning to tell you,” he whispered, his lips drifting to her ear. “Tuahna.”

  She stared at him not sure she had heard him correctly.

  He brushed his lips across hers. “Tuahna.”

  A gentle smile surfaced as her heart swelled with joy and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

  Talon wiped it away with his thumb. “No matter what happens, no matter what we face in the future always remember that you will forever have my heart. Tuahna.”

  Her arms went around his neck as his lips settled on hers and he sealed his words with a kiss.

  A knock at the door had them both shaking their heads.

  “Enter,” Talon said his tongue sharp for the person who dared to disturb him.

  Gelhard took a cautious step into the room. “The women are here to tend Hemera.”

  Hemera turned a confused looked on Gelhard. “I need no tending.”

  “It is a custom among the chieftains when they wed and has been continued with the King,” Gelhard explained. “Verity and Anin await you.”

  Hearing it was her sister and Anin who would tend her eased her concern some, though she still turned to Talon and asked, “Must I?”

  “The people like it when customs are followed.”

  Hemera stood reluctantly. “I will see you later.”

  “That is not permitted,” Gelhard said. “You will see the King at the ceremony on the morrow.”

  That news did not sit well with Hemera. She could see that it was not going to be easy to be queen. She smiled, bobbed her head, and said, “Until the morrow, my King.” She walked to the door.

  “Hemera!” Talon called out, stopping her.

  She turned, still wearing a smile.

  “Behave!” he warned sternly.

  “Always, my King.”

  Chapter 30

  Hemera sat in her dwelling alone. She had chased Verity and Anin away as dusk fell. She wanted to be alone. She shook her head at her paltry excuse. She did not want to be alone. She wanted to be with
Talon. It surprised her how much she wanted to be with him and how accustomed she had become to being with him.

  She harbored doubts about being queen, but she harbored no doubts about being Talon’s wife. She rarely saw him as the King, he was and always would be Talon to her. Talon was the one she would wed. Talon was the one she would spend her life with and Talon was the one who...


  Talon felt for her as deeply and strongly as she did for him.

  She wished she could go to him now, feel his arms around her, his lips on hers, his touch, she shivered with the thought. She glanced over at her cloak hanging on the lone peg by the door and wondered how she could get past the guard and to the secret passage that would take her to Talon’s room without being spotted.

  She was about to stand when the door flew open.

  Talon stood there, filling the doorway, staring, much like Hemera would often do... only his eyes where focused on her. He wore a long tunic opened down the middle and held closed by a leather tie. His arms were bare, his muscles solid. The dark braids at the sides of his head were pulled back and knotted at the nape of his neck and his deep blue eyes were ablaze with passion.

  He closed the door and stretched his hand out to her, and she went to him. He pulled her to him, turning her so that her back fit nicely against the front of him. He lowered his head, and she tilted hers, leaving her neck bare for his kisses that turned her skin to gooseflesh.

  “I could not wait for the morrow,” he whispered and continued to treat her neck to kisses and nibbles.

  She smiled up at him. “And you warned me to behave.”

  He grinned. “I like it better when you misbehave. I half expected you to slip into my chamber through the secret passage. I grew impatient waiting.”

  She turned around in his arms. “I was figuring out a way to slip past the guard.”

  “Another reason I came to you instead. I have more than one guard on you.”

  She smiled, draping her arms around his neck. “You have such little faith in me?”


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