In the Black: Black Star Security

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In the Black: Black Star Security Page 5

by Cynthia Rayne

  Zane sat beside her, and the swing bounced in response. Silently, he handed her the Mason jar full of sweet tea he’d carried out. She released Bomber who settled between them on the swing.

  “It’s for me?” Zane had been carrying it, and she assumed it was his drink.


  “Thanks, it’s my favorite.” Ellie took a sip.

  “I remember.”

  He flashed a smile, and she was dumbstruck by how handsome he was. Ellie hadn’t thought about him in “that” way in years.

  Zane petted Bomber’s head, and his fingertips collided with hers. They both pulled back, and a long, uncomfortable silence passed between them. It had been quite a while since they’d spent this much time alone together.

  It felt weird, and right all at the same time.

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh, I ran into Storm in the kitchen. He was workin’ on both his tablet and a phone.”

  After she’d left the meeting, Storm had cornered her in a hallway and asked for all her passwords. Ellie had rattled off everyone she remembered, and Storm had assured her he had “ways of getting” the rest. She hadn’t bothered to ask him about it, because it was disturbing.

  “Yeah, he’s shuttin’ down all my social media sites. He said the networks will have the story soon, and they’ll crawl through my Facebook and Twitter looking for information.” The invasion of privacy made her feel sick inside. “Apparently, it’s hard to remove yourself from the internet. Storm said he’s basically unpluggin’ me from the Matrix.”

  “He’ll get it done. Don’t worry.”

  Ellie took a deep breath. “Thank you for helpin’. I know I’ve placed everyone in danger.”

  He waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it, risk comes with the territory. In fact, not runnin’ for my life is borin’.”

  She chuckled. “You don’t have to be so nice.”

  “I ain’t nice.” He cleared his throat. “You’re King’s little sister, and we take care of our own.”

  Why had he brought Tommy up? It’s almost like he was trying to remind himself who she was. Or maybe I’m reading too much into it?

  “I know. I just wish I could’ve handled this on my own.”

  Regardless, she felt safe with him. Odd, but true. At one time, he’d broken her heart, but she’d gotten over it. Today, he’d really come through for her. If she’d gone back to the apartment by herself, Ellie would’ve been scooped up by the FBI.

  My knight in shining belt buckle.

  And yes, he wore a belt buckle, a big shiny silver star-shaped one. It really accentuated his tight-fitting blue jeans.

  Why the hell are you thinking about his jeans?

  “Aww, bein’ here ain’t so terrible, right?”

  “Truthfully?” Ellie closed her eyes, picturing somewhere she felt safe and happy. “I’d rather be at the beach.”

  When she’d lived in Virginia and then California, she’d been right on the ocean, and she missed the crashing sound of the waves, the briny air. Ellie had spent hours lying in the sun, relaxing.

  He shifted further away.

  And Ellie winced.

  As though sensing the tension, Bomber hopped down and curled up in the corner of the porch, trying to get out of the line of fire.

  Somehow, she’d gone and brought up the B word. They didn’t talk about the beach. Ever. It was the last time they’d been this close. And that night had driven a permanent wedge between them.

  Ellie decided to breeze right past in, to head off yet another difficult moment.

  “So, you mentioned kicking in doors?” Ellie thought she glimpsed relief in his expression.

  “Yup, that’s on the agenda. And seein’ as how it’s gonna be dark soon, we should get you squared away.”

  “Squared away?”

  “Yeah, I’m gonna have somebody watch you.”

  “No, you’re not, because I’m comin’ with you.” If he thought she was going to sit this one out, Zane was sadly mistaken.

  “Ellie, be reasonable. You haven’t been trained.”

  “But this is my problem, not yours. I can’t sit here while you guys do all the work.”

  “Did you forget about the bomb?”

  “I’m not scared. And I’m going, Zane.”

  “No, you’re not.”


  “Because you asked for help, and we’ll do this any way we see fit.”

  She stared at him, incensed.

  And he glared right back at her.

  “I’m not weak.”

  His expression softened. “I never said you were. Quite the opposite, I think you’re strong.”

  “Really?” She gestured to her bruised face. “Because I feel pretty weak.”

  “If you were weak, you wouldn’t be tryin’ to stop this. Besides, I ain’t gonna let anythin’ else happen to you.”


  “Yeah, I swear.” Zane held a hand over his heart, as though he were taking a vow.

  He looked bewildered and full of something she couldn’t put a name to. Longing? It’s almost as though she were much further away than by his side, as though hundreds of miles separated them. It startled Ellie for a moment, the way he was observing her, almost drinking her in.

  And there was an indescribable tenderness in his gaze.

  It almost stole her breath away.

  Slowly, he laid a trembling hand on her face, cupping her cheek in his palm. She clutched his hand. Tears swam in her eyes, and his looked suspiciously watery, too.

  “You aren’t alone in this. I’m here. And I’ll make you another promise. I will never hurt you. And anyone who does will answer to me.”

  She sighed. Evidently, the caution was coming from a place of concern. He didn’t think she was incompetent, or incapable.

  “Oh, Zane…” Her voice wavered, and the tears dribbled down her cheeks. There was a mess of tangled emotions inside her, and it might take weeks to unravel.

  His face fell. “Ellie, please don’t...”

  “I can’t help it.” She’d been bottling it up for so long.

  Before she could stop herself, Ellie took his hand, and then wrapped his arm around her in a hug. She rested her head on his shoulder, and just let go.

  The sniffles became sobs.

  Through it all, he held her, stroked her back.

  Zane smelled like wood smoke, pine, and something primal. Earthy. Not cologne. Just sweat and man. If she’d been standing, Ellie might’ve collapsed. How could she have forgotten how amazing he smelled? And how he felt against her?

  Ellie glanced up, and she was snared once again by the peculiar look in his eyes. She rested her cheek against his.

  The tension between them throbbed to life. Ellie had thought the awareness of him, the longing died, but maybe it had only gone dormant.

  “What are you doing?” he whispered.

  Ellie couldn’t help herself. She brushed her lips against his. Once. Twice.

  And Zane shot off the swing, as though he’d been stung.

  Ellie moaned in abject embarrassment.

  The sudden silence was deafening.

  “I don’t know what came over me. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

  Zane held up a hand. “No, it’s fine. Uh…” he drifted off. “If you wanna come along, I’ll run it by West, and we’ll come up with some safety precautions.”

  Ellie cleared her throat. “Then I can go?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  She sighed in relief.

  “With Nox.”

  And then he rushed inside.

  Chapter 4

  “I ain’t takin’ a civilian with me.”

  Nox thrust his chest out, as though daring anyone to contradict him.

  Zane heaved a sigh.

  That evening, they were all seated around the kitchen table, wearing black fatigues, preparing for the raid.

  Breaking into places was easier at night. No one would notice their moveme
nts. Whenever they’d conducted missions overseas, they’d always headed into enemy territory during the night. It was much safer that way.

  These pricks were on the run, so they shouldn’t be dealing with combatants. Most likely the FBI had swept the places looking for evidence, but they might’ve missed something.

  Zane had consulted with West, and he’d agreed to let Ellie go with them since she had a personal stake in this case and she had knowledge of the gas. King had protested but eventually gave in. Besides, they had four places to search. If Ellie didn’t tag along, some of them would have to go by themselves.

  The only holdout was Nox. For some reason, the bastard just loved being ornery.

  West shut his eyes, as though gathering every ounce of his patience. “Nox, do what you’re told for once.”

  “Fuck no. Not when it’s my ass on the line. Have you ever been in a firefight?” Nox asked Ellie.

  Most likely these bastards were in the wind, but nobody knew for sure what they were walking into. And Navy SEALs planned for every eventuality.

  “That depends.” She frowned. “What’s a firefight?”

  Zane sighed.

  “I rest my case. Ellie’s stayin’ home with Storm.” Nox glowered at her.

  Storm perked up. “Excellent plan. I didn’t wanna go to a mad bomber’s place anyway.” He smiled at Ellie. “Don’t worry, we’ll hang out, and I’ll make us buddha bowls with sweet potatoes and beets.”

  Zane had no idea what a buddha bowl was and didn’t want to know. Since he’d grown up in Venice Beach, he had this whole surfer guy/health nut thing going on. Storm believed in working out, juicing every fruit he could get his hands on, and he hated sugar with a passion. As far as he was concerned, it was right up there with ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

  “Then it’s settled.” Nox headed for the door. “They can braid each other’s hair, and we’ll get down to business.”

  “Hey!” Both Storm and Ellie shouted.

  “For the record, I can kick ass if necessary. Unlike you, I use violence as a last resort.”

  Storm crossed his arms over his chest. He hadn’t gone through military training, so he didn’t have the macho street cred, but Storm was dangerous in his own right. Zane thought anyone who didn’t see it was a fool.

  And he doubted Nox was going to budge. So, Zane would have to take Ellie with him. It didn’t bother him nearly as much as it should. He hadn’t allowed himself to contemplate their kiss earlier, or what it meant.

  “Fine,” Zane snapped. “She can come with me. Stop your belly-achin'.”

  Her gaze dipped to the floor, and Zane felt like an asshole. He’d said it, as though being around her was a chore. And it wasn’t. Far from it.

  He’d blown it tonight in a major way. First, he’d held her. And then he freaked out. It’s just that her touch had an effect on him, and he hadn’t been able to control his reaction to her. He never could.

  King scowled at him, one of his big, meaty hands curling into a fist.

  “Why doesn’t she come with me instead?” King offered. “We should’ve done that in the first place. I can protect you, Ellie, and I don’t mind you comin’ along.”

  West shook his head. “You’re injured, and she’s a civilian. Ellie needs to go with someone who’s at full strength, in case things go south.”

  “Aren’t the tangos in the wind?” King asked.

  “Yeah, but have we forgotten about the tripwire surprise? There could be more bombs. And reaction time is an issue.” Storm squinted at King doubtfully.

  “Like I said, she can come with me.” Zane glanced at West, who nodded in agreement.

  West cleared his throat. “Okay then. We’ll split up into four teams: Zane and Ellie, Nox and King, Mack and Storm, and Annie’s with me. Got it? Let’s go.”

  Marching orders in hand, they headed for the front door.

  King grabbed Zane by the shoulder. “Ellie’s a civilian. At the first sign of trouble, you pull her out. Understood?”

  “Got it.” As if he’d let anything else happen to her.

  “And if she gets hurt…?” King asked.

  “You’re gonna beat the shit out of me?”

  He chuckled. “What do ya know? You’re not as stupid as you look.”

  Zane flipped him off, and King laughed harder.

  As everyone took off, Ellie stepped closer to him. “I guess you’re stuck with me.”

  He laid a hand on the back of his neck. “Naw, I’m pleased as punch to have you along.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, tell me another one.”

  For the most part, it was true. Zane was starved for her company, but he couldn’t give himself away. He didn’t want Ellie to know how he felt about her. The more time he spent with her, the more likely Zane was to fuck up and let it slip.

  Time for a topic change.

  “Come with me, Ellie. We’ve gotta get you some gear.” Zane led her down the hall until they stopped at the armory. Across from it, was a small cell, in case they ran into someone they needed to detain. Was it legal? Nope, but it might be necessary.

  He punched in the code and the door swung open, revealing a wonderland.

  Her eyes rounded.

  “I know, right?”

  West had assembled an impressive collection of weaponry on a budget. Some of them he’d gotten at gun shows. Others he’d bought on credit. Along with the guns, there were stacks of ammunition, grenades of all kinds, and most importantly, bulletproof vests.

  “Here, put this on.” Zane pulled a small one from the closet and handed it to Ellie. She already wore a pair of black fatigues, which she had borrowed from Annie.

  “Damn its heavy.” Her hand sagged under the weight, and the edge of the vest dipped to the floor.

  “Yeah, those things are no joke, but they get the job done.” The vest was lined with several layers of Kevlar.

  While she put hers on, he selected one from the closet and fastened it around his chest. The rest of the team were going to targets further away from HQ, so they had some time to kill before they had to leave.

  They would hit all the apartments and houses at the same exact moment. A coordinated attack was best, in case they had some sort of warning system in place. They might set off another bomb.

  “What if we can’t find them?”

  “We’re gonna stop them.”

  Ellie shook her head. “You don’t know that for sure.”

  She was right, he’d said it to be comforting, but Zane couldn’t stand to see her so upset.

  “If anybody gets hurt, I won’t be able to live with myself.”

  “The bottom line is, it ain’t your fault. You didn’t hatch a plot to hurt people, they did. You can’t keep blamin’ yourself.”

  “Yeah, but they wouldn’t have been able to do it, without me.” She paced back and forth, working herself into a frenzy.

  Zane was at a loss, struggling to find the right words. He was more action-oriented, preferring to share his feelings through what he did, rather than what he said.

  “Regardless, I bear some of the responsibility.” She pushed a hand through her hair. “As soon as I found out the key was missin’, I should’ve gone to my supervisor.”

  Hindsight had an annoying way of being 20/20.

  He decided to walk her through it. In SEAL training, they’d practiced different scenarios, determining what would be the most likely outcome for any given situation. It helped to break an issue down and focus on the details.

  “And what would’ve happened then?”

  “I would’ve been fired.”

  “And do you think this Marshall guy would’ve stopped? Or would he have looked for another way to hurt people?”

  Zane had spent a lot of time up close and personal with terrorists. One way or another, they always found a way to accomplish their plans.

  She stopped walking and stared at him. “Marshall would’ve moved on to the next idea and the next, until he found one that worked.”

  “Then you did the right thing. This way, you haven’t been fired, and we know what to look for so we can stop them from killin’ anyone.”

  Ellie sighed. “Yeah, I think they sacked me. The FBI was stakin’ out my place, Zane. This goes way beyond me turnin’ in my key card and explaining what happened.”



  Most likely, she was right.

  Ellie looked guilty as sin and they’d probably already taken countermeasures against her. They could remotely shut down her card access and they definitely would have moved the chemical in question from the facility. Although, it was already too late to put the genie back in the bottle.

  Even if she tried to explain it, the feds would railroad her into a conviction.

  But Zane didn’t want her to worry about the future. “You can think about it later. The only thing you have to do is concentrate on breaking into Marshall’s house.”

  Zane had asked West if he could go to the ringleader’s place. He wanted to make this guy pay for hurting Ellie. The only person Zane needed to punish more, was Dave. The bastard didn’t know it yet, but his day of reckoning was coming soon enough.

  Zane would see to it personally.

  “But what if—”

  “Nope, put everythin’ else out of your mind.”

  Whenever soldiers dwelled on the big picture, they got overwhelmed in the field. The enormity of their missions, combined with the threat level involved had a paralyzing effect on some people. They’d learned to “gamify” their tasks, breaking them down into small, achievable pieces.

  Instead of concentrating on freeing hostages, Zane would think about getting into position, and then lining up his target in the crosshairs. Fixating on the particulars had gotten him through some hairy situations.

  “Yeah, lettin’ go is not really my style. I tend to worry about things now.”

  “I get it, but we gotta stay sharp.”

  She frowned. “I’m tryin’, but everythin’ feels like it’s fallin’ apart.”

  “Hey, come here.” And then like an idiot, he held out his arms to her. It’s almost like he had no will of his own when it came to her.

  She slid into his embrace, but when he held her, Zane could feel Ellie trembling. Her spine was ramrod straight at first, and then she melted into him, plastering herself against his chest, burrowing her head between his shoulder and neck.


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